248 research outputs found

    Pedagogical rules for the use of English articles : an evaluation and suggestions for improvement

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    The aim of the article is to analyse the grammatical rules for the use of English articles which are offered to students of English as a foreign language and evaluate them from the perspective of their pedagogical effectiveness. The article highlights the most problematic issues and the potential weaknesses of the rules most commonly used in contemporary pedagogical/reference grammars. It is argued that some of the problems identified could be at least partially solved or avoided by the introduction of rules based on Cognitive Grammar. A brief outline of the Cognitive Grammar conception of articles is presented to show how the specific “uses” of articles can be subsumed under more general, broader, conceptually-based rules

    Between usage-based and meaningfully-motivated grammatical rules : a psycholinguistic basis of applied cognitive grammar

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    The aim of the article is to present a usage-based theory of second language acquisition (SLA) which might serve as a framework for explaining the learning mechanisms that are operating when students are exposed to the meaningfully-motivated Cognitive Grammar (CG) applications are advocated: one focusing on the use of meaningfully-motivated linguistic explanations and the other on the usage-based nature of language. The article outlines a unified psycholinguistic theory, inspired by Brian MacWhinney's Competition Model and developed by Nick C. Ellis, which is compatible with both the meaning-based and the usage-based conceptions of language assumed by CG, and which can provide a more fine-grained frame of reference for introducing Cognitive Grammar into the teaching practice. Finally, some suggestions are made concerning practical application of CG-inspired pedagogical rules that should enhance the effectiveness of meaningfully-motivated grammatical intruction

    SemiMarkov: An R Package for Parametric Estimation in Multi-State Semi-Markov Models

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    Multi-state models provide a relevant tool for studying the observations of a continuoustime process at arbitrary times. Markov models are often considered even if semi-Markov are better adapted in various situations. Such models are still not frequently applied mainly due to lack of available software. We have developed the R package SemiMarkov to fit homogeneous semi-Markov models to longitudinal data. The package performs maximum likelihood estimation in a parametric framework where the distributions of the sojourn times can be chosen between exponential, Weibull or exponentiated Weibull. The package computes and displays the hazard rates of sojourn times and the hazard rates of the semi-Markov process. The effects of covariates can be studied with a Cox proportional hazards model for the sojourn times distributions. The number of covariates and the distribution of sojourn times can be specified for each possible transition providing a great flexibility in a model’s definition. This article presents parametric semi-Markov models and gives a detailed description of the package together with an application to asthma control

    Poziom akceptacji choroby w stwardnieniu rozsianym

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    Introduction. Acceptance of chronic disease depends on patient’s personal predisposition as well as on characteristics of the disease, such as the type and severity of symptoms, its consequences in the perspective of physical and psychosocial functioning and possibilities of treatment. In particular, it seems to be difficult to accept such a disease as multiple sclerosis, the beginning of which concerns mainly young people who are forced to re-evaluate their life and modify plans for the future so that the self-portrait would not become a source of frustration and a sense of a lower esteem.Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the acceptance of the disease and to analyse the relationship of such acceptance with patients’ functional status and with self-assessment of depression.Material and Methods. The group of respondents consisted of 38 patients of the Department of Neurology in Cracow, who had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. In this work the method of diagnostic survey and the analysis of records were applied. Participants of the study were asked to complete such research tools as: the Beck Scale, Katz Scale, socio-demographic data inventory and the Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS). The analysis covered their medical records and individual cards of medical orders. The obtained results were subject to statistical calculations.Results. The score of a significant number of respondents — 13 (34.2%) on the AIS Scale was qualified to the highest score ranging from 32 to 40 points. Slightly more than 1/4 of the study group (10 patients, ie. 26.3%) obta­ined a score ranging from 23 to 31 points. The smallest group of respondents achieved the lowest score, as it was qualified for the range of 5–13 points (6 persons, ie. 15.8%). The AIS Scale average score for the whole group studied was 25.08 points. Between the acceptance of the disease, and the presence and severity of depression among respondents, there is a negative correlation (r=-0.29), however it is not statistically significant (p=0.08). The value of the correlation coefficient of the AIS and Katz Scales (r=0.15) results is not statistically significant either (p=0.37).Conclusions. Acceptance of the disease in the group of people is average and similar to that encountered in other somatic diseases of chronic course. A better emotional condition seems to enhance greater acceptance of the disease. (JNNN 2015;4(1):19–23)Wstęp. Akceptacja choroby przewlekłej zależy od predyspozycji osobowościowych chorego i cech choroby, tj. rodzaj i nasilenie objawów, jej następstwa w perspektywie funkcjonowania fizycznego i psychospołecznego, możliwości leczenia. Szczególnie trudna wydaje się akceptacja takiej choroby, jaką jest stwardnienie rozsiane, której początek dotyczy najczęściej ludzi młodych, zmuszonych do tego, by przewartościować swoje życie i zmodyfikować plany na przyszłość tak, by autoportret własny nie stał się źródłem frustracji czy poczucia niższej wartości.Cel. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena akceptacji choroby oraz analiza związku takiej akceptacji ze stanem funkcjonalnym chorych i samooceną depresji.Materiał i metody. Grupę badaną stanowiło 38 pacjentów Kliniki Neurologii w Krakowie, którzy otrzymali diagnozę stwardnienia rozsianego. W pracy wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego i analizy dokumentacji. Uczestnicy badań zostali poproszeni o kompletowanie takich narzędzi badawczych, jak: Skala Becka, Skala Katza, inwentarz danych socjodemograficznych i skala Akceptacji Choroby (AIS). Analiza obejmowała ich historie choroby oraz indywidualne karty zleceń lekarskich. Otrzymane wyniki poddano obliczeniom statystycznym.Wyniki. Wynik skali AIS znacznej liczby ankietowanych, bo 13 osób (34,2%) został zakwalifikowany do najwyższego przedziału punktowego, czyli mieścił się między 32 a 40 punktów. Nieco ponad 1/4 badanej grupy (10 osób, tj. 26,3%) uzyskała wynik w przedziale między 23 a 31 punktów. Najmniej liczna grupa respondentów osiągnęła najniższy wynik, bo zakwalifikowany do przedziału 5–13 punktów (6 osób, tj. 15,8%). Średni wynik skali AIS dla całej badanej populacji wynosił 25,08 punkta. Pomiędzy akceptacją choroby, a obecnością i nasileniem depresji wśród badanych istnieje ujemna korelacja (r=-0,29), jednak nie jest ona istotna statystycznie (p=0,08). Wartość współczynnika korelacji wyników Skali AIS i Katza (r=0,15) również nie jest istotna statystycznie (p=0,37).Wnioski. Akceptacja choroby w badanej grupie osób jest przeciętna i podobna do tej spotykanej w innych chorobach somatycznych o przewlekłym przebiegu. Wydaje się, że lepszy stan emocjonalny sprzyja większej akceptacji choroby. (PNN 2015;4(1):19–23

    Professional burnout of doctors in Poland and in the world. Research review

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    The work of a doctor is one of the most demanding. It requires not only a great deal of knowledge, but also a lot of commitment, responsibility and often devoting one's private life. It is called a prestigious job for a reason. Unfortunately, it is also very absorbing both mentally and physically. Increasing stress leads to emotional exhaustion, and its consequence may be burnout

    "A" and "the" for students with imagination : the effects of applying cognitive grammar in the classroom

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    The article presents the results of a quasi-experiment, whose aim was to verify the hypothesis about the advantages of grammatical instruction based on cognitive linguistics principles. Two groups of students took part in a series of lessons, undergoing treatment based either on standard or on cognitive rules concerning the use of English articles. The outcomes of the study demonstrate that although both types of instruction brought positive effects immediately after the treatment, the cognitive group outperformed the traditional group on delayed posttesting

    Politycy w sutannach i rola religii w działalności ugodowego Stronnictwa Polityki Realnej (1905–1923)

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    The Faction of the Real Politics (Stronnictwo Polityki Realnej) functioning between 1905 and 1923 was a small party of a conciliatory-conservative profile. The attitude towards the Catholic Church as an institution and towards faith played a very important role in its political programme. Despite few attempts of turning the party into a formation of religious profile, the administration of the Faction decided that it will stay a strictly political organization. There were three fractions functioning within the party, including the extreme right-wing and ultramontanic, as well as moderately liberal. For both of them, the Church and faith had a specific meaning as the institutional tools of social control, the foundations of morality and humans’ value system. The SPR included the followers of many religions and the atheists, and next to them catholic clerics, some of whom played a role of the party’s leaders. The realists often spoke out in their newsprint apparatus, newspaper “The Word” (Słowo), but also in other periodicals and independent editions of journalistic writings, defending the Church and its hierarchs, as well as the decisions undertaken by them which were political in character, but not always popular in the Polish society. The realists treated Catholic Church as a natural ally in their fight against the socialism as well as a partner in their efforts for achieving reconciliation with the invaders’ country.W artykule nie zamieszczono abstrakt

    Pedagogical rules for the use of English articles: an evaluation and suggestions for improvement

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    The aim of the article is to analyse the grammatical rules for the use of English articles which are offered to students of English as a foreign language and evaluate them from the perspective of their pedagogical effectiveness. The article highlights the most problematic issues and the potential weaknesses of the rules most commonly used in contemporary pedagogical/reference grammars. It is argued that some of the problems identified could be at least partially solved or avoided by the introduction of rules based on Cognitive Grammar. A brief outline of the Cognitive Grammar conception of articles is presented to show how the specific “uses” of articles can be subsumed under more general, broader, conceptually-based rules