379 research outputs found

    A novel dimensionality reduction technique based on independent component analysis for modeling microarray gene expression data

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    DNA microarray experiments generating thousands of gene expression measurements, are being used to gather information from tissue and cell samples regarding gene expression differences that will be useful in diagnosing disease. But one challenge of microarray studies is the fact that the number n of samples collected is relatively small compared to the number p of genes per sample which are usually in thousands. In statistical terms this very large number of predictors compared to a small number of samples or observations makes the classification problem difficult. This is known as the ”curse of dimensionality problem”. An efficient way to solve this problem is by using dimensionality reduction techniques. Principle Component Analysis(PCA) is a leading method for dimensionality reduction of gene expression data which is optimal in the sense of least square error. In this paper we propose a new dimensionality reduction technique for specific bioinformatics applications based on Independent component Analysis(ICA). Being able to exploit higher order statistics to identify a linear model result, this ICA based dimensionality reduction technique outperforms PCA from both statistical and biological significance aspects. We present experiments on NCI 60 dataset to show this result

    Medial Descriptors for 3D Shape Segmentation, Reconstruction, and Analysis

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    Wspieranie rozwoju kreatywności dziecka jako element praktyki logopedycznej. O możliwych związkach logopedii z pedagogiką twórczości

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    Logopedics and pedagogy of creativity are the disciplines whose areas of research interests are different. Some may say that they have nothing in common. The main tasks and goals undertaken by the speech therapists are different from those by creativity educators. Speech therapists’ work is directly connected with prevention and therapy of speech disorders. Creativity educator supports, enhances and develops creative abilities, creative attitude of children, adolescents and adults. However, the goals of creativity education may become a part of the speech therapy practice. This article is an attempt to illustrate the possible relations between pedagogy of creativity and logopedics, and to show the practical ways in which the practice of speech therapy may become an opportunity to develop children’s creativity

    Connected Vehicle Technology: An All Too Convenient Solution to Roadway Problems in the United States

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    Automobile accidents and roadway infrastructure problems are increasing in the United States.  Specifically, 5.7 million automobile accidents were reported in 2013.  The number of automobile accidents caused by lane drifting has increased over the past fifteen years, given the increased number of drivers on the road.   The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) have developed a cumulative solution to these problems. Connected Vehicle  technology is part of the USDOT’s “Intelligent Transportation Systems” (ITS) initiative.  The ITS initiative targets automobile crash avoidance and better traffic flow through the use of automated technologies.[1] Id. at v.

    Kryzys konstytucyjny w Polsce. Od planu upakowania sądu (court-packing) do negowania orzeczeń Trybunału Konstytucyjnego

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    The history of the Polish Constitutional Court ( Trybunał Konstytucyjny , hereinafter: the CC) shows that it has been one of the most respected constitutional organs. Although the CC has ruled on many controversial cases, and its case-law sometimes has been heavily criticized, until 2015, it had never become the object of a direct political attack. The ongoing constitutional crisis in Poland started a few months after the new Constitutional Court Act of 25 th June 2015 (hereinafter: the CCA of 2015) had come into force. The CCA of 2015 replaced the previous Constitutional Court Act of 1997 (the CCA of 1997). The draft of the new Act (CCA of 2015) was presented by the former President, Bronisław Komorowski, already in 2013. Yet, the parliamentary proceeding on the draft came to a standstill until May 2015 [2]. On 25th of June Sejm adopted the CAA of 2015. It was signed by the outgoing President Komorowski [3] on one of his last days in office and soon thereafter became binding law. Promulgated on 30th of July 2015 it entered in force 30 days later, on 30 th of August 2015). * Alexander Hamilton made this claim in Federalist #78. Amongst the others, he stated: “It may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment”.  [1] A. Śledzińska-Simon,   available at: Midnight Judges: Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal Caught Between Political Fronts, VerfBlog,  2015/11/23, http://verfassungsblog.de/midnight-judges-polands-constitutional-tribunal-caught-between-political-fronts/. On 29 th of August 2013 the President submitted a draft Act on the CC to Sejm. The rationale for the draft act was developed by a team (composed, among the others, of former CC judges) headed by the President of the CC. On 3 rd of October 2014 Sejm initiated works on the draft Act on the CC. On 1 st of April 2015 the Extraordinary Subcommittee on the draft Act on the Constitutional Court started to work on the draft. On 9 th of April 2015 the report of the Extraordinary Subcommittee was submitted by the President to Sejm. On 10 th of May 2015 the first round of presidential elections was held. Andrzej Duda obtained 34.76% of votes, while Bronisław Komorowski 33.77%. Two weeks later, in the second round of elections Andrzej Duda obtained 51.55% of votes and won the elections.Lo presente studio affronta il tema della crisi costituzionale che la Polonia sta attraversando. Fin dal suo inizio , il Tribunale Costituzionale gode dei più alti livelli di fiducia sociale. Nonostante le crtiche o le controversie che talvolta sono emerse su alcuni giudizi, fino all’anno scorso il Tribunale non è stato mai oggetto di attacchi politici diretti. La crisi, provocata dal conflitto sulla sua composizione, avvenuta anche negli altri ordinamenti sotto forma del court packing plan, evolve verso una situazione in cui tutte le sue attività vengano compromesse. L' attuale governo polacco nega validità alle decisioni del Tribunale e ha rifiutato di pubblicarne alcune. Istituzioni internazionali, tra cui il Consiglio d’Europa e l’Unione europea, hanno sollevato gravi obiezioni in proposito.Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy kryzysu konstytucyjnego wokół Trybunału Konstytucyjnego w Polsce. Trybunał Konstytucyjny był od początku swojego istnienia uznawany za organ cieszący się jednym z wyższych wskaźników zaufania społecznego. Mimo kontrowersyjności niektórych orzeczeń i krytyki kierowanej pod ich adresem, nigdy, do ostatniego roku, TK nie był się obiektem bezpośredniego politycznego ataku. Trwający spór polityczny wokół Trybunału Konstytucyjnego, choć pierwotnie dotyczący znanego innym systemom pomysłu obsadzenia sądu „swoimi sędziami” ( court packing plan ), ewoluuje w kierunku próby pełnego sparaliżowania prac tego organu. Obecny rząd i większość parlamentarna negują ważność orzeczeń TK i odmawiają części z nich publikacji. Budzi to poważne zastrzeżenia ze strony podmiotów międzynarodowych, w tym Rady Europy oraz Unii Europejskiej


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    The article concerns the issue of constitutional courts’ preliminary references to the CJ. So far only a few centralized constitutional courts have accepted raising the preliminary reference to the CJ. Three of them are courts which initially had denied such possibility, but later changed their minds: Italian Corte Costitutionale (the Italian Constitutional Court; further: ICC); Spanish Tribunal Constitucional (the Spanish Constitutional Tribunal, further: SCT) and French Conseil Constitutionell (the French Constitutional Council; further: FCC). The first reference addressed to the ECJ by ICC came after more than a decade of explicit denial of having the status of a court in the meaning of the current Article 267(3) TFUE. The change of the ICC’s position towards the preliminary ruling procedure was based on the juxtaposition of two ways in which a constitutional review proceeding may be initiated in the Italian legal system: via incidentale and via principale. The SCT denied its status as a court in the meaning of Article 267(3) TFUE till 2011. The change of the SCT’s position, in contrast to the ICC case was not followed by any in-depth argumentation favouring such “judicial volt”. The FCC for the first time referred to the CJ in 2013. The profound change in the FCC’s attitude towards EU law was triggered by the introduction of Priority Preliminary Question on Constitutionality proceedings (QPC) in 2008

    The Constitution as a Bargaining Chip

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    Tożsamość konstytucyjna jako implikowane ograniczenia uprawnień do zmian konstytucyjnych. Przypadek Polski

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    Ongoing discussions on the need to amend the effective Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2 April 1997 or to enact a new Fundamental Law have made the question on the limits of permitted modifications of system-related decisions to become increasingly pertinent also in the context of Polish constitutional law. The question posed above naturally raises further questions: the importance of the constitution itself,its role in the legal system, the relationship between constituent power and constituted power, as well as the interdependence between constitutionalism and democracy. These questions are well embedded in theoretical and legal considerations, and the answers tothem depend to a large extent on the adoption of specific initial assumptions.Trwające dyskusje na temat potrzeby zmiany obowiązującej Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 2 kwietnia 1997 r. bądź uchwalenia nowej ustawy zasadniczej sprawiły, że kwestia granic dozwolonych modyfikacji decyzji systemowych staje się coraz bardziej istotna również w kontekście polskiego prawa konstytucyjnego. Postawione pytanie badawcze w naturalny sposób rodzi kolejne pytania: o znaczenie samej konstytucji i jej roli w systemie prawnym, jej związek z władzą, a także współzależność między systemem konstytucjnym a demokracją. Pytaniate są dobrze osadzone w rozważaniach teoretycznych i prawnych, a odpowiedzi na nie w dużej mierze zależą od przyjęcia konkretnych założeń