9 research outputs found

    Women Healers and the Medical Marke tplace of 16th-Century Lyon

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    Although women's legal and marital status make them almost invisible in archiva1 documents, what traces remain suggest that women participated in Lyon's medical marketplace in various ways and under various guises. At Lyon's municipally-funded poor hospital, the Hotel-Dieu, widows and wives of surgeons, repentant prostitutes, birth attendants, and .women» cared for the destitute and sick of Lyon, in the capacity of midwives, physicians, surgeons, and barbers. Though the records almost always identify women practitioners simply as «women» or by their first and last name, many of them engaged in the identical tasks as male practitioners. Outside of the hospital, wives acted as barbers or surgeons alongside or in place of their husbands when widowed. In the final analysis, municipal authorities accepted the help of female healers on the basis of their traditional medical knowledge, joint work identity with their practitioner-husbands, and proven skill

    Women healers and the medical marketplace of 16th-century Lyon

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    Although women's legal and marital status make them almost invisible in archival documents, what traces remain suggest that women participated in Lyon's medical marketplace in various ways and under various guises. At Lyon's municipally-funded poor hospital, the Hotel-Dieu, widows and wives of surgeons, repentant prostitutes, birth attendants, and .women» cared for the destitute and sick of Lyon, in the capacity of midwives, physicians, surgeons, and barbers. Though the records almost always identify women practitioners simply as «women» or by their first and last name, many of them engaged in the identical tasks as male practitioners. Outside of the hospital, wives acted as barbers or surgeons alongside or in place of their husbands when widowed. In the final analysis, municipal authorities accepted the help of female healers on the basis of their traditional medical knowledge, joint work identity with their practitioner-husbands, and proven skill

    Jacques Gélis - La sage-femme ou le médecin. Une nouvelle conception de la vie

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    Connaître le secret des femmes : Louise Bourgeois (1563-1636)‚ sage-femme de la Reine‚ et Jacques Guillemeau (1549-1613)‚ chirurgien du Roi

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    Revendiquant sa place dans le domaine exclusivement masculin de la publication médicale‚ Louise Bourgeois était‚ selon ses propres mots‚ « la premiere fēme de [s]on art qui mette la plume en main pour descrire la cognoissance que Dieu [lui] en a donnee‚ tant pour faire cognoistre les fautes qui s’y peuuent commettre‚ que les moyens plus propres‚ pour le bien exercer ». C’est avec beaucoup d’audace qu’elle publie en 1609 ses Observations diverses‚ un manuel d’obstétrique et de gynécologie écri..

    Women healers and the medical marketplace of 16th-century Lyon

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    Although women's legal and marital status make them almost invisible in archival documents, what traces remain suggest that women participated in Lyon's medical marketplace in various ways and under various guises. At Lyon's municipally-funded poor hospital, the Hotel-Dieu, widows and wives of surgeons, repentant prostitutes, birth attendants, and .women» cared for the destitute and sick of Lyon, in the capacity of midwives, physicians, surgeons, and barbers. Though the records almost always identify women practitioners simply as «women» or by their first and last name, many of them engaged in the identical tasks as male practitioners. Outside of the hospital, wives acted as barbers or surgeons alongside or in place of their husbands when widowed. In the final analysis, municipal authorities accepted the help of female healers on the basis of their traditional medical knowledge, joint work identity with their practitioner-husbands, and proven skill

    Enfanter dans la France d’Ancien Régime

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    L’accouchement fut pendant des siècles un art du ressort des femmes. Du Moyen-Âge jusqu’au Grand Siècle, les femmes ont exercé un monopole professionnel sur cette activité, en ville comme à la campagne. Mais dès le XVIIe siècle, la médicalisation de la science obstétricale a opéré un bouleversement des rôles et entraîné, à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, une inversion faisant d’une affaire de femmes un domaine soumis à la science masculine. Or, malgré la richesse des travaux consacrés aux croyances et aux rites, aux pratiques médicales et aux souffrances liées à l’accouchement, les conséquences de ce tournant n’ont pas encore toutes été tirées. Cet ouvrage veut remettre les femmes au coeur de l’acte d’enfanter, en envisageant les pratiques, discours et représentations de l’accouchement d’un point de vue genré. Découvrir le métier de sage-femme, les textes où elles ont transmis leur savoir, les pratiques et les risques du métier, l’iconographie et les fictions qui les représentent, voire les objets pédagogiques et les instruments qui gardent la trace de leur travail, permet ainsi d’envisager l’existence d’une expérience et d’une perception féminines différentes de la science masculine