62 research outputs found

    Practices of Using Blockchain Technology in ICT under the Digitalization of the World Economy

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    Abstract. Pursuing the purpose of effective functioning in today's conditions, the business is forced to transform rapidly, to modernize at all levels. The world is changing, erasing the limits of its certainty. Companies need quality transformations and strategies that are effective in the face of rapid change towards "deep" digitization. Massive corporate management systems increasingly need the flexibility to keep pace with change. And companies with an innovative culture are more in need of creative tasks than implementing detailed regulations. In the post-industrial time of digital economy, issues related to the development of the information sphere, the media and communications, the usage of modern information systems to develop the economy and stabilize social development as a whole, come first. The basic principles of practical application of Blockchain are investigated in the work. The stages of development of Blockchain technology, the stages of development of Blockchain technologies by time, the application of distributed registry technology in Blockchain applications, the principles of construction and operation of Blockchain have been specified. The benefits of using NEM for business are substantiated and the components of Proxima X technology, protocols and service layers, on-line and off-line protocols, decentralized applications are exposed

    University innovative hubs as points of growth of industrial parks of Ukraine

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    The purpose of the article is generalization of features of expediency of the creation of innovative parks in Ukraine. Practical output of the results consists in the discovered success factors of the activity of innovative parks in Ukraine in order to create new opportunities of innovation development of the country. Current organizational and functional system of innovative entrepreneurship of Ukraine is an imperfect, complex and by all indications, is in the process of formation. It is assumed that infrastructure of international educational innovative hub can structurally corrected according to the area which operates a hub that is: stimulate the dialogue between academics, businessmen and government officials; provide an interactive exchange of explicit and implicit knowledge; generate shared vision on adaptation measures of dynamic environment. Evaluation of the results of scientific and pedagogical activities of working group of innovative hub should be made for following indicators: development of skills of teaching and research work; introducing of innovative approaches for practical individual activity; formation of innovative approaches for collective practical activity; working on the chosen scientific and methodological theme. Main advantage of proposed university innovative hubs is that laid all necessary foundations in order to high school could be as soon as effectively integrate the results of university, academic and sectoral sciences of Ukraine, well as advanced research results of scientific world community in the development and implementation of innovative projects and development innovation

    Факторы развития инновационной экономики в условиях институциональных изменений

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    The necessity of a theoretical analysis of the institutional features of forming the national innovation system is substantiated. An attempt to uncover the institutional factors of forming and strategic priorities of development of the innovation economy, including institutional vacuum and improperly development of separate institutions and subsystems, which reduces the efficiency of the economic system as a whole. Ukraine needs to go through the development of innovative, this will give businesses a competitive edge for obtaining economic profit. Going through innovative enterprises will receive economic benefits as a special form of production capacity, reduce the physical costs of production (less resource consumption) per unit compared to other producers in the area, or releasing products with features that are not in competition. The specified path is based on the creation of a businessperson technical, technological, and organizational advantage over other producers. In this case, the source of income that it receives, it is a temporary monopoly innovator. Only institutional transformation at the stage of the innovation model of economic development will enable Ukraine to adapt it to the requirements of the global information society and the world to continuously improve the economic behavior of economic agents and the mechanisms of market self-production- industrial complex of Ukraine, Small and Medium Enterprises.Обґрунтовано необхідність теоретичного аналізу інституціональних особливостей формування національної інноваційної системи. Зроблена спроба аналізу інституційних чинників, їх впливу на формування стратегічних пріоритетів розвитку інноваційної економіки, включаючи інституціональне середовище та той вакуум, що утворюється при неналежному функціонуванні окремих інститутів та підсистем, що знижує ефективність поступу національної економічної системи в цілому. Проведений аналіз дав змогу визначити пріоритетності "перезавантаження" державних фінансів для структурної та інноваційної перебудови економіки, а також напрями розвитку венчурного бізнесу та просування високотехнологічної конкурен тоспроможної продукції, що є дуже актуальним. Звернено увагу на те, що ефективне функціонування вітчизняної інноваційної системи залежить від того, наскільки ефективно взаємодіють учасники інноваційного процесу як елементи колективної системи створення знань та їх використання для технологічного прогресу та забезпечення конкурентоспроможності вітчизняної економіки. Зазначено, що Україні потрібно пройти розвиток інноваційних технологій, це дасть бізнесу конкурентоспроможну перевагу для отримання економічного прибутку.особенностей формирования национальной инновационной системы. Предпринята попытка анализа институциональных факторов, их влияния на формирование стратегических приоритетов развития инновационной экономики, включая институциональную среду и тот вакуум, который образуется при ненадлежащем функционировании отдельных институтов и подсистем, снижает эффективность продвижения национальной экономической системы в целом. Проведенный анализ позволил определить приоритетности "перезагрузки" государственных финансов для структурной и инновационной перестройки экономики, а также направления развития венчурного бизнеса и продвижения высокотехнологической конкурентоспособной продукции, что является на сегодня очень актуальным. Обращено внимание на то, что эффективное функционирование отечественной инновационной системы зависит от того, насколько эффективно взаимодействуют участники инновационного процесса как элементы коллективной системы создания знаний и их использования для технологического прогресса и обеспечения конкуренто - способности отечественной экономики. Отмечено, что Украине нужно пройти развитие инновационных технологий, это даст бизнесу конкурентоспособное преимущество для получения экономической прибыли. Доказано, что в условиях интеграционных вызовов актуализируются вопросы институциональной трансформации, которая на этапе инновационной модели экономического развития позволит Украине адаптировать ее к потребностям мирового информационного общества для постоянного совершенствования экономического поведения экономических агентов и механизмов рыночного развития хозяйственного комплекса Украины, малых и средних предприятий

    New quality of financial institutions and business management

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    Economic processes in the world are characterized by a high level of dynamism, change and innovative approaches to addressing key issues in nowadays. In a context of globalization and European integration of Ukraine into a high-tech competitive environment in order to financing innovative projects, it is necessary to use Blockchain technology as an effective tool for digital economy. Purpose of scientific research is to find out key priorities and functionalities of Blockchain’s application for solving business and government tasks. The object of scientific research is the latest financial technology Blockchain and a system of cult-technologies: crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, crowdinvesting. Methodology. In the process of re-search, the following methods are used: generalization – in studying the nature, pre-conditions and principles of Blockchain technologies; formalization – when compar-ing characteristics of the latest forms of financing, such as crowdsourcing, crowd-funding, crowdinvesting. In the course of scientific research, key qualitative charac-teristics of digital economy are described and the dominant components of its devel-opment are investigated. The result of the article. The priorities, new principles of business management and possibilities of Blockchain technology as an effective digi-tal economy tool for solving business and government tasks are revealed. Future pro-spects from the implementation of crowd-technologies as an effective management tool in progress for solving the problems of innovative business are substantiated. Interconnection in the latest financial institution of creative initiatives realization is presented. The comparative analysis of management of new institutes of innovative development for Ukrainian economy in the course of doing business is carried out. The result of the research is presentation of the relationship in the latest financial in-stitution implementing creative initiatives and a comparative analysis of new insti-tutes of innovative development in the sphere of finance for the Ukrainian economy. Practical implications. The components of digital economy identified by the authors in the article are accelerators of the socio-economic life of Ukrainian society in the modern world and are capable of rapidly increasing Ukraine’s GDP. The described new forms of financing of Ukrainian start-ups (crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing) are today quite interesting and effective tool for solving business problems in the financial, economic, innovative, marketing and marketing spheres. Value/originality. Blockchain technology, as an effective tool for Ukraine’s digital economy, is able to address the challenges of business and government, uncover the relationship between crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, and explain the content of innovative financial institutions for Ukraine’s economy

    University innovative hubs as points of growth of industrial parks of Ukraine

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    The purpose of the article is generalization of features of expediency of the creation of innovative parks in Ukraine. Practical output of the results consists in the discovered success factors of the activity of innovative parks in Ukraine in order to create new opportunities of innovation development of the country. Current organizational and functional system of innovative entrepreneurship of Ukraine is an imperfect, complex and by all indications, is in the process of formation. It is assumed that infrastructure of international educational innovative hub can structurally corrected according to the area which operates a hub that is: stimulate the dialogue between academics, businessmen and government officials; provide an interactive exchange of explicit and implicit knowledge; generate shared vision on adaptation measures of dynamic environment. Evaluation of the results of scientific and pedagogical activities of working group of innovative hub should be made for following indicators: development of skills of teaching and research work; introducing of innovative approaches for practical individual activity; formation of innovative approaches for collective practical activity; working on the chosen scientific and methodological theme. Main advantage of proposed university innovative hubs is that laid all necessary foundations in order to high school could be as soon as effectively integrate the results of university, academic and sectoral sciences of Ukraine, well as advanced research results of scientific world community in the development and implementation of innovative projects and development innovation

    Newest digital technology in management of national economic system

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    The content of some latest digital technologies in managing of national economic system, including Blockchain NEM technology are described in the article. Key benefits of using NEM in business management are outlined, including high efficiency, ease of use, flexibility and reliability. Among the advanced features of Nanowallet, authors describe Namespaces, Mosaics and Apostille. The areas of use of Harvesting in management of national economic system and highlights the benefits of its practical application are generalized in the article. Authors have developed a four-layer architecture that can be considered a key advantage of Catapult's newest digital technology performance in managing the economic system. It outlines its main advantages and outlines the options for using Catapult in managing of national economic system. Proof-Of-Importance factors for the work of latest digital technologies are highlighted and substantiated. Blockchain 3.0 protocols and service layers, on-line and off-line protocols, decentralized applications are installed

    Digitalization of education in Ukraine on the basis of innovation and investment

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    Purpose of the article is to identify specific features of digital education, to reveal its content and to find out main new digital trades. Methods of the article: generalization – in studying the nature of digital education, the prerequisites for the reform of the principles of digital technologies. Results. In scientific publications substantiates the essence of digitization of education, as such, based on the use of digital computer technologies in the educational process. Successful outcome of digital education is the expected successful functioning of the economy within the “digital triangle”: digital citizenship, digital creativity and digital entrepreneurship. Main resource of digital education is information. Conclusions. The article focuses on the description of digital competences that a specialist must possess. Comprehensive review of a number of tasks that are posed to the authorities at all levels of economic aggregation and urgently needed to accelerate the digitization of education

    The features of entrepreneurial interactions in the agricultural sector in terms of institutional transformations

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    Entrepreneurship is one of the pillars of the economy of the country and covers all sectors irrespective of ownership forms. Currently, this activity is increasingly spreading in rural areas. Our research results on transformation in the agricultural sector of the economy show that it is due to the development of entrepreneurship and strengthening entrepreneurial orientation and improvement of business environment economic entities in rural areas they were able to quickly and efficiently adapt to market conditions and to enter the foreign market, therefore, the purpose of the paper is to define the basic principles and the principles of entrepreneurial activity, its specifics and trends in agriculture and rural areas, to show the beginning and the development of collective and individual entrepreneurship. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the dialectical method of cognition and systematic approach, through which theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of business interactions in the agricultural sector in terms of institutional transformations. The results showed that in the article, the methodical design determining the nature and characteristics of agricultural business organically integrated the concept of institutional knowledge of the economic order, which allows us to identify the evolutionary concept of the formation of enterprises; the structure of the institutional system of entrepreneurship in the context of the evolution of this concept. Practical implications. The studied institutions create incentives for the development of science and education, encourage the mobility of production factors, and facilitate the transfer of scientific and technical information and the introduction of new technologies, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation. Conversely, inefficient institutions reduce the potential level of well-being, reduce reliability assurance of property rights, and enforce contracts. Value/originality. Given systematic and analytical characteristics of the effects, significance, dynamics of development of agrarian entrepreneurship in the context of institutional transformation, show the paradox, the stability of the institutional environment will not soon be reached, therefore, the dilemma of institutions remains unresolved. In general, the institutional transformation has ensured the formation of a mixed economy, the real pluralism of forms of ownership and agricultural management even if they are not yet fully institutionalized in the market. Transformations in the business environment we call the transformation of institutional conditions for the development of economic formations. Institute of entrepreneurship for the imperfections of the rules and conditions of economic interactions has not yet become mutually beneficial by the Institute for functional participants. Analysis of the development of agrarian enterprises in the conditions of institutional transformations proves the inconsistency of the institutional framework of entrepreneurial activity, which leads to a decrease in the number of enterprises – economic entities, non-transparent activities of business entities, the removal of landlords from participation in the activities of enterprises

    Factors of the development of digital economy in Ukraine and digital infrastructure components

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    The latest changes in the economy and society are causing changes in world economy. Today’s economic concepts and categories are being replaced by new ones, which can be summarized as the emergence of new economy in the world – digital with its specific definitions, laws, models of world development, economic development as a science, as an industry that is gaining new momentum in history. In 21st century the interest of scientists and economists in digital transformation has increased significantly in economic research. After all, digitalization offers real opportunities for the growth of the economy of state

    Financial and economic business education: current trends and innovations of entrepreneurial universities in global progress

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    The features and the content of obtaining financial and economic business education in an innovation-entrepreneurial university in the conditions of digital transformation of Ukrainian economy are investigated in the article. The components that determine competitiveness of higher education institutions of economic profile are analyzed. Modern original disciplines that should be included in educational master’s programs are specified. It is substantiated by studies that vocational qualification according to the economic profile reflects the correlation of the employee’s quality with the requirements of the post of economist. Using a competent approach, author’s wording of general and professional competences is mastered by student in studying on economic educational programs. It is determined that among the acquired general economic competencies can be considered: ability to perform socio-economic diagnostics of phenomena, processes, enterprises, territories; ability to entrepreneurship, develop and manage projects, justify decisions, identify initiatives, work as a team and interpersonal skills. Basic competent qualitative characteristics that want to see a stakeholder in a young economics major who graduated from an innovation-entrepreneurship university are considered. Authors have expressed opinion that these competencies are: ability to solve team problems, ability to produce ideas, mastery of digital competencies, ability for self-criticism, spirit of entrepreneurship