1,230 research outputs found

    A K-band spectral mini-survey of Galactic B[e] stars

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    We present a mini-survey of Galactic B[e] stars mainly undertaken with the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). B[e] stars show morphological features with hydrogen emission lines and an infrared excess, attributed to warm circumstellar dust. In general, these features are assumed to arise from dense, non-spherical, disk-forming circumstellar material in which molecules and dust can condensate. Due to the lack of reliable luminosities, the class of Galactic B[e] stars contains stars at very different stellar evolutionary phases like Herbig AeBe, supergiants or planetary nebulae. We took near-infrared long-slit K-band spectra for a sample of Galactic B[e] stars with the LBT-Luci I. Prominent spectral features, such as the Brackett gamma line and CO band heads are identified in the spectra. The analysis shows that the stars can be characterized as evolved objects. Among others we find one LBV candidate (MWC314), one supergiant B[e] candidate with 13CO (MWC137) and in two cases (MWC623 and AS 381) indications for the existence of a late-type binary companion, complementary to previous studies. For MWC84, IR spectra were taken at different epochs with LBT-Luci I and the GNIRS spectrograph at the Gemini North telescope. The new data show the disappearance of the circumstellar CO emission around this star, previously detectable over decades. Also no signs of a recent prominent eruption leading to the formation of new CO disk emission are found during 2010 and 2013.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS (in press

    Monte-Carlo radiative transfer simulation of the circumstellar disk of the Herbig Ae star HD 144432

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    Studies of pre-transitional disks, with a gap region between the inner infrared-emitting region and the outer disk, are important to improving our understanding of disk evolution and planet formation. Previous infrared interferometric observations have shown hints of a gap region in the protoplanetary disk around the Herbig Ae star HD~144432. We study the dust distribution around this star with two-dimensional radiative transfer modeling. We compare the model predictions obtained via the Monte-Carlo radiative transfer code RADMC-3D with infrared interferometric observations and the {\SED} of HD~144432. The best-fit model that we found consists of an inner optically thin component at 0.21\enDash0.32~\AU and an optically thick outer disk at 1.4\enDash10~\AU. We also found an alternative model in which the inner sub-AU region consists of an optically thin and an optically thick component. Our modeling suggests an optically thin component exists in the inner sub-AU region, although an optically thick component may coexist in the same region. Our modeling also suggests a gap-like discontinuity in the disk of HD~144432.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Second-order MCSCF optimization revisited. I. Improved algorithms for fast and robust second-order CASSCF convergence

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    A new improved implementation of the second-order multiconfiguration self-consistent field optimization method of Werner and Knowles [J. Chem. Phys. 82, 5053 (1985)] is presented. It differs from the original method by more stable and efficient algorithms for minimizing the second-order energy approximation in the so-called microiterations. Conventionally, this proceeds by alternating optimizations of the orbitals and configuration (CI) coefficients and is linearly convergent. The most difficult part is the orbital optimization, which requires solving a system of nonlinear equations that are often strongly coupled. We present a much improved algorithm for solving this problem, using an iterative subspace method that includes part of the orbital Hessian explicitly, and discuss different strategies for performing the uncoupled optimization in a most efficient manner. Second, we present a new solver in which the orbital-CI coupling is treated explicitly. This leads to quadratic convergence of the microiterations but requires many additional evaluations of reduced (transition) density matrices. In difficult optimization problems with a strong coupling of the orbitals and CI coefficients, it leads to much improved convergence of both the macroiterations and the microiterations. Third, the orbital-CI coupling is treated approximately using a quasi-Newton approach with Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno updates of the orbital Hessian. It is demonstrated that this converges almost as well as the explicitly coupled method but avoids the additional effort for computing many transition density matrices. The performance of the three methods is compared for a set of 21 aromatic molecules, an Fe(ii)-porphine transition metal complex, as well as for the [Cu2O2(NH3) 6]2+, FeCl3, Co2(CO)6C2H2, and Al4O2 complexes. In all cases, faster and more stable convergence than with the original implementation is achieved

    AMBER/VLTI observations of the B[e] star MWC 300

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    Aims. We study the enigmatic B[e] star MWC 300 to investigate its disk and binary with milli-arcsecond-scale angular resolution. Methods. We observed MWC 300 with the VLTI/AMBER instrument in the H and K bands and compared these observations with temperature-gradient models to derive model parameters. Results. The measured low visibility values, wavelength dependence of the visibilities, and wavelength dependence of the closure phase directly suggest that MWC 300 consists of a resolved disk and a close binary. We present a model consisting of a binary and a temperature-gradient disk that is able to reproduce the visibilities, closure phases, and spectral energy distribution. This model allows us to constrain the projected binary separation (~4.4 mas or ~7.9 AU), the flux ratio of the binary components (~2.2), the disk temperature power-law index, and other parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted by A&

    First NIR interferometrically resolved high order Brackett and forbidden Fe lines of a B[e] star: V921 Sco

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Oxford University Press (OUP) via the DOI in this record.We present near-infrared interferometric AMBER observations of the B[e] binary V921 Sco at low (R∼30) and medium spectral resolution (R∼1500) in the K- and H-bands. Low spectral resolution AMBER data were used to estimate the position of the companion V921 Sco B and confirmed a clockwise movement on sky with respect to the primary of 33○ between 2008 and 2012. Our observations resolve for the first time higher order Brackett lines (Br6–Br12). The modelling of the different line transitions revealed a decrease in the size of the line-emitting regions from Br3–Br12. We are able to reproduce this decrease with a simple radiative transfer model of an equatorial disk in local thermodynamic equilibrium. In addition to the Brackett series, we also resolve permitted and forbidden Fe line emission. Our modelling shows that these lines originate from ∼2au from the star, corresponding roughly to the measured dust sublimation region. This might indicate that the forbidden line emission arises from shock-excitation at the base of a disk wind.Science and Technology Facilities CouncilEuropean Commissio

    sQUlearn \unicode{x2013} A Python Library for Quantum Machine Learning

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    sQUlearn introduces a user-friendly, NISQ-ready Python library for quantum machine learning (QML), designed for seamless integration with classical machine learning tools like scikit-learn. The library's dual-layer architecture serves both QML researchers and practitioners, enabling efficient prototyping, experimentation, and pipelining. sQUlearn provides a comprehensive toolset that includes both quantum kernel methods and quantum neural networks, along with features like customizable data encoding strategies, automated execution handling, and specialized kernel regularization techniques. By focusing on NISQ-compatibility and end-to-end automation, sQUlearn aims to bridge the gap between current quantum computing capabilities and practical machine learning applications.Comment: 10+5 pages, 5+3 figure

    The inner circumstellar disk of the UX Ori star V1026 Sco

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    The UX Ori type variables (named after the prototype of their class) are intermediate-mass pre-main sequence objects. One of the most likely causes of their variability is the obscuration of the central star by orbiting dust clouds. We investigate the structure of the circumstellar environment of the UX~Ori star V1026 Sco (HD 142666) and test whether the disk inclination is large enough to explain the UX Ori variability. We observed the object in the low-resolution mode of the near-infrared interferometric VLTI/AMBER instrument and derived H- and K-band visibilities and closure phases. We modeled our AMBER observations, published Keck Interferometer observations, archival MIDI/VLTI visibilities, and the spectral energy distribution using geometric and temperature-gradient models. Employing a geometric inclined-ring disk model, we find a ring radius of 0.15 +- 0.06 AU in the H band and 0.18 +- 0.06 AU in the K band. The best-fit temperature-gradient model consists of a star and two concentric, ring-shaped disks. The inner disk has a temperature of 1257^{+133}_{-53} K at the inner rim and extends from 0.19 +- 0.01 AU to 0.23 +- 0.02 AU. The outer disk begins at 1.35^{+0.19}_{-0.20} AU and has an inner temperature of 334^{+35}_{-17} K. The derived inclination of 48.6^{+2.9}_{-3.6}deg approximately agrees with the inclination derived with the geometric model (49 +- 5deg in the K band and 50 +- 11deg in the H band). The position angle of the fitted geometric and temperature-gradient models are 163 +- 9deg (K band; 179 +- 17deg in the H band) and 169.3^{+4.2}_{-6.7}deg, respectively. The narrow width of the inner ring-shaped model disk and the disk gap might be an indication for a puffed-up inner rim shadowing outer parts of the disk. The intermediate inclination of ~50deg is consistent with models of UX Ori objects where dust clouds in the inclined disk obscure the central star

    On the ALMA observability of nascent massive multiple systems formed by gravitational instability

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    This is the final version. Available from Oxford University Press via the DOI in this record.Massive young stellar object (MYSOs) form during the collapse of high-mass pre-stellar cores, where infalling molecular material is accreted through a centrifugally-balanced accretion disc that is subject to efficient gravitational instabilities. In the resulting fragmented accretion disc of the MYSO, gaseous clumps and low-mass stellar companions can form, which will influence the future evolution of massive protostars in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. We perform dust continuum radiative transfer calculations and compute synthetic images of disc structures modelled by the gravito-radiation-hydrodynamics simulation of a forming MYSO, in order to investigate the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observability of circumstellar gaseous clumps and forming multiple systems. Both spiral arms and gaseous clumps located at ~a few 100 au from the protostar can be resolved by interferometric ALMA Cycle 7 C43-8 and C43-10 observations at band 6 (1.2 mm), using a maximal 0.015" beam angular resolution and at least 10-30 min exposure time for sources at distances of 1-2 kpc. Our study shows that substructures are observable regardless of their viewing geometry or can be inferred in the case of an edge-viewed disc. The observation probability of the clumps increases with the gradually increasing efficiency of gravitational instability at work as the disc evolves. As a consequence, large discs around MYSOs close to the zero-age-main-sequence line exhibit more substructures than at the end of the gravitational collapse. Our results motivate further observational campaigns devoted to the close surroundings of the massive protostars S255IR-NIRS3 and NGC 6334I-MM1, whose recent outbursts are a probable signature of disc fragmentation and accretion variability.European Research Council (ERC)Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)Russian Science FoundationSwiss National Science Foundatio

    A K-band spectral mini-survey of Galactic B[e] stars

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    We present a mini-survey of Galactic B[e] stars mainly undertaken with the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). B[e] stars show morphological features with hydrogen emission lines and an infrared excess, attributed to warm circumstellar dust. In general, these features are assumed to arise from dense, non-spherical, disc-forming circumstellar material in which molecules and dust can condensate. Due to the lack of reliable luminosities, the class of Galactic B[e] stars contains stars at very different stellar evolutionary phases like Herbig AeBe, supergiants or planetary nebulae. We took near-infrared long-slit K-band spectra for a sample of Galactic B[e] stars with the LBT-LUCI 1. Prominent spectral features, such as the Brackett γ line and CO band heads are identified in the spectra. The analysis shows that the stars can be characterized as evolved objects. Among others we find one luminous blue variable candidate (MWC314), one supergiant B[e]candidate with 13CO (MWC 137), and in two cases (MWC 623 and AS 381) indications for the existence of a late-type binary companion, complementary to previous studies. For MWC 84, IR spectra were taken at different epochs with LBT-LUCI 1 and the GNIRS spectrograph at the Gemini North telescope. The new data show the disappearance of the circumstellar CO emission around this star, previously detectable over decades. Also no signs of a recent prominent eruption leading to the formation of new CO disc emission are found during 2010 and 2013.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat
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