372 research outputs found

    Формирование супружеской дезадаптации при сексуальном фобическом неврозе у мужа

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    Освещены причины, условия формирования и клинические проявления вторичной супружеской дезадаптации при сексуальном фобическом неврозе у мужа. Показана роль биогенных, социогенных и негативных психологических факторов в генезе связанной с рассмотренной формой сексуального расстройства супружеской дезадаптации.The causes, conditions of forming and clinical manifestations of secondary spouse deadaptation in sexual phobic neurosis in the husband are described. The role of biogenic, sociogenic and negative mental factors in the development of spouse deadaptation associated with this form of a sexual disorder is shown

    Partial hexokinase II knockout results in acute ischemia-reperfusion damage in skeletal muscle of male, but not female, mice

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    Cellular studies have demonstrated a protective role of mitochondrial hexokinase against oxidative insults. It is unknown whether HK protective effects translate to the in vivo condition. In the present study, we hypothesize that HK affects acute ischemia–reperfusion injury in skeletal muscle of the intact animal. Male and female heterozygote knockout HKII (HK(+/-)), heterozygote overexpressed HKII (HK(tg)), and their wild-type (WT) C57Bl/6 littermates mice were examined. In anesthetized animals, the left gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscle was connected to a force transducer and continuously stimulated (1-Hz twitches) during 60 min ischemia and 90 min reperfusion. Cell survival (%LDH) was defined by the amount of cytosolic lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity still present in the reperfused GM relative to the contralateral (non-ischemic) GM. Mitochondrial HK activity was 72.6 ± 7.5, 15.7 ± 1.7, and 8.8 ± 0.9 mU/mg protein in male mice, and 72.7 ± 3.7, 11.2 ± 1.4, and 5.9 ± 1.1 mU/mg in female mice for HK(tg), WT, and HK(+/-), respectively. Tetanic force recovery amounted to 33 ± 7% for male and 17 ± 4% for female mice and was similar for HK(tg), WT, and HK(+/-). However, cell survival was decreased (p = 0.014) in male HK(+/-) (82 ± 4%LDH) as compared with WT (98 ± 5%LDH) and HK(tg) (97 ± 4%LDH). No effects of HKII on cell survival was observed in female mice (92 ± 2% LDH). In conclusion, in this mild model of acute in vivo ischemia–reperfusion injury, a partial knockout of HKII was associated with increased cell death in male mice. The data suggest for the first time that HKII mediates skeletal muscle ischemia–reperfusion injury in the intact male animal

    Vergroten zelfvoorzienendheid watervoorziening glastuinbouw : watervraag glastuinbouw Haaglanden : deelrapport A

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    De watervoorziening van de glastuinbouw in Haaglanden staat onder druk door toekomstige ontwikkelingen zoals klimaatverandering (langere perioden van droogte en toename verzilting), veranderingen in het beheer van het hoofdwatersysteem en verschuivingen in de zoet-zout grens (uitvoering kierbesluit en planvorming voor een zout water Volkerak-Zoommeer) en de discussie rondom het infiltreren van brijn in de ondergrond. Dit heeft zowel betrekking op de beschikbaarheid van regenwater als ook van voldoende en geschikt oppervlaktewater

    Eindrapport 20 juni 2014 : deelrapport B: wateraanbod glastuinbouw Haaglanden

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    In de regio Haaglanden is veel glastuinbouw. Op dit moment wordt hemelwater als primaire gietwaterbron gebruikt voor de substraatteelt, wat 88% van het glastuinbouw areaal in deze regio beslaat. Bedrijven zijn verplicht een hemel-waterberging te hebben van minimaal 500 m3/ha. Dit is echter niet genoeg voor de meeste bedrijven. Doordat water tijdens piekbuien onvoldoende kan worden opgevangen, en het meeste water nodig is in een periode met weinig regenval, ontstaat een watertekort. Om het huidige tekort op te lossen wordt een alternatieve bron ingezet als aanvullend gietwater. Een veelbelovende alternatieve gietwaterbron lijkt water van de afvalwaterzui-vering Harnaschpolder. Behalve het inzetten van een alternatieve waterbron, of het vergroten van de bergingscapaciteit, kan ook gezocht worden naar manieren om de watervraag te verminderen

    Culture and Hybridization Experiments on an Ulva Clade Including the Qingdao Strain Blooming in the Yellow Sea

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    In the summer of 2008, immediately prior to the Beijing Olympics, a massive green tide of the genus Ulva covered the Qingdao coast of the Yellow Sea in China. Based on molecular analyses using the nuclear encoded rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, the Qingdao strains dominating the green tide were reported to be included in a single phylogenetic clade, currently regarded as a single species. On the other hand, our detailed phylogenetic analyses of the clade, using a higher resolution DNA marker, suggested that two genetically separate entities could be included within the clade. However, speciation within the Ulva clade has not yet been examined. We examined the occurrence of an intricate speciation within the clade, including the Qingdao strains, via combined studies of culture, hybridization and phylogenetic analysis. The two entities separated by our phylogenetic analyses of the clade were simply distinguished as U. linza and U. prolifera morphologically by the absence or presence of branches in cultured thalli. The inclusion of sexual strains and several asexual strains were found in each taxon. Hybridizations among the sexual strains also supported the separation by a partial gamete incompatibility. The sexually reproducing Qingdao strains crossed with U. prolifera without any reproductive boundary, but a complete reproductive isolation to U. linza occurred by gamete incompatibility. The results demonstrate that the U. prolifera group includes two types of sexual strains distinguishable by crossing affinity to U. linza. Species identification within the Ulva clade requires high resolution DNA markers and/or hybridization experiments and is not possible by reliance on the ITS markers alone

    Examining if being overweight really confers protection against dementia: Sixty-four year follow-up of participants in the Glasgow University alumni cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Recent large-scale studies suggest that obesity and overweight may confer protection against future dementia. This observation could, however, be generated by reverse causality. That is, weight loss in the incipient phase of dementia ascribed to diminished self-care, including sub-optimal nutrition, would have the effect of generating such an inverse association. One approach to circumventing this problem would be to measure weight in a population which is young enough to be free of the symptoms of dementia which is then followed up for dementia occurrence over many decades. METHODS: In a prospective cohort study, body mass index, and other potential risk factors, were measured in 9547 male university undergraduates (mean age 20.5 years) in 1948-68 who were then linked to national mortality registers. RESULTS: Of 2537 deaths over a mean of 50.6 years follow up, 140 were ascribed to dementia. There was no association between overweight and future dementia deaths (age-adjusted hazard ratio; 95 % confidence interval: 0.93; 0.49, 1.79). CONCLUSION: In this cohort study of former university students, being overweight in youth did not confer protection against later dementia death

    Mudflat surface morphology as a structuring agent of algae and associated macroepifauna communities: a case study in the Ria Formosa

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    Although mudflats seem relatively planar, closer inspection reveals a succession of meso-topographical features, including consecutive convex and concave meso- and micro-topographical features. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of meso-scale surface sediment morphology on the dynamics of the macroalgae Ulvales (Chlorophyta) and associated macroepifauna in the Ria Formosa tidal lagoon (southern coast of Portugal). Four sites in the Ria Formosa were sampled monthly. Two were located on convex sections (mounds) of the mudflat and the other two on concave sections (depressions). Macroalgae and related macroepifauna were sampled at each station. Biomass was quantified by determination of the ash-free dry weight (AFDW). Data were analysed using the software package ‘PRIMER’ (Plymouth Routines In Multivariate Ecological Research). Results show a clear distinction between convex and concave areas. In convex sections, Enteromorpha dominated, to the point of being the only algal species present during part of the year. Conversely, biomass and dynamics of Enteromorpha and Ulva were almost the same in concave sections. The associated macroepifauna was also different in protruding or depressed sections of the mudflat. In the convex areas, the macroepifauna population showed less diversity and was dominated by the snail Hydrobia ulvae. In concave areas, the species diversity was larger, but dominated in terms of biomass by the amphipod Melita palmata and the gastropod Nassarius pfeifferi. Results of the study indicate that the benthic communities associated with concave or convex features were different. No relevant differences in texture and sediment physico-chemical characteristics were found between convex and concave sections. The inference is that the morphological nature of the bottom in tidal mudflats can act as a structuring agent of benthic communities