12 research outputs found

    Los factores influyentes en las legislaciones latinoamericanas para despenalizar los delitos contra el honor en los diez últimos años.

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    La presente investigación partió del problema: ¿Cuáles fueron los factores socio – criminales y jurídicos que influyeron en las legislaciones latinoamericanas para despenalizar los delitos contra el honor en los últimos diez años? ; siendo el objetivo contrastar y determinar los factores socio – criminales y jurídicos que influyeron en las legislaciones latinoamericanas para despenalizar los delitos contra el honor en los últimos diez años. La investigación se ubicó en dentro de la investigación dogmática y cualitativa, en la técnica se usó el análisis documental cualitativa, llegando a la conclusión que Argentina, Uruguay, El Salvador, Jamaica y México de forma interna y externa han sido influidos jurídicamente por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos para despenalizar y descriminalizar los delitos contra el honor, siendo los principales la injuria, la calumnia y la difamación. Recomendamos al Estado Peruano a través del Congreso de la República fomentar los proyectos de ley para despenalizar y posteriormente descriminalizar los delitos contra el honor derivándolos a la vía civil, en cuanto no se pierda la protección del honor de las personas, basados en la libertad de expresión sobre todo cuando se trata de asuntos públicos, conforme a la tendencia internacional; realizar estudios tanto a nivel regional, nacional a nivel local sobre los delitos de injuria, calumnia y difamación en todas sus vertientes tomando en cuenta los resultados de la presente investigación y mejorando su metodología

    On-Site Test Collection Intervention Improves Lead Screening Rates at an Urban Family Medicine Practice

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    Study Aims: Examine the effect of on-site lead screening collection on resulted lead screening rates.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Metagenomic Analysis of Plant Virus Occurrence in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Central Kenya.

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    Two closely related potyviruses, bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV), are regarded as major constraints on production of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Eastern and Central Africa, where this crop provides a high proportion of dietary protein as well as other nutritional, agronomic, and economic benefits. Previous studies using antibody-based assays and indicator plants indicated that BCMV and BCMNV are both prevalent in bean fields in the region but these approaches cannot distinguish between these potyviruses or detect other viruses that may threaten the crop. In this study, we utilized next generation shotgun sequencing for a metagenomic examination of viruses present in bean plants growing at two locations in Kenya: the University of Nairobi Research Farm in Nairobi's Kabete district and at sites in Kirinyaga County. RNA was extracted from leaves of bean plants exhibiting apparent viral symptoms and sequenced on the Illumina MiSeq platform. We detected BCMNV, cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), and Phaseolus vulgaris alphaendornaviruses 1 and 2 (PvEV1 and 2), with CMV present in the Kirinyaga samples. The CMV strain detected in this study was most closely related to Asian strains, which suggests that it may be a recent introduction to the region. Surprisingly, and in contrast to previous surveys, BCMV was not detected in plants at either location. Some plants were infected with PvEV1 and 2. The detection of PvEV1 and 2 suggests these seed transmitted viruses may be more prevalent in Eastern African bean germplasm than previously thought.This work was supported by grants from UK Biotechnological and Biological Sciences Research Council (SCPRID Grant Number BB/J011762/1 and GCRF Grant Number BB/P023223/1) and the Republic of Korea Rural Development Agency (Grant PJ012426)

    Distribution of CNEs along the Human Genome

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    <div><p>(A) Each CNE is plotted relative to its position along each of human Chromosomes 1 to 9 (data for other chromosomes not shown). The y-axis represents length along the chromosome (in megabases).</p> <p>(B) Distribution of the fraction of CNEs that are within certain distances of each other; e.g., 85% of the distances between CNEs are less than or equal to 370 kb. χ<sup>2</sup> tests were carried out by comparing observed cluster sizes with those generated randomly for each chromosome (see <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.0030007#s4" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a>).</p></div

    MLAGAN Alignments of Regions Encompassing the PAX6, HLXB9, and SHH Genes

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    <p>PAX6 (A), HLXB9 (B), and SHH (C). In each panel, human (top), mouse (middle), and rat (bottom) genomic DNA from Ensembl is aligned with <i>Fugu</i> genomic DNA from orthologous regions. Alignment parameters are the same as in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.0030007#pbio-0030007-g002" target="_blank">Figure 2</a>. Seventeen elements that have been functionally assayed from these regions have been labelled. The following were identified as CNEs: PAX6_6, PAX6_9–10, KIAA0010_1, and KIAA0010_3.</p

    Comparative Sequence Analysis of the SOX21 Gene

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    <div><p>SOX21 genomic regions for mouse, human, and rat were extracted from Ensembl to include all flanking DNA up to the nearest neighbouring genes (ABCC4 and NM_180989 in the human genome and their orthologues in the rodent genomes). The region covering <i>Fugu</i> SOX21 (138–178 kb of <i>Fugu</i> Scaffold_293 [M000293]) was extracted from the <i>Fugu</i> Genome Server at <a href="http://fugu.rfcgr.mrc.ac.uk/fugu-bin/clonesearch" target="_blank">http://fugu.rfcgr.mrc.ac.uk/fugu-bin/clonesearch</a>.</p> <p>(A) MLAGAN alignment of the SOX21 gene using <i>Fugu</i> DNA as the base sequence compared with mouse, rat, and human genomic DNA. Coloured peaks represent regions of sequence conservation above 60% over at least 40 bp. The SOX21 coding region (SOX21 is a single exon gene) is annotated, and sequence identity is shaded in blue. Non-coding regions of sequence identity are shaded in pink. The eight elements that have been functionally assayed are labelled. Six of these are identified in the global analysis as seven CNEs (SOX21_8–10 covers two CNEs). SOX21_7 and SOX21_18 are rCNEs.</p> <p>(B) Multiple DNA sequence alignments of CNE SOX21_1 and CNE SOX21_19 between mouse, rat, human, and <i>Fugu</i>.</p></div

    Composite Overviews of GFP Expression Patterns Induced by Different Elements Tested in the Functional Assay

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    <p>Cumulative GFP expression data, from <i>SOX21</i>-associated elements (A), <i>PAX6</i>-associated elements (B), <i>HLXB9</i>-associated elements (C), and <i>SHH</i>-associated elements (D). Cumulative data pooled from multiple embryos per element on day 2 of development (approximately 26–33 hpf) are displayed schematically overlayed on camera lucida drawings of a 31-hpf zebrafish embryo. Categories of cell type are colour-coded: key is at bottom of figure. Bar graphs encompass the same dataset as the schematics and use the same colour code for tissue types. Bar graphs display the percentage of GFP-expressing embryos that show expression in each tissue category for a given element. The total number of expressing embryos analysed per element is displayed in the top left corner of each graph. Legend for the bar graph columns accompanies the bottom graph in each panel; “blood+” refers to circulating blood cells plus blood island region, “heart+” refers to heart and pericardial region (Please note: Some cells categorised as heart/pericardial region may be circulating blood cells), and “skin” refers to cells of the epidermis or EVL. s. cord, spinal cord.</p

    Different Elements Enhance GFP Expression in Specific Tissue and Cell Types

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    <div><p>GFP expression is shown in fixed tissue following wholemount anti-GFP immunostaining, bright-field views (A–D, F, J, K, and N), or in live embryos as GFP fluorescence, merged bright-field and fluorescent views (E, G–I, L, M, and O). Lateral views, anterior to the left, dorsal to the top (A, B, and D–O) or dorsal view, anterior to the top (C). Embryos approximately 28–33 hpf (A, D–I, L, and O), approximately 48 hpf (B, C, J, K, and N), or approximately 26 hpf (M). The identity of the element co-injected with the GFP reporter construct is shown at the bottom of each panel. Black arrows indicate the approximate position of the midbrain–hindbrain boundary; black and white arrowheads indicate GFP-expressing cells.</p> <p>Scale bars approximately 100 μm (A–E, G–I, and L–O) and 50 μm (F, J, and K).</p> <p>b, blood island; d, diencephalon; e, eye; f, fin fold; hb, hindbrain; l, lens; n, notochord; ov, otic vesicle; r, retina; s, somite; sc, spinal cord; t, telencephalon; te, tectum; y, yolk.</p> <p>(A) SOX21_4. Head region (eyes removed): neurons in the telencephalon and diencephalon are GFP-positive (arrowheads).</p> <p>(B) SOX21_19. Head region: numerous GFP-expressing neurons are visible in the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. Retinal expression is also apparent.</p> <p>(C) SOX21_5–6. Hindbrain region: white arrowheads indicate GFP expression by several cells in the epithelium of the right developing ear (ov). GFP-expressing cells in left deveoping ear are in slightly different focal plane.</p> <p>(D) SOX21_1. Trunk region: two individual notochord cells express GFP (arrowheads).</p> <p>(E) PAX6_6. Head region of live embryo: GFP is expressed in several retinal cells.</p> <p>(F) PAX6_9–10. Anterior trunk region (at the level of somites 1–3): three spinal cord neurons with ventrally projecting axons express GFP (arrowheads).</p> <p>(G) PAX6_1. Tail region of live embryo: arrowhead indicates GFP expression in the developing median fin fold.</p> <p>(H) KIAA0010_1. Trunk region, three notochord cells express GFP (arrowheads).</p> <p>(I) KIAA0010_2. Anterior end of embryo: arrowheads point to circulating blood cells expressing GFP.</p> <p>(J) HLXB9_3. Trunk region: GFP-expressing muscle fibres in somite 5 (arrowheads) lie immediately dorsal and ventral to the horizontal myoseptum.</p> <p>(K) HLXB9_3. Trunk region (at the level of somites 13–15): arrowheads mark GFP expression in six cells forming the epidermis or EVL.</p> <p>(L) SHH_6. Whole live embryo: numerous GFP-expressing muscle fibres can be seen in the trunk.</p> <p>(M) SHH_1. Tail region of live embryo: GFP is expressed in a single bipolar neuron near the caudal end of the spinal cord (arrowhead marks cell body).</p> <p>(N) SHH_4. Head region (dorsolateral view): cells labelled with anti-GFP include midbrain and hindbrain neurons and cells in the retina (slightly out of focal plane). Arrowheads indicate cell bodies of hindbrain neurons, from which axons can be seen projecting ventrally.</p> <p>(O) SHH_2. Trunk region of live embryo: GFP-positive cells in the region of the blood islands (caudal to the urogenital opening; arrowheads) show a slightly elongated morphology, suggesting they may be blood vessel precursors rather than blood cells.</p></div