46 research outputs found

    Performance Calculations of Light Twin Engine Propeller-driven Aircraft

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    Tema ovog završnog rada je "Izračun performansi lakog dvomotornog zrakoplova s propelerskim pogonom". Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikazati performanse lakog dvomotornog zrakoplova s propelerskim pogonom, a za primjer je uzet zrakoplov Beechcraft Queen Air. Rezultati izračuna biti će prikazani za svaku fazu leta pojedinačno. Faze leta koje će se obraditi su: polijetanje, penjanje, horizontalni let, spuštanje te slijetanje. Materija je podijeljena u 9 poglavlja: 1. Uvod, 2. Performanse zrakoplova, 3. Karakteristike zrakoplova značajne za izračun performansi, 4. Izračun performansi zrakoplova u horizontalnom letu, 5. Izračun performansi zrakoplova u penjanju, 6. Izračun performansi zrakoplova u spuštanju, 7. Izračun performansi zrakoplova pri uzlijetanju, 8. Izračun performansi zrakoplova pri slijetanju, 9. Zaključak. S obzirom da znamo da je cilj u zrakoplovstvu prevesti što više putnika (korisnog tereta), uz što manje troškove, kroz ovih nekoliko poglavlja također će biti prikazan utjecaj mase zrakoplova, kao i visina leta na performanse navedenog zrakoplova.The theme of this work is "Performance Calculations for a Light Propeller-driven Twin Engine Aircraf". The aim of this work is to show performance calculations for a light propeller-driven twin engine aircraf and for example it was taken aircraft called Beechcraft Queen Air. The calculation results will be shown for each flight phase individually. The flight stages to be handled are take-off, climbing, horizontal flight, descending and landing. The work is divided into 9 chapters: 1. Introduction, 2. Aircraft performance, 3. Aircraft characteristics important for performance calculation, 4. Calculation of aircraft performance on a horizontal flight, 5. Calculation of aircraft performance on climbing, 6. Calculating the performance on descending aircraft, 7. Calculation of aircraft performance at take-off, 8. Calculation of aircraft performance at landing, 9. Conclusion. Since we know that the aim of the aviationis, is to carry as many passengers (payload), with the least cost, through these few chapters will be also shown the influence of the mass on the aircraft, as well as the height, on the performance of this aircraft

    Performance Calculations of Light Twin Engine Propeller-driven Aircraft

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    Tema ovog završnog rada je "Izračun performansi lakog dvomotornog zrakoplova s propelerskim pogonom". Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikazati performanse lakog dvomotornog zrakoplova s propelerskim pogonom, a za primjer je uzet zrakoplov Beechcraft Queen Air. Rezultati izračuna biti će prikazani za svaku fazu leta pojedinačno. Faze leta koje će se obraditi su: polijetanje, penjanje, horizontalni let, spuštanje te slijetanje. Materija je podijeljena u 9 poglavlja: 1. Uvod, 2. Performanse zrakoplova, 3. Karakteristike zrakoplova značajne za izračun performansi, 4. Izračun performansi zrakoplova u horizontalnom letu, 5. Izračun performansi zrakoplova u penjanju, 6. Izračun performansi zrakoplova u spuštanju, 7. Izračun performansi zrakoplova pri uzlijetanju, 8. Izračun performansi zrakoplova pri slijetanju, 9. Zaključak. S obzirom da znamo da je cilj u zrakoplovstvu prevesti što više putnika (korisnog tereta), uz što manje troškove, kroz ovih nekoliko poglavlja također će biti prikazan utjecaj mase zrakoplova, kao i visina leta na performanse navedenog zrakoplova.The theme of this work is "Performance Calculations for a Light Propeller-driven Twin Engine Aircraf". The aim of this work is to show performance calculations for a light propeller-driven twin engine aircraf and for example it was taken aircraft called Beechcraft Queen Air. The calculation results will be shown for each flight phase individually. The flight stages to be handled are take-off, climbing, horizontal flight, descending and landing. The work is divided into 9 chapters: 1. Introduction, 2. Aircraft performance, 3. Aircraft characteristics important for performance calculation, 4. Calculation of aircraft performance on a horizontal flight, 5. Calculation of aircraft performance on climbing, 6. Calculating the performance on descending aircraft, 7. Calculation of aircraft performance at take-off, 8. Calculation of aircraft performance at landing, 9. Conclusion. Since we know that the aim of the aviationis, is to carry as many passengers (payload), with the least cost, through these few chapters will be also shown the influence of the mass on the aircraft, as well as the height, on the performance of this aircraft

    Determining the presence and the number of people by using a Wi-Fi signal

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    We present experimental results and theoretical methods for the precise determination of the presence and the number of people in an observed area by using Wi-Fi signals. Our setup does not require active cooperation of persons present in the Wi-Fi field, and relies only on the received signal strength indicator (RSSI), which is read by the detectors. We first show that the standard deviation of the measured RSSI data can be used as a practical tool to establish the presence of a person (or more persons) with high precision, in particular when the signal source is inside the measurement room. For the more difficult problem of counting the number of persons, we have employed machine learning algorithms to analyze data collected on nine different detectors and up to nine people present in our experiment. We have achieved excellent results (prediction accuracy of 98% and above) for counting already with only few detectors utilized in the analysis.Comment: are welcom

    Determination of neutron energy spectra presence in gamma spectroscopic measurements using Ge-detectors

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    Određivanje prisustva neutrona tokom niskofonskih gama spektrometrijskih merenja je od posebne važnosti. Zbog toga je u ovom radu analiziran način određivanja energetskog spektra neutrona prisutnog u merenjima sa HPGe detektorima. Ovaj metod se zasniva na korišćenju metoda dekonvolucije. Za to je neophodno poznavati gama aktivnost indukovanu neutronskim reakcijama sa različitim izotopima germanijuma kao i efikasne preseke za date neutronske reakcije. Ovaj pristup je testiran merenjima sa fisionim izvorom neutrona 252Cf koji je bio postavljen u blizini HPGe detektora. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da ovaj metod moze pružiti pouzdane podatke o obliku energetskog spektra neutrona tokom gama spektrometrijskih merenja.Determination of neutron spectra in the Ge-detector during low-level gamma spectroscopy measurements is of great importance. Thus, in this paper we analyzed the method for the determination of neutron energy spectra present during measurements with HPGe detectors. This method is based on using the deconvolution procedure. It requires the knowledge of neutron induced gamma activities of Ge isotopes and the cross section data for the neutron reactions of interest. This approach was tested with measurements that used the fission neutron source 252Cf placed in proximity of the HPGe detector. Results show that this method can provide reliable data about the shape of neutron energy spectrum during gamma spectroscopy measurements.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    Influence of muon flux variations to level of background activity during low-background gamma spectrometric measurements

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    Mioni predstavljaju glavnu komponentu kosmičkog zračenja na nivou mora, zbog čega su značajan izvor fonske aktivnosti u gama spektrometrijskim merenjima. Fonsku aktivnost mioni mogu produkovati interakcijama sa detektorom i okolnim materijalima. Tom prilikom nastali neutroni daju takođe značajan doprinos vrednosti fonske gama aktivnosti. U ovom radu su predstavljeni rezultati merenja korišćenjem HPGe detektora sa gvozdenom i olovnom pasivnom zaštitom u dva okruženja, kada je iznad detektora bila prisutna različita debljina pokrovnog betonskog sloja. Monitoring prisustva miona je vršen korišćenjem plastičnog scintilacionog detektora. Određene su vrednosti inteziteta gama pikova koji se javljaju usled neutronskih reakcija i upoređeni su sa promenom prisustva miona u okruženju detektora. Dobijeni rezultati mogu poslužiti za unapređenje projektovanja zaštita prilikom niskofonskih gama spektrometrijskih merenja.Muons are one of the main components of cosmic radiation on the sea level and there are significant source background activities during gamma spectroscopic measurements. Background activity can be produced by muon interactions with detector and surrounding materials. On this way created neutrons also have high influence on detection of background events. In this work there are presented the results of measurements by use of HPGe detectors with iron and lead shields. The detectors were located in two different environments where the different thicknesses of covering concrete layer were present. The monitoring of muons presence was done by measurements with plastic scintillation detector. The levels of neutron induced gamma activates were determinated and compared with changing of muon flux in detectors environment. The results can be used for improving of new detector shield in gamma spectrometry measurements.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    Determination of neutron energy spectra presence in gamma spectroscopic measurements using Ge-detectors

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    Određivanje prisustva neutrona tokom niskofonskih gama spektrometrijskih merenja je od posebne važnosti. Zbog toga je u ovom radu analiziran način određivanja energetskog spektra neutrona prisutnog u merenjima sa HPGe detektorima. Ovaj metod se zasniva na korišćenju metoda dekonvolucije. Za to je neophodno poznavati gama aktivnost indukovanu neutronskim reakcijama sa različitim izotopima germanijuma kao i efikasne preseke za date neutronske reakcije. Ovaj pristup je testiran merenjima sa fisionim izvorom neutrona 252Cf koji je bio postavljen u blizini HPGe detektora. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da ovaj metod moze pružiti pouzdane podatke o obliku energetskog spektra neutrona tokom gama spektrometrijskih merenja.Determination of neutron spectra in the Ge-detector during low-level gamma spectroscopy measurements is of great importance. Thus, in this paper we analyzed the method for the determination of neutron energy spectra present during measurements with HPGe detectors. This method is based on using the deconvolution procedure. It requires the knowledge of neutron induced gamma activities of Ge isotopes and the cross section data for the neutron reactions of interest. This approach was tested with measurements that used the fission neutron source 252Cf placed in proximity of the HPGe detector. Results show that this method can provide reliable data about the shape of neutron energy spectrum during gamma spectroscopy measurements.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    Can the intention to protect the environment lead to reduced consumption among business students?

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    Purpose: Modifying patterns of overconsumption towards reducing consumption as a degrowth-oriented consumer attitude is crucial to mitigating the environmental impact of high-consumption households. The aim of this article is to develop a model of the intention to reduce consumption for environmental reasons and test it among business students. Methodology/approach: Grounded in the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the paper develops a model of consumption reduction intention. Based on a survey conducted among business students from six European Union countries, the model is tested using structural equation modelling. Findings: The study revealed the twofold influence of the intention to protect the environment on intention to reduce consumption: direct and indirect. The predictive power of the intention to protect the environment and willingness to accept the economic sacrifices in the intention to reduce consumption is confirmed as a direct effect. Additionally, the impact is mediated by a willingness to accept economic sacrifices. Originality/value: Our paper contributes to a better understanding of the intention to reduce consumption as a degrowth-oriented consumer attitude for environmental protection

    Niskofonska laboratorija Instituta za fiziku - prvih dvadeset godina

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    Представљена је делатност сарадника Нискофонске лабораторије од њене изградње до данас. Почетна мерења концентрације радона, интензитета космичког зрачења и фона гама зрачења временом су, методолошким приступом, прерасла у континуирани мониторинг. Статистички значајни резулатати добијени након дуготрајних мерења, допуњени поузданим симулацијама и анализирани напредним мултиваријантним техникама јасно идентификују Нискофонску лабораторију у свим њеним областима истраживања.The most important scientific activities in the Low-background laboratory are described for the entire period of its existance. Over the period of twenty years, initial measurements of radon concentration, cosmic-rays intensity as well as gamma radiation background through metodological approach evolved into consistent continual monitoring. Statistically significant results obtained by long-term measurements, enriched by reliable simulation and analyzed using advanced analysis tools clearly identify our Lab.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    Niskofonska laboratorija Instituta za fiziku - prvih dvadeset godina

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    Представљена је делатност сарадника Нискофонске лабораторије од њене изградње до данас. Почетна мерења концентрације радона, интензитета космичког зрачења и фона гама зрачења временом су, методолошким приступом, прерасла у континуирани мониторинг. Статистички значајни резулатати добијени након дуготрајних мерења, допуњени поузданим симулацијама и анализирани напредним мултиваријантним техникама јасно идентификују Нискофонску лабораторију у свим њеним областима истраживања.The most important scientific activities in the Low-background laboratory are described for the entire period of its existance. Over the period of twenty years, initial measurements of radon concentration, cosmic-rays intensity as well as gamma radiation background through metodological approach evolved into consistent continual monitoring. Statistically significant results obtained by long-term measurements, enriched by reliable simulation and analyzed using advanced analysis tools clearly identify our Lab.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин