160 research outputs found

    A duality of locally compact groups which does not involve the Haar measure

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    We present a simple and intuitive framework for duality of locally compacts groups, which is not based on the Haar measure. This is a map, functorial on a non-degenerate subcategory, on the category of coinvolutive Hopf \cst-algebras, and a similar map on the category of coinvolutive Hopf-von Neumann algebras. In the \cst-version, this functor sends C0(G)C_0(G) to C(G)C^*(G) and vice versa, for every locally compact group GG. As opposed to preceding approaches, there is an explicit description of commutative and co-commutative algebras in the range of this map (without assumption of being isomorphic to their bidual): these algebras have the form C0(G)C_0(G) or C(G)C^*(G) respectively, where GG is a locally compact group. The von Neumann version of the functor puts into duality, in the group case, the enveloping von Neumann algebras of the algebras above: C0(G)C_0(G)^{**} and C(G)C^*(G)^{**}.Comment: To appear in Math. Scan

    An example of a weighted algebra Lpw(G)L_p^w(G) on uncountable group

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    We construct examples of weighted algebras Lpw(G)L_p^w(G) with 1<p21<p\le 2 on uncountable free groups. For p>2p>2 no weighted algebras exist on these groups. From the other side, we prove that an amenable group on which exist weighted algebras with p>1p>1 must be sigma-compact

    On continuity of measurable group representations and homomorphisms

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    Let G be a locally compact group, and let U be its unitary representation on a Hilbert space H. Endow the space L(H) of linear bounded operators on H with weak operator topology. We prove that if U is a measurable map from G to L(H) then it is continuous. This result was known before for separable H. To prove this, we generalize a known theorem on nonmeasuralbe unions of point finite families of null sets. We prove also that the following statement is consistent with ZFC: every measurable homomorphism from a locally compact group into any topological group is continuous. This relies, in turn, on the following theorem: it is consistent with ZFC that for every null set S in a locally compact group there is a set A such that AS is non-measurable.Comment: The previous version was not final, I update it once notice

    Norms of certain functions of the Laplace operator on the ax+bax+b groups

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    The aim of this paper is to find new estimates for the norms of functions of the (minus) Laplace operator L\cal L on the `ax+bax+b' groups. The central part is devoted to spectrally localized wave propagators, that is, functions of the type ψ(L)exp(itL)\psi(\sqrt{\cal L})\exp(it \sqrt{\cal L}), with ψC0(R)\psi\in C_0(\mathbb{R}). We show that for t+t\to+\infty, the convolution kernel ktk_t of this operator satisfies kt1t,kt1, \|k_t\|_1\asymp t, \qquad \|k_t\|_\infty\asymp 1, so that the upper estimates of D. M\"uller and C. Thiele (Studia Math., 2007) are sharp. As a necessary component, we recall the Plancherel density of L\cal L and spend certain time presenting and comparing different approaches to its calculation. Using its explicit form, we estimate uniform norms of several functions of the shifted Laplace-Beltrami operator Δ~\tilde\Delta, closely related to L\cal L. The functions include in particular exp(tΔ~γ)\exp(-t\tilde\Delta^\gamma), t>0,γ>0t>0,\gamma>0, and (Δ~z)s(\tilde\Delta-z)^s, with complex z,sz,s.Comment: References corrected, and several comments reflecting previously known results were adde