758 research outputs found

    Braquiterapia para el tratamiento del cáncer ginecológico y de otras localizaciones (Excluidas las prostáticas)

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    El objetivo de este informe es evaluar la efectividad de braquiterapia como tratamiento oncológico, según la evidencia científica disponible.Características Generales de la Braquiterapia, Fuentes y tipos de implantes utilizados en la braquiterapia, Objetivos del informe Metodología, Resultados, Aplicación de la braquiterapia en función de la localización del tumoral, Cáncer ginecológico, Cáncer cervicouterino Cáncer de mama, Recidivas vaginales de cáncer endometrial, Carcinoma de vulva, Cáncer digestivo, Carcinoma de esófago, Cáncer colorrectal Cáncer anal, Colangiocarcinoma, Cáncer hepático, Cáncer de páncreas Cáncer respiratorio, Cáncer de pulmón, Cáncer de la cavidad oral y faringe, Cáncer de labio, lengua y boca, Cáncer de orofaringe, Cáncer genitourinario, Carcinoma de vegija urinaria, Cáncer de pene, Tumores del sistema nervioso central, Cáncer en cerebro, Miscelánea, Sarcoma de tejidos blandos, Cáncer de cabeza y cuello, Cáncer de piel, Repercusiones estructurales de la braquiterapia, Impacto económico Impacto organizativo, Consideraciones éticas y sociales, Consideraciones legales, Discusión, Metodología empleada: revisión sistemática, Localización del proceso tumoral, Cáncer ginecológico Cáncer digestivo, Cáncer respiratorio, Cáncer de la cavidad oral (labio, lengua) y faringe, Cáncer genitourinario, Tumores del sistema nervioso central, Tumores oculares, Miscelánea, Conclusiones, Referencias bibliográficas

    Social support in the short- And middle-term prediction of welfare volunteers' permanence

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo explorar la significación de diferentes tipos y fuentes de apoyo social para predecir la permanencia a corto (6 meses) y medio plazo (12 meses) del voluntariado que colabora con entidades de carácter socioasistencial. Para ello, se ha suministrado un cuestionario entre voluntarios (N= 1.362) pertenecientes a 109 organizaciones sociales españolas, mediante el que, además de los datos relativos al apoyo social, se ha recogido información sobre diferentes variables tradicionalmente asociadas con la predicción de la continuidad de la actividad voluntaria. Si bien se han encontrado diferencias significativas en el grado de apoyo social experimentado entre los voluntarios que permanecen y los que abandonan, los análisis de regresión logística realizados indican que a corto plazo (6 meses) las variables relacionadas con el apoyo social no parecen relevantes para realizar este tipo de predicción, pues en el modelo multivariante obtenido los factores estudiados que se asocian con la permanencia son el tiempo previo en la organización, la intención de continuar en la misma, el sexo y las actitudes religiosas. A medio plazo (12 meses), en cambio, el apoyo social y, en concreto, el de carácter informativo y proveniente de otros voluntarios, sí resulta significativo, pues entra a formar parte del modelo junto a los otros factores mencionados salvo el sexo.This work explores the significance of different types and sources of social support in the short- and middle-term prediction of volunteer permanence. Volunteers (N= 1362) belonging to 109 different Spanish organizations were surveyed to gather social support data and other information related to factors traditionally associated with sustained volunteerism prediction. In spite of the fact that a relationship between social support and permanence was found, logistic regression analysis showed that social support variables did not appear to be relevant to make this kind of prediction at short term, because the only factors This work explores the significance of different types and sources of social support in the short- and middle-term prediction of volunteer permanence. Volunteers (N= 1362) belonging to 109 different Spanish organizations were surveyed to gather social support data and other information related to factors traditionally associated with sustained volunteerism prediction. In spite of the fact that a relationship between social support and permanence was found, logistic regression analysis showed that social support variables did not appear to be relevant to make this kind of prediction at short term, because the only factorsDepto. de Psicología Social, del Trabajo y DiferencialFac. de PsicologíaTRUEpu

    Carmen Martín Gaite. Las mil caras de una mujer polifacética

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    Audiovisuales: Entrevista a Ana María Martín Gaite. Disponible en https://arcamm.uc3m.es/arcamm/?item=0880e50eb4f5eb5ad7a79becb379930d .Contiene: Homenaje a Carmen Martín Gaite. Exposición Las mil caras creativas de una mujer polifacética (pp.4-5) .-- Un mundo particular / Elisa Povedano Marrugat y Fátima García López (pp. 6-9) .-- Entrevista a Manuel Palacio. Trabajar el pensamiento para comprender el mundo (pp. 10-11) .-- Caperucita entre visillos / Ofelia Grande de Andrés (pp. 12-13)

    MCT8 deficiency: The road to therapies for a rare disease

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    Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome is a rare disease caused by inactivating mutations in the SLC16A2 gene, which encodes the monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8), a transmembrane transporter specific for thyroid hormones (T3 and T4). Lack of MCT8 function produces serious neurological disturbances, most likely due to impaired transport of thyroid hormones across brain barriers during development resulting in severe brain hypothyroidism. Patients also suffer from thyrotoxicity in other organs due to the presence of a high concentration of T3 in the serum. An effective therapeutic strategy should restore thyroid hormone serum levels (both T3 and T4) and should address MCT8 transporter deficiency in brain barriers and neural cells, to enable the access of thyroid hormones to target neural cells. Unfortunately, targeted therapeutic options are currently scarce and their effect is limited to an improvement in the thyrotoxic state, with no sign of any neurological improvement. The use of thyroid hormone analogs such as TRIAC, DITPA, or sobetirome, that do not require MCT8 to cross cell membranes and whose controlled thyromimetic activity could potentially restore the normal function of the affected organs, are being explored to improve the cerebral availability of these analogs. Other strategies aiming to restore the transport of THs through MCT8 at the brain barriers and the cellular membranes include gene replacement therapy and the use of pharmacological chaperones. The design of an appropriate therapeutic strategy in combination with an early diagnosis (at prenatal stages), will be key aspects to improve the devastating alterations present in these patients.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grant number SAF2017-86342-R (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE) to AG-F, the Sherman Foundation (Grant Number OTR02211) to AG-F and SB-L, and the BBSRC (Grant Number BB/R016879/1) to SB-L. CG-M is a recipient of a contract from the Center for Biomedical Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERER), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid. The cost of this publication has been paid in part by FEDER funds

    Sex Differences in COVID-19 Hospitalization and Hospital Mortality among Patients with COPD in Spain: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    We aimed to assess the effect of COPD in the incidence of hospital admissions for COVID-19 and on the in-hospital mortality (IHM) according to sex. (2) Methods: We used national hospital discharge data to select persons aged ≥40 years admitted to a hospital with a diagnosis of COVID-19 in 2020 in Spain. (3) Results: The study population included 218,301 patients. Age-adjusted incidence rates of COVID-19 hospitalizations for men with and without COPD were 10.66 and 9.27 per 1000 persons, respectively (IRR 1.14; 95% CI 1.08–1.20; p < 0.001). The IHM was higher in men than in women regardless of the history of COPD. The COPD was associated with higher IHM among women (OR 1.09; 95% CI 1.01–1.22) but not among men. The COPD men had a 25% higher risk of dying in the hospital with COVID-19 than women with COPD (OR 1.25, 95% CI 1.1–1.42). (4) Conclusions: Sex differences seem to exist in the effect of COPD among patients suffering COVID-19. The history of COPD increased the risk of hospitalization among men but not among women, and COPD was only identified as a risk factor for IHM among women. In any case, we observed that COPD men had a higher mortality than COPD women. Understanding the mechanisms underlying these sex differences could help predict the patient outcomes and inform clinical decision making to facilitate early treatment and disposition decisions.Fac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaTRUEComunidad de MadridUniversidad Complutense de Madridpu

    Unique expression of the atypical mitochondrial subunit NDUFA4L2 in cerebral pericytes fine tunes HIF activity in response to hypoxia

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    A central response to insufficient cerebral oxygen delivery is a profound reprograming of metabolism, which is mainly regulated by the Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF). Among other responses, HIF induces the expression of the atypical mitochondrial subunit NDUFA4L2. Surprisingly, NDUFA4L2 is constitutively expressed in the brain in non-hypoxic conditions. Analysis of publicly available single cell transcriptomic (scRNA-seq) data sets coupled with high-resolution multiplexed fluorescence RNA in situ hybridization (RNA F.I.S.H.) revealed that in the murine and human brain NDUFA4L2 is exclusively expressed in mural cells with the highest levels found in pericytes and declining along the arteriole-arterial smooth muscle cell axis. This pattern was mirrored by COX4I2, another atypical mitochondrial subunit. High NDUFA4L2 expression was also observed in human brain pericytes in vitro, decreasing when pericytes are muscularized and further induced by HIF stabilization in a PHD2/PHD3 dependent manner. In vivo, Vhl conditional inactivation in pericyte targeting Ng2-cre transgenic mice dramatically induced NDUFA4L2 expression. Finally NDUFA4L2 inactivation in pericytes increased oxygen consumption and therefore the degree of HIF pathway induction in hypoxia. In conclusion our work reveals that NDUFA4L2 together with COX4I2 is a key hypoxic-induced metabolic marker constitutively expressed in pericytes coupling mitochondrial oxygen consumption and cellular hypoxia respons

    Stress and Crohn's disease: differences among outbrake and quiescence patients and healthy persons

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    Publicada en Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés (SEAS) hasta mayo de 2016. A partir de junio se publica en Elsevier.Distintas investigaciones han puesto de manifiesto la relación entre estrés y numerosas patologías. Este estudio pretende explorar su relación con la enfermedad de Crohn. Se compararon los niveles de estrés, medidos mediante la escala de estrés percibido, de 37 pacientes en brote con 27 en fase de quiescencia y 40 personas sanas. De los resultados obtenidos parece derivarse que los enfermos de Crohn en fase de brote poseen mayores niveles de estrés que las personas sanas, además se constatan diferencias significativas en dicha variable entre enfermos de Crohn con brote y sin brote y enfermos de Crohn con brote y personas sanas. No se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre enfennos de Crohn sin brote y personas sanas. El trabajo coneluye planteando algunas explicaciones plausibles a dichos resultados y, en particular, que el estrés pueda entenderse más como una de las consecuencias que como uno de los antecedentes de la enfermedad de Crohn.Research has shown the relationship between stress and many diseases. The aim of this study is to investigate its effect on Crohn's disease. Using the Perceived Stress Scale we compared the stress levels of three different groups: 37 patients in the outbreak phase, 27 in quiescence, and 40 healthy controls. Results show that Crohn's sufferers in outbreak phase have higher stress levels than both quiescence patients and healthy persons. However, no significant differences were observed between those in quiescence and healthy persons. The paper concludes by suggesting plausible explanations for these results, particularly that stress may be better understood as a consequence rather than a cause/precursor of Crohn's disease.Depto. de Psicología Social, del Trabajo y DiferencialFac. de PsicologíaTRUEpu