145 research outputs found

    Administrative Detention of Migrants in Finland

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    The Impact of Exile on Law and Legal Science 1934-1964

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    Optimal Parameter Values for Accurate and Repeatable Nanoindentation of Human Trabecular Bone

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    Nanoindentation techniques have not been standardized for use on bone tissues, making comparison of bone material properties obtained via nanoindentation across studies difficult and unreliable. This study determined a set of optimal parameter values for thermal drift correction time, dwell time, and loading rate that can be used to obtain accurate and repeatable material properties from human femoral trabecular bone through experimentation and statistical analysis. All testing was conducted using a single nanoindenter on a single trabeculae, with the assumption that material properties within the individual trabeculae were internally consistent. Parameters not of interest during this study, such as ambient temperature, maximum load, and maximum indentation depth were held constant throughout all experiments. Elastic modulus and hardness data were calculated using the Oliver-Pharr technique. The optimal values for these parameters are as follows: 150 seconds for thermal drift correction time, 30 to 60 seconds for dwell time, and 0.4 to 0.8 mN/s for loading rate

    Personal and academic narratives of exiled and displaced scholars

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    Refugees and Knowledge Production : Europe's Past and Present

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    Building on research within the fields of exile studies and critical migration studies and drawing links between historical and contemporary ‘refugee scholarship’, this volume challenges the bias of methodological nationalism and Eurocentrism in discussing the multifaceted forms of knowledge emerging in the context of migration and mobility. With critical attention to the meaning, production and scope of ‘refugee scholarship’ generated at the institutions of higher education, it also focuses on ‘refugee knowledge’ produced outside academia, and scrutinizes the conditions according to which it is validated or silenced. Presenting studies of historical refuge and exile, together with the experiences of contemporary refugee scholars, this book will appeal to scholars across the social sciences with interests in forced migration, refugee studies, the sociology of knowledge and the phenomenon of ‘insider’ knowledge, and research methods and methodology.Peer reviewe


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    On a more general level, therefore, the shift in perspective from static to mobile conditions of knowledge production allows us not only to account for the knowledges produced through the experience of displacement, but also, to understand better the structural margins of contemporary institutional academia with its gatekeeping practices, precarity of academic work and the societal role of researchers and lecturers. In the United States, academic, intellectual and aesthetic thought is what it is today because of refugees from the fascism, communism, and other regimes given to the oppression and expulsion of the dissidents. The impact of the experience of displacement on the scholarly changes has been accounted for in the literature, both in the first and the second generation of exile studies, which focused primarily on biographical accounts and the impact the emigres had in their countries of the displacement.Peer reviewe

    Oral clodronate in early breast cancer - an update

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    EGFR mutated (exon 21) metastatic lung adenocarcinoma in female patient treated with erlotinib — case report

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    Poniżej przedstawiono przypadek chorej z zaawansowanym rakiem gruczołowym płuc, u której przeprowadzono typową diagnostykę histologiczną i molekularną, a następnie leczono ją inhibitorem kinazy tyrozynowej dla receptora EGFR, erlotynibem.We present the case of advanced lung cancer female patients after histological and molecular diagnostic procedures, treated with EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor, erlotinib

    Kontrowersje wokół postaci biskupa gdańskiego Carla Marii Spletta a pojednanie polsko-niemieckie

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00