18 research outputs found

    Assessing Vehicle Emissions from a Multi-Lane to Turbo Roundabout Conversion Using a Microsimulation Tool

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    The development of urban strategies for the reduction of environmental impacts and decarbonization requires ongoing monitoring from the local scale and further deployment of actions to improve transport demand (user characteristics and modal choice) and supply (infrastructure and services). The analysis of pollution sources and the evaluation of possible scenarios are preliminary to the mitigation of impacts. In particular, the study of geometrical and functional characteristics of infrastructures through micro-simulation allows understanding of which schemes can support the reduction of emissions and guarantee high levels of service (LOS), reducing the problem of vehicular congestion in urban areas. The present work focuses on the small-scale analysis of vehicular traffic emissions at a multi-lane roundabout road intersection and the comparison of geometric schemes (current and design) and use with a turbo roundabout scheme as traffic volumes changes. These volumes have plummeted due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The results show that the geometric-functional modification of the roundabout intersection from a multi-lane to a turbo-roundabout intersection allows a reduction of up to 30% of the emissions considering the current composition of the traffic fleet in the city of Rzeszow in Poland. The proposed comparative analysis methodology can contribute to the drafting of sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPs) proposing a set of investments for new road works and considering a number of scenarios with interventions that can be implemented in the medium and long term that can provide the incentive to reduce road congestion and vehicular emissions


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    The world tendency in replacement of traditional jet fuels with their alternative analogues is presented. The main technologies of jet biofuels production from plant oils are described. The main requirements to biocomponents used in jet fuels are formed. Chemical composition and properties of biocomponents produced via esterification of plant oils by ethanol were investigated. It was developed a method for physical-chemical properties of biocomponents improvemet. The efficiency of the proposed method is shown

    Experimental study on antiwear properties for blends of jet fuel with bio-components derived from rapeseed oil

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    Antiwear properties of jet fuel, two kinds of biocomponents derived from rapeseed oil and their mixtures were investigated experimentally. Antiwear properties were estimated by the value of the scuffing load and the limiting load of scuffing applied to the friction pair working in a fuel medium. Biocomponents, mainly rapeseed oil FAME and rapeseed oil FAME modified via vacuum distillation were used during the study. It is found that lubricity of biocomponents is significantly higher comparing to conventional jet fuel. It is explained by the chemical composition of FAME: highly polarity of molecules stipulate their good adsorption at the surface of friction pair. High viscosity of biocomponents due to chemical structure positively influence on their lubricity. Adding biocomponents into jet fuel results in strengthening of boundary film and thus improves antiwear properties of fuel blends. It is determined that FAME modified via vacuum distillation possesses better lubricating ability comparing to standard FAME derived from rapeseed oil. Correlation between viscosity and lubricity of fuel is shown

    Lubricity of Ethanol–Diesel Fuel Blends—Study with the Four-Ball Machine Method

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    Due to the increasing consumption of fuels in heavy industries, especially in road transportation, significant efforts are being made to increase the market participation of renewable fuels, including ethanol. In diesel engines, however, ethanol cannot be used as a pure fuel, primarily due to its very low cetane number and lubricity. For this reason, greater attention is being paid to blended fuels containing diesel and varying percentages of ethanol. Tests of lubricating properties carried out in accordance with the standard HFRR (high frequency reciprocating rig) method for ethanol–diesel fuel blends have long durations, which leads to ethanol evaporation and changes in the composition of the tested fuel sample under elevated temperatures. Therefore, this study presents an alternative lubricity assessment criterion based on the measurement of the scuffing load with a four-ball machine. Lubricity tests of blends of typical diesel fuel and ethanol, with ethanol volume fractions up to 14% (v/v), were conducted using a four-ball machine with a continuous increase of the load force of the friction node. In this method the lubrication criterion was the scuffing load of the tribosystem. The obtained results provided insights into the influence of the addition of ethanol to diesel fuel on lubricating properties, while limiting the ethanol evaporation process. The results also showed that an increase in the fraction of ethanol up to 14% (v/v) in diesel fuel resulted in a decrease in the scuffing load and a corresponding deterioration in the lubricating properties of the diesel–ethanol blend. For an ethanol volume fraction of 6–14%, the changes in the scuffing load were smaller than in ethanol volume fractions of 0–6%

    Дослідження протиізносних властивостей сумішевих палив для повітряно-реактивних двигунів з біокомпонентами на основі ріпакової олії

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    Antiwear properties of jet fuel, two kinds of biocomponents derived from rapeseed oil and their mixtures were investigated experimentally. Antiwear properties were estimated by the value of the scuffing load and the limiting load of scuffing applied to the friction pair working in a fuel medium. Biocomponents, mainly rapeseed oil FAME and rapeseed oil FAME modified via vacuum distillation were used during the study. It is found that lubricity of biocomponents is significantly higher comparing to conventional jet fuel. It is explained by the chemical composition of FAME: highly polarity of molecules stipulate their good adsorption at the surface of friction pair. High viscosity of biocomponents due to chemical structure positively influence on their lubricity. Adding biocomponents into jet fuel results in strengthening of boundary film and thus improves antiwear properties of fuel blends. It is determined that FAME modified via vacuum distillation possesses better lubricating ability comparing to standard FAME derived from rapeseed oil. Correlation between viscosity and lubricity of fuel is shown.Исследованы противоизносные свойства топлива для ВРД, двух видов биокомпонентов, полученных из рапсового масла и их смесей. Установлено, что смазывающая способность биокомпонентов выше по сравнению с нефтяным топливом для ВРД. Добавление биокомпонентов приводит к упрочнению граничного слоя и улучшает противоизносные свойства топливных смесей. Установлено, что модифицирование биокомпонентов повышает их смазывающую способность по сравнению со стандартными биокомпонентами. Досліджено протизносні властивості палива для ПРД, двох видів біокомпонентів, отриманих з ріпакової олії та їх сумішей. Встановлено, що змащувальна здатність біокомпонентів є вищою у порівнянні з нафтовим паливом для ПРД. Додавання біокомпонентів призводить до зміцнення граничної плівки та поліпшує протизносні властивості паливних сумішей. Встановлено, що модифікування біокомпонентів підвищує їх змащувальну здатність у порівнянні зі стандартними біокомпонентами

    Разработка альтернативных авиационных топлив, модифицированных биодобавками на основе рыжикового масла

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    1. Chuck C.J. The compatibility of potential bioderived fuels with Jet A-1 aviation kerosene / C.J. Chuck, J. Donnelly // Applied Energy. – 2014. – Vol. 118. – P. 83–91. 2. Case Study of Alternative Jet Fuel Production with Bio-additives from Plant Oils in Ukraine and Poland. / [A.Yakovlieva, S.Boichenko, O.Vovket al.]. // Advancesin Sustainable Aviation / Tahir Hikmet Karakoç, C. Ozgur Colpan, Yasin Şöhret (eds). – Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018. – Chapter 4. – P. 41–63. 3. Influence of Rapeseed Oil Ester Additiveson Fuel Quality Index for Air Jet Engines / [A.V.Yakovlieva, S.V.Boichenko, K.Leida, et al.]. // Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. – 2017. – Vol. 53. – Iss. 3. – P. 308–317. 4. Iakovlieva A.V. Potential of camelina as a raw material for producing of modified aviation fuel components / A.V. Iakovlieva, S.V. Boichenko, A.V. Bondaruk // Scientific technologies. – 2016. – №. 1(29). – P. 123–127. 5. Influence of rapeseed oil esters jetfueladditives on some indicators of its quality / [A. Iakovlieva, O. Vovk, S. Boichenko et al.]. // Monografia «Systems and means of motortransport». Selected problems. Seria: Transport. – Rzeszow. – № 6.– 2015. – P. 167–173. 6. Engineering basesof aviation chemmotology / [L.S. Yanovsky, N.F. Dubovkin, F.M. Galimov et al.]. – Kazan: Edition of Kazan.University, 2005. – 714 P. 7. Alternative jet fuels: problems and prospects / [L.S. Yanovsky, E.P. Fedorov, N.I. Varlamova et al.]. // Proceedings of the National Aviation University. – 2009. – No 1. – P. 108–112. 8. Comparative characteristics of low-temperature properties of jet fuels modified with bio-additives / S. Boichenko, K. Lejda, A. Yakovlieva, O. Vovk // International Automotive Conference (KONMOT2018). IOPConf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. – 2018. – 421. – 032003. 9. Hileman J.I. Alternative jet fuel feasibility / J.I.Hileman, R.W.Stratton // Transport Policy. – 2014. – Vol. 34. – P. 52–62.This paper is devoted to the development and study of physical-chemical and exploitation properties of new alternative jet fuels modified with camelina oil bio-additives. The current condition of environment is analyzed as well as the impact of aviation industry on the environment. During the study the following physical-chemical properties were investigated: density, viscosity, fractional composition, heat of combustion, lubricity, corrosiveness and freezing point. It was found that properties of bio-additives are significantly different from properties of jet fuels. As a result of the work, the complex comparative characteristic of physical-chemical and exploitation properties and quality parameters of jet fuel, camelina oil bio-additive and blended jet fuel samples, was developed.Стаття присвячена розробленню та вивченню фізико-хімічних та експлуатаційних властивостей нових альтернативних авіаційних палив, модифікованих біодобавками на основі рижієвої олії. Проаналізовано сучасний стан навколишнього середовища, а також вплив авіаційної промисловості на навколишнє середовище. Під час дослідження було вивчено такі фізико-хімічні властивості зразків палив: густина, в'язкість, фракційний склад, теплота згоряння, змащувальна здатність, корозійна активність та температура кристалізації. Встановлено, що властивості біодобавок істотно відрізняються від властивостей авіаційних палив. В результаті проведеної роботи розроблено комплексну порівняльну характеристику фізико-хімічних та експлуатаційних властивостей та показників якості авіаційних палив, біодобавок на основі рижієвої олії та зразків сумішевих авіаційних палив.Настоящая статья посвящена разработке и изучению физико-химических и эксплуатационных свойств новых альтернативных авиационных топлив, модифицированных биодобавками на основе рыжикового масла. Проведено анализ современной состояния окружающей среды, а также влияния авиационной промышленности на окружающую среду. В ходе исследования были изучены следующие физико-химические свойства образцов топлив: плотность, вязкость, фракционный состав, теплота сгорания, смазывающая способность, коррозионная активность и температура кристаллизации. Было установлено, что свойства биодобавок значительно отличаются от свойств авиационного топлива. В результате работы была разработана комплексная сравнительная характеристика физико-химических и эксплуатационных свойств и качественных показателей авиационного топлива, биодобавок на основе рыжикового масла и образцов смесевых авиационных топлив

    Дослідження протиізносних властивостей сумішевих палив для повітряно-реактивних двигунів з біокомпонентами на основі ріпакової олії

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    Antiwear properties of jet fuel, two kinds of biocomponents derived from rapeseed oil and their mixtures were investigated experimentally. Antiwear properties were estimated by the value of the scuffing load and the limiting load of scuffing applied to the friction pair working in a fuel medium. Biocomponents, mainly rapeseed oil FAME and rapeseed oil FAME modified via vacuum distillation were used during the study. It is found that lubricity of biocomponents is significantly higher comparing to conventional jet fuel. It is explained by the chemical composition of FAME: highly polarity of molecules stipulate their good adsorption at the surface of friction pair. High viscosity of biocomponents due to chemical structure positively influence on their lubricity. Adding biocomponents into jet fuel results in strengthening of boundary film and thus improves antiwear properties of fuel blends. It is determined that FAME modified via vacuum distillation possesses better lubricating ability comparing to standard FAME derived from rapeseed oil. Correlation between viscosity and lubricity of fuel is shown.Исследованы противоизносные свойства топлива для ВРД, двух видов биокомпонентов, полученных из рапсового масла и их смесей. Установлено, что смазывающая способность биокомпонентов выше по сравнению с нефтяным топливом для ВРД. Добавление биокомпонентов приводит к упрочнению граничного слоя и улучшает противоизносные свойства топливных смесей. Установлено, что модифицирование биокомпонентов повышает их смазывающую способность по сравнению со стандартными биокомпонентами. Досліджено протизносні властивості палива для ПРД, двох видів біокомпонентів, отриманих з ріпакової олії та їх сумішей. Встановлено, що змащувальна здатність біокомпонентів є вищою у порівнянні з нафтовим паливом для ПРД. Додавання біокомпонентів призводить до зміцнення граничної плівки та поліпшує протизносні властивості паливних сумішей. Встановлено, що модифікування біокомпонентів підвищує їх змащувальну здатність у порівнянні зі стандартними біокомпонентами

    Experimental study on antiwear properties for blends of jet fuel with bio-components derived from rapeseed oil

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    Antiwear properties of jet fuel, two kinds of biocomponents derived from rapeseed oil and their mixtures were investigated experimentally. Antiwear properties were estimated by the value of the scuffing load and the limiting load of scuffing applied to the friction pair working in a fuel medium. Biocomponents, mainly rapeseed oil FAME and rapeseed oil FAME modified via vacuum distillation were used during the study. It is found that lubricity of biocomponents is significantly higher comparing to conventional jet fuel. It is explained by the chemical composition of FAME: highly polarity of molecules stipulate their good adsorption at the surface of friction pair. High viscosity of biocomponents due to chemical structure positively influence on their lubricity. Adding biocomponents into jet fuel results in strengthening of boundary film and thus improves antiwear properties of fuel blends. It is determined that FAME modified via vacuum distillation possesses better lubricating ability comparing to standard FAME derived from rapeseed oil. Correlation between viscosity and lubricity of fuel is shown