19 research outputs found


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    In distribution power grids supplied by dispersed power sources, for example RES (Renewable Energy Sources), in the event of a load dump, unexpected transient states may appear. These states involve a dangerous increase in voltage or current. This situation may lead to the disconnection of these sources. To prevent this phenomenon, a non-linear anti-windup regulator with a conditional integrator has been proposed. This solution allows a significant improvement of the generator’s dynamic properties both at load dump and on return to full load.W sieciach dystrybucyjnych o rozproszonym charakterze zasilania, np. OZE (Odnawialne Źródła Energii), w przypadku wystąpienia zrzutów mocy mogą pojawić się nieoczekiwane stany nieustalone. Polegają one na niebezpiecznym wzroście napięcia lub prądu. Taka sytuacja może doprowadzić do wyłączenia tych źródeł energii. Aby temu zapobiec, zaproponowano nieliniowy regulator anti-windup z warunkowym integratorem. Rozwiązanie to pozwoliło zdecydowanie poprawić własności dynamiczne zarówno przy zrzucie mocy jak i powrocie do pełnego obciążenia


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    This paper presents a comparison of the efficiency of two bidirectional DC/DC converters based on dual H-bridge topology. Tested converters were built using Si-based IGBT transistors and SiC-based MOSFETs. The results of the research are efficiency characteristics, taken from tests at the frequency range of 10÷60 kHz. Analysis of the results points to a massive advantage of the SiC-based design over the Si-based one.W artykule zaprezentowano badania porównawcze sprawności dwóch dwukierunkowych przekształtników DC/DC wykonanych w topologii podwójnego mostka H. Badane przekształtniki wykonano w technologii krzemowej z tranzystorami IGBT oraz w technologii węglika krzemu z tranzystorami SiC MOSFET. Rezultatem badań są charakterystyki sprawności uzyskane z testów przy częstotliwości pracy w zakresie 10÷60 kHz. Analiza uzyskanych wyników wskazuje na zdecydowaną przewagę rozwiązania wykonanego w technologii węglika krzemu nad rozwiązaniem z tranzystorami krzemowymi IGBT

    Comparative study of DC/DC electric vehicle charging system with conventional transformer and planar transformer

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    This paper presents an analysis of electric vehicle charging station operation based on a dual active bridge topology. Two cases are considered: one with the use of a medium frequency planar transformer, the other with a conventional Litz winding transformer. An analysiswas performed using both solutions in order to compare the performance characteristics of the system for both cases and to present the differences between each transformer solution. The analysis was based on tests carried out on the full-scale model of an electric vehicle charging station, which is the result of the project "Electric vehicle charging system integrated with lighting infrastructure" realized by the Department of Drives and Electrical Machines, Lublin University of Technology. The results presented in the paper show that the conventional transformer used in the research achieved better results than the planar transformer. Based on the results obtained, the validity of using both solutions in electric vehicle charging stations was considered

    Geomatyka w nauczaniu leśników na uczelniach rolniczych

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    The idea for this publication was barn in June 2015, during a meeting of Polish teachers involved with Geographic lnformation Systems. The meeting was initiated by the Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Łódź, which received a grant to organize it. The discussion and presentations from academic teachers representing various universities in Poland were very interesting and sometimes heated. it would be advisable for other educators to familiarise themselves with the aspects of GIS education among Polish geographers, foresters, surveyors and other users. The experience of Geoinformation education in Poland is still modest, so the views of people who have been involved at Polish universities with it since the 1990s should be interesting to readers. Geographic lnformation Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor for economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies. Akronim GIS-E-QL: GIS for environment and quality of life. Project objectives: The main aim of the project is to start-up attractive and innovative second­ degree studies – geoinformation in mutual cooperation of the FGS and the FMCS, students education, improving the competence of academic teachers, conference organization, publishing, cooperation with practitioners and establishing contacts with partners from Norway. This aim is consistent with the “Ana lysis of the economy's demand for graduates in key field of strategy in the context of the Europe 2020” 2012 and “Strategy for development of higher education in Poland 2020”, in the field of promoting innovative courses, formed collectively with practitioners, raising awareness of the environment. Joint actions of educators and practitioners, supported the by the strengthening of university's hardware, software and spatial data, will ensure a high quality project. The existing cooperation with practitioners indicate that further training is necessary and they would like to see postgraduates in their institutions. The final beneficiaries of the project will be the students and the academical teaching staff and indirectly the economy of the region. Students who graduate will be the main recipient of the project, the next will be teaching staff who will have contact with the practices and Norwegian partners with similar interests. In broad terms the project will benefit Polish and European economy and environment.This book has been prepared within the project „Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor of economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies” supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants and co-financed by the Polish funds. (Agreement No FSS/2014/HEI/W/0114/U/0013)

    Results from Polish Spondyloarthritis Initiative registry (PolSPI) : methodology and data from : the first year of observation

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    Objectives: Report on one-year results from the Polish Spondyloarthritis Initiative registry (PolSPI), containing the cross-sectional analysis of clinical and imaging data as well as database methodology. Material and methods: The PolSPI registry includes patients with axial (axSpA) and peripheral (per- SpA) spondyloarthritis according to ASAS classification criteria, and/or patients with ankylosing spondylitis according to modified New York criteria, psoriatic arthritis according to CASPAR criteria, arthropathy in inflammatory bowel disease, reactive arthritis, juvenile spondyloarthritis or undifferentiated spondyloarthritis. Epidemiologic data and history of signs, symptoms and treatment of spondyloarthritis are collected and assessment of disease activity is performed. Radiographic images of sacroiliac joint, cervical and lumbar spine, and results of bone densitometry are collected. Every 6 months blood samples for inflammatory markers, and for long-term storage are taken. Results: During a one-year period from September 2015 to August 2016, 63 patients were registered on an electronic database; 44 (69.8%) of patients were classified as axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) and 19 (30.2%) as peripheral spondyloarthritis (perSpA) according to ASAS criteria. Statistically significant differences between axSpA and perSpA were discovered in the percentage of HLA-B27 antigen occurrence (92.6% and 50%, respectively), BASDAI (2.8% and 4.1%, respectively), DAS 28 (2.66% and 4.03%, respectively), percentage of peripheral arthritis (20% and 88.8%, respectively), enthesitis (26.7% and 70.6%, respectively), dactylitis (6.7% and 88.9%, respectively), as well as extra-articular symptoms: acute anterior uveitis (26.7% and 5.6% , respectively) and psoriasis (6.9% and 55.6%, respectively). Patients with axSpA had significantly higher mean grade of sacroiliac involvement according to New York criteria, higher mSASSS score, and lower T-score in femoral neck in bone densitometry. Conclusions: At the early stage of the disease patients with axSpA compared to those with perSpA, have more advanced structural damage of sacroiliac joints and spine, and lower bone mineral density in the femoral neck. In the upcoming years the PolSPI registry will prospectively follow-up patients with SpA, recording response to treatment and carrying out research on interaction of inflammation and bone remodelling

    GIS w polskiej edukacji wyższej – dyskusja

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    The idea for this publication was barn in June 2015, during a meeting of Polish teachers involved with Geographic lnformation Systems. The meeting was initiated by the Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Łódź, which received a grant to organize it. The discussion and presentations from academic teachers representing various universities in Poland were very interesting and sometimes heated. it would be advisable for other educators to familiarise themselves with the aspects of GIS education among Polish geographers, foresters, surveyors and other users. The experience of Geoinformation education in Poland is still modest, so the views of people who have been involved at Polish universities with it since the 1990s should be interesting to readers. Geographic lnformation Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor for economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies. Akronim GIS-E-QL: GIS for environment and quality of life. Project objectives: The main aim of the project is to start-up attractive and innovative second­ degree studies – geoinformation in mutual cooperation of the FGS and the FMCS, students education, improving the competence of academic teachers, conference organization, publishing, cooperation with practitioners and establishing contacts with partners from Norway. This aim is consistent with the “Ana lysis of the economy's demand for graduates in key field of strategy in the context of the Europe 2020” 2012 and “Strategy for development of higher education in Poland 2020”, in the field of promoting innovative courses, formed collectively with practitioners, raising awareness of the environment. Joint actions of educators and practitioners, supported the by the strengthening of university's hardware, software and spatial data, will ensure a high quality project. The existing cooperation with practitioners indicate that further training is necessary and they would like to see postgraduates in their institutions. The final beneficiaries of the project will be the students and the academical teaching staff and indirectly the economy of the region. Students who graduate will be the main recipient of the project, the next will be teaching staff who will have contact with the practices and Norwegian partners with similar interests. In broad terms the project will benefit Polish and European economy and environment.The experience of Polish scientists and educators in the GIS has not been as long as mentioned by Michael F. Goodchild who jointly with Ross Newkirk (Goodchild 2006) started the fi rst GIS training course at the University of Western Ontario in Canada in 1975. Discussions on the scope of knowledge included in the GIS have continued at most universities that have offered such classes. In 1988/89, owing to the National Centre for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), the 3-volume document of over 1000 pages was put together to include curriculums, student materials and other teaching aids. We have good models and we can use them. Meetings and discussions about the GIS education have been and still are regularly held all over the world (Forer P., Unwin D. 1999). When employees of Polish universities were starting to learn the GIS software and possibilities, Morgan J. M., Fleury B., Becker R. A. (1996) had already identifi ed over 800 higher education institutions all over the world that had offered at least one GIS course. The rapid development of new technologies, methods, the creation of new labour markets has arisen discussions on the contents GIS training in various centres of higher education, e.g. in the Netherlands, the US, and those have been similar to the ones presented in this article (Toppen F. J. 1992) and some issues needed to be resolved in court (DiBiase, D. 2008). You can see how important these meetings of educators are for exchanging opinions and experience. They have allowed to meed people representing various fi elds involved in the geoinformation, which may result in co-operation and new educational initiatives, and sometimes, competition. Finally, we should agree with prof. J. Gaździcki (2009 p. 12) that “It is obvious that the success of any measures to modernise education in the area under consideration depends on the interest of academic communities, involvement of research and academic staff in these endeavours, their will, ambition and willingness to co-operate”.This book has been prepared within the project „Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor of economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies” supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants and co-financed by the Polish funds. (Agreement No FSS/2014/HEI/W/0114/U/0013)

    Influence of sports infrastructure managed by the Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre in Bielsko-Biała on the development of sport in Bielsko-Biała

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    Sport w dzisiejszych czasach cały czas się rozwija. Liczba ludzi uczestniczących w nim ciągle się zwiększa. Nieodłącznym elementem związanym ze sportem jest infrastruktura sportowa. Celem niniejszej pracy było przedstawienie wpływu infrastruktury sportowej zarządzanej przez Bielsko-Bialski Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji na rozwój sportu w Bielsku-Białej. Przedmiotem badań była wspomniana właśnie wyżej owa infrastruktura sportowa Bielsko-Bialskiego Ośrodka Sportu i Rekreacji. W pracy postawiono następujące pytania badawcze: Czy rozwój sportu w mieście Bielsko-Biała jest postrzegany w sposób pozytywny? Czy na rozwój sportu w Bielsku-Białej wpływ mają tylko mieszkańcy tego miasta, czy również mieszkańcy okolicznych miejscowości? Czy odpowiednia i nowoczesna infrastruktura sportowa może zwiększyć rozwój sportu w Bielsku-Białej? Czy wsparcie finansowe miasta Bielsko-Biała i jego pomoc w zarządzaniu obiektami sportowymi wpływa pozytywnie na rozwój sportu? Żeby na nie odpowiedzieć została przeprowadzona ankieta wśród uczestników sportu w Bielsku-Białej. Niniejsza praca wykazała, że infrastruktura sportowa zarządzana przez Bielsko-Bialski Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji ma ogromny wpływ na rozwój sportu w Bielsku-Białej, gdyż pozwala uczestniczyć w sporcie zarówno: sportowcom profesjonalnym, amatorom, osobom uprawiającym rekreację jak i kibicom. Jest więc ona zatem nieodłącznym elementem wpływającym na rozwój sportu.Sports nowadays is constantly developing. The number of people participating in it is constantly increasing. An integral part of the sport is the sports infrastructure.The aim of this study was to presentation of the influence sports infrastructure managed by the Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre in Bielsko-Biała on the developmnet of sport in Bielsko-Biała. The subject of research was mentioned just above sports infrastructure Municpal’s Sports and Recreation Centre in Bielsko-Biała. The research questions related to the present topic are: Is the development of sport in the city of Bielsko-Biała seen positively? Is the development of sport in Bielsko-Biała affected only by the inhabitants of this city or the inhabitants of the neighboring towns? Can suitable and modern sports infrastructure increase the development of sport in Bielsko-Biała? Is the financial support of the city of Bielsko-Biała and its help in the management of sports facilities positively influences the development of sport? To answer this, a survey was conducted among sports participants in Bielsko-Biała. This Master’s thesis has shown that the sports infrastructure managed by the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center in Bielsko-Biała has a great impact on the development of sport in Bielsko-Biała, as it allows participation in sports such as professional athletes, amateurs, recreational players and supporters. It is therefore an inherent part of the development of sport

    The Development of the ''Star Trek'' universe and its influence on the american popculture

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    Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie fenomenu kulturowego, związanego z uniwersum ''Star Trek". Serial z gatunku science fiction, który powstał w latach 60 XX wieku, stał się prawdziwą ikoną, nie tylko amerykańskiej ale i światowej popkultury. Dziś, ''Star Trek" obejmuje 6 seriali i 12 filmów. Praca opisuje długi proces ewolucji uniwersum, to jak gatunek science fiction rozwijał się przed jego powstaniem, pokazuje wpływ ''Star Trek" na kulturę masową i społeczeństwo w USA, oraz zarysowuje proces który doprowadził do powstania subkultury fanów, znanych szerzej jako ''Trekkies''. Omawia sposób w jaki zbudowane są odcinki serialu, zawierające w sobie głębokie treści moralne i filozoficzne przemyślenia. W końcu opisuje też to, jak ''Star Trek" rozwijał się przez lata, jako marka handlowa. Ponadto, praca wzbogacona jest o liczne zdjęcia, pozwalające lepiej zrozumieć opisywany temat.The aim of this work, is to present the cultural phenomenon, connected with the ''Star Trek" universe. The science fiction series, created in the 1960's has become one of the major pop culture icons, not only within american pop culture, but within world's as well. Today, the ''Star Trek" franchise includes 6 television series, as well as 12 movies. The work describes the long evolution of the series, and the way the science fiction genre was developing, before the ''Star Trek" universe was introduced to the audience. It presents the influence of the show, on the american society, on many different levels, and how, in effect, it helped to create the fans culture, who are known today as the ''Trekkies''. The work shows the way, the episodes of the series are construcetd. They are, in fact, vessels carrying very important moral messages, as well as philosophical thoughts. Last but not least, it describes the development ot the ''Star Trek" trade brand, and all the products it is based on. Moreover, the work includes a variety of pictures, and photos that help to better understand the topic

    Control of a Four-wire Hybrid Prosumer Converter for Balancing Utility Grids

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    The paper presents the project of the power electronic AC/DC converter operating under a multiresonant control algorithm for prosumer applications. This design allows independent control of active and reactive power for any or each phase. Both the converter and its algorithm are based on a three-phase converter of four-wire topology (AC/DC 3p-4w) with a DC bus, which couple the converter to a renewable energy source and energy storage. Further, model and simulation tests were carried out in the Matlab-SIMULINK programming environment. The results obtained indicate that operation with deep unbalances and powers of opposite signs in individual phases results in current variations (oscillations) in the DC line, which is a significant limitation, and it can be concluded that the level of asymmetry should be limited to the level acceptable to the energy storage device

    Nowe stanowiska derenia rozłogowego Cornus sericea L. w otulinie rezerwatu przyrody Skarpa Ursynowska w Warszawie

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    <p>Red osier dogwood Cornus sericea L. is a species native to NorthAmerica, but spreading in Europe. It has been classified a kenophyte in Poland and is considered invasive. However, knowledge on its distribution is insufficient and lacking entirely for many parts of the country. Therefore, the aims of this study were to document stands of C. sericea in the buffer zone of the Skarpa Ursynowska nature reserve in Warsaw, to provide new information on morphological features that were inconsistently reported in the literature, and to summarise the known distribution of this species in the mazovian voivodeship. Field studies were carried out in 2021 within six new stands of C. sericea located in the buffer zone of Skarpa Ursynowska. The work included phytosociological relevés and measurement of the following parameters: length of leaves (blade and petiole) and the maximum height of plants. Based on the herb layer species found in the phytosociological relevés, ecological indicator values were calculated in order to determine habitat conditions. The distribution of the species in the mazovian voivodeship was then mapped by means of the ATPOL cartogram method. In the vicinity of the Skarpa Ursynowska, C. sericea occurred in scrub communities and at the early successional stages of forest development that is in habitats with favourable light conditions, sufficient humidity and fertility. The presence of a number of additional alien species was also a characteristic feature of the stands. C. sericea individuals identified in this survey were tall and showed almost no tendency to creep, most likely due to the favourable light conditions. Their leaves were larger (average length 189.2 mm) compared to published data, but the shape of the seeds was characteristic for the species. This is the first report of spontaneous occurrence of this species in Warsaw. The largest known concentration of C. sericea stands in the mazovian voivodeship was documented west of Warsaw and includes the Kampinos National Park. However, the small number of existing reports indicates that documentation of this species' distribution in the region is still insufficient.</p&gt