166 research outputs found

    Ökonomische Aspekte einer großflächigen Bewirtschaftung nach den Prinzipien des Ökologischen Landbaus dargestellt am Beispiel der Region Mostviertel-Eisenwurzen (Ö)

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    In der Diskussion um die Vorteilhaftigkeit des Ökologischen Landbaus wird häufig das Argument gebraucht, dass der Biolandbau gegenüber der konventionellen Landwirtschaft betriebswirtschaftliche Vorteile aufweist und darüber hinaus deutlich geringere externe Kosten verursacht, so dass auch aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht Vorteile bestehen. Im Zuge des zugrunde liegenden Forschungsprojektes wird daher geprüft, inwieweit sich eine Umstellung auf den Biolandbau sowohl auf ausgewählte betriebswirtschaftliche Parameter (Deckungsbeitrag, Beschäftigung), als auch auf ökologische Kenngrößen (Treibhausgasemissionen, Wasserqualität) und damit auf die externen Kosten auswirkt. In diesem Beitrag ist dargestellt, zu welchen Veränderungen eine Umstellung in der Region Mostviertel-Eisenwurzen (Ö) auf die Höhe des Deckungsbeitrags bei Milchviehbetrieben führt und inwieweit die externen Kosten infolge der Treibhausgasemissionen gesenkt werden können

    Radiative and dynamical contributions to past and future Arctic stratospheric temperature trends

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    Arctic stratospheric ozone depletion is closely linked to the occurrence of low stratospheric temperatures. There are indications that cold winters in the Arctic stratosphere have been getting colder, raising the question if and to what extent a cooling of the Arctic stratosphere may continue into the future. We use meteorological reanalyses from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-Interim and NASA's Modern-Era Retrospective-Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) for the past 32 yr together with calculations of the chemistry-climate model (CCM) ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) and models from the Chemistry-Climate Model Validation (CCMVal) project to infer radiative and dynamical contributions to long-term Arctic stratospheric temperature changes. For the past three decades the reanalyses show a warming trend in winter and cooling trend in spring and summer, which agree well with trends from the Radiosonde Innovation Composite Homogenization (RICH) adjusted radiosonde data set. Changes in winter and spring are caused by a corresponding change of planetary wave activity with increases in winter and decreases in spring. During winter the increase of planetary wave activity is counteracted by a residual radiatively induced cooling. Stratospheric radiatively induced cooling is detected throughout all seasons, being highly significant in spring and summer. This means that for a given dynamical situation, according to ERA-Interim the annual mean temperature of the Arctic lower stratosphere has been cooling by −0.41 ± 0.11 K decade−1 at 50 hPa over the past 32 yr. Calculations with state-of-the-art models from CCMVal and the EMAC model qualitatively reproduce the radiatively induced cooling for the past decades, but underestimate the amount of radiatively induced cooling deduced from reanalyses. There are indications that this discrepancy could be partly related to a possible underestimation of past Arctic ozone trends in the models. The models project a continued cooling of the Arctic stratosphere over the coming decades (2001–2049) that is for the annual mean about 40% less than the modeled cooling for the past, due to the reduction of ozone depleting substances and the resulting ozone recovery. This projected cooling in turn could offset between 15 and 40% of the Arctic ozone recovery

    Simulation of polar stratospheric clouds in the chemistry-climate-model EMAC via the submodel PSC

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    The submodel PSC of the ECHAM5/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry model (EMAC) has been developed to simulate the main types of polar stratospheric clouds (PSC). The parameterisation of the supercooled ternary solutions (STS, type 1b PSC) in the submodel is based on Carslaw et al. (1995b), the thermodynamic approach to simulate ice particles (type 2 PSC) on Marti and Mauersberger (1993). For the formation of nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) particles (type 1a PSC) two different parameterisations exist. The first is based on an instantaneous thermodynamic approach from Hanson and Mauersberger (1988), the second is new implemented and considers the growth of the NAT particles with the aid of a surface growth factor based on Carslaw et al. (2002). It is possible to choose one of this NAT parameterisation in the submodel. This publication explains the background of the submodel PSC and the use of the submodel with the goal of simulating realistic PSC in EMAC

    A model study of the January 2006 low total ozone episode over Western Europe and comparison with ozone sonde data

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    Total column and stratospheric ozone levels at mid-latitudes often reveal strong fluctuations on time scales of days caused by dynamic processes. In some cases the total ozone column is distinctly reduced below climatological values. Here, a very low total ozone episode around 19 January 2006 over Western Europe is investigated when the observed total ozone column over Uccle (BE), measured by a Brewer spectrophotometer, reached a daily minimum of 200 DU, the lowest recorded value at this station. In order to investigate the mechanisms leading to the ozone minimum, the present study used data from (i) six ozone sounding stations in Western and Middle Europe, (ii) ECMWF meteorological fields, (iii) a simulation of the CLaMS model for January 2006, (iv) a multi-year run of the chemistry transport model KASIMA, and (v) a six-year run of the climate chemistry model ECHAM5/MESSy1. The ozone decrease at different heights was quantified and it was determined to what extent different transport mechanisms, and instantaneous, in-situ chemical ozone depletion contributed to the event. All three models reproduced the evolution and formation of the event. The ozone column decrease between Theta=300 and 750K was strongest at Uccle (BE) and De Bilt (NL) with 108 and 103 DU, respectively, and somewhat lower at Hohenpeissenberg (DE), Payerne (CH), Prague (CZ) and Lerwick (UK) with 85, 84, 83 and 74 DU, respectively. This analysis demonstrated that mainly the displacement of the ozone depleted polar vortex contributed to the ozone column decrease. Advection of ozone-poor low-latitude air masses was important in the UTLS region. The vertical displacement of isentropes connected with divergence of air out of the column was found to be of minor importance compared to the horizontal transport processes. Severe low total ozone episodes seem to occur when the mentioned mechanisms are superimposed. Instantaneous, in-situ chemical ozone depletion accounted for only 2+/-1% of the overall total ozone decrease at the sounding stations