7 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Peran Organisasi Penghayat Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa untuk Menjaga Kebhinekaan dalam Kehidupan Kebangsaan

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    Diskursus seputar penghayat kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa di tengah realitas sosial kehidupan berbangsa di Negara Indonesia seolah-olah berwajah ganda.  Pertama, diskursus dengan tema penghayat kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa ini seakan-akan ingin menunjukkan betapa negara (baca: Pemerintah Indonesia, melalui kementerian terkait) begitu peduli terhadap rakyatnya (baca: masyarakat bangsa Indonesia) yang sejatinya adalah masyarakat multikultur terbesar di dunia, dan Kedua, diskursus dengan tema penghayat kepercayaan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang sama ini sesungguhnya juga secara tidak langsung mau mempertontonkan betapa rapuhnya komintmen dari sejumlah elemen masyarakat bangsa Indonesia ini dalam mengimplementasi kesadaran sekaligus kebanggaan sebagai warga negara Indonesia yang memang secara nyata merupakan negara multikultur terbesar di muka bumi ini

    The rational choice of implementing Hamis Batar traditional rituals by the community of Rabasahain Village

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    Purpose: In this study, this research aimed to find out the process of implementing the Hamis Batar rite and how it means for the people of Rabasahain Village. Research methodology: The approach used in this study is qualitative. The analysis in this study uses the Rational Choice Theory. Respondents were selected by purposive sampling. 6 respondents are consisting of Village Head, 1 Traditional Head and 4 ordinary people who are often involved in the implementation of the Hamis Batar Ritual. Results: The Hamis Batar ritual is a traditional event carried out by the Rabasahain community as a form of gratitude to the creators and ancestors for the harvest obtained and its implementation depending on the agreement of the Fukun, Katuas And Ferik of the traditional house, as well as the readiness of corn as an offering. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the Hamis Batar ritual is categorized as a rational activity because it is considered to have a function and purpose for society. Limitations: This research does not cover more details about the Hamis Batar Ritual. This research only focuses on explaining the process of the Hamis Batar Ritual in brief and showing the ritual as a rational activity. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information for social science and culture. Keywords: Rituals, Indigenous activities, Rational choice theor

    Akomodasi Komunikasi dalam Interaksi Antarbudaya antara Warga Asli Dusun Kiuteta dengan Warga Timor Leste di Desa Noelbaki

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the accommodation in convergence, divergence and excessive accommodation in intercultural interactions that occur between the original residents of Kiuteta hamlet and new residents of Kiuteta hamlet and new residents of Timor Leste in the village of Noelbaki, Kupang. The theory used in this study is the theory of communication accommodation. This research is a type of qualitative research. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Informants in this study amounted to 11 people, namely : (1) five new residents of Timor Leste, (2) five residents of the Kiuteta Hamlet, (3) Noelbaki Village leader. The results of this study indicate that in conversation people have three choices namely convergence, divergence, and excessive accommodation. Intercultural interaction of communication accommodation of convergence between indigenous residents of the Kiuteta Hamlet and new residents of Timor Leste, namely mutual respect when speaking and adjusting language where new residents of Timor Leste must adjust, understand the language use of the native inhabitants of the Kiuteta Hamlet. Convergence choices occur in some new residents of Timor Leste who still maintain a culture (dialect) to highlight differences. An act of excessive accommodation at an interaction where new residents of Timor Leste are considered as rude citizens. Suggestions for achieving common goals in diversity the adaptation process should continue to be carried out by local residents and new residents of Timor Leste in Kiuteta hamlet

    Etnografi Komunikasi Penyandang Disabilitas

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    This study aims to describe and express the ethnography of communication person with disabilities in speeches children at the Kupang branch of the Bhakti Luhur orphanage. The theory used is the theory of symbolic interaction by George Herbert Mead. Qualitative research paradigm namely ethnography of communication. Data collection techniques and data analysis used are Dell Hyms. The results of research on the type of communication events in the communication process of speechless children at the orphanage consist of two, namely communication events of speech children with nurses, communication events, children with speech impairments and teachers. The components that make up the communication events of the speechless child setting and scene, namely the location or place and time of communication of the child who is speech impaired by the nurse and teachers, participants, anyone who is involved in the communication process between a speechless child nurse and teacher, ends, the purpose of communication is the speechless child nurse and teacher, action sequences, communication forms of nurse and teachers speechless children that include verbal and nonverbal messages, key, tone of voice in the process of communication of children with speech disabilities and teachers, instrumental, the what message was conveyed through verbal and nonverbal messages, norms, regulations apply at the orphanage, genre, delivery forms such as prayer advice and the relationships of the components that make up communication events. The relationship between the communication components that make up the communication event between nurses and teachers speechless children is colored by verbal and nonverbal languages that appear in the form of statement submissions and requests. The conclusions of this study are the communications process that occurs between nurses of speechless children and teachers at the orphanage who use SPEAKING components in forming communication events

    Makna Simbol-Simbol dalam Tradisi Hamis Batar (Syukur Jagung) pada Suku Tetun Desa Wehali Kecamatan Malaka Tengah Kabupaten Malaka

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    Meaning of Symbols in the Tradition of Hamis Batar (Gratitude of Maize) On the Suku Tetun of Wehali Village, Malaka Tengah Sub-district, Malaka Regency. (Culture society of Malaka Regency have a set of meaning value system.,The system is manifested in the structure and the social patterns that are implemented in accordance with the standards passed down from generation to generation. The meaning is contained in "culture" as the linking thread between human beings and the facts that exist outside of himself.) The tradition of Hamisbatar/gratitude of maize is one of the traditional cultures in Malaka regency. This tradition is one of the cultures of many cultures in this area, where are people celebrating in every year as the key roles in community life. Basically the tradition of Hamisbatar reveals the meanings that come as a hope that is always believed by humans. The tradition of Hamisbatar is a regular ceremony that presents the belief that always colored the life of the community because the HamisBatar culture shows the gratitude ceremony that comes through the maize for God or Maromak in Tetun. In this study, the researcher aims to examine the meaning of the symbols contained in the tradition of Hamisbatar (Gratitude of the Maize) with Roland Barthes's theory of semiotic analysis, which in theory examines the meaning of denotation, connotation, and the myth of the symbol in the tradition of Hamisbatar. This research uses the qualitative method. The study was conducted in Wehali Village, Malaka Regency. The data was collected by observation and in-depth interviews. The results showed that the ceremony of HamisBatar performed as a good relationship between human beings with the highest being believed is God. The people follow the ceremony of Hamis Batarwith big hope of obtaining the blessing of the Supreme Being, so as to live healthy, safe, peaceful, and harmonious and live well. The traditions contain various tools used as symbols that represent gratitude offerings to the highest form

    Repository_Blajan Konradus

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    Antropologi Sosial Buday

    Social Change and the Culture as the Basic of Wulandoni-Pantai Harapan Reconciliation

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    This study aims to explain social change of post-conflict of the Wulandoni - Pantai Harapan community and what kind of cultural communication space should be built for sustainable reconciliation and peace. The two focus studies above have become very central in reading and analysing the reality of the conflict between the two villages. By using ethnographic method, this study found three things. First, the conflict between Wulandoni and Pantai Harapan villages is not a religious conflict. Even so, it cannot be denied that the discourse on religious conflict was quite developed at that time because the cultural and religious realities of the two villages were quite different. Second, the Wulandoni-Pantai Harapan conflict caused social change and the loss of kinship between the people, especially the loss of the Wulandoni barter market. Third, post-conflict reconciliation and peace efforts are immediately carried out thanks to the cultural and economic relations between the people on the south coast of Lembata Island. These social, economic and cultural kinship relationships are important pillars in creating peace and harmony between communities. This study also opens the discourse of reconciliation and peace based on local culture and economy in the south of Lembata Island