18 research outputs found

    Board race to boost students’ vocabulary mastery

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    Vocabulary is one of the English components that should be taught by the learners, because it has main role for all languages. To understand English words and their meanings the learners must also know how the words work together in a good sentence. It can be concluded that in teaching vocabulary not only give the meaning of the word but also teach how the word works in sentence. The objectives of this research is to know whether there is significant and positive influence of using board race towards students’ vocabulary mastery at Civil Engineering study program in Muhammadiyah University of Metro academic year 2017/2018.The kind of this research is quasi experimental design. The researcher took 2 classes on first semester and the number of the students are 31 as the experiment class and 31 are included as control class which are taken by using sample random sampling. In collecting the data, the researcher uses pre-test and post-test. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses non-parametric formula. After analyzing the result of data by using non-parametric formula, the researcher gets the result of tcount is 3,09 and ttable 2,00 (on criterion 1) and 2,69 (on criterion 2). It means that tcount > ttable, then the criterion of tcount is Ha is accepted if tcount > ttable. So, there is significant influence of using board race game towards students’ vocabulary mastery at Civil Engineering Students in Muhammadiyah University of Metro academic year 2017/2018

    Developing English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Module for Computer Science Students Vocabulary Mastery

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    Abstract :This research development aimed to develop as a learning media of  Module to students of Compter Science, to determine the feasibility of Module which is developed as a learning media using the assessment from the experts, and to determine the students’ response to media esp Module in improving Vocabulary Mastery. Research and Development (R&D) used in this study was conducted using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation).  The results obtained from 5 phases include Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Assessing the feasibility of Module showed the following: 1) The material experts and the lecturer of Computer Science gave percentage of 69,63% in the range 66.67% <p~ ≤ 80% which means developed media gets “B†score and the category is “GOODâ€. 2)The media experts and the lecturer of Computer Science gave percentage of 75,3% in the range 66.67% <p~ ≤ 80% which means developed media gets “B†score and the category is “GOODâ€. 3) questionnaire response that has been filled by the students of Computer Science obtained a total number is 2034 and percentage 69,63% which lies in the range 60<P≤80%, module got the “B†value the category is “positiveâ€. 4) The students’ response to media esp module in improving Vocabulary Mastery at Computer Science was gotten from the interview, The results of interviews to the students’ as a whole showed a good response to the use of module learning media in the learning process of Computer Science.  Therefore, the researcher can conclude that the module for Computer Science is applicable and can be used as instructional media to teach English in the class. Â

    Students’ Morphological Errors in Writing Recount Text at Muhammadiyah University of Metro

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    The objectives of this research are to find out the kinds of students’ morphological error in writing recount text and to find out the difficulties faced by the student in writing recount text. This research is a descriptive qualitative. It means this study focused to describe and analyze the students’ error. Based on the result that mentioned previously, the researcher found that the number of students’ omission and misformation errors are high. The highest students’ errors made in misformation are about 51, 19 %.  Most of the students used wrong form of morphological in their writing. The second is the students errors made in omission are around 32, 74 %.The students not adding bound morpheme, they omit the necessary item in their sentences. The third, the students made errors in addition and misordering are about 13, 69 % and 2, 38 %. The students add unnecessary item and put incorrect placement of morpheme in their writing. On the other hand, according to table 4.2 the researcher conclude that the number of error is five or 31, 25 % students made error in global error and 11or 68, 75 % students made in local error. Key Words: Morphological errors, students’ writin


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    The aims of this research are to give some positive contribution to the future researcher especially who want to analyzed about translation procedure preposition and the research is expected to be a useful for the student especially those who want to analyze about translation procedure and preposition. This study uses qualitative data analysis. Qualitative research can be done through library and field research, this study applies library research. This method s applied by reading and studying some books concerning with the topic of the problem. The data of this study were analyzed by using two steps, first describing the translation procedure of adverbial preposition the researcher give the example of the translation procedure of adverbial preposition. The researcher write the translated version below the original one in form of sentences and put marks by underlying both the translated prepositions and the original ones. Second, finding out and analyzing the untranslated the translation procedure of adverbial preposition. The researcher found in the Harry Potter and The Cursed Child’s book that were a lot of translation procedure and the highest percentage found that word for word translation was the highest percentage with 39, 39% and literal translation was the lowest percentage with 21, 21


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    Reading in one of essensial ways in developing our knowledge. Reading involves many complex skills that have to come together in order to the reader to be successful. One of them is Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL). Evaluation is the proses of scoring in the education field or concernig that related to education activity. The main objective of the research is to develop English materials for reading skill based on CTL. The design of this research is developmental research. The researcher uses formative research. The researcher uses readability and implementability to know whether the prototype was applicable or not. Expert review give suggestion to improve the material, and the researcher also uses the information from one-to-one to improve the product. It is to get the second prototype. In small group, the researcher got a good response, but there are some revise needed. It is to get the third prototype. And the last is field test, in this step the researcher still needs to revise the prototype. It is to get the final prototype. It is concluded that CTL can be used to develop reading material. In field test, the researcher got a good response from the students. It means that this prototype is successful, and it can be applied in the first semester of Civil Engineering Students at Muhammadiyah University of Metro


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    This reseach is aimed to improve Students Writing Ability through a Whatsapp Group and know how the classroom situation when the students practice their writing ability through the Whatsapp Group. It is a classroom action research undertaken at SMPN 8 Metro in 2020/2021 academic year. The subject of the study was 22 students of the eighth grade. It was completed in two cycles. The criteria of success put in this study, if the students have big interests and high motivation in writing practices through WhatsApp group and get a minimum standard of 60.4 score. The data yielded by conducting classical teaching activity, doing interviews, observations, and tests. The data were analyzed descriptively and simple statistically. The pre-test result showed that the average score gained by the students in the pre-cyclewas less than 60.4(78.12%).Only 5 students (21.88%) got 75 scores, otherwise 17 students (63.64%) were under the passing grade. Then, the students who got score ≥ 75 in post test of cycle 1 were 63.64% or 14 students while 36.36% or 8 students got score < 75. Furthermore, in post test of cycle 2 showed that 85 % of the students got ≥ 75 scores. Furthermore, the classroom situation before the treatment was classified into low category with the mean score of 56.00 or . Then, the students’ activity after the treatment in cycle I increase significantly with the mean score 64. There were 16 active students (72.72%). The average of score yielded in cycle 2 was classified into high category with the mean score of 80 and the number of active students became 19 students (86.36%). Thus, it can be concluded that WhatsApp group is able to improve students’ writing ability. Therefore, it is recommended implemented by teachers in practicing English writing


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    The aim of this research is to find out the effect and significant difference of using animation video on the students’ writing ability of eleventh graders at MAN 1 Metro. This research is using quantitative research. The researcher took 76 students among 152 students as sample of the research. The  sample for experimental group is XI IPA 3 and for control group is XI IPA 4. The result of the computations as follow: 1) the mean of students ​​in pre-test of experimental group is 63.03 and the control group is 63.47. 2) the mean of the students in post-test of the experimental group is 71.08 and the control group is 66.55. It means that there is significant difference on students’ writing ability by using animation video at the eleventh grade of MAN 1 Metro. From the computation showed that the t-value is higher than t-table is 2.235> 0.677 and Sig.(2-tailed) is lower that 0.05 (0.028< 0.005). It can be concluded that there is influence of using animation video in teaching writing of the eleventh grade at MAN 1 Metro in the academic year 2021/2022


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      The goal   is to identify  the problems of  students in  tenth  grade  natural science 1 to improve the quality of learning, especially for vocabulary. The teacher provides students with a worksheet contain words such as synnonim, antonym and part of speech of the words. This research is Classroom Action Research. Those were  reconnaissance, planning, action, observation, and  reflection. The  subjects were 33 students at tenth grade natural science 1 of SMA Negeri 4 Metro. The criteria of succes determines by researcher successful if 75% of 33 students follow the learning process well and also give good responses to the teacher and if the 75% from 33 students get score 70. The research was done in two cycles and obtained the   qualitative   and   quantitative   data.   The   data   collection   instruments   were observation checklists, interview guidelines, and tests. The data were in the observation checklists, interview transcripts, and scores.The result of the research showed that the use of frontloading strategy in the teaching and learning process significantly improved the students’ vocabulary mastery. the students could improve their vocabulary mastery by looking for vocabulary related to the picture given and also the picture was described then the students entered it as the KWL format which is one of the frontloading srategies. Based on the quantitative data, the students’ mean value for the vocabulary skills improved. In the pre – test, the students’ mean value was 61.96 Then, after Cycle 1 (post – test 1), the students’ mean value of post – test 1 was 68.33 . At last, after Cycle 2 (post – test 2), the students’ mean value in the post – test 2 was 86.21 . In conclusion, the use of frontloading strategy can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery significantly