111 research outputs found

    Stunting dan Stigma Masyarakat, Studi Etnografis Penanganan Stunting pada Masyarakat Kabupaten Malang

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    Stunting or commonly referred to as under-fives who are malnourished and tend to be short is a serious problem in Indonesia. In the era of globalization, developments can occur in various fields, none other than the health sector. However, the problem of stunting still occurs and it will become a continuing problem if it is not addressed immediately. Moreover, during the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in March 2020, the stunting rate in Malang Regency continued to increase. This happens because the majority of people have lost their livelihoods so that they are hampered in meeting their economic needs, especially the fulfillment of nutrition. In this study, we used ethnographic analysis. The data sources were divided into two, namely interviews and documents. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that stunting is influenced by parenting, especially on nutritional intake and the level of understanding of parents in caring for their sons and daughters and also on the understanding and knowledge of parents about healthy living behavior.The majority of people in Malang Regency do not understand what stunting is and how to prevent it. This statement is shown in the results of data analysis which states that 47% of the people of Malang Regency have a stigma that stunting is a verdict that has already occurred, when in fact it can still be handled. Health workers and community elites are still not optimal in providing education to the community, especially in Jabung District. With this research, it is hoped that it can be a reference in preventing the increase in stunting rates for policy makers to pay more attention to stunting cases that are developing in Malang City


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    State has the power to manage natural resources for the sake of social justice, the general welfare and are used as much as possible the greatest benefit for the greatest welfare of people. Contract law is the main instrument used to protect the state assets including oil and gas. Production Sharing Contract as a legal safeguard for oil and gas, is a fundamental pillar in the effort and utilization management activities of oil and gas. In the contracts involving the Government, called government contract, there is a unique characteristic which is not entirely subject to private law. In principle, the state should not be harmed, called as state immunity. This principle also applies universally in the interest of protecting the state assets. Keywords: Production Sharing Contract, Government Contract, State Immunity, Protection of State Assets Clause


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    Negara mempunyai kekuasaan untuk mengelola sumber daya alam demi mewujudkan keadilan sosial, kesejahteraan umum dan untuk kemakmuran rakyat. Instrumen hukum kontrak menjadi payung hukum sebagai upaya perlindungan hukum terhadap aset negara yang berupa minyak dan gas bumi. Kontrak Bagi Hasil menjadi pilar dasar dalam upaya pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan kegiatan usaha minyak dan gas bumi. Kontrak Bagi Hasil merupakan kontrak publik yang tidak sepenuhnya tunduk pada hukum privat. Dalam melakukan hubungan kontraktualnya, negara tidak boleh dirugikan (imunitas negara) dan harus memperhatikan klausula-klausula yang menitikberatkan pada perlindungan aset negara.State has the power to manage natural resources for the sake of social justice, the general welfare and are used as much as possible the greatest benefit for the greatest welfare of people. Contract law is the main instrument used to protect the state assets including oil and gas. Production Sharing Contract as a legal safeguard for oil and gas, is a fundamental pillar in the effort and utilization management activities of oil and gas. In this Production Sharing Contract, which the contracts also involve the government and called government contract, has a unique characteristic which is not entirely subject to private law. In principle, the state should not be harmed, called as state immunity. This principle also applies universally in the interest of protecting the state assets

    Analisis Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Komunitas Peduli Lubang Jalanan di Kota Malang

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    Malang Raya with all the trimmings is a city with intense activity. As a result, the streets in most areas in Malang became commonly used. The volume density of vehicles per day resulted in a lot of potholes. However, the slow handling of city government and county government resulted in the holes in the road more and more common. Of course this led to frustration for road users. Many victims of accidents caused fall due pit road. Not the least of casualties caused by potholes is pushing a bunch of young for forming Social Community “Peduli Lubang”. The group is moved voluntarily. Social counciosness encouraging to form this community. In its action, they make a circular mark or ledges with pylox white against the hole in every street. The goal is sign that the road users see the white markings they have made. The sign is effective because Driver can seen from distance before the hole, finally the driver can reduce speed. A lot of appreciation given to this community. Remaining so many hole in streets, and the number of "Self founding" that they have to spend for the sake of this social action. Their action also received a response from the mayor. This research uses a case study approach and indepth interview methods to community members and resource persons also road users to recognize the existence of this grass-roots communities. Observations made to this community by following all the activities of this group. As a result, the public perception of these two groups divided into two: the pros and cons of their action. Part of the counter on the excuse that their sentences are inappropriate for display in public facilities. In conclusion the public perception of the pro-grassroots movement may be resistance to the government policy terksan slow in dealing with this issue. Evidenced by the more intense they carry out an action, response Malang city and county governments more quickly. Expected social consciousness is what will encourage Malang city and county governments to be more sensitive to sound that good netizens on social media and direct aspiration

    Bentuk Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Kekayaan Minyak Dan Gas Bumi Sebagai Aset Negara Melalui Instrumen Kontrak

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    Negara mempunyai kekuasaan untuk mengelola sumber daya alam demi mewujudkan keadilan sosial, kesejahteraan umum dan untuk kemakmuran rakyat. Instrumen hukum kontrak menjadi payung hukum sebagai upaya perlindungan hukum terhadap aset negara yang berupa minyak dan gas bumi. Kontrak Bagi Hasil menjadi pilar dasar dalam upaya pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan kegiatan USAha minyak dan gas bumi. Kontrak Bagi Hasil merupakan kontrak publik yang tidak sepenuhnya tunduk pada hukum privat. Dalam melakukan hubungan kontraktualnya, negara tidak boleh dirugikan (imunitas negara) dan harus memperhatikan klausula-klausula yang menitikberatkan pada perlindungan aset negara.State has the power to manage natural resources for the sake of social justice, the general welfare and are used as much as possible the greatest benefit for the greatest welfare of people. Contract law is the main instrument used to protect the state assets including oil and gas. Production Sharing Contract as a legal safeguard for oil and gas, is a fundamental pillar in the effort and utilization management activities of oil and gas. In this Production Sharing Contract, which the contracts also involve the government and called government contract, has a unique characteristic which is not entirely subject to private law. In principle, the state should not be harmed, called as state immunity. This principle also applies universally in the interest of protecting the state assets


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    This paper aims to provide insights into the consumer protection in e-commerce in Indonesian context. In 2015, ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) which includes Indonesia as a member, was established for a regional economic integration by reducing the transactions costs of trade, improving trade and business facilities, as well as enhancing the competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises sector. AEC is expected to promote electronic transactions. Even though Indonesia has the Law Number 8 Year 1999 on Consumer Protection, this law does not regulate specifically on electronic transactions. In response to this limitation, Indonesia has issued the Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions and Government Regulation Number 82 Year 2012 on the Implementation of Systems and Electronic Transactions. This is followed by enactment of Law Number 7 Years 2014 on Trade, which regulates general domestic trade, foreign trade, border trade and commerce through the electronic system. The law aims to stem the flood of products imported into Indonesia so that the use of domestic products can be increased. This paper concludes that legislations which regulate consumer protection in electronic transactions are still inadequate thus Indonesia is not fully ready to deal with the consumer protection in e-commerce. Keywords: Electronic contracts, consumer protection, Indonesia, ASEAN Economic Community.Cite as: Agustin, E. & Kurniawan, F. (2017). Consumer protection in electronic contracts: The case of Indonesia. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 2(1), 159-169.  http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol2iss1pp159-16


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    Prinsip kebebasan berkontrak membawa para pihak dalam suatu kontrak untuk menandatangani suatu persetujuan, termasuk diantaranya adalah kontrak baku. Kontrak baku dibuat oleh satu pihak, biasanya oleh suatu perusahaan dengan tujuan adanya efisiensi. Kontrak tersebut bagaimanapun berpotensi adanya penyalahgunaan kedudukan yang lebih mendominasi dalam penerapannya, kontrak seperti ini dikenal dengan nama kontrak adhesi. Dalam kaitannya dengan kontrak adhesi terdapat batasan dan/atau pengalihan tanggung jawab dari resiko bisnis kepada mitra berkontraknya (adhered party). Maka dari itu prinsip itikad baik tentu memainkan peranan yang cukup penting untuk mengevaluasi implementasi dari kontrak adhesi. Penulisan ini membahas kontrak adhesi dalam kaitannya dengan prinsip dasar hukum kontrak dan juga menganalisa payung hukum untuk mitra berkontraknya (adhered party) dalam pencarian hak-hak kontraktualnya terkait implementasi dari kontrak adhesi. Dalam tulisan ini juga akan dibandingkan implementasi dari kontrak adhesi dalam prakteknya baik di Indonesia dan di luar Indonesia dengan cara menganalisa hukum nasional dan aturan yang berlaku secara internasional seperti Prinsip-prinsip Kontrak Perdagangan Internasional (The Principles of International Comercil Contracts-PICC).Freedom of contract principle brings the contracting parties to sign into an agreement in such forms, including a standard contract. The standard contracts are made by one party, usually by business entities in the aim of doing efficiency. The contracts, however, potentially contains abuse of power in its application, known as adhesion contract. In term of adhesion contract, it contains prompt restrictions and/or transfer of responsibilities of the business risks to the adhered party. Therefore, good faith principle plays an important role to evaluate the implementation of the adhesion contract. This article discusses the adhesion contract in the light of the basic principles in contract law and explores the legal frameworks for adhered party to seek their contractual rights in conjunction with the implementation of the adhesion contract. We also compare the implementation of the adhesion contract, practically, both in Indonesia and international practices by examining the national laws and the model law e.g. Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC)


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    Malang City with all its facilities is ancrowded city. As a result the streets in most areas in Malang Raya is becoming frequently used. The density of vehicle volume every day resulted in many holes in the road. However, late handling of the municipal and district governments resulted in more and more potholes in the streets. Of course this results in disappointment for road users. Many victims of accidents caused by falling due to potholes. Not least the victims of this perforated road encourage a group of young people to form a Community Care for the Hole of the Road. This group moves voluntarily. Social counciosness encourages them to form this community. In the action, they make a circular sign or edge with a white pylox against the holes on each road segment. The goal is white as a sign for road users to see the white marka they have created. The sign is felt quite effective because in the distance before the hole, the rider can lower the speed. A lot of appreciation is given to this community. Because by remembering the many holes in the streets of Malang, and the number of “Personal Capital” they have spent for this social action. Their action also received a response from the mayor. This study uses a case study approach and indepth interview method to community members and also a source of road users who recognize the existence of this grassroots community. Observations are made to this community by following all the activities of this group. As a result, people’s perception of the two groups is divided into two, the pros and cons of their actions. In the contrary reasoned that the existence of sentences that are not appropriate to be displayed in public facilities. In conclusion, the pro-society perception towards grassroots movements can be a resistance movement for government policies that are slow to deal with this problem. Evidenced by the more intense they carry out the action, the response of the city government and Malang district faster. It is expected that this social awareness will encourage Malang city and district government to be more sensitive to the sound of netizens in both social media and aspirations directly
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