786 research outputs found

    From Havana to Cádiz in the Imaginary of Women Writers of the Last Decades

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    In this essay, we intend to demonstrate how the cities of Havana and Cádiz became mutable literary subjects that accompany the female characters of the narratives of female writers of the past decades from Havana (Anna Lidia Vega Serova, Ena Lucía Portela, and Mylene Fernández Pintado) and Cádiz (Ana Rossetti and Pilar Paz Pasamar). The ironic and delusional visions of a ruined life due to the special period, economic crisis, and political xenophobia in Cádiz will be illustrated by Cuban-Spanish mapping of the analyzed authors’ works. Our hypothesis stems from the idea that there is a clear relation between the representation of the city and political, cultural, and patriarchal transgression that is quoted in these texts (Bataille), which relates to the experience of scarcity/poverty lived on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Our bibliographic search has focused on the literary expression of the experience of these cities from the point of view of female writers and protagonists. We concluded with a universal understanding of the experience of the space marked by literature and the gaze of wome

    La importancia del clima emocional del aula desde la perspectiva del alumnado universitario

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    En el presente trabajo describimos las tareas realizadas por un grupo de profesoras –tres noveles y una mentora- del dpto. de psicología evolutiva y de la educación de la universidad de sevilla, como participantes del programa de equipos docentes para la Formación de profesores noveles, en su fase de consolidación (2009-2010). se elaboró un cuestionario que nos permitiera identificar las competencias docentes más valoradas, así como explorar la importancia de las claves emocionales positivas en la docencia. este cuestionario fue cumplimentado por 224 estudiantes universitarios, que cursaban titulaciones relacionadas con la docencia. nuestros resultados indican que, junto a los aspectos relacionados con la metodología desarrollada en clase, el alumnado universitario valora ampliamente la capacidad del profesorado para crear un buen clima emocional. este dato es interesante en la medida en que proporciona algunas claves para la formación de futuros educadores. en este sentido, no sólo deben ser buenos transmisores de contenido, sino que deben contar con estrategias dirigidas a crear un buen clima emocional en el aula.This paper describes the tasks performed by a group of teachers (three novices and a mentor) from the department of developmental psychology and education in the university of seville, as participants in a teacher training programme during their consolidation phase (academic year 2009-2010). a questionnaire was developed that allowed us to identify the most valuable teaching skills and explore the importance of positive emotional cues in teaching. this questionnaire was completed by 224 university students who were studying for degrees related to teaching. our results indicate that, along with aspects of the methodology developed in class, university students valued highly the ability of teachers to create a good emotional climate. this finding is interesting as it provides some clues towards the training of future teachers. Hence, not only must they be good communicators of content, but they must also be armed with strategies towards the creation of a good emotional climate in the classroo

    La violación masculina en el fanfiction de temática homoerótica realizado por mujeres

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    El presente trabajo se centra en las producciones discursivas de tematica homoerotica creadas por fans a partir de personajes extraidos de obras literarias, audiovisuaies o de narrativa grafica comerciaies. Dichas obras, creadas y consumidas por un public0 femenino en el ciberespacio, utiiizan personajes heterosexuales en sus contextos ficcionales originaies y construyen a partir de ellos escenas o relatos basados en encuentros homosexuales. Un grupo de este tipo de productos destaca por presentar un alto componente de violencia sexual, por lo que a traves del analisis de determinadas producciones se ofrece una aproximacion a uno de 10s subgeneros del ampiio espectro argumental del slash fiction y el yaoi: el ilamado non-consensual sex (sexo no consentido). En concreto, el articulo estudia uno de 10s tropos argumentales mas comunes como es la violacion de un personaje mascuiino realizada por otro personaje, tambien masculino. Dicha situacion imaginada por mujeres autoras y consumida por mujeres lectoras pone de manifiesto el modo en que estas obras reproducen 10s roles tradicionaies de sumision femenina. Pero, ai misrno tiempo, tambien subvierten ias nociones de pornografia, poder y placer al redefinir el concept0 de masculinidad y utiiizar el cuerpo del hombre como objeto de dominio sexual

    Significance of cell adhesion molecules profile during pregnancy in gestational diabetes mellitus. A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Endothelial dysfunction has been considered as a key etiological factor contributed to the development of vascular disease in diabetes mellitus. Serum level of endothelial cell adhesion molecules (AMs) were reported to be increased in GDM and pregnant women with normal glucose tolerance when compared with nonpregnant women. The literature provides limited evidence of endothelial dysfunction in GDM with heterogeneous and contradictory results respect to their possible involvement in maternal, perinatal and future complications. Our objective is to evaluate current evidence on the role of AMs in maternal and perinatal complications in women with GDM. PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus databases were searched. We evaluated the studies’ quality using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale. Meta-analyses were conducted, and heterogeneity and publication bias were examined. Nineteen relevant studies were finally included, recruiting 765 GDM and 2368 control pregnant women. AMs levels were generally higher in GDM participants showing statistical significance maternal ICAM-1 levels (SMD = 0.58, 95% CI = 0.25 to 0.91; p = 0.001). Our meta-analysis did not detect significant differences in subgroups or in meta-regression analyses. Future studies are needed to establish the potential role of these biomarkers in GDM and its complications

    Implicación del padre no custodio y autoestima infantil tras el divorcio parental en España

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    Este trabajo pretende (1) estudiar la implicación del padre no residente tras el divorcio y, (2) analizar si esta se relaciona con la autoestima infantil. Se entrevistaron a 83 madres divorciadas y 96 niños y niñas de Sevilla (España). Estos tenían entre 6 y 14 años (M = 9.21; SD = 1.94). Se accedió a las familias a través de las escuelas. Los resultados mostraron heterogeneidad en la implicación del padre no residente: la frecuencia de contactos variaba entre los que no tenían relación con él y los que lo veían semanal o diariamente; el 88% valoraba positivamente la relación con su padre; el 38.5% pernoctaba con él; el 80.2% de los padres no participaba en las decisiones de sus hijos e hijas; y el 46,8% no pagaba la pensión establecida por el juez. Los resultados indicaron que los niños y niñas presentaban una buena autoestima (M = 2.96; SD = 0.53). Finalmente, mostraron una relación significativa entre la autoestima infantil y la calidad de la relación padre-hijo (F(1,73) = 5.92, p <0.01). Estos resultados ofrecen claves para mejorar la autoestima infantil tras el divorcio parental, considerando el papel que juega sobre la misma la implicación del padre no residente.This study seeks (1) to study nonresident father involvement and (2) analyze whethernonresident father involvement is related to children´s self-esteem after divorce. Eighty-three divorced mothers and 96 children from Seville (Spain) were interviewed. Children were between 6 and 14 years old (M = 9.21; SD = 1.94). Families were accessed through the primary schools where the children attended. The results showed heterogeneity in nonresident father involvement: the contact frequency varied between those who had no relationship with their father and those who saw him weekly or daily; the majority of children (88%) assessed the relationship with their father as positive; 38.5% of them stayed overnight with him; 80.2% of the fathers did not participate in any important decision regarding his children, and almost half of the fathers (46.8%) failed to pay the amount established by the judge. Results indicated that children had a medium level of self-esteem (M = 2.96; SD = 0.53). Finally, data showed a significant relationship between children ´s self-esteem and the quality of the father-child relationship (F(1,73)= 5.92, p <0.01). These results could improve children´s self-esteem after parental divorce by considering the importance of the nonresident father’s involvement

    Conciliación laboral, familiar y personal y su relación con la satisfacción vital en familias andaluzas

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    Las tensiones de conciliación entre la vida laboral y la vida familiar están impregnando la vida de las familias contemporáneas y diversas investigaciones dejan constancia de cómo van encontrando diversos modos de resolver los problemas cotidianos y extraordinarios de conciliación. Disponemos de menos información, sin embargo, acerca de la relación que estos aspectos guardan con el bienestar psicológico de madres y padres. Con el objetivo de conocer cómo afecta tener resueltas o no las tensiones de conciliación al nivel de satisfacción vital, nuestro equipo de investigación estudió 164 familias andaluzas, de ellas 65 eran heteroparentales autóctonas, 29 homoparentales, 41 madres a solas por elección y 29 familias heteroparentales inmigrantes. En todas ellas había hijos o hijas menores de 13 años y todos los progenitores desarrollaban tareas profesionales remuneradas. Los resultados muestran que la satisfacción vital de las personas entrevistadas, mayoritariamente mujeres, es deudora en gran medida de su percepción de tener bien resueltas las tensiones de conciliación entre vida laboral, familiar y personal. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de adaptar las políticas familiares existentes a las necesidades reales de las familias y contribuir así al bienestar psicológico de la población

    Art and the city fiction in Japanese American internment camps: sequels for resiliency

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    This article delves into the creation a fictional city solely for the development of Japanese American internment camps and the way in which sustainable arts and crafts played a significant role in ensuring survival in such a hostile environment. To this aim, we searched the literature and reviewed archives, primarily from the American West Coast. We demonstrate that beyond adaptation to the circumstances, the visual representation of the new city’s settlement, founding, and daily activities, instead of adding to the typical panoptic or sombre prison imagery, remains inscribed in the images selected by the inmates, and that the use of such images precisely fostered the inmates’ resiliency. This leads us to deduce that such ’city fiction’ was necessary in this case for survival and endurance, and that its artistic representation was primarily incorporated into the State’s ideological apparatus. On the other hand, occasional fissures subtly seethed with the violence exerted in the camps. In this way, we conclude that the artistic activity itself justified the city fiction, among other situations, revealing the conditions of systemic violence and oppression faced by the internees. Within this framework, we deem that the artworks hereby generated constitute a paramount historical document for resiliency’s sake. The arguments contained herein are still relevant, because everywhere around the world, situations of exclusion and confinement of displaced immigrants, or simply those considered misfits, are repeated time and time again. Nor have we alleviated the issue in any way today, since we disregard the lessons learned from the past

    Application of randomized response techniques for investigating cannabis use by Spanish university students

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    Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in developed countries, and has a significant impact on mental and physical health in the general population. Although the evaluation of levels of substance use is difficult, a method such as the randomized response technique (RRT), which includes both a personal component and an assurance of confidentiality, provides a combination which can achieve a considerable degree of accuracy. Various RRT surveys have been conducted to measure the prevalence of drug use, but to date no studies have been made of the effectiveness of this approach in surveys with respect to quantitative variables related to drug use. This paper describes a probabilistic, stratified sample of 1146 university students asking sensitive quantitative questions about cannabis use in Spanish universities, conducted using the RRT. On comparing the results of the direct question (DQ) survey and those of the randomized response (RR) survey, we find that the number of cannabis cigarettes consumed during the past year (DQ: 3, RR: 17 aproximately), and the number of days when consumption took place (DQ: 1, RR: 7) are much higher with RRT. The advantages of RRT, reported previously and corroborated in our study, make it a useful method for investigating cannabis use.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y DeporteConsejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Emple

    Measuring inappropriate sexual behavior among university students: using the randomized response technique to enhance self-reporting

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    This article analyzes the efficacy of the randomized response technique (RRT) in achieving honest self-reporting about sexual behavior, compared with traditional survey techniques. A complex survey was conducted of 1,246 university students in Spain, who were asked sensitive quantitative questions about their sexual behavior, either via the RRT (n = 754) or by direct questioning (DQ) (n = 492). The RRT estimates of the number of times that the students were unable to restrain their inappropriate sexual behavior were significantly higher than the DQ estimates, among both male and female students. The results obtained suggest that the RRT method elicits higher values of self-stigmatizing reports of sexual experiences by increasing privacy in the data collection process. The RRT is shown to be a useful method for investigating sexual behavior