718 research outputs found

    Age-age correlations and prediction of early selection age for diameter growth in a 35-years old Pinus brutia Ten. Genetic experiment

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    Aim of study: Forest geneticists developed various methods to predict an early selection age for forest tree species in order to shorten the breeding cycles. This study aims to estimate age-age correlations among diameter growth of trees at different ages and predict early selection age for Pinus brutia Ten. Area of study: P. brutia populations in the study were sampled from the most productive distribution range of the species, which is an important forest tree in the eastern Mediterranean Basin. To understand genetic variation and determine early selection age for the species, a common garden experiment was established in two test sites near Antalya city, Turkey, in 1979. Material and methods: Wood increment cores at breast height were collected at age 30 years, and diameters (dbh) were measured for the ages 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, and 27 years on the cores.  Diameters at ground level (dgl) and dbh were also measured on live trees at age 35. Variance components, age-age correlations, heritability and selection efficiency were estimated for the diameters. Main results: Age-age genetic correlations for diameters were high (mostly > 0.90). Genetic correlations between dgl (at age 35) and dbh (at all measurement ages) ranged from 0.84 to 0.99. Regressions of genetic correlation on natural log of age ratio (LAR) of juvenile age to older age were significant (P < 0.0001). Selection efficiencies estimated by employing the prediction equation indicated that for rotation age 40, the optimum selection age would be between 3 to 5 years, and for rotation age 100 it would be between 5 to 9 years. Research highlights: The results of this study provide information that can be used to find early selection ages in P. brutia. On relatively poor test sites most trees may not attain enough height growth to have measurable dbh trait. In such cases, dgl and/or tree height traits (both of which are highly correlated with dbh traits of all ages) can be measured and used instead of dbh trait for evaluations. Keywords: Correlated response; selection efficiency; trait-trait correlations; brutian pine

    Kazanç Yönetimi İle Entelektüel Sermaye Arasındaki İlişki / The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Earnings Management

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    Çalışmada Borsa İstanbul (BIST)’te işlem gören sigorta işletmelerinin kazanç yönetimi ile entelektüel sermaye arasındaki ilişki ele alınmıştır. Araştırmada 2014Q2 ve 2022Q2 yıllarına ilişkin veriler kullanılmıştır. Entelektüel sermayenin ölçümünde “entelektüel katma değer katsayısı” formülasyonu kullanılmıştır. Kazanç yönetiminin ölçümünde ise “Healy Modeli” tercih edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre analize dahil edilen sigorta şirketlerinin kazanç yönetimleri ile entelektüel sermaye bileşenlerinden olan kullanılan sermaye etkinliği katsayısı ile insan sermayesi etkinliği katsayısı arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunamamıştır. Fakat kazanç yönetimi ile yapısal sermaye etkinliği katsayısı arasında negatif ve %1 düzeyinde anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Ulaşılan bu sonuç sistem gelişimini tamamlayan işletme yöneticilerinin finansal tablolar üzerinde makyajlama yapma ihtiyacını azaltacağını göstermektedir


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    The Mediterranean Basin is one of the major plant diversity centers in the northern hemisphere. The Eastern Mediterranean Basin is also a hotspot region of gene diversity for conifer species. In this study, Turkey’s conifer seed orchards were investigated for their effective number of clones. The mean census number of clones (N) was estimated 33.12. The mean effective number of clones (Nc) was calculated as 27.59. The mean relative effective number of clones (Nr = Nc/N) was 0.827. The estimated proportional gene diversity was found 0.973, with a range from 0.922 to 0.983. Thus, considerable attention should be given to use nearly equal ramet numbers during seed orchard establishment and management operations. Threats such as climatic change, fire, disease and insects should be considered during seed orchards establishment. High number of populations from wide range of species should be sampled and seed orchards should be established locally depending on ecological requirements of species. This is also essential for sustainable management of forest genetic resources. Information both from phenotypic selection and molecular genetic analysis should be used to establish future seed orchards.Mediteranski bazen jedan je od glavnih središta biljne raznolikosti u Sjevernoj hemisferi. Istočni Mediteran također je područje iznimne genetske raznolikosti četinjača. Istra­živanjem su obuhvaćene klonske sjemenske plantaže Turske s ciljem utvrđivanja efektivnog broja klonova. Srednji broj klonova (N) procijenjen je na 33,12. Srednji efektivni broj klonova (Nc) iznosi 27,59, a srednji relativni efektivni broj klonova (Nr = Nc / N) je 0,827. Procijenjeni proporcionalni genetski diverzitet iznosio je 0,973, s rasponom od 0,922 – 0,983. Stoga je potrebno voditi računa da se koristi gotovo podjednaki broj rameta tijekom osnivanja i održavanja klonskih sjemenskih plantaža. Prijetnje poput klimatskih promjena, požara, bolesti i kukaca moraju se uzeti u obzir kod osnivanja plantaža. Potrebno je uzorkovati velik broj populacija sa šireg područja, a klonske sjemenske plantaže najbolje je osnivati lokalno uvažavajući ekološka obilježja četinjača. Ovime se također osigurava održivo gospodarenje šumskim genetskim bogatstvom. Kod osnivanja budućih klonskih sjemenskih plantaža nužno je pribaviti podatke o fenotipskoj selekciji kao i rezultate molekularne genetičke analize potencijalnih klonova

    Klinička procjena intranazalne primjene midazolama i reverzibilnih učinaka flumazenila u euroazijskog škanjca običnog (Buteo buteo)

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    Midazolam, the most commonly used drug in birds, has sedative, muscle relaxant, anxiolytic, amnestic, and appetite-enhancing effects. In this study, we aimed to reach the proper sedation level with intranasal (IN) administration of midazolam, and quick and safe recovery with intranasal flumazenil application after a certain period of time. The buzzards in the experiment reached the desired and controllable sedation at 6.7 ± 1.6 min after administration of IN midazolam at a dose of 2 mg / kg of body weight. In the saline group (%0.9 NaCl), the doses of midazolam and flumazenil calculated according to their weight were administered intranasally as 0.9% NaCl. The heart rate was 290.4 ± 17.81 and 294.8 ± 18.19 beats/min in the midazolam group, and 300.8 ± 17.76 beats/min in the saline group. Cloacal temperature was 41.42 ± 07, 41.39 ± 0.85 °C in the midazolam group and 41.6 ± 0.45 °C in the saline group. The respiratory rate was 48.8 ± 4.5, 47.1 ± 4.3 breaths/min in the midazolam group and 54.6 ± 2.7 breaths/min in the saline group. Flumazenil was used as an antagonist at 0.05 mg/kg intranasally, and after 14.1 ± 1.8 minutes the sedation effect disappeared. Then the buzzards returned to their standard behavior. In conclusion, we suggest IN use of midazolam and use of flumazenil for faster recovery in buzzards as a simple, fast, practical, and economical mode of sedation for minimally invasive procedures.Midazolam, koji se najčešće upotrebljava u ptica, ima sedativni učinak, miorelaksans je, anksio-litik, amnestik te poboljšava apetit. U ovom se istraživanju nastojala postići odgovarajuća sedacija intranazalnom primjenom (IN) midazolama te brz i siguran oporavak primjenom intranazalnog flumazenila poslije određenog vremena. U škanjaca je postignuta željena sedacija 6,7 ± 1,6 minuta poslije intranazalne primjene midazolama u dozi od 2 mg/kg tjelesne mase. U skupini kojoj je da-vana fiziološka otopina (0,9%-tni NaCl), doze midazolama i flumazenila izračunate su prema tjelesnoj masi jedinki i primijenjene intranazalno kao 0,9%-tni NaCl. Srčani su otkucaji bili 290,4 ± 17,81 i 294,8 ± 18,19 u minuti u skupini s midazolamom i 300,8 ± 17,76 otkucaja u minuti u skupini s fiziološkom otopinom. Temperatura kloake bila je 41,42 ± 0,7, 41,39 ± 0,85 °C u skupini s midazolamom i 41,6 ± 0,45 °C u skupini s fiziološkom otopinom. Brzina disanja bila je 48,8 ± 4,5, 47,1 ± 4,3 udaha u minuti u skupini s midazolamom i 54,6 ± 2,7 u skupini koja je dobivala fiziološku otopinu. Flumazenil je primijenjen kao antagonist u dozi od 0,05 mg/kg intranazalno, a poslije 14,1 ± 1,8 minuta sedativni je učinak nestao. Nakon toga škanjci su se uobičajeno ponašali. Zaključeno je da se intranazalna primjena midazolama i flumazenila za brz oporavak može pre-poručiti u škanjaca kao jednostavan, brz, praktičan i ekonomičan postupak sedacije u minimalnoinvazivnim zahvatima

    Assessment of plasma and tissue fibronectin EIIIB splice variant expressions measured serially using RT-PCR in a wound model of rabbits

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    Background: Fibronectin (FN) is an indispensable part of the extracellular matrix. During regeneration or wound healing, the plasma form of FN is incorporated into the fibrin clots to form a temporary fibrin-FN matrix, and also locally synthesized cellular FN migrates to the clot to regenerate the injured tissue. We aimed to examine wound tissue FN EIIIB and plasma FN EIIIB expression levels in an experimental wound healing model in rabbits. Methods: Plasma and tissue EIIIB splice variant expressions were measured serially with RT-qPCR in a cutaneous wound model of rabbits. Results: Tissue FN expression increased as beginning on day 3 and continued to increase on days 6 and 9, reaching maximum expression at day 12 before starting to decrease. On the contrary to the tissue levels, plasma FN levels gradually decreased until day 15 when expression returned to the initial values. Conclusion: The findings of the current study support that tissue EIIIB expression level increases during wound healing; and plasma EIIIB expression level decreases minimal changed. This is in contrast to reports where plasma FN provisionally helps ECM formation. Therefore, our data show an essential role of EIIIB at the tissue level in accelerating the wound healing process. The RT-qPCR method in our experimental setup can provide more accurate and precise results compared to the antibody-based methods

    Noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis with the aspartate transaminase to platelet ratio index (APRI): Usefulness in patients with chronic liver disease: APRI in chronic liver disease

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    Background: The aspartate aminotransferases (AST) to platelet ratio index (APRI) may serve as a noninvasive marker to assess liver fibrosis. Objectives: To assess the diagnostic ability of the APRI for prediction of fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), chronic hepatitis C (CHC), and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Patients and Methods: This retrospective study included 207 patients with CHB,108 with CHC, and 140 patients with NAFLD. The APRI was calculated as (AST level/upper normal limit for AST)/platelet counts (109/L) x 100. The stage of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic viral hepatitis was graded using the METAVIR scale. The Kleiner system for grading fibrosis was used in patients with NAFLD. Results: Bivariate correlation analyses showed that the APRI was significantly associated with fibrosis scores in patients with CHC (p = 0.2634, p = 0.0059) and NAFLD (p = 0.2273, p = 0.0069), but not in those with CHB (p = 0.1005, p = 0.1495). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used for assessing the ability of the APRI as a predictor of the absence or presence of liver fibrosis (fibrosis score of 0 vs fibrosis scores of 1-4). In patients with CHC, the APRI showed a sensitivity of 72.7% and a specificity of 62.4% for detection of fibrosis (p<0.01). In the NAFLD group, the APRI showed a sensitivity of 60.0% and specificity of 73.3% for detection of fibrosis (p<0.01). In patients with CHB, the APRI showed a sensitivity of 55.0% and a specificity of 75.4% for fibrosis (p=NS). Conclusions: The APRI shows an acceptable accuracy for the assessment of liver fibrosis in patients with CHC and NAFLD, but not in those with CHB

    Determination of the Antifungal Effect of Boron, Sodium and Potassium Salts against Pomegranate Fruit and Crown Rot Disease Agent Coniella granati

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    Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is one of the most important fruit species grown in Turkey. Fungal pathogens cause significant losses in quality and yield of pomegranate fruit in orchards and warehouses. Pomegranate fruit and crown rot, caused by Coniella granati, is one of the most serious diseases of pomegranate. No fungicides have been registered in Turkey to control this disease. In this study, the antifungal effect of etidote-67, borax, boric acid, sodium benzoate, sodium nitrite, sodium carbonate and potassium sorbate on mycelial growth of C. granati was investigated in vitro. The antifungal effect of the salts on mycelial growth of the fungus was determined at concentrations of 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06 and 0.07 (w%252Fv). Increased concentrations of etidote-67, borax, boric acid, sodium benzoate, sodium nitrite, sodium carbonate, and potassium sorbate significantly inhibited mycelial growth of the fungus compared to the control. Significant differences were found between the efficacy of the treatments (Plt%253B0.05). The concentrations of 0.04%25 and 0.03%25 of etidot-67 and borax salts, respectively, were determined to be the doses that completely inhibited mycelial growth of the fungus. Boric acid, sodium nitrite, sodium carbonate and potassium sorbate completely inhibited the fungal mycelial growth at a concentration of 0.05%25, while sodium benzoate inhibited fungal mycelial growth at a relatively high concentration (0.07%25). When comparing the effective concentrations (EC50) of the salts inhibiting mycelial growth by 50%25, sodium benzoate showed a stronger inhibitory effect against the fungus. In conclusion, the results of this study show that boron, sodium, and potassium salts can be used as an alternative to synthetic fungicides to control fruit and crown rot disease caused by C. granati in pomegranate

    Determination of in vitro Biocontrol Potentials of Antagonist Bacterial Isolates Against Onion Basal and Root Rot Disease Agent Fusarium proliferatu

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    Various Fusarium species cause significant yield and quality losses in onion (Allium cepa L.) plants. Onion basal and root rot, caused by Fusarium proliferatum, is an emerging postharvest disease that causes severe economic losses. Although the disease has long been recognized as a major constraint to the production of Allium spp., there is insufficient information to support disease management. In recent years, a need has arisen for environmentally friendly, innovative alternative methods to avoid the use of chemical pesticides in the control of diseases that are a problem in agriculture. In this study, the biocontrol efficiency of antagonistic bacterial isolates obtained from bulbs, roots and leaves of healthy onion plants was investigated against F. proliferatum in vitro. The antagonistic activity of the bacterial isolates in inhibiting the mycelial growth of the fungal agent was determined by the dual culture assay. The bacterial isolates were identified by morphological, biochemical and proteomic (MALDI-TOF MS) methods. A total of 18 putative bacterial isolates were obtained from the bulbs, roots and leaves of healthy onion plants on selective media. As a result of in vitro dual culture assays, only six bacterial isolates (Bacillus cereus MK2, Enterobacter xiangfangensis MK3, Bacillus thuringiensis MK8, Alcaligenes faecalis MK9, Pseudomonas putida MK16 and Citrobacter freundii MK17) significantly suppressed mycelial growth of disease agent (43.89-50.56%25 inhibition). Bacillus cereus MK2 was found to be the most effective bacterial isolate with a 50.56%25 inhibition rate of mycelial growth. Overall, the results suggest that Bacillus cereus MK2 could be used as a potential biocontrol agent for a sustainable and environmentally friendly control strategy for onion fields affected by Fusarium basal and root rot disease. It is necessary to conduct further studies on the effects of the effective bacterial isolates against the pathogen in vivo and their mechanisms of action

    En-Gendering the Police: Women\u27s Police Stations and Feminism in São Paulo

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    This article contributes to feminist state theory and studies of women\u27s police stations in Latin America by examining the processes shaping the multiple and changing positions of explicit alliance, opposition, and ambiguous alliance assumed by policewomen regarding feminists since the creation of the world\u27s first women\u27s police station in 1985 in São Paulo. While studies of women\u27s police stations tend to overlook the political conjuncture, much of the literature on the state and gender explains the relationship between the state and women\u27s movements as a function of the political regime. I argue for a more grounded feminist state theory, taking into account interactive macro and micro, local and international forces. As this case study demonstrates, policewoman-feminist relations evolve due to interactions between the political conjuncture, the hegemonic masculinist police culture, developments in the feminist discourse on violence against women, and the impact of the contact policewomen sustain with women clients