1,451 research outputs found

    Marshall or Jacobs? Answers to an unsuitable question from an interaction model

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    This paper investigates whether localization economies as brought forward by Marshall(1890) or urbanization economies as mentioned by Jacobs (1970) are more decisive forregional gross value added per capita. Our novel approach is to explicitly allow forinterdependencies between these two theories and to take into account that the initiallevels of specialization and diversification might play a role. We therefore deploy amodel with interaction terms and find that these two theories are not mutually exclusivein most of our sectors. In addition, the empirical results show that the initial levels ofspecialization and diversification do matter as well.Localization and urbanization economies, interaction models, regional gross valued added

    Wachstum und Beschäftigung am Wirtschaftsstandort Dresden – Warum wächst Dresden langsamer als der Rest Sachsens?

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    Die Landeshauptstadt Dresden konnte in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten ein kräftiges Wirtschaftswachstum vorweisen. Doch während die Wachstumsraten der Bruttowertschöpfung bis 2004 teilweise deutlich oberhalb des sächsischen Durchschnitts lagen, erlitt die Stadt 2005 einen dramatischen Einbruch und blieb seitdem dahinter zurück. Im gleichen Zeitraum entwickelte sich die Erwerbstätigkeit jedoch weiterhin überdurchschnittlich positiv. Eine Analyse der Wirtschaftsstruktur Dresdens soll die Gründe für das schwache Wachstum seit 2005 aufzeigen und erklären, wieso es kaum auf den Arbeitsmarkt durchzuschlagen scheint.Wirtschaftswachstum; Beschäftigung; Wertschöpfung; Wirtschaftsstruktur; Hauptstadt; Teilstaat; Vergleich; Sachsen; Dresden

    Public Charging Infrastructure and the Market Diffusion of Electric Vehicles

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    A comprehensive roll-out of public charging infrastructure will be costly. However, its impact on the diffusion of electric vehicles (EVs) is not clear at all. Our study aims at estimating the extent to which an increasing availability of public charging infrastructure promotes consumers’ decisions to switch to EVs. We make use of a German data set including monthly registrations of new cars at the ZIP-code level between 2012 and 2017 and match it with the official registry of charging stations. We measure charging infrastructure by its visibility, capacity and abundance in order to estimate its impact on EV adoption. A CS-ARDL approach is deployed in order to identify the structural long-run relationship between charging infrastructure and monthly EV registrations. There is evidence of a positive long-run relationship but on a rather low scale. We conclude that consumers do not necessarily react to the mere number of chargers but attach more importance to charging speed

    Wood powder production with a novel milling technology

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    The interest for lignocellulose biomass has grown strongly in the last decades due to its potential to substitute fossil fuels. Pre-processing of biomass is of-ten needed to enable utilization of its full potential. A common pre-processing step is milling where the biomass is fractionated into wood powder usable for e.g. wood powder combustion. There are a number of problematic factors affecting the utilization of wood powder, such as blockings and bridging, as a result of low density and elongated and irregular particle shapes. The aim with this study was to, for a novel milling technology, determine and evaluate the specific energy consumption, wood powder bulk- and flow properties together with a comparison of the results from a hammer mill. This study was carried out by milling of logs and collecting data from wood powder samples. Data from a log mill and a hammer mill’s energy consump-tion, wood powder density and wood powder flowability was collected. The results show that the log mill consumed least energy, when the blade rotation speed was low in combination with high moisture content and high feeding speed. The wood powder’s tapped densities had an interval of 190-320 kg/m3 respectively 150-260 kg/m3 for the loose density. The Hausner ra-tio had an interval of 1.22-1.32, indicating a good to medium-good flowability. The conclusions are that the log mill’s specific energy consumption de-creases with increasing moisture content, increasing moisture content de-creases the tapped- and loose density and that the Hausner ratio is showing promising results.Intresset för lignocellulosarik biomassa har ökat de senaste åren på grund av dess potential att substituera fossila bränslen. Förbehandling av biomassa är ofta en nödvändig åtgärd för att möjliggöra dess fulla potential. Ett vanligt processteg är att mala biomassan till pulverform lämpad för exempelvis pul-verförbränning. Det finns ett antal problematiska faktorer som påverkar an-vändningen av träpulver var av blockeringar och överbyggnad, som ett resul-tat av låg densitet och heterogena partiklar, påverkar flödet vid utnyttjande av träpulver. Syftet med studien var att, för en ny malningsteknik, bestämma och utreda den specifika energiåtgången och träpulvrets bulk- och flödesegenskaper samt att jämföra dessa med resultat från en hammarkvarn. Studien utfördes genom att mala stockar och att samla in data från pro-verna av det producerade träpulvret. Datamaterial från stock- och hammar-kvarnens energiåtgång, träpulvrets densitet samt träpulvrets flödesbarhet samlades in. Resultaten visade att stockkvarnen förbrukade minst energi när klingornas rotationshastighet var låg i kombination med hög matningshastighet och hög fukthalt på råmaterialet. Träpulvrets kompakterade densitet hade intervallet 190-320 kg/m3 respektive 150-260 kg/m3 för den lösa densiteten. Hausner ratio hade ett intervall på 1.22–1.32, vilket indikerar en bra till måttligt bra flödesbarhet. Slutsatserna är att stockkvarnens specifika energiåtgång minskar med ökad fukthalt, ökad fukthalt sänker den kompakterade- och lösa densiteten samt att Hausner ratio uppvisar lovande resultat

    Анализ релейной защиты и автоматики района параллельных линий 110 кВ «Анжерская – Разъезд 3704» Кузбасской энергосистемы

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    Объектом анализа является релейная защита и автоматика района параллельных линий 110кВ «Анжерская – Разъезд 3704» Кузбасской энергосистемы Цель работы: анализ имеющегося оборудования защиты параллельных линий 110кВ, уставок защиты и согласованность степеней. В процессе исследования составлена схема замещения; рассмотрен состав защит линий и силовых трансформаторов; рассчитаны уставки и чувствительность защищаемой линии; обсуждены результаты выполненной работы. В результате исследования была рассмотрена релейная защита и автоматика параллельной линии 110кВ «АнжерсThe object of analysis is the relay protection and automation area of ​​parallel lines 110 "Anzherskaya - Departure of 3704" Kuzbass power system. Objective: To analyze the existing equipment protection of parallel lines of 110 kV, protection settings and consistency degrees The study is made equivalent circuit; considered part of protection lines and power transformers; designed set point and the sensitivity of the protected line; We discussed the results of the work performed

    Algorithms in digital media and their influence on opinion formation

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    Summary Search engines, social media and video platforms collect, process and disseminate large volumes of information from different sources. They are also referred to as information intermediaries. The operators of these online platforms develop and use algorithms to decide which messages are displayed to which people and in which order. In contrast to journalistic procedures in newsrooms, these selection decisions are predominantly profit-oriented and not based on journalistic criteria, but on operator interests. The significance of algorithms in digital media for forming individual and public opinions has become the focus of political and social interests, mainly due to undesirable developments such as the spread of fake news or the use of personalised advertising for political campaigns. So far, a few studies are available regarding the influence of digital media on opinion formation in Germany. Measures to regulate algorithms are being discussed or are already in the process of legislative implementation

    Taxic Revisions

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72423/1/j.1096-0031.2001.tb00112.x.pd

    The economic and ecological footprint of the spirits sector in the EU, the UK, Norway and Switzerland. Covid-19 Update

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    In 2020, a study was conducted to quantify the economic and ecological footprint of the European spirits sector (EU27 + UK + Norway + Switzerland = EU+) for the pre-COVID year 2019. The aim was to estimate the effects of the spirits sector on employment, gross value added (GVA) and fiscal variables in every EU+ country. In addition, it also investigated spirits-related tourism effects and the ecological footprint of the sector. The COVID-19 crisis starting in 2020 hit many industries very hard; also spirits-related industries, especially the catering sector. The study at hand is supposed to update the results for the year 2020

    Влияние вибрации на проникновение жидкости в капилляре

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    Объектом исследования является влияние вибрации на проникновение дефектоскопических материалов для капиллярного контроля.В процессе выполнения работы проводились теоретические исследования изучаемой темы; исследование проникающей способности жидкостей при нормальных условиях, а так же при воздействии температуры и вибрации.The object of study is the effect of vibration on the penetration of the penetrant testing materials for liquid penetrant inspection.During execution of the work carried out theoretical studies of the subject; study on penetration of liquids under normal conditions and when exposed to temperature and vibration