25 research outputs found

    Pierwotny chłoniak wątroby powikłany perforacją przewodu pokarmowego u chorej z aktywną infekcją SARS-CoV-2

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    Pierwotny chłoniak wątroby jest rzadką chorobą nowotworową ustępującą znacznie częstotliwością występowania wtórnym zmianom w przebiegu chorób limfoproliferacyjnych. Rozpoznanie jest zazwyczaj stawiane późno z powodu braku charakterystycznych objawów. W niektórych przypadkach objawy chorób współistniejących mogą pomóc w ustaleniu rozpoznania. W artykule przedstawiono przypadek 70-letniej chorej ze świeżo rozpoznanym chłoniakiem wątroby zakwalifikowanej do pilnej operacji ze względu na perforację wrzodu żołądka w przebiegu aktywnego zakażenia wirusem SARS-CoV-2.Primary hepatic lymphoma is a rare occurrence as the liver is typically the location of lymphoproliferative diseases in their advanced stages. Usually the diagnosis is made late due to the lack of characteristic symptoms, but in some cases co-existing diseases may guide us to the diagnosis. We report the case of a 70- year-old patient in whom primary hepatic lymphoma was recently diagnosed and surgery for gastric ulcer perforation had to be performed in the presence of a concurrent active SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Population Diversity in Ant-inspired Optimization Algorithms

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    Finding a balance between exploration and exploitation is very important in the case of metaheuristics optimization, especially in the systems leveraging population of individuals expressing (as in Evolutionary Algorithms, etc.) or constructing (as in Ant Colony Optimization) solutions. Premature convergence is a real problem and finding means of its automatic detection and counteracting are of great importance. Measuring diversity in Evolutionary Algorithms working in real-value search space is often computationally complex, but feasible while measuring diversity in combinatorial domain is practically impossible (cf. Closest String Problem). Nevertheless, we propose several practical and feasible diversity measurement techniques dedicated to Ant Colony Optimization algorithms, leveraging the fact that even though analysis of the search space is at least an NP problem, we can focus on the pheromone table, where the direct outcomes of the search are expressed and can be analyzed. Besides proposing the measurement techniques, we apply them to assess the diversity of several variants of ACO, and closely analyze their features for the classic ACO. The discussion of the results is the first step towards applying the proposed measurement techniques in auto-adaptation of the parameters affecting directly the exploitation and exploration features in ACO in the future

    Systematyzacja i pomiar postrzeganych zmian w obrazie siebie konsumentów pod wpływem korzystania z marek usług

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    Cel: Celami przeprowadzonych badań były (1) usystematyzowanie postrzeganych przez konsumentów pozytywnych i negatywnych zmian w obrazie siebie z tytułu korzystania z marek usług oraz (2) opracowanie wielowymiarowego narzędzia do pomiaru tych zmian. Metodologia: Aby osiągnąć powyższe cele, zrealizowano badania jakościowe oraz ilościowe. Badania jakościowe,prowadzone metodą indywidualnego wywiadu, objęły próbę 318 osób w wieku od 13 do 82 roku życia (M = 37,64, SD = 16,69; 47,2% kobiet). W efekcie skompletowano zbiór pozytywnych i negatywnych zmian w obrazie siebie jako konsumentów wskutek korzystania z usług różnych marek, które zostały poddane szczegółowej kategoryzacji. Opierając się na wynikach kategoryzacji, opracowano kwestionariusz, którego skale miały postać dyferencjału semantycznego. Badania ilościowe przeprowadzone zostały na próbie 378 osób w wieku od 15 do 78 lat (M = 34,62; SD = 13,42; 53,6% kobiet). Wnioski: Analiza wyników badań umożliwiła identyfikację dziewięciu wymiarów postrzeganych zmian w obrazie siebie pod wpływem korzystania z marek usług. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników opracowano kwestionariusz do wielowymiarowego pomiaru zmian w obrazie siebie o bardzo dobrych wskaźnikach psychometrycznych z uwagi na rzetelność pomiaru i trafność przewidywania preferencji marek usług. Praktyczne implikacje: Opracowano nowatorskie wielowymiarowe narzędzie do praktycznego zastosowania w zarządzaniu marką usług. Zidentyfi kowane wymiary postrzeganych zmian obrazu siebie konsumentów marek stanowią praktyczną wskazówkę, czym należy się kierować w komunikacji marketingowej. Oryginalność: Wyniki badań i opracowane skale przełamują wieloletni impas w teorii i metodologii badań relacji Ja–marka

    UV-cured powder transparent coatings based on oligo(meth)acrylic resins

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    Polyacrylic resins containing glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), methyl methacrylate (MMA) and n-butyl acrylate (BA) in various molar ratios were obtained. Triaryl sulfonium hexafluorophosphate was used as aphotoinitiator and reacted with the epoxy groups of GMA. The relationship between the chemical structure of polyacrylic resins and the parameters of the UV curing reaction and the func-tional properties of powder coatings was investigated. The appearance and mechanical properties of the coatings were determined based on thickness, gloss, roughness, deformability, scratch resistance, adhesion to steel, hardness, and water contact angle. DMA was used to assess the cross-link density. Powder coatings with good physical and mechanical properties and curing time of 70 s were obtained

    A study of single nucleotide polymorphism in the <i>ystB</i> gene of <i>Yersinia enterocolitica</i> strains isolated from various wild animal species

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    Introduction and objective Y. enterocolitica is the causative agent of yersiniosis. The objective of the article was a study of single nucleotide polymorphism in the ystB gene of Y. enterocolitica strains isolated from various wild animal species. Material and Methods High-resolution melting (HRM) analysis was applied to identify single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of ystB gene fragments of 88 Y. enterocolitica biotype 1A strains isolated from wild boar, roe deer, red deer and wild ducks. Results HRM analysis revealed 14 different melting profiles – 4 of them were defined as regular genotypes (G1, G2, G3, G4), whereas 10 as variations. 24 of the examined Y. enterocolitica strains were classified as G1, 18 strains as a G2, 21 strains as a G3, and 15 strains as a G4. Nucleotide sequences classified as G1 revealed 100% similarity with the Y. enterocolitica D88145.1 sequence (NCBI). Analysis of G2 revealed one point mutation – transition T111A. One mutation was also found in G3, but SNP was placed in a different gene region – transition G193A. Two SNPs – transitions G92C and T111A – were identified in G4. Direct sequencing of 10 variations revealed 5 new variants of the ystB nucleotide sequence: V1 – transition G129A (3 strains); V2 – transitions T111A and G193A (2 strains); V3 – transitions C118T and G193A (1 strain); V4 – transitions C141A and G193A (2 strains); and V5 characterized by 19 SNPs: G83A, T93A, A109G, G114T, C116T, A123G, T134C, T142G, T144C, A150C, G162A, T165G, T170G, T174A, T177G, G178A, A179G, A184G and G193A (2 strains). The predominant genotype in isolates from wild ducks was G1; in red deer G2; in wild boar G3; in roe deer G1 and G4. Conclusions The proposed HRM method could be used to analyze Y. enterocolitica biotype 1A strains isolated from different sources, including human

    A study of single nucleotide polymorphism in the ystB gene of Yersinia enterocolitica strains isolated from various wild animal species

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    Introduction and objective Y. enterocolitica is the causative agent of yersiniosis. The objective of the article was a study of single nucleotide polymorphism in the ystB gene of Y. enterocolitica strains isolated from various wild animal species. Material and Methods High-resolution melting (HRM) analysis was applied to identify single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of ystB gene fragments of 88 Y. enterocolitica biotype 1A strains isolated from wild boar, roe deer, red deer and wild ducks. Results HRM analysis revealed 14 different melting profiles – 4 of them were defined as regular genotypes (G1, G2, G3, G4), whereas 10 as variations. 24 of the examined Y. enterocolitica strains were classified as G1, 18 strains as a G2, 21 strains as a G3, and 15 strains as a G4. Nucleotide sequences classified as G1 revealed 100% similarity with the Y. enterocolitica D88145.1 sequence (NCBI). Analysis of G2 revealed one point mutation – transition T111A. One mutation was also found in G3, but SNP was placed in a different gene region – transition G193A. Two SNPs – transitions G92C and T111A – were identified in G4. Direct sequencing of 10 variations revealed 5 new variants of the ystB nucleotide sequence: V1 – transition G129A (3 strains); V2 – transitions T111A and G193A (2 strains); V3 – transitions C118T and G193A (1 strain); V4 – transitions C141A and G193A (2 strains); and V5 characterized by 19 SNPs: G83A, T93A, A109G, G114T, C116T, A123G, T134C, T142G, T144C, A150C, G162A, T165G, T170G, T174A, T177G, G178A, A179G, A184G and G193A (2 strains). The predominant genotype in isolates from wild ducks was G1; in red deer G2; in wild boar G3; in roe deer G1 and G4. Conclusions The proposed HRM method could be used to analyze Y. enterocolitica biotype 1A strains isolated from different sources, including human

    Socio-cognitive optimization of time-delay control problems using agent-based metaheuristics

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    Following the introduction of the socio-cognitive caste-based algorithms into the classic evolutionary metaheuristics, in this paper we focus on similar task regarding agent-based universal optimization methods. We tackle EMAS and DE algorithms and enrich them also with TOPSIS-inspired mechanism. Besides giving the details of the methods and the background, we present preliminary results after applying those techniques to solving the problem of optimization of time-delay system model. © 2022 IEEE.978-1-5090-6008-5/17/$31.00; Grantová Agentura České Republiky, GA ČR: GF21-45465L; Narodowe Centrum Nauki, NCN: /35/O/ST6/00570, 2020/39/I/ST7/02285; Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki, MNiS

    Socio-cognitive optimization of time-delay control problems using evolutionary metaheuristics

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    Metaheuristics are universal optimization algorithms which should be used for solving difficult problems, unsolvable by classic approaches. In this paper we aim at constructing novel socio-cognitive metaheuristic based on castes, and apply several versions of this algorithm to optimization of time-delay system model. Besides giving the background and the details of the proposed algorithms we apply them to optimization of selected variants of the problem and discuss the results. © 2022 IEEE.978-1-5090-6008-5/17/$31.00; Grantová Agentura České Republiky, GA ČR: GF21-45465L; Narodowe Centrum Nauki, NCN: /35/O/ST6/00570, 2020/39/I/ST7/02285; Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki, MNiS