
Newest digital technology in management of national economic system


The content of some latest digital technologies in managing of national economic system, including Blockchain NEM technology are described in the article. Key benefits of using NEM in business management are outlined, including high efficiency, ease of use, flexibility and reliability. Among the advanced features of Nanowallet, authors describe Namespaces, Mosaics and Apostille. The areas of use of Harvesting in management of national economic system and highlights the benefits of its practical application are generalized in the article. Authors have developed a four-layer architecture that can be considered a key advantage of Catapult's newest digital technology performance in managing the economic system. It outlines its main advantages and outlines the options for using Catapult in managing of national economic system. Proof-Of-Importance factors for the work of latest digital technologies are highlighted and substantiated. Blockchain 3.0 protocols and service layers, on-line and off-line protocols, decentralized applications are installed

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