
Health is basic need of every age and almost every country of world is spending much of its resources on providing health facility to its public. Health problem in Pakistan, having a population of 118.6 million people with 3.1% growth rate (ESP, 2012), are tremendously increasing and poses multiple threats to continued economic and social development in country. In Pakistan different government and private medical colleges are producing doctor’s at large scale but we are still not in position to achieve health for all (Zahir, 1992: 93). The incidence of ill health and premature deaths among the poor in Pakistan is very high. Many of the women’s premature deaths are due to a high rate of maternal mortality from Hemorrhage, infection toxeing, obstructive labor and primitive abortion methods. Thus women especially poor of rural areas, are caught in problems which needs to be explored. This study was conducted to understand the problems of female patients in DHQ Zanana Hospital, DIKhan, which is a beneficiary institution established by government for the welfare of women population of DIKhan division (District Tank and District DIKhan). The hospital is located at Kachehry in Road DIKhan city and administratively, it is the part of District Headquarter Hospital, DIKhan. It is the only female hospital in DIKhan division, not only patients from DIKhan but also from areas situated near DIKhan like Jandula, Wana and Bhakkar depends on this hospital for their treatment. The staff and patients of Zanana Hospital DIKhan was population of the study. Purposive sampling was used in terms of doctors and nurses however but random in case of patients. The reason was that the doctors and nurses were identifiable and calculated but patients were numerous therefore, whoever could be contacted, in case of the respondent of this study. A very small number of patients get some medicines from hospital store, off course limitation of budget is there, but miss-use of available medicine in the hospital store is also responsible for the lack of free medicine facility. Low quality medicines are accepted, which doctors do not want to prescribe. KEY WORDS;  Health, Mortality, Economic and social development, Female patients

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