32 research outputs found

    Processing and Technology of Fruits and Vegetables, 1960

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    Tomato Variety Evaluation for Processing, 1961 / W. A. Gould, J. R. Geisman and Wade Schulte -- Evaluation of Sweet Corn Varieties for Processing / J. R. Geisman and W. A. Gould -- Small Fruit Variety Evaluation Studies for Freezing / D. R. Davis and H. L. Stammer -- Evaluation of Apples for Processing. I. Fruit Juice Blends / D. R. Davis and H. L. Stammer -- Evaluation of Apples for Processing. II. Canned Apple Slices / D. R. Davis and H. L. Stammer -- Evaluation of Apples for Processing. III. Frozen Apple Slices / D. R. Davis and H. L. Stammer -- Evaluation of Apples for Processing. IV. Frozen Fruit Pies / D. R. Davis and H. L. Stammer -- A Study of Several Varieties of Pumpkin and Squash for Canning and Freezing for Use in Pies / Robert H. Clayton, J. R. Geisman and W. A. Gould -- Factors Effecting the Consistency of Cream Style Corn / D. R. Davis and W. A. Gould -- The Objective Measurement of Tomato Juice Consistency / Robert Kluter and W. A. Gould -- A Method for the Detection of Drosophila Fly Eggs and Larvae in Tomato Products / J. R. Geisman and Winston D. Bash -- A Chemical Study of Flavor and Flavor Substances in Tomatoes / John Hal Johnson and W. A. Gould -- Tannin Content Effects Grape Juice Quality / D. R. Davis and H. L. Stammer -- pH Survey for Tomatoes in Ohio / W. D. Bash -- Flavor Studies with Sauerkraut / J. R. Geisman, S. S. Verma and W. A. Gould -- The Effect of Fill Weight on Drained Weight of Canned Tomatoes / Wade A. Schulte and W. A. Gould -- A New Method for the Manufacture of Apple Sirup / M. P. Baldauf, D. R. Davis and H. L. Stammer -- Studies on Color Retention in Canned R.T.P. Cherries / D. R. Davis and H. L. Stammer -- Clumping Studies in Canned Blueberries / D. R. Davis and H. L. Stammer -- Infra-red Peeling Studies. I. Apples. / L. Lafferty and W. A. Gould -- Infra-red Peeling Studies. II. Tomatoes. / W. A. Gould, Richard Leiss and Donall Streets -- The Effect of Water Holding Times and Temperatures on Quality of Tomatoes / Richard Leiss, Ernest Anderson and W. A. Gould -- Quality Attributes of Sweet Potatoes - Glass Packed / Donald A. Giesser and W. A. Gould -- A Study of Some of the Factors Effecting the Efficiency of Washing of Fruits and Vegetables. I. Tomatoes / W. A. Gould and J. R. Geisman -- A Study of Some of the Factors Effecting the Efficiency of Washing of Fruits and Vegetables. II. Sweet Corn / J. R. Geisman and W. A. Gould -- A Study of Alpha-keto Acids, Amino Acids, and Citric Acid in Eight Tomato Varieties, and Their Changes During Processing / Mokhtar M. Hamdy and W. A. Goul

    Large Scale Association Analysis of Novel Genetic Loci for Coronary Artery Disease

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    Background-Combined analysis of 2 genome-wide association studies in cases enriched for family history recently identified 7 loci (on 1p13.3, 1q41, 2q36.3, 6q25.1, 9p21, 10q11.21, and 15q22.33) that may affect risk of coronary artery disease (CAD). Apart from the 9p21 locus, the other loci await substantive replication. Furthermore, the effect of these loci on CAD risk in a broader range of individuals remains to be determined.Methods and Results-We undertook association analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms at each locus with CAD risk in 11 550 cases and 11 205 controls from 9 European studies. The 9p21.3 locus showed unequivocal association (rs1333049, combined odds ratio [OR]=1.20, 95% CI [1.16 to 1.25], probability value=2.81x10(-21)). We also confirmed association signals at 1p13.3 (rs599839, OR=1.13 [1.08 to 1.19], P=1.44x10(-7)), 1q41 (rs3008621, OR=1.10 [1.04 to 1.17], P=1.02x10(-3)), and 10q11.21 (rs501120, OR=1.11 [1.05 to 1.18], P=4.34x10(-4)). The associations with 6q25.1 (rs6922269, P=0.020) and 2q36.3 (rs2943634, P=0.032) were borderline and not statistically significant after correction for multiple testing. The 15q22.33 locus did not replicate. The 10q11.21 locus showed a possible sex interaction (P = 0.015), with a significant effect in women (OR=1.29 [1.15 to 1.45], P=1.86x10(-5)) but not men (OR=1.03 [0.96 to 1.11], P=0.387). There were no other strong interactions of any of the loci with other traditional risk factors. The loci at 9p21, 1p13.3, 2q36.3, and 10q11.21 acted independently and cumulatively increased CAD risk by 15% (12% to 18%), per additional risk allele. ConclusionsThe findings provide strong evidence for association between at least 4 genetic loci and CAD risk. Cumulatively, these novel loci have a significant impact on risk of CAD at least in European populations. (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2009; 29: 774-780.

    Minder bureaucratie dankzij Lean Six Sigma: Project in UMCG toont aan dat ook administratieve processen met LSS efficiënter worden

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    De Lean Six Sigma methode is toegepast voor een analyse van de procedure rond langdurig ziekteverzuim. De werkgever heeft de wettelijke plicht een langdurig zieke te helpen reïntegreren in het arbeidsproces. De eerste twee jaar blijft de zieke medewerker ook nog in dienst, zodat de werkgever gemotiveerd is een oplossing te vinden. Wanneer de medewerker na twee jaar nog steeds ziek is, kan hij worden ontslagen met recht op een uitkering. In het Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (UMCG) is deze wettelijke verplichting uitgegroeid tot een proces met veel bureaucratie, voor artsen, leidinggevenden en administratieve medewerkers. Met een Value Stream Map is het hele proces in kaart gebracht, waarna een veel strakkere inrichting mogelijk was. Ook is onderzocht of bedrijfsartsen of arbeidsdeskundigen al in een vroeg stadium kunnen voorspellen of de zieke uiteindelijk uitkeringsgerechtigd zal worden. De besparing ervan is - vertaald naar geld - op jaarbasis ruim €60.000,-. Het belangrijkste effect van dit project is echter het wegnemen van irritatie, frustratie en het creëren van goodwill door in woord en daad aan te tonen dat het aanpakken van bureaucratie voor het UMCG menens is

    Electromagnetic transduction therapy and shockwave therapy in 86 patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy: A prospective randomized controlled trial

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    Rotator cuff (RC) tendinopathy is the most common cause of shoulder pain. The effectiveness of electromagnetic transduction therapy (EMTT), a high energetic pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in this field has not been tested yet in combination with extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT).A total of 86 patients with RC tendinopathy were randomized to undergo three sessions of ESWT in combination with 8 sessions of EMTT or sham-EMTT. Both intervention groups experienced significant and clinical relevant decrease of pain at all follow-up visits, and the functionality of the shoulder evaluated by the Constant Murley score increased significantly as well. The combination of EMTT+ESWT produced significantly greater pain reduction in the visual analogue scale compared to ESWT with sham-EMTT after 24weeks, during which the Constant Murley score improved significantly when the combination of ESWT and EMTT was employed.In patients with RC tendinopathy, electromagnetic transduction therapy combined with extracorporeal shock wave therapy significantly improves pain and function compared to ESWT with sham-EMTT

    VizieR Online Data Catalog: Gaia GraL. III. New lensed systems (Delchambre+, 2019)

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    VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/622/A165. Originally published in: 2019A&A...622A.165DThe Gaia GraL catalogue of clusters consist of 2,058,962 clusters with three components and 70,697 clusters with four components. Each of these clusters satisfied the following conditions: i) Clusters are composed of three or four images in order to provide a sufficient number of constraints for identifying gravitational lens candidates. ii) Their constituent images have negligible parallaxes, plx, and proper motions, (pmra', pmdec) where pmra' = pmra * cos(dec). Specifically, we required that plx-3*e_plx<4mas and abs(pm)-3*epm<4mas (where eX is the mean error on X and pm stands for pmra' and pmdec). iii) The maximal angular separation between any pair of images is below or equal to 6 arcsec. iv) The absolute difference in G magnitude between components is lower or equal to 4mag. v) Clusters are located in regions with a mean field density lower than 60000 objects/deg2. The mean density of objects is computed within a radius of 30 arcsec around each cluster. Based on a supervised learning method, called extremely randomized trees (ERT), each cluster is assigned a discriminant value: the ERT probability. This ERT probability reflects the ability of the clusters to be matched to the image positions and relative magnitudes produced from simulations of lens systems based on a non-singular isothermal ellipsoid lens model (Kormann+, 1994) in the presence of an external shear (Kovner, 1987). These probabilities do not constitute probabilities in a mathematical sense, although they can be translated into expected ratios of identification of gravitational lenses (the true positive rate, TPR) and to expected ratios of misclassification of groups of stars as gravitational lenses (the false positive rate, FPR) through the use of an appropriate cross-validation procedure (see the description of the roc*.dat files). As we expect some of the lensed images to be missing from Gaia DR2, all combinations of three and four images were considered fo building the ERT. The resulting ERT models wil be referred to as ABCD, ABC, ABD, ACD and BCD where A, B, C, D identify the images we used for building the corresponding ERT model, assuming these are sorted in ascending order of G magnitude. Finally, the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves from files roc.dat, rocabc.dat, rocabd.dat, rocacd.dat, and rocbcd.dat are obtained by computing the TPR and FPR that are associated with all ERT probabilities coming from the corresponding ERT model based on a test set and a validation set of observations. The test set of observations (TS) is composed of 5*107 gravitational lenses simulated from a non-singular isothermal ellipsoid lens model in the presence of an external shear and of the same number of simulated contaminants where the relative image positions and fluxes are randomly drawn from a uniform distribution. The validation set of observations (VS) is composed of 12 known lensed systems having four detections in Gaia DR2 (2MASSJ11344050-2103230, J1606-2333, WGD2038-4008, HE0435-1223, SDSS1004+4112, PG1115+080, B1422+231, 2MASXJ01471020+4630433, 2MASSJ13102005-1714579, J1721+8842, WFI2033-4723 and RXJ1131-1231) and of 1e6 clusters we randomly extracted from Gaia DR2 with a size smaller than 30 arcsec and a maximal absolute difference in G magnitude between their constituent images <4mag. (6 data files)