57 research outputs found

    El juego didáctico como estrategia de atención a la diversidad

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    El artículo que presentamos manifiesta que la riqueza de estrategias que permite desarrollar el juego le convierte en un excelente componente para el aprendizaje y la comunicación. Es lógico pensar que dadas estas posibilidades estemos ante un método didáctico que posibilite una más adecuada educación en la diversidad, porque sirve a estos fines y para todos los sujetos en su individualidad. Para esto se van a proponer los principios de la actividad lúdica y las relaciones entre el juego didáctico y la atención a la diversidad.The article that we present reveals that the abundance of strategies that the game enables to develop converts it in an excellent component for learning and communication. Given these possibilities, it is logical to think that we are at a didactic method which enables a more adequate education in the diversity, since it suites to these purposes and to all subjects in their individuality. For this, principles of the recreational activity and relations between the didactic game and attention to diversity are going to be proposed

    Análisis crítico del modelo basado en competencias en la Universidad

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    El presente artículo reflexiona sobre la aplicación de un modelo de reforma educativa basado, entre otras cosas, en el modelo por competencias. Su propósito es situar la reflexión sobre este modelo en la discusión teórica que supone la adopción del mismo, pues no es gratuita la adopción de un modelo como éste. La clarificación de algunas ideas claves es fundamental en el panorama de la doble postura en la que se sitúan la mayoría de los autores: por un lado los críticos del modelo, pues no quieren aceptar sin más un modelo que supone la punta de lanza del sistema neoliberal; por otro lado, aquellos que asumen el modelo como un avance en la clarificación y sistematización de contenidos y métodos que han de usarse como nuevo paradigma de enseñanza-aprendizaje universitario. En la reflexión se acude a autores que en Europa han avanzado los beneficios y, también, vicios del sistema, hasta llegar a concluir que pese a las críticas hay aspectos aprovechables de este modelo integrador.This article reflects on the application of a model of educational reform, based, among other things on the model by skills. Its objective is to situate the reflection on this model in the theoretical discussion caused by its acceptance, as the acceptance of a model such as this cannot be taken for granted. Clarification of some key ideas is fundamental in the panorama double attitudes posed by the majority of authors: on the one hand the critics of the model, not wanting to accept more than one model which assuming the point of the spear of the neo liberal system, on the other, those accepting the model as an advance in the clarification and systemisation of content and methods which should be used as the new paradigm of the learning-teaching academic. In the reflection we approach authors who have advanced both the advantages and the disadvantages of the system in Europe, to the point of reaching the conclusion that in spite of the critics there are advantageous aspects of this integral model

    Análisis crítico del modelo basado en competencias en la Universidad

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    El presente artículo reflexiona sobre la aplicación de un modelo de reforma educativa basado, entre otras cosas, en el modelo por competencias. Su propósito es situar la reflexión sobre este modelo en la discusión teórica que supone la adopción del mismo, pues no es gratuita la adopción de un modelo como éste. La clarificación de algunas ideas claves es fundamental en el panorama de la doble postura en la que se sitúan la mayoría de los autores: por un lado los críticos del modelo, pues no quieren aceptar sin más un modelo que supone la punta de lanza del sistema neoliberal; por otro lado, aquellos que asumen el modelo como un avance en la clarificación y sistematización de contenidos y métodos que han de usarse como nuevo paradigma de enseñanza-aprendizaje universitario. En la reflexión se acude a autores que en Europa han avanzado los beneficios y, también, vicios del sistema, hasta llegar a concluir que pese a las críticas hay aspectos aprovechables de este modelo integrador

    Propuesta de un plan estratégico de mercadeo para incrementar la preferencia del segmento familiar en el restaurante las catrinas mexican food de la ciudad de Santa Ana

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    Piense en el plan de marketing como un documento de acción, es el manual para la implementación, la evaluación y el control de marketing. La característica distintiva de un plan de marketing bien desarrollado es su capacidad para lograr las metas y objetivos que establec

    Plastome genomics in South American maize landraces: chloroplast lineages parallel the geographical structuring of nuclear gene pools

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    33 páginas, 2 tablas, 4 figurasBackground and aims: The number of plastome sequences has increased exponentially during the last decade. However, there is still little knowledge of the levels and distribution of intraspecific variation. The aims of this study were to estimate plastome diversity within Zea mays and analyse the distribution of haplotypes in connection with the landrace groups previously delimited for South American maize based on nuclear markers. Methods: We obtained the complete plastomes of 30 South American maize landraces and three teosintes by means of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and used them in combination with data from public repositories. After quality filtering, the curated data were employed to search for single-nucleotide polymorphisms, indels and chloroplast simple sequence repeats. Exact permutational contingency tests were performed to assess associations between plastome and nuclear variation. Network and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were used to infer evolutionary relationships among haplotypes. Key results: Our analyses identified a total of 124 polymorphic plastome loci, with the intergenic regions psbE-rps18, petN-rpoB, trnL_UAG-ndhF and rpoC2-atpI exhibiting the highest marker densities. Although restricted in number, these markers allowed the discrimination of 27 haplotypes in a total of 51 Zea mays individuals. Andean and lowland South American landraces differed significantly in haplotype distribution. However, overall differentiation patterns were not informative with respect to subspecies diversification, as evidenced by the scattered distribution of maize and teosinte plastomes in both the network and Bayesian phylogenetic reconstructions. Conclusions: Knowledge of intraspecific plastome variation provides the framework for a more comprehensive understanding of evolutionary processes at low taxonomic levels and may become increasingly important for future plant barcoding efforts. Whole-plastome sequencing provided useful variability to contribute to maize phylogeographic studies. The structuring of haplotype diversity in the maize landraces examined here clearly reflects the distinction between the Andean and South American lowland gene pools previously inferred based on nuclear markers.This work was supported by the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Técnica (PICT 2012 0325, PICT 2016 1101), the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (PIP 11220120100416CO 2013–2015), the Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (PNBIO 1131044) and the DEANN Project.Peer reviewe

    Depth of response in multiple myeloma: A pooled analysis of three PETHEMA/GEM clinical trials

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    On behalf of the GEM (Grupo Español de Mieloma)/PETHEMA (Programa para el Estudio de la Terapéutica en Hemopatías Malignas) Cooperative Study Group.[Purpose]: To perform a critical analysis on the impact of depth of response in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM). [Patients and Methods]: Data were analyzed from 609 patients who were enrolled in the GEM (Grupo Español de Mieloma) 2000 and GEM2005MENOS65 studies for transplant-eligible MM and the GEM2010MAS65 clinical trial for elderly patients with MM who had minimal residual disease (MRD) assessments 9 months after study enrollment. Median follow-up of the series was 71 months. [Results]: Achievement of complete remission (CR) in the absence of MRD negativity was not associated with prolonged progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) compared with near-CR or partial response (median PFS, 27, 27, and 29 months, respectively; median OS, 59, 64, and 65 months, respectively). MRD-negative status was strongly associated with prolonged PFS (median, 63 months; P operational cure> was high; median PFS was 12 years, and the 10-year OS rate was 94%. [Conclusion]: Our results demonstrate that MRD-negative status surpasses the prognostic value of CR achievement for PFS and OS across the disease spectrum, regardless of the type of treatment or patient risk group. MRD negativity should be considered as one of the most relevant end points for transplant-eligible and elderly fit patients with MM.Supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red – Area de Oncologia - del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERONC; CB16/12/00369; CB16/12/00400; CB16/12/00233; CB16/12/00284), formerly named as Cooperative Research Thematic Network (Grants No. RD12/0036/0058, RD12/0036/0048, RD12/0036/0046, and RD12/0036/0061) of the Red de Cancer (Cancer Network of Excellence); Instituto de Salud Carlos III/Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria; funded in part by the European Regional Development Fund (FIS No. 98/1239, 00/10160, 01/0089, 02/0089, 02/0905, G03/136, PI051284, PI06033906/1354, PS09/01897/01370, PI12/01761, PI12/02311, PI13/01469, PI14/01867, G03/136); Sara Borrell (No. CD13/00340); Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (No. GCB120981SAN); and Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras. Also supported internationally by the Black Swan Research Initiative of the International Myeloma Foundation and the European Research Council 2015 Starting Grant (MYELOMANEXT).Peer Reviewe

    Depth of Response in Multiple Myeloma: A Pooled Analysis of Three PETHEMA/GEM Clinical Trials

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    Purpose To perform a critical analysis on the impact of depth of response in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM). Patients and Methods Data were analyzed from 609 patients who were enrolled in the GEM (Grupo Español de Mieloma) 2000 and GEM2005MENOS65 studies for transplant-eligible MM and the GEM2010MAS65 clinical trial for elderly patients with MM who had minimal residual disease (MRD) assessments 9 months after study enrollment. Median follow-up of the series was 71 months. Results Achievement of complete remission (CR) in the absence of MRD negativity was not associated with prolonged progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) compared with near-CR or partial response (median PFS, 27, 27, and 29 months, respectively; median OS, 59, 64, and 65 months, respectively). MRD-negative status was strongly associated with prolonged PFS (median, 63 months; P , .001) and OS (median not reached; P , .001) overall and in subgroups defined by prior transplantation, disease stage, and cytogenetics, with prognostic superiority of MRD negativity versus CR particularly evident in patients with high-risk cytogenetics. Accordingly, Harrell C statistics showed higher discrimination for both PFS and OS in Cox models that included MRD (as opposed to CR) for response assessment. Superior MRD-negative rates after different induction regimens anticipated prolonged PFS. Among 34 MRD-negative patients withMMand a phenotypic pattern of bone marrow involvement similar to monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance at diagnosis, the probability of “operational cure” was high; median PFS was 12 years, and the 10-year OS rate was 94%. Conclusion Our results demonstrate that MRD-negative status surpasses the prognostic value of CR achievement for PFS and OS across the disease spectrum, regardless of the type of treatment or patient risk group. MRD negativity should be considered as one of the most relevant end points for transplant-eligible and elderly fit patients with MM

    Maternal dietary patterns and acute leukemia in infants: results from a case control study in Mexico

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    BackgroundChildhood cancer is the leading cause of disease-related mortality among children aged 5–14 years in Mexico, with acute leukemia being the most common cancer among infants. Examining the overall dietary patterns allows for a comprehensive assessment of food and nutrient consumption, providing a more predictive measure of disease risk than individual foods or nutrients. This study aims to evaluate the association between maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and the risk of acute leukemia in Mexican infants.MethodsA hospital-based case–control study was conducted, comparing 109 confirmed acute leukemia cases with 152 age-matched controls. All participants (≤24 months) were identified at hospitals in Mexico City between 2010 and 2019. Data on a posteriori dietary patterns and other relevant variables were collected through structured interviews and dietary questionnaires. Multivariate logistic regression was employed to estimate the association between maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and the risk of acute leukemia in infants.ResultsThe “Balanced & Vegetable-Rich” pattern, characterized by a balanced consumption of various food groups and higher vegetable intake, exhibited a negative association with acute leukemia when compared to the “High Dairy & Cereals” Pattern (adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 0.51; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.29, 0.90). We observed that mothers who gave birth to girls and adhered to a healthy dietary pattern during pregnancy exhibited significantly lower odds of their children developing AL compared to those who gave birth to boys [OR = 0.32 (95% CI 0.11, 0.97)]. Our results underscore the significance of maternal nutrition as a modifiable factor in disease prevention and the importance of prenatal health education

    Tractament de manteniment amb metadona: manual de pràctica clínica

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    Tractament de manteniment amb metadona; Pràctica clínica; DrogodependènciesTratamiento de mantenimiento con metadona; Práctica clínica; DrogodependenciasMethadone maintenance treatment; Clinical practice; Drug addictionsEl Manual pretén ser una eina útil per disminuir la variabilitat de la pràctica clínica i garantir un nivell òptim de qualitat i millora de l'atenció sanitària en el tractament de manteniment amb metadona (TMM). Aplica les normes bàsiques utilitzades per a la preparació de guies de pràctica clínica; en primer lloc, incloent-hi la millor evidència possible sobre la base de revisions sistemàtiques de la literatura, en segon lloc, amb recomanacions clares i curtes, i en tercer lloc, en absència d’una evidència fiable en la literatura, incorporant-hi la opinió d’experts per mitjà de tècniques de consens com el mètode Delphi

    Evidence of spatial clustering of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia cases in Greater Mexico City: report from the Mexican Inter-Institutional Group for the identification of the causes of childhood leukemia

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    BackgroundA heterogeneous geographic distribution of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cases has been described, possibly, related to the presence of different environmental factors. The aim of the present study was to explore the geographical distribution of childhood ALL cases in Greater Mexico City (GMC).MethodsA population-based case-control study was conducted. Children <18 years old, newly diagnosed with ALL and residents of GMC were included. Controls were patients without leukemia recruited from second-level public hospitals, frequency-matched by sex, age, and health institution with the cases. The residence address where the patients lived during the last year before diagnosis (cases) or the interview (controls) was used for geolocation. Kulldorff’s spatial scan statistic was used to detect spatial clusters (SCs). Relative risks (RR), associated p-value and number of cases included for each cluster were obtained.ResultsA total of 1054 cases with ALL were analyzed. Of these, 408 (38.7%) were distributed across eight SCs detected. A relative risk of 1.61 (p<0.0001) was observed for the main cluster. Similar results were noted for the remaining seven ones. Additionally, a proximity between SCs, electrical installations and petrochemical facilities was observed.ConclusionsThe identification of SCs in certain regions of GMC suggest the possible role of environmental factors in the etiology of childhood ALL