50 research outputs found

    Power substitution in quasianalytic Carleman classes

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    Consider an equation of the form f(x)=g(xk), where k>1 and f(x) is a function in a given Carleman class of smooth functions. For each k, we construct a Carleman-type class which contains all the smooth solutions g(x) to such equations. We prove, under regularity assumptions, that if the original Carleman class is quasianalytic, then so is the new class. The results admit an extension to multivariate functions

    Influence of platelets rich plasma (PRP) on the regeneration of skin conditions allergic dermatitis

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    Introduction: Modern approach to the problem of skin diseases characterized by the influence on the regeneration of tissues at the cellular level, leading to restoration of structure and function of the body as a whole. Aim: to examine the effects of PRP on regenerative properties of skin conditions allergic dermatitis. Materials and methods: Experiments were performed on female mice ICR, aged 3-4 months. PRP received by treating peripheral blood Machinery Smart Prep (Harvester Corp.). Animals were divided into two groups. The first group in plot area for 10 days rubbed potassium dichromate, then locally, intradermal injected into the alfected area PRP dose of 0.1 ml twice at intervals of 7 days. The second group of animals rubbed dichromate of potassium, during the same periodand then watched the self-healing skin. Animal deduced from the experiment on the 17th, 31st and 45th day. Conducted pathologic study involved skin using different methods of coloring material. Results: Macroscopically, visible damages to skin were not observed at the animals of the first group. The skin was covered with hair. In the morphological study of the skin revealed the preservation of its layer structure, satisfactory vascularization of the zone lesions, expressed basal layer, the structure of hair is not changed. Macroscopically, the skin of the animals from the second group was thin, with varying degrees of proliferation of connective tissue. Microscopically we detected acanthosis, small spongiosis, without bubbles, leukocyte infiltration of various degrees of severity, extension of epidermal outgrowths, areas of parakeratosis and phenomenon of acantholysis. Blood vessels had a small caliber. Conclusions: PRP promotes high quality and rapid reparative regeneration of skin, which helps preserve the morphological properties of tissue. The positive effect correction caused by several factors (cytokines and other biologically active substances), which enhance chemotaxis and proliferation of cellular elements in the lesion focus, and participate in the processes of adaptation

    Histone Deacetylase Inhibition via RGFP966 Releases the Brakes on Sensory Cortical Plasticity and the Specificity of Memory Formation

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    Research over the past decade indicates a novel role for epigenetic mechanisms in memory formation. Of particular interest is chromatin modification by histone deacetylases (HDACs), which, in general, negatively regulate transcription. HDAC deletion or inhibition facilitates transcription during memory consolidation and enhances long-lasting forms of synaptic plasticity and long-term memory. A key open question remains: How does blocking HDAC activity lead to memory enhancements? To address this question, we tested whether a normal function of HDACs is to gate information processing during memory formation. We used a class I HDAC inhibitor, RGFP966 (C(21)H(19)FN(4)O), to test the role of HDAC inhibition for information processing in an auditory memory model of learning-induced cortical plasticity. HDAC inhibition may act beyond memory enhancement per se to instead regulate information in ways that lead to encoding more vivid sensory details into memory. Indeed, we found that RGFP966 controls memory induction for acoustic details of sound-to-reward learning. Rats treated with RGFP966 while learning to associate sound with reward had stronger memory and additional information encoded into memory for highly specific features of sounds associated with reward. Moreover, behavioral effects occurred with unusually specific plasticity in primary auditory cortex (A1). Class I HDAC inhibition appears to engage A1 plasticity that enables additional acoustic features to become encoded in memory. Thus, epigenetic mechanisms act to regulate sensory cortical plasticity, which offers an information processing mechanism for gating what and how much is encoded to produce exceptionally persistent and vivid memories. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Here we provide evidence of an epigenetic mechanism for information processing. The study reveals that a class I HDAC inhibitor (Malvaez et al., 2013; Rumbaugh et al., 2015; RGFP966, chemical formula C(21)H(19)FN(4)O) alters the formation of auditory memory by enabling more acoustic information to become encoded into memory. Moreover, RGFP966 appears to affect cortical plasticity: the primary auditory cortex reorganized in a manner that was unusually “tuned-in” to the specific sound cues and acoustic features that were related to reward and subsequently remembered. We propose that HDACs control “informational capture” at a systems level for what and how much information is encoded by gating sensory cortical plasticity that underlies the sensory richness of newly formed memories

    The Sediment Green-Blue Color Ratio as a Proxy for Biogenic Silica Productivity Along the Chilean Margin

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    Sediment cores recently collected from the Chilean Margin during D/V JOIDES Resolution Expedition 379T (JR100) document variability in shipboard-generated records of the green/blue (G/B) ratio. These changes show a strong coherence with benthic foraminiferal δ18O, Antarctic ice core records, and sediment lithology (e.g., higher diatom abundances in greener sediment intervals), suggesting a climate-related control on the G/B. Here, we test the utility of G/B as a proxy for diatom productivity at Sites J1002 and J1007 by calibrating G/B to measured biogenic opal. Strong exponential correlations between measured opal% and the G/B were found at both sites. We use the empirical regressions to generate high-resolution records of opal contents (opal%) on the Chilean Margin. Higher productivity tends to result in more reducing sedimentary conditions. Redox-sensitive sedimentary U/Th generally co-varies with the reconstructed opal% at both sites, supporting the association between sediment color, sedimentary U/Th, and productivity. Lastly, we calculated opal mass accumulation rate (MAR) at Site J1007 over the last ∼150,000 years. The G/B-derived opal MAR record from Site J1007 largely tracks existing records derived from traditional wet-alkaline digestion from the south and eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) Ocean, with a common opal flux peak at ∼50 ka suggesting that increased diatom productivity in the EEP was likely driven by enhanced nutrient supply from the Southern Ocean rather than dust inputs as previously suggested. Collectively, our results identify the G/B ratio as a useful tool with the potential to generate reliable, high-resolution paleoceanographic records that circumvent the traditionally laborious methodology.publishedVersio

    Deep submarine infiltration of altered geothermal groundwater on the south Chilean Margin

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    Submarine groundwater discharge is increasingly recognized as an important component of the oceanic geochemical budget, but knowledge of the distribution of this phenomenon is limited. To date, reports of meteoric inputs to marine sediments are typically limited to shallow shelf and coastal environments, whereas contributions of freshwater along deeper sections of tectonically active margins have generally been attributed to silicate diagenesis, mineral dehydration, or methane hydrate dissociation. Here, using geochemical fingerprinting of pore water data from Site J1003 recovered from the Chilean Margin during D/V JOIDES Resolution Expedition 379 T, we show that substantial offshore freshening reflects deep and focused contributions of meteorically modified geothermal groundwater, which is likely sourced from a reservoir ~2.8 km deep in the Aysén region of Patagonia and infiltrated marine sediments during or shortly after the last glacial period. Emplacement of fossil groundwaters reflects an apparently ubiquitous phenomenon in margin sediments globally, but our results now identify an unappreciated locus of deep submarine groundwater discharge along active margins with potential implications for coastal biogeochemical processes and tectonic instability.publishedVersio

    Comparison of sexual behavior data collected using a coital diary and a clinic-based interview during a microbicide pilot study in Mwanza, Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: The performance of coital diaries (CDs) and clinic-based interviews to measure sexual behavior was compared during a pilot study for a Phase III microbicide trial. METHODS: In Mwanza, 59 women were enrolled for 4 weeks and provided with 20 placebo gels. Weekly, women were given CDs to complete daily. At the final clinic visit, women attended a face-to-face interview (Clinic FFI) about their sexual behavior, and the gel use was accounted for (gel accountability (GA)). Comparisons were made between CD, Clinic FFI, and GA data. In-depth interviews following clinic visits elicited reasons for discrepancies in reports. RESULTS: Twice as many sex acts during 1 week were recorded in the CD (median 4) compared with the clinic FFI (median 2). At the clinic FFI, more women reported using the gel for each sex act (84% vs. 40%; P < 0.001) and vaginal washing for each sex act (98% vs. 56%; P < 0.001) compared with the CD. Over 4 weeks, 16.4% of women recorded sex during menstruation in CDs compared with 1.8% at the clinic visit (P = 0.01). The median number of gels used reported in the CDs was the same as the GA (10) with 59% agreement on the number used within +/-2 gels. Reasons for misreporting during clinic FFI were reported to have been poor recall, embarrassment, or misunderstanding. Inaccuracies in CDs were attributed to misunderstanding or poor recording. CONCLUSIONS: CDs elicited higher recording of sex acts and lower reporting of gel use than clinic FFIs, which has implications for measuring adherence during clinical trials. With clear instructions and support, coital dairies should be considered in future microbicide trial design


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    Kimihia hauora Māori = Māori health policy and practice : a thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    Health reforms in New Zealand during the 1990s introduced a new term to our lexicon, 'by Māori for Māori providers'. These providers are an expression of a policy attempt to marry two distinctive government intentions in respect of Māori. One intention was the inclusion of Māori to address political concerns such as tino rangatiratanga (Māori control over Māori lives). The other was the devolution of responsibility for Māori health outcomes to the Māori community itself, in line with other neo-liberal policies adopted between 1984 and 1999. This research examines the effects of the health reforms announced in 1991 in respect of Māori health policy and Māori health services within the Auckland region. In particular, the research is concerned with how North Health enacted these reforms. North Health was the northernmost Regional Health Authority responsible for the largest Māori population in New Zealand, the largest metropolitan centre, and areas of high Māori health need in Northland, South Auckland and West Auckland. They developed a distinctive approach to Māori health policy that would have pervasive and lasting effects on health policy in the rest of the country. In particular, their identification of three strategies for Māori health purchasing, including support for by Māori for Māori providers, mainstream enhancement and Māori provider development, formed the basis of Māori health services within Auckland for many years. This thesis is not an attempt to tell the story of the Māori health providers who form the basis of the case studies. Many have started this process themselves. Rather, it is an attempt to place their experiences within the broader context of public policy analysis during a period of considerable change in New Zealand. It also provides an opportunity for understanding the ideas of North Health as the health services purchaser. These ideas remain as significant influences on current Māori health policy through the Health Funding Authority. Furthermore, this more contextualised analysis is consistent with the Ottawa Charter's emphasis on healthy public policy. Such policy must take account of its impact on the well-being of populations within society. This policy is not limited solely to that of the health sector, but includes all public policy that impacts on health such as housing, education, income maintenance and other significant social factors. While a great deal has been written about the health reforms in New Zealand, little has been written about the implications of these reforms for Māori. Even less has been written about the specific experiences of Māori providers and the policies the underpin Māori health services and health in New Zealand. The research found that there has been considerable innovation on the part of Māori policy makers and purchasers in an attempt to shift resources to Māori communities to provide services themselves. This was part of a broader move within government policy to devolve responsibility for service provision and risk to communities of interest from the late 1980s to 1999. Strategies to promote by Māori for Māori providers enabled Māori communities (especially iwi communities) to become more directly involved in health decisions and service provision, but they also allowed weakened government accountability for Māori health outcomes. While Māori providers have displayed considerable innovation and energy in establishing services. They have developed a distinctive community development approach that is at the forefront of changes in primary care incorporating community health workers, extensive community networks and health promotion programmes. However, these elements are often under-valued within their services and they remain heavily dependent upon the GP service at the core of their health centres. Mainstream enhancement among large health providers has been largely an afterthought considered too difficult and without the political rewards of independent Māori providers. Yet the overwhelming majority of Māori continue to use mainstream services and therefore require urgent reorientation of these services to better meet their needs. The provision of local Māori services is an essential complement to what already exists and these should be strengthened and promoted because they provide suitable primary care models of care for all New Zealanders. However, this approach must be part of a broader population based and macro policy approach that informs government policies that impact on Māori health and wellbeing. The provision of highly targeted primary care services will not change Māori health status without the accompanying shift in macro-environments such as labour market participation, cultural pride and greater egalitarianism