883 research outputs found

    Tax regulatıon of the self-employed in Russian Law

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    It is assumed that in the implementation of certain types of income-generating activities, citizens can be exempted from the necessity of carrying out often burdensome duties established for individual entrepreneurs. From the tax law point of view, it is possible to analyze institutional barriers to self-employed people, and identify ways to overcome

    Trends in the development of Civil Law

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    The issue of exempting self-employed Russians from taxes and mandatory contributions in Russia remained open for a long time. The solution of this issue remained relevant for long due to the fact that in Russia millions of people work independently in different spheres (from minor repairs and construction to car-care auto centers)

    The role of legal consciousness in the implementation of preparedness for the dangerous driving of road drivers

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    The article discusses the role of legal consciousness in enhancing the internal factors of preparedness for dangerous driving. The analysis of statistical data regarding traffic accidents is given. The external and internal predictors of dangerous driving are analyzed. The results of an empirical study showing the relationship of the style of driving a vehicle and the development of the legal consciousness of road users are discussed

    Fijación de infracciones administrativas en Rusia y países extranjeros: aspectos legales y sociales

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    We analyze the experience in fixing administrative offenses. The article also raises the problems of using automatic fixation as a source of evidence in cases of administrative offenses. We gave an examples of the positive impact of automatic fixation of administrative offenses on road safety, in particular we proved that the use of administrative fixation tools should also be the preventive measure that helps to regulate traffic. The problem of using the means of fixing administrative offenses on cars with foreign state marks, which are increasingly appearing on roads, is becoming more relevant. We also considered the sociological aspect in order to understand how the society relates to this activity and correct its direction.Analizamos la experiencia en la reparación de infracciones administrativas. El artículo también plantea los problemas de utilizar la fijación automática como fuente de evidencia en casos de infracciones administrativas. Dimos ejemplos del impacto positivo de la reparación automática de infracciones administrativas en la seguridad vial, en particular demostramos que el uso de herramientas de reparación administrativa también debería ser la medida preventiva que ayude a regular el tráfico. El problema de utilizar los medios para reparar infracciones administrativas en automóviles con marcas de estado extranjeras, que aparecen cada vez más en las carreteras, se está volviendo cada vez más relevante. También consideramos el aspecto sociológico para comprender cómo la sociedad se relaciona con esta actividad y corregir su dirección

    El papel de la educación continua en la formación de habilidades profesionales en el proceso de entrenamiento de manejo individual

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    This article presents solutions that are defined as a paradigm shift in driving schools, which will allow restructuring the process of driver training and reducing the risk of accidents. Thus, the study discusses ways to reduce the accident rate of drivers who have recently received a license to drive a car. To achieve the goal, accident statistics were analysed depending on driving experience and driver age. The influence of the Internet and computer games on the psychology of novice drivers was also studied. Finally, the process of driving skills formation in the entrepreneurial educational process of driving schools is described. We suggested that novice drivers should demand the proper driving school and consider the criteria by which they can choose a suitable and effective driving school to obtain complete and in-depth knowledge.Este artículo presenta soluciones que se definen como un cambio de paradigma en las autoescuelas, lo que permitirá reestructurar el proceso de capacitación de conductores y reducir el riesgo de accidentes. Por lo tanto, el estudio analiza formas de reducir la tasa de accidentes de los conductores que recientemente recibieron una licencia para conducir un automóvil. Para lograr el objetivo, se analizaron las estadísticas de accidentes según la experiencia de conducción y la edad del conductor. También se estudió la influencia de Internet y los juegos de computadora en la psicología de los conductores novatos. Finalmente, se describe el proceso de formación de habilidades de conducción en el proceso educativo emprendedor de las escuelas de conducción. Sugerimos que los conductores novatos deben exigir la escuela de manejo adecuada y considerar los criterios por los cuales pueden elegir una escuela de manejo adecuada y efectiva para obtener un conocimiento completo y profundo

    Defectos de la terminología en la ley y la técnica

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    The article deals with the formation of parallel different concepts that complicate the understanding of terms and categories used in the process of enforcement. Violation of the requirements to the concept formulation or to the selection of terms for their designation relates to the conceptual and logical and linguistic defects respectively.El artículo aborda la formación de diferentes conceptos paralelos que complican la comprensión de los términos y categorías utilizados en el proceso de aplicación. La violación de los requisitos para la formulación del concepto o la selección de términos para su designación se relacionan con los defectos conceptuales y lógicos y lingüísticos, respectivamente


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    Diagnosis of tuberculous spondylitis is based on the comparison of clinical-laboratory, bacteriological data and radiological methods. Digital tomosynthesis is a new method of X-ray diagnostics for performing with high-resolution limited-angle tomography at short-pulsed exposures in one pass of the tube with reconstruction of several hundred longitudinal sections of the research object without superposition of tissues. Possibilities of tomosynthesis are studied for various clinical situations. Aim of research. To study and apply the possibilities of digital tomosynthesis in the diagnosis of tuberculous spondylitis, conduct a comparative analysis with other radiological methods. Materials and methods. Digital tomosynthesis was performed for 95 patients with various spine diseases (select group 8.4 % with tuberculous spondylitis) at the domestic digital roentgen-diagnostic complex with the mode of digital tomosynthesis after performing digital projectional radiography of spine. Results and discussion. The benefits of tomosynthesis were shown and a comparative analysis with other visualization methods in the diagnosis of spondylitis was performed. Cases of the first clinical application of the method in Ukraine were demonstrated. Conclusion. Digital tomosynthesis of the spine is a new promising diagnostic tool by which you can obtain qualitative spine images in the form of numerical thin sections with no exaggeration effect. Results are comparable to CT data for detecting bone destruction at lower radiation load levels. Digital tomosynthesis provides better visualization of the small joints of the spine and the ability to evaluate each anatomical element of the vertebra at different depths, helps to detect pulmonary manifestation of tuberculosis

    Short communication: Changes of compatible solutes content in Triticum aestivum and Triticum dicoccum seedlings in response to drought stress

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    Saabunud / Received 30.07.2020 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 24.09.2020 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 24.09.2020 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Oleksandr Smirnov e-mail: [email protected] influence of drought stress modelling by polyethene glycol (PEG) on water status, total soluble protein, proline and carbo-hydrates content in the roots and leaves tissues of three drought resistance wheat genotypes – Triticum aestivum L. (Podolianka, Favorytka) and Triticum dicoccum Schrank. (Holikovska) have been studied. Tested varieties of bread wheat and emmer wheat presented the resilience-aniso-hydric strategy for water balance regulation retaining a high level of relative water content, great variability in organic solutes with osmo-protective properties (total soluble protein, total carbohydrates and free proline) accumulation and retaining the level of low molecular weight proteins in response to drought with noticeable distinctions amid the varieties. However, drought stress increased the efficiency of accumu-lation of osmoprotectants either protein or carbohydrate nature in all three tested varieties of wheat seedlings

    Методика оцінки відокремлення шлакової корки при наплавленні низько- та середньовуглецевих сталей

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    Показана актуальність використання при розроблені нових зварювальних матеріалів способів віддільності шлакової корки, що характеризуються легкою віддільністю і базуються на термодеформаційцних процесах в зразку. Розроблений спосіб оцінки відділення шлаку на основі теоретичного розрахунку термодеформаційних процесів в основному металі пройшов етапи експериментального дослідження. Експериментальна апробація запропонованої методики оцінки відокремлення шлакового покриття з поверхні наплавлених швів на зразки із сталі Сталь 3сп, 40Х під дослідними флюсами (ДФК №2, ДФК №3) на основі шлакової системи TiO2-MnO-SiO2–MgO–СаО-FeO-Al2O3  дротами 30ХГСА та Св – 08Г1HMA  проведена для різних режимів наплавлення. Критерій оцінки високотемпературного відокремлення шлакового покриття враховує: співвідношення геометричних параметрів дослідного зразка, кількість вкладеного тепла в процесі наплавлення та фактор наявності шпінелеутворюючих компонентів на міжфазній границі шлак-метал. Обрані параметри оцінювання відокремлення шлакової корки в балах, де гарантована віддільність шлакового покриття зараховується при самовільній віддільності шлаку при його руйнуванні або самовільній віддільності шлаку монолітним шаром. Практична цінність запропонованої методики полягає в можливості кількісного оцінювання вірогідності високотемпературного відокремлення шлакового покриття для широкої номенклатури флюсів для наплавлення. Результати проведених експериментів показують працездатність розробленої методики оцінки високотемпературного відокремлення шлакового покриття з поверхні металу шва

    Agar gel phenotyping of root traits as rapid and sensitive assay of wheat seedlings response to edaphic factors : on example of cadmium

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    Saabunud / Received 14.05.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 15.09.2021 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 15.09.2021 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Oleksandr Smirnov [email protected] influence of different concentrations of cadmium on root elongation, exudative activity of roots and seminal root angle of two wheat genotypes: common bread wheat – Triticum aestivum L. (cv. 'Favorytka') and emmer wheat – Triticum dicoccum Schrank. (cv. 'Holikovska') have been studied in the germination stage. Rapid changes in morphofunctional traits upon first three days of exposure to cadmium on early stages of growth have been studied on phenotyping plates with 25, 50 and 100 μM addition to agar-acid/base indicator medium. Significant inhibition of root elongation, exudative root activity and changes in seminal root angle were observed. Exposure to the highest Cd concentration led to a decrease in primal root length by 50%, decrease in root exudative activity by 88% and decrease in seminal root angle by 24 degrees in T. aestivum compared to a decrease by 12%, 83% and 17 degrees in T. dicoccum. Unlike root growth retardation, a decrease in exudative activity was observed on all three Cd concentrations. The root growth performance at starting stage of seedlings ontogenesis proposed as an express and sensitive phenotyping test method for determining plant response to edaphic stressors by cadmium toxicity example