21 research outputs found

    Silicon Nanocrystal Superlattices for Light-Emitting and Photovoltaic Devices

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    [eng] During the last decades, silicon nanocrystals have focused great attention due to the size-dependent physical properties they present, attributed to the quantum confinement effect. This, added to the bulk silicon compatibility with the well-established microelectronics technology and the low mining and manipulation costs this material presents, makes silicon a potential candidate for the growing photonics and optoelectronics fields. In particular, the tunnability of the electronic properties of silicon nanocrystals can be reached by controlling the nanocrystal size. This has been recently achieved by means of the superlattice approach, consisting of the alternated deposition of ultra-thin (2-4 nm) stoichiometric and silicon-rich layers of a given silicon-rich material. After a high-temperature annealing treatment, the silicon excess precipitates and crystallizes in the final form of nanocrystals, whose properties strongly depend on the fabrication process. Consequently, an ordered arrange of size-controlled nanocrystals (the superlattice) is obtained. In this Thesis Project, the structural, optical, electrical and electro-optical properties of silicon nanocrystal superlattices have been studied, using two different silicon-based materials as host matrices: silicon oxide and silicon carbide. The fabrication of these material systems has been carried out at different European institutions, specialists in the controlled deposition of nm¬thick films. Aiming at the nanocrystal superlattices characterization, different experimental techniques have been employed, which yield structural (transmission and scanning electron microscopies, X-ray diffraction), optical (optical absorption, photoluminescence and Raman scattering spectroscopies) and electrical / electro-optical (current versus voltage analysis in dark and under illumination, and electroluminescence, electro-optical response and light-beam induced photocurrent spectroscopies) information. From the material's point of view, the optimum structural properties that allow an almost perfect nanocrystal arrangement, size control and crystalline degree have been determined, always aiming at an optimum light emission and/or light absorption. Within this frame, fundamental studies have been performed to assess the crystalline degree of the nanostructures (confirming an atomic-thin transition layer between the crystalline nanocrystal core and the surrounding matrix), and to carefully inspect the controversial origin of luminescence within the nanocrystals when embedded in a silicon oxide matrix; as well, the structural conditions under which size-confinement of nanocrystals is reached when embedded in silicon carbide are reported. Once the best structural and optical properties from silicon nanocrystal superlattices were found, these material systems have been employed as active layers for light emitting and light converter (i.e. photovoltaic) devices. In oxide-based systems, the mechanisms that govern charge transport through the superlattices have been studied, and impact ionization has been hypothesized as the main electroluminescence excitation mechanism according to the experimental observations. In addition, the structural conditions (sublayer thicknesses, silicon-rich layer stoichiometry) that yield a maximum electroluminescence efficiency have been determined. Regarding silicon nanocrystals embedded in silicon carbide, a correlation has been established between the charge photogeneration and extraction when acting as an absorber material, which allowed assessing the structural conditions that maximize charge transport while minimizing the non-desirable recombination. Finally, via spectral response measurements, quantum confinement of excitons within silicon nanocrystals has been reported in silicon carbide matrix for the first time. In conclusion, the study on silicon nanocrystal superlattices developed within the present Thesis Project reveals the potential of silicon oxide as host matrix for silicon nanostructures to be used as light-emitting devices; instead, silicon carbide has proved a more suitable host material for photovoltaic applications, which sheds light to the future application of silicon nanocrystals as the top cell of an all-Si tandem cell.[cat] Els nanocristalls de silici han esdevingut objecte d'estudi durant l'últim quart de segle, degut a què presenten, a causa de l'efecte de confinament quàntic, unes propietats físiques dependents de la seva mida. A més, la compatibilitat del silici massiu amb la ben establerta tecnologia microelectrònica juga en favor de la seva utilització i el seu desenvolupament per a futures aplicacions en el camp de la fotònica i l'optoelectrónica. El control del creixement de nanocristalls de silici es pot dur a terme mitjançant el dipòsit de superxarxes d'entre 2 i 4 nm de gruix, on capes de material estequiomètric basat en silici s'alternen amb altres de material ric en silici. Un posterior procés de recuit a alta temperatura permet la precipitació de l'excés de silici i la seva cristal.lització, tot originant una xarxa ordenada de nanocristalls de silici de mida controlada. En aquesta Tesi, s'han estudiat les propietats estructurals, òptiques, elèctriques i electro-òptiques de superxarxes de nanocristalls de silici embeguts en dues matrius diferents: òxid de silici i carbur de silici. Amb tal objectiu, s'han emprat tot un seguit de tècniques experimentals, que comprenen la caracterització estructural (microscòpia electrònica de transmissió i d'escombrat, difracció de raigs X), òptica (espectroscòpies d'absorció òptica, de fotoluminescència i dispersió Raman) i elèctrica / electro-òptica (caracterització intensitat-voltatge en foscor o sota il.luminació, electroluminescència, resposta electro-òptica), entre d'altres. Des del punt de vista del material, s'han estudiat les propietats estructurals òptimes per tal d'obtenir un perfecte ordenament en la xarxa de nanocristalls, una major qualitat cristal.lina i unes propietats d'emissió òptimes. L'optimització del material s'ha dut a terme en vistes a la seva utilització com a capa activa dins de dispositius emissors de llum i fotovoltaics, l'eficiència dels quals ha estat monitoritzada segons els diferents paràmetres estructurals (gruix de les capes nanomètriques involucrades, estequiometria, temperatura de recuit). Finalment, els nanocristalls de silici embeguts en òxid de silici han demostrat un major rendiment com a emissors de llum, mentre que una matriu de carbur de silici beneficia les propietats d'absorció i extracció (fotovoltaiques) del sistema

    Structural and high-pressure properties of rheniite (ReS2) and (Re,Mo)S2

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    Rhenium disulfide (ReS2), known in nature as the mineral rheniite, is a very interesting compound owing to its remarkable fundamental properties and great potential to develop novel device applications. Here we perform density functional theory (DFT) calculations to investigate the structural properties and compression behavior of this compound and also of the (Re,Mo)S2 solid solution as a function of Re/Mo content. Our theoretical analysis is complemented with high-pressure X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements, which have allowed us to reevaluate the phase transition pressure and equation of state of 1T-ReS2. We have observed the 1T-to-1T' phase transition at pressures as low as ~2 GPa, and we have obtained an experimental bulk modulus, B0, equal to 46(2) GPa. This value is in good agreement with PBE+D3 calculations, thus confirming the ability of this functional to model the compression behavior of layered transition metal dichalcogenides, provided that van der Waals corrections are taken into account. Our experimental data and analysis confirm the important role played by van der Waals effects in the high-pressure properties of 1T-ReS2

    Boron-incorporating silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiO2: absende of free carriers vs. B-induced defects

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    Boron (B) doping of silicon nanocrystals requires the incorporation of a B-atom on a lattice site of the quantum dot and its ionization at room temperature. In case of successful B-doping the majority carriers (holes) should quench the photoluminescence of Si nanocrystals via non-radiative Auger recombination. In addition, the holes should allow for a non-transient electrical current. However, on the bottom end of the nanoscale, both substitutional incorporation and ionization are subject to significant increase in their respective energies due to confinement and size effects. Nevertheless, successful B-doping of Si nanocrystals was reported for certain structural conditions. Here, we investigate B-doping for small, well-dispersed Si nanocrystals with low and moderate B-concentrations. While small amounts of B-atoms are incorporated into these nanocrystals, they hardly affect their optical or electrical properties. If the B-concentration exceeds ~1 at%, the luminescence quantum yield is significantly quenched, whereas electrical measurements do not reveal free carriers. This observation suggests a photoluminescence quenching mechanism based on B-induced defect states. By means of density functional theory calculations, we prove that B creates multiple states in the bandgap of Si and SiO2. We conclude that non-percolated ultra-small Si nanocrystals cannot be efficiently B-doped

    Modulation of the electroluminescence emission from ZnO/Si NCs/p-Si light-emitting devices via pulsed excitation

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    In this work, the electroluminescence (EL) emission of zinc oxide (ZnO)/Si nanocrystals (NCs)-based light-emitting devices was studied under pulsed electrical excitation. Both Si NCs and deep-level ZnO defects were found to contribute to the observed EL. Symmetric square voltage pulses (50-μs period) were found to notably enhance EL emission by about one order of magnitude. In addition, the control of the pulse parameters (accumulation and inversion times) was found to modify the emission lineshape, long inversion times (i.e., short accumulation times) suppressing ZnO defects contribution. The EL results were discussed in terms of the recombination dynamics taking place within the ZnO/Si NCs heterostructure, suggesting the excitation mechanism of the luminescent centers via a combination of electron impact, bipolar injection, and sequential carrier injection within their respective conduction regimes

    Green electroluminescence of Al/Tb/Al/SiO2 devices fabricated by electron beam evaporation

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    In this work, the fabrication and the structural, optical and electrical properties of Al-Tb/SiO2 nanomultilayers have been studied. The nanomultilayers were deposited by means of electron beam evaporation on top of p-type Si substrates. Optical characterization shows a narrow and strong emission in the green spectral range, indicating the optical activation of Tb3+ ions. The electrical characteriza-tion revealed conduction limited by the electrode, although trapped-assisted mechanisms can also contribute to transport. The electroluminescence analysis revealed also emission from Tb3+ ions, yielded promising results to in-clude this material in future optoelectronics applications as integrated emitting devices

    Optical emission from SiO2-embedded silicon nanocrystals: a high pressure Raman and photoluminescence study

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    We investigate the optical properties of high-quality Si nanocrystals (NCs)/SiO2 multilayers under high hydrostatic pressure with Raman scattering and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. The aim of our study is to shed light on the origin of the optical emission of the Si NCs/SiO2. The Si NCs were produced by chemical-vapor deposition of Si-rich oxynitride (SRON)/SiO2 multilayers with 5- and 4-nm SRON layer thicknesses on fused silica substrates and subsequent annealing at 1150 °C, which resulted in the precipitation of Si NCswith an average size of 4.1 and 3.3 nm, respectively. From the pressure dependence of the Raman spectra we extract a phonon pressure coefficient of 8.5 ± 0.3 cm−1/GPa in both samples, notably higher than that of bulk Si (5.1 cm−1/GPa). This result is ascribed to a strong pressure amplification effect due to the larger compressibility of the SiO2 matrix. In turn, the PL spectra exhibit two markedly different contributions: a higher-energy band that redshifts with pressure, and a lower-energy band which barely depends on pressure and which can be attributed to defect-related emission. The pressure coefficients of the higher-energy contribution are (−27 ± 6) and (−35 ± 8) meV/GPa for the Si NCs with a size of 4.1 and 3.3 nm, respectively. These values are sizably higher than those of bulk Si (−14 meV/GPa). When the pressure amplification effect observed by Raman scattering is incorporated into the analysis of the PL spectra, it can be concluded that the pressure behavior of the high-energy PL band is consistent with that of the indirect transition of Si and, therefore, with the quantum-confined model for the emission of the Si NCs

    Toward RGB LEDs based on rare earth-doped ZnO

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    By using ZnO thin films doped with Ce, Tb or Eu, deposited via radiofrequency magnetron sputtering, we have developed monochromatic (blue, green and red, respectively) light emitting devices (LEDs). The rare earth ions introduced with doping rates lower than 2% exhibit narrow and intense emission peaks due to electronic transitions in relaxation processes induced after electrical excitation. This study proves zinc oxide to be a good host for these elements, its high conductivity and optical transparency in the visible range being as well exploited as top transparent electrode. After structural characterization of the different doped layers, a device structure with intense electroluminescence is presented, modeled, and electrically and optically characterized. The different emission spectra obtained are compared in a chromatic diagram, providing a reference for future works with similar devices. The results hereby presented demonstrate three operating monochromatic LEDs, as well as a combination of the three species into another one, with a simply-designed structure compatible with current Si technology and demonstrating an integrated red-green-blue emission

    Activation of visible up-conversion luminescence in transparent and conducting ZnO:Er:Yb films by laser annealing

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    Transparent and conducting ZnO:Er:Yb thin films with visible up-conversion (660-nm emission under 980-nm excitation) were fabricated by RF magnetron sputtering. The as-deposited films were found to be transparent and conducting and the activation of the Er ions in these films to produce up-conversion luminescence was achieved by different post deposition annealing treatments in air, vacuum or by laser annealing using a Nd:YVO4 laser. The structural, electrical and optical properties and the up-conversion efficiency of these films were found to be strongly influenced by the annealing method, and a detailed study is reported in this paper. It has been demonstrated that, although the air annealing was the most efficient in terms of up-conversion, laser annealing was the only method capable of activating Er ions while preserving the electrical conductivity of the doped films. It has been shown that a minimum energy was needed in laser annealing to optically activate the rare earth ions in the ZnO host material to produce up-conversion. Up-converting and transparent conducting ZnO:Er:Yb films with an electrical resistivity of 5×10-2 Ω·cm and transparency ~80% in the visible wavelength range has been achieved by laser annealing

    Photoelectrical reading in ZnO/Si NCs/p-Si resistive switching devices

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    The increasing need for efficient memories with integrated functionalities in a single device has led the electronics community to investigate and develop different materials for resistive switching (RS) applications. Among these materials, the well-known Si nanocrystals (NCs) have demonstrated to exhibit RS properties, which add to the wealth of phenomena that have been studied on this model material platform. In this work, we present ZnO/Si NCs/p-Si resistive switching devices whose resistance state can be electrically read at 0 V under the application of low-power monochromatic illumination. The presented effect is studied in terms of the inner structural processes and electronic physics of the device. In particular, the creation of conductive filaments through the Si NC multilayers induces a low-resistance path for photogenerated carriers to get extracted from the device, whereas in the pristine state charge extraction is strongly quenched due to the insulating nature of the NC-embedding SiO2 matrix. In addition, spectral inspection of the generated photocurrent allowed unveiling the role of Si NCs in the reported effect. Overall, the hereby shown results pave the way to obtain memories whose RS state can be read under low-power conditions