36 research outputs found

    Information System Development and Use Practices in Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa (K.P.K) Pakistan

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    There is no doubt in the reality that Information Technology (IT) is revolutionizing organizations on unprecedented proportions thereby stimulating others to adopt it but despite this fact research indicates that a large number of information system development projects are failing to achieve their objectives in toto. Thus, there are partial and total failure stories of IT projects. Furthermore, information system (IS) failures are common to all types of organizations: public, private or small, medium and large irrespective of operating in a developed or developing country. The research on IS failure frequently cites non-technical issues as the most decisive factors in the success or failure of any IT project. That is, IT can do miracles but all this requires 2018;adequate management of the 2018;demographics of an IT project.2019; Non-technical critical success and failure factors are catching wider attention during the last decades among the IS research community. One can understand that technology can be imported but not the demographic of the organization thus, non-technical issues are 2018;local in nature, structure and intensity,2019; which definitely need local studies of ISD and use practices so as to dig-out 2018;customized ISD and use process. This research is an effort in the same line of thinking

    eLearning Opportunities

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    Both opportunities and prospects are sometimes used interchangeably however, in this paper, opportunity refers to the 2018;availability of eLearning resources and service2019; while prospects denote 2018;futuristic expectations about the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in higher education institutions (HEIs). The empirical findings suggest that people score lower on opportunities but significantly high on the prospects showing that they are not quite happy with the facilities and services available (due to the development, implementation and use problems 2013; or simply management problems of eLearning). But they can clearly foresee the significant role of ICTs or education technologies (ETs) in future in the context of developing countries like Pakistan. Furthermore, these differences are attributed to the demographic diversities of the respondents, meaning that the demographic variation changes the power and direction of the user-attitudes towards eLearning. This paper uses stepwise regression to gradually glean-out the most significant predictors of opportunities and prospects from a group (eight) of demographics

    Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Managerial Decision-Making Styles: Multi-Mediation Analysis

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    Every individual makes decisions with a different mindset. Emotional-Intelligence is key for every leader working in the prevalent work settings in the era of technological revolution. Experts have categorized impact of emotional intelligence (EI) into Personal intelligence (PEI) and Social intelligence (SEI). The theoretical model of decision-making styles (DMS) includes the ‘People-oriented’ and ‘Task-oriented’ decision making styles (PDMS & TDMS). This study has investigated the comprehensively established models of relations between EI and DMS. The main research question was ‘How managers’ DMS is influenced by their PEI and SEI?’ The literature review was conducted by employing the thematic analysis. The cross-sectional survey approach was employed to collect data. The study investigated the emotional capacity of decision-makers at workplace which characterized by flooding of information, insecurity, and wider digital interactions – which result in the high levels of stress. This study is a spadework to further explore the same issue with different settings and data sources

    Digital Revolution, Cyber-Crimes And Cyber Legislation: A Challenge To Governments In Developing Countries

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    Cyber-crimes the off-spring of cyber-space technology could be only monitored; controlled and prevented through cyber-legislation. Countries around the globe are facing the dangers of cyber-crimes due to several reasons ranging from the poor technology, incapacity and absence of legislation to financial constraints, lack of cooperation with international law and enforcing agencies. This study was undertaken to asses and analyzes the present state of cyber-crimes and legislation in the perspective of developing countries and to identify and analyze the challenges the governments of developing countries are facing in prevention of the cyber-crimes in general and focusing Pakistan being developing economy in particular and to suggest way-out. This qualitative study used ATLAS.ti software for data analyses. Hermeneutics, discourse and heuristic methods were employed to analyze the qualitative data. Experts suggested the use of different approaches for cyber-legislation for example the minimalist approach and prescriptive approach. However, this study proposes the use of two-tier approach for cyber-legislation against the cyber-crimes in developing countries and Pakistan. Key Words: Cyber-space, Cyber-crimes, Cyber-laws, Minimalist approach, Prescriptive approach, Two-Tier approach

    Relationship between quality of work-life and individual work performance: Moderating role of organizational culture

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    The study aimed to find the contingent role of organizational culture upon relation and cooperation, and facilities provided to employees at the workplace to enhance individual’s work performance. A cross-survey approach was adopted. A total of 400 complete questionnaires were used in the analysis. SPSS-25 was used for the analysis of data. Hierarchical multiple regression was employed to test the hypotheses. It was found that there is a significant moderating role of organizational culture upon relation and cooperation, and facilities provided to employees to enhance individual work performance. The study finds that there is an intense need to improve the quality of work-life and workplace of health professionals so they deliver their best to achieve organizational objectives. The study recommends that there is a need to a supportive culture because it plays an instrumental role in bringing the desired level of performance which ultimately leads the organization to success. This study was conducted in healthcare organizations; the findings of this study could only be generalized into the health sector

    Analyses of the Problems & Prospects of Human Resource Development in Developing Countries & Pakistan

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    Human Resource Development (HRD) is one of the major issues being faced by developing countries in general and Pakistan in particular. HRD needs financial resources and technical capability which is almost nil in the development countries due to their economic backwardness. On the other hand, HRD play vital role in the economic development and prosperity of the nation because they HR is the hand, mind and eyes of the modern industrial societies. This short communication and review examined and analyzed the problems and prospects of HRD in Pakistan and come up with the conclusions that Pakistan must devise long term human resource development strategy to have far-reaching impact on Pakistan's sustained development. Likewise, developing managerial orthodoxy now posits the need of re-engineering of the organizations towards ‘flat’ hierarchical structures, an enlargement of job tasks and job autonomy, ideally centered on work teams. Keywords: HRD, Problems, Prospects, Developing countries, Pakista

    Relationship between Dyslexia and the Academic Performance: Mediating Role of Teacher’s Awareness

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    The academic performance of dyslexic students’ needs a lot of attention both from teachers as well as parents. Teachers must be well trained and have the expertise to carefully manage the class of dyslexic students. For this purpose, identifying dyslexic students, classroom management teacher-parent participation and awareness could play an important role in enhancing the academic performance of dyslexic students. The current study aims to investigate the indirect effects of awareness on the relationship between identifying dyslexic students, classroom management teacher-parent participation, and academic performance of students. Nonprobability convenience sampling was used. 372 participants participated in the survey. AMOS-SEM was used for data analysis. Measurement and structural models were developed. It was found that all the scales were found reliable and valid. Moreover, all the direct and indirect relationships were also found positive and significant. Awareness and teacher-parent participation were found most dominant factors on basis of beta values

    Measures of Satisfaction from the Implementation of Quality Standards in Higher Education Institutions of Saudi Arabia

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    Background: The purpose of this papers was investigate into the satisfaction from implementation of quality standards in higher education institutions of Saudi Arabia. Quality is the key factor in achieving accreditation. Researchers believe that implementation of quality standards is closely related with the satisfaction of the students and thus quality standards in higher education institutions indirectly plays a pivotal role to improve the outcomes of the universities. Method: Hermeneutics, discourse and heuristic were employed for data analysis with the help computer based qualitative package ATLAS.ti. Findings: The findings shows that there was a satisfaction about the implementing of quality standards in higher education of Saudi Arabia in the large universities, however, on the other hand, the also identified that findings the main reasons of dissatisfaction with implementation of quality standards in some small universities. Conclusion: The study concludes that implementation of quality standards is yet to be dome due to slow pace and they are just in papers and yet until now they have not been put into effect in reality. Keywords: Quality Standards, Quality Assurance, Quality Implementation, Students Satisfaction, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Saudi Arabia. DOI: 10.7176/DCS/9-9-03 Publication date:September 30th 201


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    Health is basic need of every age and almost every country of world is spending much of its resources on providing health facility to its public. Health problem in Pakistan, having a population of 118.6 million people with 3.1% growth rate (ESP, 2012), are tremendously increasing and poses multiple threats to continued economic and social development in country. In Pakistan different government and private medical colleges are producing doctor’s at large scale but we are still not in position to achieve health for all (Zahir, 1992: 93). The incidence of ill health and premature deaths among the poor in Pakistan is very high. Many of the women’s premature deaths are due to a high rate of maternal mortality from Hemorrhage, infection toxeing, obstructive labor and primitive abortion methods. Thus women especially poor of rural areas, are caught in problems which needs to be explored. This study was conducted to understand the problems of female patients in DHQ Zanana Hospital, DIKhan, which is a beneficiary institution established by government for the welfare of women population of DIKhan division (District Tank and District DIKhan). The hospital is located at Kachehry in Road DIKhan city and administratively, it is the part of District Headquarter Hospital, DIKhan. It is the only female hospital in DIKhan division, not only patients from DIKhan but also from areas situated near DIKhan like Jandula, Wana and Bhakkar depends on this hospital for their treatment. The staff and patients of Zanana Hospital DIKhan was population of the study. Purposive sampling was used in terms of doctors and nurses however but random in case of patients. The reason was that the doctors and nurses were identifiable and calculated but patients were numerous therefore, whoever could be contacted, in case of the respondent of this study. A very small number of patients get some medicines from hospital store, off course limitation of budget is there, but miss-use of available medicine in the hospital store is also responsible for the lack of free medicine facility. Low quality medicines are accepted, which doctors do not want to prescribe. KEY WORDS;  Health, Mortality, Economic and social development, Female patients

    Assessing the Cause & Effect of the Approaches to Resolve Interpersonal Conflict & Morale of Academicians in Higher Education of Pakistan

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    Conflict management remained important for many years, yet it gained special interests of the managers and researchers in the last decade. Several studies have found the antecedents of conflicts and its impacts on many aspects of the organizations e.g. performance, environment and productivity etc. The goal of this study was to find which of the interpersonal conflict resolution approach has significant relationship with morale of the academicians of the universities in Pakistan. To understand the dynamics of this relationship and the impacts of the independent on the dependent variables, data was collected from 231 teachers working in different universities in the five cities of Pakistan. Data analysis was performed through SPSS-15. Convenient sampling method employed for data collection. The study has found positive and significant relationship between interpersonal conflict resolution approaches and level of education with morale of the teachers working in the universities of Pakistan except dominating approach, which is negatively related with morale, moreover, the relationship between gender and morale of teacher was insignificant. However, the results of the study in Pakistan were consistent with previous studies. Keywords: Interpersonal Conflict, Compromising, Integrative, Obliging, Dominating, Avoiding, Morale, Higher Education Institutions, Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan