223 research outputs found

    The Ability of Positive Adaptation and Students’ Attitudes towards Economic Migrations

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    On the basis of the conducted analyses it can be stated that there are relations between trait resilience and attitude towards emigration, sense of behavioural control in this area and previous experience of temporary work abroad. Resilience is not significantly correlated with subjective norm, emigrant’s prototype, or patriotic attitude, although in all the cases one can notice a pattern of averages concurrent with the assumed tendency. The resilience-trait can be a significant factor in activity and mobility on the labour market

    Drug Use Prevention in Poland – Selected Aspects

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    The research reflecting latest tendencies in recognizing the etiology of risk-taking behaviours and efficiency of prevention, significant number of academic and methodic papers in this regards, implementation of verified foreign projects, setting up a system of recommendations of interesting domestic prevention programs, as well as favourable changes in legal regulations tackling drug use - all these factors allow to perceive the perspective of addiction prevention in Poland positively. However, one of the challenges is to prepare the teaching staff to accomplish prevention tasks effectively, particularly in case of selective and indicative prevention

    Comparison of capabilities to implement REST services in Java language using the popular web application frameworks.

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    This article presents the results of a comparison of capabilities and efficiency of REST in Java using frameworks such as Jersey, Apache CXF and Spring MVC. Comparative analysis was conducted on the basis of application implemented by each of the above frameworks. Application have been implemented using technologies such as Spring Boot, Hibernate, Maven, and MySQL

    Nietypowe odejścia tętnic wieńcowych u chorych z ostrym zespołem wieńcowym — potencjalny problem dyżurnego kardiologa interwencyjnego

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    Podstawowym zadaniem kardiologa interwencyjnego, wykonującego koronarografię u chorego z ostrym zespołem wieńcowym (ACS, acute coronary syndrome) jest identyfikacja zwężenia odpowiedzialnego za stan kliniczny (culprit lesion). Ta, wydawałoby się, prosta czynność nie zawsze okazuje się taka prosta. I nie chodzi tutaj tylko o fakt coraz częstszego występowania u chorych z ACS tak zwanej wielonaczyniowej postaci choroby wieńcowej (MVD, multivessel disease). Okazuje się, że na przykład anomalie ujść tętnic wieńcowych potrafi ą być powodem dużego stresu dyżurnego interwencjonalisty. W artykule przedstawiono dwa przypadki kliniczne obrazujące scenariusz, który może przydarzyć się każdemu z aktywnych kardiologów interwencyjnych

    Elevated Level of DNA Damage and Impaired Repair of Oxidative DNA Damage in Patients with Recurrent Depressive Disorder

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    Background: Depressive disorder (DD), including recurrent DD (rDD), is a severe psychological disease, which affects a large percentage of the world population. Although pathogenesis of the disease is not known, a growing body of evidence shows that inflammation together with oxidative stress may contribute to development of DD. Since reactive oxygen species produced during stress may damage DNA, we wanted to evaluate the extent of DNA damage and efficiency of DNA repair in patients with depression. Material and Methods: We measured and compared the extent of endogenous DNA damage – single- and double-strand breaks, alkali-labile sites, and oxidative damage of the pyrimidines and purines – in peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from rDD patients (n=40) and healthy controls (n=46) using comet assay. We also measured DNA damage evoked by hydrogen peroxide and monitored changes in DNA damage during repair incubation. Results: We found an increased number DNA breaks, alkali-labile sites, and oxidative modification of DNA bases in the patients compared to the controls. Exposure to hydrogen peroxide evoked the same increased damage in both groups. Examination of the repair kinetics of both groups revealed that the lesions were more efficiently repaired in the controls than in the patients. Conclusions: For the first time we showed that patients with depression, compared with non-depresses individuals, had more DNA breaks, alkali-labile sites, and oxidative DNA damage, and that those lesions may be accumulated by impairments of the DNA repair systems. More studies must be conducted to elucidate the role of DNA damage and repair in depression

    Fiscal policy in United States and value added tax

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema der Fiskalpolitik in den USA. Als einziges Mitglied der Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) haben die Vereinigten Staaten keine federale Umsatzsteuer (bzw. Mehrwertsteuer). Wie ist es dazu gekommen, dass es gerade in den USA die weltweit populäre Steuer nicht gibt? Wäre es nicht vorteilhaft für die USA diese Steuer somit einzuführen? Was hat die Einführung von Mehrwertsteuer bis jetzt verhindert und welche Hürden würden ihr im Wege stehen - das sind die Kernfragen dieser Magisterarbeit. Um die Fragen zu beant- worten wird zuerst Fiskalpolitik und Mehrwertsteuer erläutert - und das unter Berücksichtigung von relevanten Gegebenheiten politischer Natur.This thesis discusses the idea of introducing Value Added Tax in United States. As the only OECD member, the US has not adopted VAT yet, a tax which since its introduction in late 1950s/ early 1960s can be found in nearly 160 countries. Does United States need a (federal) VAT, could it possibly benefit from its introduction? These questions gain in importance when paired with current economic stance of the US and future fiscal obligation on the horizon. In order to answer these and other questions fiscal policy and consumption taxes are discussed together with relevant political circumstances