11,288 research outputs found

    Yukawaon Approach to the Sumino Relation for Charged Lepton Masses

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    On the basis of a supersymmetric yukawaon model, Sumino's relation for charged lepton masses is re-derived. A relation between values of K(μ)(me+mμ+mτ)/(me+mμ+mτ)2K(\mu) \equiv (m_e +m_\mu + m_\tau)/(\sqrt{m_e} + \sqrt{m_\mu} + \sqrt{m_\tau})^2 and κ(μ)memμmτ/(me+mμ+mτ)3\kappa(\mu) \equiv \sqrt{m_e m_\mu m_\tau}/ (\sqrt{m_e} + \sqrt{m_\mu}+ \sqrt{m_\tau})^3 is investigated without using a relation K=2/3K=2/3. Predicted value of κ(μ)\kappa(\mu) is compared with the observed value of κ(μ)\kappa(\mu), and it is concluded that the value ξ(μ)(3/2)K(μ)1\xi(\mu)\equiv (3/2)K(\mu) -1 is of the order of 10310^{-3} or less.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, version accepted by PL

    Lepton Family Symmetry and Possible Application to the Koide Mass Formula

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    A finite group generated by four Z_3 transformations is applied to lepton families in a supersymmetric model, resulting in the charged-lepton masses m_i being proportional to v_i^2, where v_i are three vacuum expectation values. This may be relevant in obtaining the Koide formula m_e + m_mu + m_tau = (2/3)(sqrt{m_e} + sqrt{m_mu} + sqrt(m_tau})^2.Comment: 10 pages, no figur

    Charged Lepton Mass Formula -- Development and Prospect --

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    The recent devolopment on the charged lepton mass forumula m_e+m_{\mu}+m_{\tau}={2/3}(\sqrt{m_e}+\sqrt{m_\mu}+\sqrt{m_{\tau}})^2 is reviewed. An S_3 or A_4 model will be promising for the mass relation.Comment: Latex, 11 pages, no figure, Talk at Internationa Workshop on Neutrino Masses and Mixing, at Shizuoka, Japan, December, 17-19, 200

    Family Gauge Bosons with an Inverted Mass Hierarchy

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    A model that gives family gauge bosons with an inverted mass hierarchy is proposed, stimulated by Sumino's cancellation mechanism for the QED radiative correction to the charged lepton masses. The Sumino mechanism cannot straightforwardly be applied to SUSY models because of the non-renormalization theorem. In this paper, an alternative model which is applicable to a SUSY model is proposed. It is essential that family gauge boson masses m(Aij)m(A_i^j) in this model is given by an inverted mass hierarchy m(Aii)1/meim(A_i^i) \propto 1/\sqrt{m_{ei}}, in contrast to m(Aii)meim(A_i^i) \propto \sqrt{m_{ei}} in the original Sumino model. Phenomenological meaning of the model is also nvestigated. In particular, we notice a deviation from the ee-μ\mu universality in the tau decays.Comment: 13 pages, 1 fugure, added discussion on the neutrino sector, version accepted by Phys.Lett.

    Permutation Symmetry S_3 and VEV Structure of Flavor-Triplet Higgs Scalars

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    A model with flavor-triplet Higgs scalars \phi_i (i=1,2,3)is investigated under a permutation symmetry S_3 and its symmetry breaking. A possible S_3 breaking form of the Higgs potential whose vacuum expectation values v_i=< \phi_i> satisfy a relation v_1^2 +v_2^2 +v_3^2 ={2/3}(v_1 +v_2 +v_3)^2 is investigated, because if we suppose a seesaw-like mass matrix model M_e = m M^{-1} m with m_{ij} \propto \delta_{ij} v_i and M_{ij} \propto \delta_{ij}, such a model can lead to the well-known charged lepton mass relation m_e +m_\mu +m_\tau = {2/3} (\sqrt{m_e}+\sqrt{m_\mu} +\sqrt{m_\tau})^2.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, final version to appear in PR

    S_4 Flavor Symmetry Embedded into SU(3) and Lepton Masses and Mixing

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    Based on an assumption that an S_4 flavor symmetry is embedded into SU(3), a lepton mass matrix model is investigated. A Frogatt-Nielsen type model is assumed, and the flavor structures of the masses and mixing are caused by VEVs of SU(2)_L-singlet scalars \phi_u and \phi_d which are nonets (8+1) of the SU(3) flavor symmetry, and which are broken into 2+3+3' and 1 of S_4. If we require the invariance under the transformation (\phi^{(8)},\phi^{(1)}) \to (-\phi^{(8)},+\phi^{(1)}) for the superpotential of the nonet field \phi^{(8+1)}, the model leads to a beautiful relation for the charged lepton masses. The observed tribimaximal neutrino mixing is understood by assuming two SU(3) singlet right-handed neutrinos \nu_R^{(\pm)} and an SU(3) triplet scalar \chi.Comment: 12 pages, no figure, to appear on JHE

    Seesaw Mass Matrix Model of Quarks and Leptons with Flavor-Triplet Higgs Scalars

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    In a seesaw mass matrix model M_f = m_L M_F^{-1} m_R^\dagger with a universal structure of m_L \propto m_R, as the origin of m_L (m_R) for quarks and eptons, flavor-triplet Higgs scalars whose vacuum expectation values v_i are proportional to the square roots of the charged lepton masses m_{ei}, i.e. v_i \propto \sqrt{m_{ei}}, are assumed. Then, it is investigated whether such a model can explain the observed neutrino masses and mixings (and also quark masses and mixings) or not.Comment: version accepted by EPJ

    A Unified Description of Quark and Lepton Mass Matrices in a Universal Seesaw Model

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    In the democratic universal seesaw model, the mass matrices are given by \bar{f}_L m_L F_R + \bar{F}_L m_R f_R + \bar{F}_L M_F F_R (f: quarks and leptons; F: hypothetical heavy fermions), m_L and m_R are universal for up- and down-fermions, and M_F has a structure ({\bf 1}+ b_f X) (b_f is a flavour-dependent parameter, and X is a democratic matrix). The model can successfully explain the quark masses and CKM mixing parameters in terms of the charged lepton masses by adjusting only one parameter, b_f. However, so far, the model has not been able to give the observed bimaximal mixing for the neutrino sector. In the present paper, we consider that M_F in the quark sectors are still "fully" democratic, while M_F in the lepton sectors are partially democratic. Then, the revised model can reasonably give a nearly bimaximal mixing without spoiling the previous success in the quark sectors.Comment: 7 pages, no figur

    New Trends in the Zee Model

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    Recent trends in the Zee model are reviewed. Especially, the importance of a serious constraint in the Zee model, sin^2 2\theta_{solar} =1.0, is pointed out.Comment: 3 pages, Latex, Plenary talk given at NuFact'01 (held in Tukuba, Japan, 24-30 May 2001), to appear in the Proceeding

    A_4 Symmetry and Lepton Masses and Mixing

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    Stimulated by Ma's idea which explains the tribimaximal neutrino mixing by assuming an A_4 flavor symmetry, a lepton mass matrix model is investigated. A Frogatt-Nielsen type model is assumed, and the flavor structures of the masses and mixing are caused by the VEVs of SU(2)_L-singlet scalars \phi_i^u and \phi_i^d (i=1,2,3), which are assigned to {\bf 3} and ({\bf 1}, {\bf 1}',{\bf 1}'') of A_4, respectively.Comment: 13 pages including 1 table, errors in Sec.7 correcte