569 research outputs found

    Automaton transformations and monadic theories of infinite sequences

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    In this paper we prove that the set of degrees of asynchronously automaton transformations of infinite sequences with a solvable monadic theory forms an initial segment in the set of degrees of asynchronously automaton transformations. We prove a solvability criterion for a monadic theory of a complete sequence. © 2011 Allerton Press, Inc

    Event-generator validation with MCPLOTS and LHC@home

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    We document several recent updates to the MCPLOTS event-generator validation resource. The project is based on the RIVET analysis library and harnesses volunteer computing provided by LHC@home to generate high-statistics MC comparisons to data. Users interact with the resource via a simple website, http://mcplots.cern.ch/, which provides flexible options for requesting comparison plots and comprehensive statistical analyses on demand, all in a few clicks. The project has been structured to enable community-driven developments, and we discuss the computational back end, the web front end, and how to add new data analyses, generators, and tunes that would be accessible on the website for comparison

    The structure of degrees of finite-automaton transformations of prefix decidable superwords

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    © 2016, Allerton Press, Inc.We show that the structure of degrees of finite automaton transformations of prefix decidable superwords does not form the upper semilattice

    Degrees of asynchronously automaton transformations

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    In this paper we study a partially ordered set of degrees of asynchronously automaton transformations. We prove the existence of a continuum of atoms in this set, the embeddability of every finite linearly ordered set as an initial segment in it, and the nonextensibility of an embedding of partially ordered sets. © 2011 Allerton Press, Inc

    Sociocultural approach as methodological foundation to the content of professional training of future translators (interpreters)

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    In the article the author views the problem of the content of professional training of future translators (interpreters) based on a sociocultural approach, defines the directions of sociocultural approach: familiarization of future translators (interpreters) with material and spiritual values; with the cultural interaction of the individual, society and nature; with the style and the way of life. The principles of sociocultural approach that contribute to social competence: the principle of dialogue of cultures, which is a method of simultaneous learning of a foreign language and culture of different peoples in the correct relationship with their own language and culture; the principle of multiculturalism, which consists in preserving and increasing the diversity of cultural norms, values, rules of behavior, foundations and types of interaction in educational systems; the principle of conformity to culture, based on the fact that language education must include not only scientific knowledge but also cultural and social experience, and cultural areas of the target language; the principle of interdisciplinary integration is a mastering of foreign language in direct unity with the events, history and culture of the country of the target language, in conjunction with the unit of cultural and humanitarian disciplines are singled out and systematized; the author proves that the study of languages and translation based on a sociocultural approach contributes to the formation of students 'worldview, as well as their understanding of history of human development, their native country, awareness of themselves as a representative of national values, communicative culture. The article highlights the translators (interpreters) responsibility for professional activities

    Genre interference in the process of foreign language speaking training

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    This article is devoted to a study of speech genre competence formation in technical students studying foreign language (English or Russian as a foreign). Correlations of terms of speech genre theory and types of speech genre classification are the subject of this work; the need to form speech genre competence as a component of communicative competence during the educational process is substantiated. The authors suppose that during the process of learning a foreign language, processes not only of phonetic, grammar and lexical, but also of genre interference are observed. On the basis of a «genre» experiment, material types of deviations from genre forms were classified, a hypothesis for the reasons for deviation was developed, comparison study of speech product in foreign (non-native) and native language, was carried out. Conclusion on significant interfering influence of native language on formation of speech genre competence of secondary linguistic identity was drawn

    Fundraising as an addendum of the effective iInnovative activity of an educational institution

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    The problem of fundraising in vocational education by setting up educational commercial bodies and designing industrial clusters is highlighted. The theoretical and methodological substance of the problem in question was investigated, crucial factors of various types of practice-oriented fundraising activities is suggested with special emphasis on the design of educational commercial bodies and cluster principle implementation. in successful cluster realization are defined. Implementation of the fundraising concept to ensure competitiveness of the Russian professional education by boosting an efficient innovative activity of the professional educational institution is outlined. A taxonomy of various types of practice-oriented fundraising activities is suggested with special emphasis on the design of educational commercial bodies and cluster principle implementation.Рассмотрена проблема реализации фандрайзинга в современном профессиональном образовании посредством организации образовательно-промышленных групп и проектирования промышленных кластеров. Проведен анализ теоретико-методологической базы проблемы исследования, раскрыты основные детерминанты в области реализации кластерного подхода и материализации системы фандрайзинга с целью обеспечения конкурентоспособности российского профессионального образования на основе генезиса эффективной инновационной деятельности профессиональной образовательной организации. Осуществлена таксономия различных форм воплощения в жизнь фандрайзинговой деятельности и сделан акцент на проектировании образовательно-промышленных групп и реализации кластерного подхода

    The functional status of forestry industry workers in the Far North during the shift period

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    All over the world, the timber industry is one of the most physically hazardous industries. Working in such conditions is accompanied by an increase in the risk of unfavorable functional states and a critical decrease in professional reliability. Monitoring the workers’ state during the shift period will allow to determine the adaptation degree of personnel to work, as well as to identify the days of the shift arrival with a high risk of injury caused by the unfavorable state of workers.The aim. To identify and describe the functional states dynamics of loggers during the entire shift period in the Far North as their adaptation degree to work.Methods. Objective: collection of saliva for the determination of cortisol, psychophysiological instrumental methods; projective: M. Luscher’s color test; subjective – questionnaire “Well-being. Activity. Mood” by V.А. Doskin et al.; statistical methods: descriptive statistics. The study involved 24 shift workers of a logging enterprise, with whom we conducted daily monitoring of objective, projective and subjective characteristics of their functional state in the morning and evening during a fourteenday shift visit.Results. According to the objective, projective and subjective indicators of functional states, their consistently favorable level is observed with multidirectional peaks during the shift change period and a slight decrease at the end of the shift, which demonstrates the staff’ adaptability to work. The operator performance is somewhat higher in the second half of the shift period, but in general it is below average due to the reduced quality of task performance. An increased free cortisol level was revealed in employees during the entire shift period with a high functional reserves level of the body. During the shift change period, the risks associated with the efficiency and safety of labor increase, which undoubtedly requires consideration by the management of enterprises

    Designing training programs for teachers of vocational training, taking into account modern requirements

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    Рассмотрены современные подходы к проектированию программ подготовки педагогов профессионального обучения. Раскрыта динамика разворачивания программы подготовки бакалавров по направлению 44.03.04 Профессиональное обучение (по отраслям) на примере Профессионально-педагогического института Южно-Уральского государственного гуманитарно-педагогического университетаIn the article an attempt is made to acquaint the professional community with modern approaches to the design of programs for the training of teachers of vocational training. The dynamics of the deployment of the bachelor’s training program in the direction of 44.03.04 is disclosed. Vocational training (by branches), on the example of the Vocational pedagogical institute of the South ural state humanitarian and pedagogical universit