27 research outputs found

    ADA2 tartalmú hiszton acetiltranszferáz komplexek szerepe a génműködés szabályozásában = The role of ADA2-containing histone acetyltransferase complexes in gene

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    A projekt eredményei hiszton módosító komplexek szerepét és együttműködését bizonyítják a génműködés és a kromoszóma szerkezet szabályozásában. Jellemeztük két rokon szerkezetű ADA2 fehérje faktort tartalmazó acetiltranszferáz komplex működését, melyek (SAGA és ATAC), szigorúan specifikusan módosítják a nukleoszóma hiszton komponenseit. A SAGA a hiszton 3 lizin 9 és 14, az ATAC a hiszton 4 lizin 5 és lizin 12 oldalláncokat acetilálja. Egy harmadik általunk jelemzett faktor (ADA3) mindkét komponens esszenciális része. A SAGA és ATAC komplexek egyes gének működését specifikus transzkripciós faktorokon át szabályozzák, az ATAC komplex pedig az aktív kromatin szerkezet kialakításán keresztül az általános génműködés szabályozásban is fontos szerepet játszik. Az ATAC működésével létrejövő hiszton 4 acatiláció hiányában csökken a JIL-1 hiszton kináz aktivitása és ez a transzkripciósan inaktív heterokromatin kialakulásának irányába tolja el a kromatin szerkezet változásokat. Ehhez kapcsolódva azt is kimutattuk, hogy a hiszton 4 ATAC-al történő acetilációjához egy másik nukleoszóma módosító komplex, az ATP energiájával a nukleoszómákat atrendező NURF működése szükséges. Adataink így a kromatin szerkezet kialakításában fontos szerepet játszó fehérje komplexek koordinált együtműködését bizonyítják. | The results of this project demonstrate the roles of different histone acetyltransferase complexes in the regulation of gene expression and chromatin structure and the interplay of different histone modifying and nucleosome remodeling complexes. We showed that in Drosophila melanogaster two related ADA2 proteins participate in the SAGA and ATAC GCN5-containing histone acetyltransferase complexes which have distinct specificity for different histone tails. The dADA2b-containing dSAGA complex is involved in histone H3 lysine 9 and lysine 14 acetylation, while the dADA2a-containing ATAC complex modifies histone H4 lysine 5 and lysine 12. Both of these complexes harbor the ADA3 factor which we have also identified and characterized. The loss of function of these complexes results in changes both in global gene expression and on the transcription of specific genes. The reduced level of histone H4 lysine 12 acetylation by the ATAC histone acetyltransferase complex also leads to chromatin structural changes by decreasing the phosphorylation level of histone H3 serine 10 by the JIL-1 kinase. The acetylation of histone H4 is dependent on the function of NURF chromatin remodeling complex which activity provides access ATAC to the chromatin. Altogether these data demonstrate an interdependence and delicate balance among the action of chromatin remodeling and modifying complexes in regulating chromatin organization and function

    Functional characterization and gene expression profiling of Drosophila melanogaster short dADA2b isoform-containing dSAGA complexes

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    The data presented here are in accord with results of genetic complementation experiments, and support the hypothesis that different isoforms of dADA2b contribute to the functional variations of dSAGA multiprotein HAT complexes

    Intimate relationship between the genes of two transcriptional coactivators, ADA2a and PIMT, of Drosophila

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    PIMT, a transcriptional coactivator which interacts with and enhances nuclear receptor coactivator PRIP function, was identified recently in mammalian cells and suggested to function as a link between two major multiprotein complexes anchored by CBP/p300 and PBP. Here we describe that the gene of the Drosophila homologue of PIMT, designated as Dtl, is closely associated and has an overlapping promoter with a gene encoding another transcriptional coactivator, ADA2a, which in turn participates in GCN5 HAT-containing complexes. Ada2a also produces an RNA polII subunit, RPB4, via alternative splicing; consequently, an overlapping regulatory region serves for the production of three proteins, each involved in transcription. By studying expression of reporter gene fusions in tissue culture cells and transgenic animals we have demonstrated that the regulatory regions of Ada2a/Rpb4 and Dtl overlap and the Dtl promoter is partly within the Ada2a/Rpb4 coding region. The shared regulatory region contains a DRE element, binding site of DREF, the protein factor involved in the regulation of a number of genes which play a role in DNA replication and cell proliferation. Despite the perfectly symmetrical DRE, DREF seems to have a more decisive role in Ada2a/Rpb4 transcription than in the transcription of Dtl

    The Drosophila histone acetyltransferase Gcn5 and transcriptional adaptor Ada2a are involved in nucleosomal histone H4 acetylation

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    The histone acetyltransferase (HAT) Gcn5 plays a role in chromatin structure and gene expression regulation as a catalytic component of multiprotein complexes, some of which also contain Ada2-type transcriptional coactivators. Data obtained mostly from studies on yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) suggest that Ada2 potentiates Gcn5 activity and substrate recognition. dAda2b, one of two related Ada2 proteins of Drosophila melanogaster, was recently found to play a role in complexes acetylating histone 3 (H3). Evidence of an in vivo functional link between the related coactivator dAda2a and dGcn5, however, is lacking. Here we present data on the genetic interaction of dGcn5 and dAda2a. The loss of either dGcn5 or dAda2a function results in similar chromosome structural and developmental defects. In dAda2a mutants, the nucleosomal H4 acetylation at lysines 12 and 5 is significantly reduced, while the acetylation established by dAda2b-containing Gcn5 complexes at H3 lysines 9 and 14 is unaffected. The data presented here, together with our earlier data on the function of dAda2b, provide evidence that related Ada2 proteins of Drosophila, together with Gcn5 HAT, are involved in the acetylation of specific lysine residues in the N-terminal tails of nucleosomal H3 and H4. Our data suggest dAda2a involvement in both uniformly distributed H4 acetylation and gene-specific transcription regulation

    Intimate relationship between the genes of two transcriptional coactivators, ADA2a and PIMT, of Drosophila

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    PIMT, a transcriptional coactivator which interacts with and enhances nuclear receptor coactivator PRIP function, was identified recently in mammalian cells and suggested to function as a link between two major multiprotein complexes anchored by CBP/p300 and PBP. Here we describe that the gene of the Drosophila homologue of PIMT, designated as Dtl, is closely associated and has an overlapping promoter with a gene encoding another transcriptional coactivator, ADA2a, which in turn participates in GCN5 HAT-containing complexes. Ada2a also produces an RNA polII subunit, RPB4, via alternative splicing; consequently, an overlapping regulatory region serves for the production of three proteins, each involved in transcription. By studying expression of reporter gene fusions in tissue culture cells and transgenic animals we have demonstrated that the regulatory regions of Ada2a/Rpb4 and Dtl overlap and the Dtl promoter is partly within the Ada2a/Rpb4 coding region. The shared regulatory region contains a DRE element, binding site of DREF, the protein factor involved in the regulation of a number of genes which play a role in DNA replication and cell proliferation. Despite the perfectly symmetrical DRE, DREF seems to have a more decisive role in Ada2a/Rpb4 transcription than in the transcription of Dtl

    DTL, the Drosophila homolog of PIMT/Tgs1 nuclear receptor coactivator-interacting protein/RNA methyltransferase, has an essential role in development

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    We describe a novel Drosophila gene, dtl (Drosophila Tat-like), which encodes a 60-kDa protein with RNA binding activity and a methyltransferase (MTase) domain. Dtl has an essential role in Drosophila development. The homologs of DTL recently described include PIMT (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-interacting protein with a methyltransferase domain), an RNA-binding protein that interacts with and enhances the nuclear receptor coactivator function, and TGS1, the methyltransferase involved in the formation of the 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (m3G) cap of non-coding small RNAs. DTL is expressed throughout all of the developmental stages of Drosophila. The dtl mRNA has two ORFs (uORF and dORF). The product of dORF is the 60-kDa PIMT/TGS1 homolog protein that is translated from an internal AUG located 538 bp downstream from the 5' end of the message. This product of dtl is responsible for the formation of the m3G cap of small RNAs of Drosophila. Trimethylguanosine synthase activity is essential in Drosophila. The deletion in the dORF or point mutation in the putative MTase active site results in a reduced pool of m3G cap-containing RNAs and lethality in the early pupa stage. The 5' region of the dtl message also has the coding capacity (uORF) for a 178 amino acid protein. For complete rescue of the lethal phenotype of dtl mutants, the presence of the entire dtl transcription unit is required. Transgenes that carry mutations within the uORF restore the MTase activity but result in only partial rescue of the lethal phenotype. Interestingly, two transgenes bearing a mutation in uORF or dORF in trans can result in complete rescue

    Gene expression profiling identifies FKBP39 as an inhibitor of autophagy in larval Drosophila fat body

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    In Drosophila, the fat body undergoes a massive burst of autophagy at the end of larval development in preparation for the pupal transition. To identify genes involved in this process, we carried out a microarray analysis. We found that mRNA levels of the homologs of Atg8, the coat protein of early autophagic structures, and lysosomal hydrolases were upregulated, consistent with previous results. Genes encoding mitochondrial proteins and many chaperones were downregulated, including the inhibitor of eIF2alpha kinases and the peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FK506-binding protein of 39 kDa (FKBP39). Genetic manipulation of FKBP39 expression had a significant effect on autophagy, potentially through modulation of the transcription factor Foxo. Accordingly, we found that Foxo mutants cannot properly undergo autophagy in response to starvation, and that overexpression of Foxo induces autophagy