134 research outputs found

    The Meaning and Perspective of Buddhist Studies

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    In Japan, wa (和. he in Chinese) is still popular as an important tenet taught by Prince Shotoku in the Ancient Age. In this paper, the author tries to analyze the concept of he as it appears in Chinese and Japanese Buddhist texts (Especially Chinese Versions of the Buddhist Canons) and clarify its various meanings, some of which have been deeply influenced by Chinese thought. Since the time of Early Buddhism, Buddhists have fundamentally attached importance to unification and harmonious relations of the order. For example, the famous Dhammapada says, sukha sanghassa samaggi samagganam tapo sukho. Samaggi in this sentence was translated he (和) or hehe (和合) in China. This seems to be the most basic sense of he in Buddhism. Secondly, the idea of hejing (和敬), which relates with he mentioned above is also notable. This idea served as the base of the theory of six kinds of hejing (六和敬), which means harmonious behaviors in the six fields of body (身), speaking (口), mind (意), sila (戒), view (見), and benefit (利) in general. But it does not seem that this theory was formed before the occurrence of Mahayana Buddhism in the first century B.C. and widely prevailed all over the Buddhist world. Thirdly, there is the term of heyan-aiyu (和顔愛語. wagen-aigo in Japanese). This phrase is very popular in Japan. However, we can not find out any equivalent in the Sanskrit text of the Amitayus-sutra to heyan, that constitutes the most well-known idiom in one of the Chinese versions of it. Fourthly, we discuss the concept of heguang-tongchen (和光同塵) 50 Buddhism and the Concept of he (和, wa in Japanese) in East Asia (Kimura) originating in the Laozi. This was accepted in Chinese Buddhism in two ways, i.e., one positive, and the other negative. We can see one typical example of the positive usage of this idiom in the Great Concentration and Insight (Mohezhiguan.摩訶止観) by Zhiyi (538-597). The negative usage of it, in the expression butongqichen (不同其塵) appears in the Mahayana-nirvana-sutra translated by Dharmaksema. Lastly, the author investigates the relationship between these various meanings of he in East Asian Buddhism and the thought of he advocated by Prince Shotoku. Our conclusion is that Prince Shotoku tried to apply the Buddhist idea of samaggi to the secular society at large

    漢訳『菩薩十地経』考 ―同系統の二経との比較考察―

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    This paper examines and compares three Chinese translations said to belong to the same scriptural category of the Bodhisattvadasabhumikasutra: (A) Pusa shi di jing 菩薩十地經 translated by Kihkara 吉迦夜, who arrived in China in the second half of the 5^ century. (B) Zhuangyan putixin jing 莊嚴慧菩薩會 translated by Kumarajlva 鳩 摩羅什. (C) Wujinhui pusa hui 無儘慧菩薩會(The Forty-fifth Collection of the Mahdratnakutasutra 大寶積經) translated by Bodhiruci 菩提流志. This is a version which I have newly identified as belonging to this scriptural category. Here are the conclusions yielded by my present study: (1) The historical order of the formation of these texts is: B→A→C. I assume that the originals, which most probably were written in Sanskrit, must have been compiled in the same order. (2) Text A and Text B are considerably similar. We find, however, substantial differences between Texts A and B, on the one hand, and Text C, on the other. For example, this can be clearly seen in the fact that Texts A and B rely upon the doctrine of the Seven Perfections(sapta parmitah 七波羅蜜), which also includes the Perfection of Skilful Means (upayapdramita 方便波羅蜜), while Text C adopts the theory of the Ten Perfections(dasa parmitah 十波羅蜜). We must, however, note here that the order of the Ten Perfections seen in Text C is different from the general model of this theory. In Text C, the Perfection of Power(balaparmita 力波羅蜜) appears as the eighth Perfection, and the Perfection of Vow(pranidhanaparamita 願波羅蜜) as the ninth. This may reflect an alternative version of the Ten Perfections theory which probably circulated in Indian and Central Asian Mahayana Buddhism after the second half of the 5^ century. (3) The basic purport of the Ur-text of all the three textual versions was to show what the aspiration for Awakening(bodhicitta 菩提心) is and how it actually relates to all the seven Perfections up to the Perfection of Skilful Means. In this sense, the title of Text B, i.e. The Scripture on the Adorned Aspiration for Awakening, most aptly reflects the content. (4) The title of Text A, i.e. The Scripture on the Ten Stages of the Bodhisattva, highlights the theme of the Ten Stages, which indeed is a doctrine occurring in all the three versions. There is no doubt that all our texts are very important materials for elucidating the development of the doctrine of Ten Stages in Mahayana Buddhism. However, the texts seem more concerned with linking the aspiration for Awakening with such concepts and practices as the Perfections, contemplations(samadhi 三昧), and dharani 陀羅尼, rather than focusing upon the Ten Stages. One could surmise that the choice of the title of Text A had more to do with the historical background rather than the content of the sutra. One possibility is that the doctrine of the Ten Stages may have been very popular in the region where Text B was modified and edited to become Text A. (5) It is still unclear how Text C came to be compiled and why it became included in the Maharatnakutasutra or at least, in Bodhiruci\u27s Chinese translation of this collection. More light on these problems will, no doubt, be shed when we have more studies on the Maharatnakutasutra in general

    Current Topics in Food and Biodynamic Chemistry Research

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    Studies on chemical structures, metabolisms and physiological significances of food and bioactive natural products are currently being addressed in our laboratory to explain their health effects in humans. Some novel molecules and functions of food and nutrients were discovered, and new foodstuffs and products were developed. The researches were carried out on stable authentic phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxide; membrane lipid glycation and its inhibitors; cancer growth suppression by conjugated triene fatty acids; antiangiogenicity of rice bran tocotrienol; glucosidase inhibition by mulberry 1-deoxynojirimycin; and high quality broccoli products regarding hepatoprotective sulforaphane contents

    Cognitive clustering in schizophrenia patients, their first-degree relatives and healthy subjects is associated with anterior cingulate cortex volume

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    Cognitive impairments are a core feature in schizophrenia patients (SCZ) and are also observed in first-degree relatives (FR) of SCZ. However, substantial variability in the impairments exists within and among SCZ, FR and healthy controls (HC). A cluster-analytic approach can group individuals based on profiles of traits and create more homogeneous groupings than predefined categories. Here, we investigated differences in the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS) neuropsychological battery (six subscales) among SCZ, unaffected FR and HC. To identify three homogeneous and meaningful cognitive groups regardless of categorical diagnoses (SCZ, FR and HC), cognitive clustering was performed, and differences in the BACS subscales among the cognitive cluster groups were investigated. Finally, the effects of diagnosis and cognition on brain volumes were examined. As expected, there were significant differences in the five BACS subscales among the diagnostic groups. The cluster-analytic approach generated three meaningful subgroups: (i) neuropsychologically normal, (ii) intermediate impaired and (iii) widespread impaired. The cognitive subgroups were mainly affected by the clinical diagnosis, and significant differences in all BACS subscales among clusters were found. The effects of the diagnosis and cognitive clusters on brain volumes overlapped in the frontal, temporal and limbic regions. Frontal and temporal volumes were mainly affected by the diagnosis, whereas the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) volumes were affected by the additive effects of diagnosis and cognition. Our findings demonstrate a cognitive continuum among SCZ, FR and HC and support the concept of cognitive impairment and the related ACC volumes as intermediate phenotypes in SCZ

    Optimal Intravascular Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients With Multivessel Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) was only rarely used in landmark trials comparing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in patients with multivessel disease. OBJECTIVES: The authors aimed to evaluate clinical outcomes after optimal IVUS-guided PCI in patients undergoing multivessel PCI. METHODS: The OPTIVUS (OPTimal IntraVascular UltraSound)-Complex PCI study multivessel cohort was a prospective multicenter single-arm study enrolling 1, 021 patients undergoing multivessel PCI, including left anterior descending coronary artery using IVUS, aiming to meet the prespecified criteria (OPTIVUS criteria: minimum stent area > distal reference lumen area [stent length ≥28mm], and minimum stent area >0.8 × average reference lumen area [stent length <28mm]) for optimal stent expansion. The primary endpoint was major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) (death/myocardial infarction/stroke/any coronary revascularization). The predefined performance goals were derived from the CREDO-Kyoto (Coronary REvascularization Demonstrating Outcome study in Kyoto) PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 fulfilling the inclusion criteria in this study. RESULTS: In this study, 40.1% of the patients met OPTIVUS criteria in all stented lesions. The cumulative 1-year incidence of the primary endpoint was 10.3% (95% CI: 8.4%-12.2%), which was significantly lower than the predefined PCI performance goal of 27.5% (P < 0.001), and which was numerically lower than the predefined CABG performance goal of 13.8%. The cumulative 1-year incidence of the primary endpoint was not significantly different regardless of meeting or not meeting OPTIVUS criteria. CONCLUSIONS: Contemporary PCI practice conducted in the OPTIVUS-Complex PCI study multivessel cohort was associated with a significantly lower MACCE rate than the predefined PCI performance goal, and with a numerically lower MACCE rate than the predefined CABG performance goal at 1 year

    Phamacogenomics of Clozapine-Induced Agranulocytosis

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    Background: Clozapine-induced agranulocytosis (CIA)/clozapine-induced granulocytopenia (CIG) (CIAG) is a life-threatening event for schizophrenic subjects treated with clozapine. Methods: To examine the genetic factor for CIAG, a genome-wide pharmacogenomic analysis was conducted using 50 subjects with CIAG and 2905 control subjects. Results: We identified a significant association in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region (rs1800625, p = 3.46 × 10−9, odds ratio [OR] = 3.8); therefore, subsequent HLA typing was performed. We detected a significant association of HLA-B*59:01 with CIAG (p = 3.81 × 10−8, OR = 10.7) and confirmed this association by comparing with an independent clozapine-tolerant control group (n = 380, p = 2.97 × 10−5, OR = 6.3). As we observed that the OR of CIA (OR: 9.3~15.8) was approximately double that in CIG (OR: 4.4~7.4), we hypothesized that the CIG subjects were a mixed population of those who potentially would develop CIA and those who would not develop CIA (non-CIA). This hypothesis allowed the proportion of the CIG who were non-CIA to be calculated, enabling us to estimate the positive predictive value of the nonrisk allele on non-CIA in CIG subjects. Assuming this model, we estimated that 1) ~50% of CIG subjects would be non-CIA; and 2) ~60% of the CIG subjects without the risk allele would be non-CIA and therefore not expected to develop CIA. Conclusions: Our results suggest that HLA-B*59:01 is a risk factor for CIAG in the Japanese population. Furthermore, if our model is true, the results suggest that rechallenging certain CIG subjects with clozapine may not be always contraindicated

    The Creation of School Education Bringing up a Student Carrying Tomorrow (3) : The Valuation of "Compulsory Subjects", "Optional Subjects", and "Integrated Subjects"

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    The purpose of this study is to show the valuation of "Compulsory Subjects", "Optional Subjects", and "Integrated Subjects", to show the relationship between each subjects and "three abilities", "the ability of recognizing othere senses of value", "the ability of self-expression and communication" and "the ability of decision-making" which defined by the project members. The main result of this study is that we should make up the standards which teachers, students and parents recognize as important abilities