18 research outputs found

    Do Red Knots (Calidris Canutus Islandica) routinely skip Iceland during southward migration?

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    Subspecies Calidris canutus islandica of the Red Knot breeds on the arctic tundra of northeastern Canada and northern Greenland and winters along the coasts of northwestern Europe. During northward migration, it stops over in either Iceland or northern Norway. It has been assumed that it does the same during southward migration. Using ratios of stable carbon isotopes (&delta; 13 C) in whole blood, blood cells, and plasma, we investigated evidence for a stopover in Iceland en route from the breeding grounds to the Dutch Wadden Sea. With the expected diet (shellfish) and stopover duration at Iceland (12-15 days, maximum 17 days) and the turnover rates of blood cells (15.1 days) and plasma (6.0 days), Red Knots that stopped in Iceland should arrive with a blood (cell) &delta; 13 C midway between a tundra (-24.7[per thousand]) and a marine value (-14.0[per thousand]) and a plasma &delta;13 C approaching the marine value (-15.3[per thousand]). However, many adults arriving at the Wadden Sea had &delta;13 C ratios in blood (cells) and plasma below these levels, and some arrived with clear tundra signals in blood cells, suggesting that they skipped Iceland during southward migration. Surprisingly, available data suggest this also to be true for juveniles during their first southward migration. The &delta; 13 C signature of second-year birds confirmed that they oversummered in the Wadden Sea. Our findings contradict the largely untested idea that juvenile shorebirds make more stopovers than adults as well as the idea that the migration between the Nearctic and Europe is necessarily a two-leg process. <br /

    Unusual patterns in 15N blood values after a diet switch in red knot shorebirds

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    When a diet switch results in a change in dietary isotopic values, isotope ratios of the consumer's tissues will change until a new equilibrium is reached. This change is generally best described by an exponential decay curve. Indeed, after a diet switch in captive red knot shorebirds (Calidris canutus islandica), the depletion of 13C in both blood cells and plasma followed an exponential decay curve. Surprisingly, the diet switch with a dietary 15N/14N ratio (δ15N) change from 11.4 to 8.8 ‰ had little effect on δ15N in the same tissues. The diet-plasma and diet-cellular discrimination factors of 15N with the initial diet were very low (0.5 and 0.2 ‰, respectively). δ15N in blood cells and plasma decreased linearly with increasing body mass, explaining about 40 % of the variation in δ15N. δ15N in plasma also decreased with increasing body-mass change (r 2=.07). This suggests that the unusual variation in δ15N with time after the diet switch was due to interferences with simultaneous changes in body-protein turnover.

    From Food to Offspring Down: Tissue-Specific Discrimination and Turn-Over of Stable Isotopes in Herbivorous Waterbirds and Other Avian Foraging Guilds

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    Isotopic discrimination and turn-over are fundamental to the application of stable isotope ecology in animals. However, detailed information for specific tissues and species are widely lacking, notably for herbivorous species. We provide details on tissue-specific carbon and nitrogen discrimination and turn-over times from food to blood, feathers, claws, egg tissues and offspring down feathers in four species of herbivorous waterbirds. Source-to-tissue discrimination factors for carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (δ15N) showed little variation across species but varied between tissues. Apparent discrimination factors ranged between −0.5 to 2.5‰ for δ13C and 2.8 to 5.2‰ for δ15N, and were more similar between blood components than between keratinous tissues or egg tissue. Comparing these results with published data from other species we found no effect of foraging guild on discrimination factors for carbon but a significant foraging-guild effect for nitrogen discrimination factors

    Data from: Eggs brought in from afar: Svalbard-breeding pink-footed geese can fly their eggs across the Barents Sea

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    Many Arctic-breeding waterbirds are thought to bring nutrients for egg production from southern latitudes to allow early breeding. It has proved problematic to quantify the extent of such capital breeding and identify whether nutrients for egg production are brought in from nearby or from afar. Before reaching their breeding grounds on Svalbard, pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus fly ∼ 1100 km across the Barents Sea from Norway. Using abdominal profile indexing (API) we scored body stores in individually marked geese just prior to migration from the northernmost staging area in Norway to Svalbard, followed by their breeding success on their non-breeding grounds in autumn. In productive breeding years leading to a high (> 13.8%) proportion of juveniles in the autumn population, there was a positive relationship between female API and number of young produced, suggesting that the geese are at least partial capital breeders. Moreover, focusing on the geographic origin of proteins used in egg synthesis and measuring nitrogen stable isotope ratios in pink-footed geese's eggs and food sources in Norway and Svalbard, we identified that capital breeding in this species is ∼ 50% on average but may potentially amount to as much as 100%, notably in females laying early. About 60% of this protein capital is carried in well-developed follicles across the Barents Sea, the remainder likely being stored in muscle tissues. Conditions on the wintering grounds and migratory stopover sites can have profound effects on an individual's fitness but the here presented link between the use of migratory stopover sites and breeding performance is particularly noteworthy. Apparently, some individuals accept the putative costs of carrying body stores over large distances to the breeding grounds. The data also highlights considerable variation in the reliance on capital for breeding, suggesting substantial individual scope to adjust breeding strategy to changing environmental conditions

    Data from: Eggs brought in from afar: Svalbard-breeding pink-footed geese can fly their eggs across the Barents Sea

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    Many Arctic-breeding waterbirds are thought to bring nutrients for egg production from southern latitudes to allow early breeding. It has proved problematic to quantify the extent of such capital breeding and identify whether nutrients for egg production are brought in from nearby or from afar. Before reaching their breeding grounds on Svalbard, pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus fly ∼ 1100 km across the Barents Sea from Norway. Using abdominal profile indexing (API) we scored body stores in individually marked geese just prior to migration from the northernmost staging area in Norway to Svalbard, followed by their breeding success on their non-breeding grounds in autumn. In productive breeding years leading to a high (> 13.8%) proportion of juveniles in the autumn population, there was a positive relationship between female API and number of young produced, suggesting that the geese are at least partial capital breeders. Moreover, focusing on the geographic origin of proteins used in egg synthesis and measuring nitrogen stable isotope ratios in pink-footed geese's eggs and food sources in Norway and Svalbard, we identified that capital breeding in this species is ∼ 50% on average but may potentially amount to as much as 100%, notably in females laying early. About 60% of this protein capital is carried in well-developed follicles across the Barents Sea, the remainder likely being stored in muscle tissues. Conditions on the wintering grounds and migratory stopover sites can have profound effects on an individual's fitness but the here presented link between the use of migratory stopover sites and breeding performance is particularly noteworthy. Apparently, some individuals accept the putative costs of carrying body stores over large distances to the breeding grounds. The data also highlights considerable variation in the reliance on capital for breeding, suggesting substantial individual scope to adjust breeding strategy to changing environmental conditions

    Figure 3 data

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    Data underlying the two panels in Figure 3. The nitrogen isotope ratio (dN) of both yolk and albumen (item) in eggs is provided. For each egg the year of collection, the nest from which it was collected (nest) and its identity within the nest (egg; coded A-E, the coding not necessarily reflecting laying order) are provided

    Figure 2 data

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    Data underlying figure 2, including the average, standard deviation and sample size of the Nitrogen isotope ratios (dN_mean, dN_SD and dN_n, respectively) of three different tissues (item). The data file also contains the year in which the samples were collected as well as the site (where_whom)

    Figure 1 data

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    Data underlying figure 1 including for each individual female (femaleID), the year in which it was observed, its API score upon departure from Vesterålen (APIdepart), the number of young it was observed with during the following autumn (#young) and the average percentage of juveniles in the population in that specific year of observation (PercJuvInPop)

    Turn-over of egg tissues.

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    <p>Turn-over of δ<sup>13</sup>C of albumen (unfilled circles, dashed line) and yolk (means ± SD, filled circles, solid line) in eggs laid by female mallards while switched from C4- to C3-based diet. Inset: Turn-over in different parts of yolk with a – inner, b – intermediate and c – outer yolk. For parameters of the exponential decay curves see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0030242#pone-0030242-t003" target="_blank">Table 3</a>.</p