15 research outputs found

    Flight and Dietary Antioxidants Influence Antioxidant Expression and Activity in A Migratory Bird

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    Ecologically-relevant factors such as exercise and diet quality can directly influence how physiological systems work including those involved in maintaining oxidative balance; however, to our knowledge, no studies to date have focused on how such factors directly affect expression of key components of the endogenous antioxidant system (i.e., transcription factors, select antioxidant genes, and corresponding antioxidant enzymes) in several metabolically active tissues of a migratory songbird. We conducted a 3-factor experiment that tested the following hypotheses: (H1) Daily flying over several weeks increases the expression of transcription factors NRF2 and PPARs as well as endogenous antioxidant genes (i.e., CAT, SOD1, SOD2, GPX1, GPX4), and upregulates endogenous antioxidant enzyme activities (i.e., CAT, SOD, GPx). (H2) Songbirds fed diets composed of more 18:2n-6 PUFA are more susceptible to oxidative damage and thus upregulate their endogenous antioxidant system compared to when fed diets with less PUFA. (H3) Songbirds fed dietary anthocyanins gain additional antioxidant protection and thus upregulate their endogenous antioxidant system less compared to songbirds not fed anthocyanins. Flight training increased the expression of 3 of the 6 antioxidant genes and transcription factors measured in the liver, consistent with H1, but for only one gene (SOD2) in the pectoralis. Dietary fat quality had no effect on antioxidant pathways (H2) whereas dietary anthocyanins increased the expression of select antioxidant enzymes in the pectoralis, but not in the liver (H3). These tissue-specific differences in response to flying and dietary antioxidants are likely explained by functional differences between tissues as well as fundamental differences in their turnover rates. The consumption of dietary antioxidants along with regular flying enables birds during migration to stimulate the expression of genes involved in antioxidant protection likely through increasing the transcriptional activity of NRF2 and PPARs, and thereby demonstrates for the first time that these relevant ecological factors affect the regulation of key antioxidant pathways in wild birds. What remains to be demonstrated is how the extent of these ecological factors (i.e., intensity or duration of flight, amounts of dietary antioxidants) influences the regulation of these antioxidant pathways and thus oxidative balance

    Concerted Phenotypic Flexibility of Avian Erythrocyte Size and Number in Response to Dietary Anthocyanin Supplementation

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    Background: Endurance flight impose substantial oxidative costs on the avian oxygen delivery system. In particular, the accumulation of irreversible damage in red blood cells can reduce the capacity of blood to transport oxygen and limit aerobic performance. Many songbirds consume large amounts of anthocyanin-rich fruit, which is hypothesized to reduce oxidative costs, enhance post-flight regeneration, and enable greater aerobic capacity. While their antioxidant benefits appear most straightforward, the effects of anthocyanins on blood composition remain so far unknown. We fed thirty hand-raised European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) two semisynthetic diets (with or without anthocyanin supplement) and manipulated the extent of flight activity in a wind tunnel (daily flying or non-flying for over two weeks) to test for their interactive effects on functionally important haematological variables. Results: Supplemented birds had on average 15% more and 4% smaller red blood cells compared to non-supplemented individuals and these diet effects were independent of flight manipulation. Haemoglobin content was 7% higher in non-supplemented flying birds compared to non-flying birds, while similar haemoglobin content was observed among supplemented birds that were flown or not. Neither diet nor flight activity influenced haematocrit. Conclusion: The concerted adjustments suggest that supplementation generally improved antioxidant protection in blood, which could prevent the excess removal of cells from the bloodstream and may have several implications on the oxygen delivery system, including improved gas exchange and blood flow. The flexible haematological response to dietary anthocyanins may also suggest that free-ranging species preferentially consume anthocyanin-rich fruits for their natural blood doping, oxygen delivery-enhancement effects

    The Energy Savings-Oxidative Cost Trade- Off for Migratory Birds During Endurance Flight

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    Elite human and animal athletes must acquire the fuels necessary for extreme feats, but also contend with the oxidative damage associated with peak metabolic performance. Here, we show that a migratory bird with fuel stores composed of more omega-6 polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) expended 11% less energy during long-duration (6 hr) flights with no change in oxidative costs; however, this short-term energy savings came at the long-term cost of higher oxidative damage in the omega-6 PUFA-fed birds. Given that fatty acids are primary fuels, key signaling molecules, the building blocks of cell membranes, and that oxidative damage has long-term consequences for health and ageing, the energy savings-oxidative cost trade-off demonstrated here may be fundamentally important for a wide diversity of organisms on earth

    Environmental cues and dietary antioxidants affect breeding behavior and testosterone of male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)

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    Environmental cues, such as photoperiod, regulate the timing of major life-history events like breeding through direct neuroendocrine control. Less known is how supplementary environmental cues (e.g., nest sites, food availability) interact to influence key hormones and behaviors involved in reproduction, specifically in mi- gratory species with gonadal recrudescence largely occurring at breeding sites. We investigated the behavioral and physiological responses of male European starlings to the sequential addition of nest boxes and nesting material, green herbs, and female conspecifics and how these responses depend on the availability of certain antioxidants (anthocyanins) in the diet. As expected, cloacal protuberance volume and plasma testosterone of males generally increased with photoperiod. More notably, testosterone levels peaked in males fed the high antioxidant diet when both nest box and herbal cues were present, while males fed the low antioxidant diet showed no or only a muted testosterone response to the sequential addition of these environmental cues; thus our results are in agreement with the oxidation handicap hypothesis. Males fed the high antioxidant diet maintained a constant frequency of breeding behaviors over time, whereas those fed the low antioxidant diet decreased breeding behaviors as environmental cues were sequentially added. Overall, sequential addition of the environmental cues modulated physiological and behavioral measures of reproductive condition, and dietary antioxidants were shown to be a key factor in affecting the degree of response to each of these cues. Our results highlight the importance of supplementary environmental cues and key resources such as dietary antioxidants in enhancing breeding condition of males, which conceivably aid in attraction of high quality females and reproductive success

    Dietary Linoleic Acid, Antioxidants, and Flight Training Influence the Activity of Oxidative Enzymes in European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)

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    Multiple studies have demonstrated that diet (e.g., fatty acid composition, antioxidants) and exercise training affect the metabolic performance of songbirds during aerobic activity, although the physiological mechanisms that cause such an effect remain unclear. We tested the hypothesis that elevated proportions of dietary linoleic acid (18:2n6) and amounts of dietary anthocyanins (a hydrophilic antioxidant class) influence the activity and protein expression of oxidative enzymes in flight and leg muscle of European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris N = 96), a subset of which were flown over 15 days in a wind tunnel. Carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT) and citrate synthase (CS) activity displayed 18:2n6-dependent relationships with soluble protein concentration. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was similarly related to protein concentration although also dependent on both dietary anthocyanins and flight training. 3-Hydroxyacyl CoA Dehydrogenase (HOAD) activity increased throughout the experiment in flight muscle, whereas this relationship was dependent on dietary anthocyanins in the leg muscle. Soluble protein concentration also increased throughout the experiment in the flight muscle, but was unrelated to date in the leg muscle, instead being influenced by both dietary anthocyanins and flight training. Training also produced additive increases in CPT and leg muscle HOAD activity. FAT/CD36 expression was related to both dietary 18:2n6 and training and changed over the course of the experiment. These results demonstrate a notable influence of our diet manipulations and flight training on the activity of these key oxidative enzymes, and particularly CPT and CS. Such influence suggests a plausible mechanism linking diet quality and metabolic performance in songbirds

    Flight Training in a Migratory Bird Drives Metabolic Gene Expression in the Flight Muscle but not Liver, and Dietary Fat Quality Influences Select Genes

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    Training and diet are hypothesized to directly stimulate key molecular pathways that mediate animal performance, and flight-training, dietary fats, and dietary antioxidants are likely important in modulating molecular metabolism in migratory birds. This study experimentally investigated how long-distance flight-training as well as diet composition, affected the expression of key metabolic genes in the pectoralis muscle and the liver of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris, N=95). Starlings were fed diets composed of either a high or low polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA; 18:2n-6) and supplemented with or without a water-soluble antioxidant, and half of these birds were flight-trained in a wind-tunnel while the rest were untrained. We measured the expression of 7 (liver) or 10 (pectoralis) key metabolic genes in flight-trained and untrained birds. Fifty percent of genes involved in mitochondrial metabolism and fat utilization were upregulated by flight-training in the pectoralis (

    Manipulation of photoperiod induces fat storage, but not fat mobilization in the migratory songbird, Dumetella carolinensis (Gray Catbird).

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    Associated R code and data sets for analyses related to the "Manipulation of photoperiod induces fat storage, but not fat mobilization in the migratory songbird, Dumetella carolinensis (Gray Catbird)." publication.RUNNING TITLE: Photoperiod induces fat storage in a migratory songbird

    Dietary Fatty Acids and Flight-Training Influence the Expression of the Eicosanoid Hormone Prostacyclin in Songbirds

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    Diet shifts can alter tissue fatty acid composition in birds, which is subsequently related to metabolic patterns. Eicosanoids, short-lived fatty acid-derived hormones, have been proposed to mediate these relationships but neither baseline concentrations nor the responses to diet and exercise have been measured in songbirds. We quantified a stable derivative of the vasodilatory eicosanoid prostacyclin in the plasma of male European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris, N = 25) fed semisynthetic diets with either high (PUFA) or low (MUFA) amounts of n6 fatty acid precursors to prostacyclin. Plasma samples were taken from each bird before, immediately after, and two days following a 15-day flight-training regimen that a subset of birds (N = 17) underwent. We found elevated prostacyclin levels in flight-trained birds fed the PUFA diet compared to those fed the MUFA diet and a positive relationship between prostacyclin and body condition, indexed by fat score. Prostacyclin concentrations also significantly decreased at the final time point. These results are consistent with the proposed influences of precursor availability (i.e., dietary fatty acids) and regulatory feedback associated with exercise (i.e., fuel supply and inflammation), and suggest that prostacyclin may be an important mediator of dietary influence on songbird physiology