Performance Calculations of Light Twin Engine Propeller-driven Aircraft


Tema ovog završnog rada je "Izračun performansi lakog dvomotornog zrakoplova s propelerskim pogonom". Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikazati performanse lakog dvomotornog zrakoplova s propelerskim pogonom, a za primjer je uzet zrakoplov Beechcraft Queen Air. Rezultati izračuna biti će prikazani za svaku fazu leta pojedinačno. Faze leta koje će se obraditi su: polijetanje, penjanje, horizontalni let, spuštanje te slijetanje. Materija je podijeljena u 9 poglavlja: 1. Uvod, 2. Performanse zrakoplova, 3. Karakteristike zrakoplova značajne za izračun performansi, 4. Izračun performansi zrakoplova u horizontalnom letu, 5. Izračun performansi zrakoplova u penjanju, 6. Izračun performansi zrakoplova u spuštanju, 7. Izračun performansi zrakoplova pri uzlijetanju, 8. Izračun performansi zrakoplova pri slijetanju, 9. Zaključak. S obzirom da znamo da je cilj u zrakoplovstvu prevesti što više putnika (korisnog tereta), uz što manje troškove, kroz ovih nekoliko poglavlja također će biti prikazan utjecaj mase zrakoplova, kao i visina leta na performanse navedenog zrakoplova.The theme of this work is "Performance Calculations for a Light Propeller-driven Twin Engine Aircraf". The aim of this work is to show performance calculations for a light propeller-driven twin engine aircraf and for example it was taken aircraft called Beechcraft Queen Air. The calculation results will be shown for each flight phase individually. The flight stages to be handled are take-off, climbing, horizontal flight, descending and landing. The work is divided into 9 chapters: 1. Introduction, 2. Aircraft performance, 3. Aircraft characteristics important for performance calculation, 4. Calculation of aircraft performance on a horizontal flight, 5. Calculation of aircraft performance on climbing, 6. Calculating the performance on descending aircraft, 7. Calculation of aircraft performance at take-off, 8. Calculation of aircraft performance at landing, 9. Conclusion. Since we know that the aim of the aviationis, is to carry as many passengers (payload), with the least cost, through these few chapters will be also shown the influence of the mass on the aircraft, as well as the height, on the performance of this aircraft

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