1,084 research outputs found

    Analog Simulation of Weyl Particles with Cold Atoms

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    We study theoretically, numerically, and experimentally the relaxation of a collisionless gas in a quadrupole trap after a momentum kick. The non-separability of the potential enables a quasi thermalization of the single particle distribution function even in the absence of interactions. Suprinsingly, the dynamics features an effective decoupling between the strong trapping axis and the weak trapping plane. The energy delivered during the kick is redistributed according to the symmetries of the system and satisfies the Virial theorem, allowing for the prediction of the final temperatures. We show that this behaviour is formally equivalent to the relaxation of massless relativistic Weyl fermions after a sudden displacement from the center of a harmonic trap

    Semantic-role prominence is contingent on referent prominence in discourse: Experimental evidence from impersonals and passives in Polish

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    The present paper reports two acceptability-rating experiments and a supporting corpus study for Polish that tested the acceptability and frequency of five verb classes (WATCH, SEE, HATE, KNOW, EXHIBIT), entailing different sets of agentivity features, in different syntactic constructions: a) the personal passive (e.g. zachód słońca był oglądany ‘the sunset was watched’), b) the impersonal -no/-to construction (e.g. oglądano zachód słońca ‘people/they/one watched the sunset’), and c) the personal active construction (e.g. niektórzy oglądali zachód słońca ‘some (people) watched the sunset’). We asked whether acceptability ratings would show identical acceptability clines across constructions affected by agentivity, as predicted from Dowty’s (1991) prototype account of semantic roles with feature accumulation as its central mechanism, or whether clines would vary depending on syntactic construction, as predicted from Himmelmann & Primus’ (2015) prominence account that uses feature weighting to describe role-related effects. In contrasting the applicability of these two accounts, we also investigated whether previous research findings from German replicate in Polish, thereby revealing cross-linguistic stability or variation. Our results show that the five verb classes yield different acceptability clines in all three Polish constructions and that the clines for Polish and German passives show cross-linguistic variation. This pattern cannot be explained by role prototypicality, so that the experiments provide further evidence for the prominence account of role-related effects in sentence interpretation. Moreover, our data suggest that experiencer verbs interact differently with the animacy of the subject referent, yielding different results for perception verbs (SEE), emotion verbs (HATE), and cognition verbs (KNOW)

    Organic Food Claims in Europe

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    Better regulatory guidelines, improved testing methods, and additional research into product quality criteria are needed to further develop the European organic food market

    Für mehr Zirkularität - Flächenbedarfe der Bauschuttaufbereitung als Grundlage zur Kreislaufführung mineralischer Bau- und Abbruchmaterialien

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    Der Einsatz hochqualitativer, mineralischer Sekundärrohstoffe spielt im sächsischen Bausektor eine untergeordnete Rolle. Fehlende Informationen und Planungen über geeignete Flächen zur Errichtung von Bauschuttaufbereitungsanlagen zur Herstellung von Sekundärmaterialien hemmen den Ausbau der Aufbereitungskapazitäten. Das vorgestellte Flächenbedarfsabschätzungs-Tool soll dem entgegenwirken. Es ermöglicht anhand identifizierter Kriterien die Suche nach geeigneten Flächen sowie das Ranking potenzieller Standorte und damit den Abgleich von Flächenbedarf und -angebot auf Basis frei verfügbarer Geodaten. Erste Ergebnisse der Analysen zeigen, dass die Flächennachfrage größer ist als das Flächenangebot. Perspektivisch muss diese Flächennachfrage im Zuge der strategischen Flächennutzungs- und Regionalplanung berücksichtigt werden, wenn die Kapazitäten der Bauschuttaufbereitung erhöht werden sollen. Das Flächenbedarfsabschätzungs-Tool soll den Planungsträgern zur eigenständigen Nutzung übergeben werden und so Planungsprozesse unterstützen

    Warenlagergebäude in Deutschland: Eine neue Methodik zur regionalen Quantifizierung der Flächeninanspruchnahme

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    Rund ein Viertel der neu errichteten Nutzfläche in deutschen Nichtwohngebäuden entfiel im Jahr 2018 auf das Segment der Warenlagergebäude. Trotz dieser großen Bedeutung mangelt es an tiefergehenden Analysen bezüglich der regionalen und sektoralen Bautätigkeit. In der Folge ist bisher wenig über die Flächeninanspruchnahme durch diese Bautätigkeit bekannt. In vorliegendem Beitrag wird eine Methodik zur regionalen Quantifizierung der deutschlandweiten Flächeninanspruchnahme von Warenlagergebäuden vorgestellt. Auf der Basis eines Datensatzes des Forschungsdatenzentrums der Jahre 2000 bis 2015 sowie durch Anwendung GIS-gestützter Umrechnungsparameter sind Aussagen zur kleinräumigen Ausprägung der Flächeninanspruchnahme bis auf Gemeindeebene möglich. Es zeigt sich, dass das Segment der Warenlagergebäude in dreifacher Hinsicht durch Konzentrationseffekte gekennzeichnet ist: Die Gebäude werden immer größer, sie werden in zunehmendem Maße durch spezialisierte Logistikdienstleister errichtet und konzentrieren sich räumlich auf einige wenige, gut angebundene Standorte. In der Folge nimmt konträr zur allgemeinen Entwicklung die Flächeninanspruchnahme in diesem Segment stetig zu. Für das Gelingen nationaler Flächenhaushaltsziele scheint zukünftig eine differenzierte Betrachtung spezifischer Nutzungsarten, Raumkontexte sowie damit verbundener Einflussgrößen ratsam.In 2018, the building segment of warehouse buildings accounted for around a quarter of all newly constructed floor space in German non-residential buildings. Despite this great significance, there is a lack of in-depth analyses that look at construction activity in a differentiated manner by region and sector. As a consequence, little is known about the land-use implications of construction in this building segment. This paper presents a methodology to quantify the land use of warehouse buildings on a regional scale. Based on a dataset from the Research Data Centre for the years 2000 to 2015 and by applying GIS-supported conversion parameters, propositions on the small-scale nature of land use down to the municipal level are possible. It is apparent that the segment of warehouse buildings is characterized by concentration effects in three respects: the buildings are becoming larger and larger, they are increasingly being constructed by specialized logistics service providers and are spatially concentrated in only a few well-connected municipalities. As a result, contrary to the general trend, the land use of this segment is steadily increasing over time. A differentiated consideration of land use along spatial and functional contexts seems to be advisable for the success of national land-use targets

    Raltitrexed (Tomudex): an alternative drug for patients with colorectal cancer and 5-fluorouracil associated cardiotoxicity.

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    Two patients with proven 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-associated cardiotoxicity were treated with the specific thymidylate synthase inhibitor raltitrexed safely, without evidence of cardiotoxicity. Raltitrexed might be an alternative for patients with advanced colorectal cancer and 5-FU-associated cardiotoxicity. 5-FU cardiotoxicity is not due to the antineoplastic mechanisms via thymidilate synthase

    Características produtivas e qualitativas de genótipos de morangueiro no Planalto Catarinense

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    To produce strawberries on a commercial scale, it is necessary to choose the cultivars best adapted to the growing site. This work aimed to compare strawberry genotypes regarding production and fruit quality, in the municipality of Lages, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, during the 2017/2018 harvest season. In this work, 15 genotypes were evaluated, five commercial cultivars and ten advanced selections. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four replicates and plots of 11 plants. The cultivation system used was in the soil of an open field, in beds of approximately 90 centimeters, with three rows per bed. Planting distance was of 30 centimeters between rows and plants. The Sabrina cultivar showed the highest production (1,231.77 g plant-1) and number of fruits (78.48 fruits plant-1). The highest quality fruits were obtained from the selections FRF PIR 256.4, FRF 104.1, FRF 57.6, FRF LAM 119.1 and cultivar Pircinque, characterized by soluble solids/titratable acidity ratios above 15. In the productive cycle in question, cultivar Sabrina presented the best performance, demonstrating the potential for recommendation to the producers of the South Plateau of State of Santa Catarina.Para produzir morangos em escala comercial, é necessário escolher as cultivares melhor adaptadas ao local de cultivo. Objetivou-se com este trabalho confrontar genótipos de morangueiro quanto a aspectos de produção e qualidade de frutos, no município de Lages, em Santa Catarina, no ciclo agrícola 2017/2018. Foram avaliados 15 genótipos, sendo cinco cultivares comerciais e dez seleções avançadas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, e parcelas constituídas por 11 plantas. O sistema de cultivo utilizado foi no solo, em campo aberto, em canteiros com aproximadamente 90 centímetros de largura, com três linhas de plantio por canteiro. A distância de plantio foi de 30 centímetros, entre fileiras e plantas. A cultivar Sabrina obteve a maior produção (1.231,77 g planta-1) e número de frutos (78,48 frutos planta-1). Com as seleções FRF PIR 256.4, FRF 104.1, FRF 57.6, FRF LAM 119.1 e a cultivar Pircinque se obtiveram os frutos de qualidade superior, caracterizados por médias acima de 15 para a relação sólidos solúveis / acidez titulável. No ciclo produtivo em questão, a cultivar Sabrina apresentou o melhor desempenho, demonstrando potencial para ser recomendada aos produtores da região do Planalto Sul Catarinense