507 research outputs found

    Correlations of Psychopathological Symptoms in Schizophrenia with Brain Networks

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    Управление работой персонала «Suning Commerce Group Co»

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    Объектом исследования является компания "Suning Commerce Group Co". Предметом исследования является управление работой персонала "Suning Commerce Group Co". Цель работы – разработать рекомендации по повышению эффективности работы персонала "Suning Commerce Group Co". Актуальность заключается в значимости процесса управления персоналом для организации. Управление персоналом в компании является важной и ключевой составляющей всей организации"Suning Commerce Group Co" путем реализации рекомендаций по повышению эффективности работы персонала.The object of the study is the company "Suning Commerce Group Co". The subject of the study is the management of the work of the staff of Suning Commerce Group Co. The purpose of the work is to develop recommendations for increasing the efficiency of the work of the staff of Suning Commerce Group Co. The relevance lies in the importance of the process of personnel management for the organization. Personnel management in the company is an important and key component of the entire organization of "Suning Commerce Group Co" by implementing recommendations to improve staff performance

    The Rewarding Nature of Social Interactions

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    The objective of this short review is to highlight rewarding aspects of social interactions for humans and discuss their neural basis. Thereby we report recent research findings to illustrate how social stimuli in general are processed in the reward system and highlight the role of Theory of Mind as one mediating process for experiencing social reward during social interactions. In conclusion we discuss clinical implications for psychiatry and psychotherapy

    Quantum-chemical calculation of characteristics of electronic structure of solid bodies

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    The report presents the main provisions of quantum-chemical calculations using the Hartree-Fock method. The concentration of quantum chemical calculations for materials possessing a crystal lattice is described. The concept of application of methods of molecular dynamics in the conduct of quantum chemical calculations is formulated. On its basis, the concept of performing automated calculations using certain automation algorithms is constructed

    Larger bilateral amygdalar volumes are associated with affective loss experiences

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    Affective loss (AL) (i.e., bereavement, relationship breakup) is a stressful life event leading to a heightened risk of developing a psychiatric disorder, for example, depression and anxiety disorder. These disorders have been associated with altered subcortical brain volumes. Little is known though, how AL in healthy subjects is linked to subcortical volumes. In a study with 196 healthy young adults, we probed the association between AL across the individual entire life span, assessed via the List of Threatening Experiences Questionnaire, and magnetic resonance imaging brain gray matter volumes (a priori selected: bilateral amygdalae, hippocampi, thalami; exploratory analyses: nuclei accumbens, caudate, putamina), segmented by use of volBrain. AL was defined as death of a first-degree relative/spouse, close relative/friend, and breakup of a marriage or steady relationship. AL was associated with larger bilateral amygdalar volumes and, after taking into account the total number of ALs, with smaller right hippocampal volumes, both irrespective of sex. Exploratory analyses of striatal volumes yielded an association of AL with larger right nucleus accumbens volumes in men, and increased caudate volumes after the loss of a first-degree relative irrespective of sex. Our data suggest that AL engenders alterations in limbic structures that likely involve processes of chronic stress and amygdala- and hippocampus-dependent fear conditioning, and resemble those observed in general anxiety disorder, childhood maltreatment, and major depressive disorder. Our exploratory findings of striatal volume alterations hint at a modulation of reward processing by AL

    Peculiarities of structural-phase state of multi-layer coatings based on Zr-Y-O

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    Using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy it was established that the Zr-Y-O-based coating layers have a ZrO[2] phase in the tetragonal and monoclinic modifications in the initial state. When it is heated up to 900°C, the ZrO[2] phase in the cubic modification appears in the layer of the coating. With an annealing time of 20 minutes, the grains are crushed to a size of about 15-20 nm. The microdiffraction pattern is modified, the number of reflexes of the tetragonal and monoclinic phases first increases, and then changes without systemic

    Минеральные микровключения в глауконитах Бакчарского месторождения (Томская область)

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    За счет своих уникальных свойств глауконит является ценным источником геологической информации. Как активный природный сорбент глауконит способен накапливать элементы в обстановке седиментации, которые впоследствии образуют новые минеральные фазы внутри глауконитовых гранул. Актуальность исследования определяется возможностью познания процессов осадкообразования на основе и посредством изучения созданного ими вещества в пределах Бакчарского месторождения. Цель работы: изучение ультрадисперсных минеральных включений в глауконитах Бакчарского месторождения для характеристики минерального субстрата, поступающего в бассейн седиментации. Методы исследования: разделение проб на гранулометрические классы размером более 1 мм, 1…0,5, 0,5…0,2, 0,2…0,1, менее 0,1 мм методом «мокрого» ситования; электромагнитная сепарация (ЭВС 10/5) при силе тока 4…2 А; дочистка минеральных монофракций глауконита из магнитной фракции под бинокуляром; изготовление полированных шашек; сканирующая электронная микроскопия на оборудовании TESCAN VEGA 3 SBU с энергодисперсионной приставкой OXFORD X-Max50 для рентгеноспектрального анализа. В результате проведенных исследований в глауконитах Бакчарского месторождения были обнаружены микроскопические включения золота, серебра и некоторых других минералов (фосфатов, сульфидов, сульфатов, оксидов и силикатов). Минеральные ассоциации микровключений указывают на наличие в среде осадкообразования благородных, цветных и редких металлов. Предполагается, что глауконит как активный природный сорбент «загружался» металлами и терригенными ультрадисперсными компонентами на фоне сероводородного заражения осадка микроорганизмами. Эти условия способствовали образованию новых минеральных фаз сульфидов, сульфатов и золота. Полученные данные являются признаком потенциальной золотоносности глауконитовых пород Бакчарского месторождения.Due to its unique properties glauconite is a prospective geological information source. Glauconite is an active natural sorbent. It can accumulate elements in the environment of sedimentation, which subsequently form a new mineral phase within the granules of glauconite. The relevance of the study is determined by the possibility of awareness of sedimentation on the basis and through the study of the matter created by them within the Bakchar deposit. The main aim of the research is to study the mineral microinclusions in glauconite of Bakchar deposit to describe the mineral substrate coming into sedimentation basin. The methods used in the study: samples sieving into granulometric classes with the size more than 1mm, 1…0,5, 0,5…0,2, 0,2…0,1, less than 0,1 mm; electromagnetic separation (EVS 10/5) at 4…2 A; additional cleaning of glauconite grains from magnetic fraction under a binocular microscope; pressed pellet production; scanning electron microscope (TESCAN VEGA 3 SBU) with energy dispersive attachment OXFORD X-Max50 for X-ray spectroscopic analysis. With the help of electron microscopy, microinclusions of gold, silver and other minerals (phosphates, sulfides, sulfates, oxides, and silicates) were found in the glauconites of Bakchar deposit. Mineral associations of microinclusions indicate the occurrence of precious, non-ferrous and rare metals in the sedimentation environment. It is assumed that glauconite as an active natural sorbent «was loaded» by metals and ultrafine terrigenous components on the background of hydrogen sulfide contamination of sediment with microorganisms. These conditions were favorable for forming new mineral phases of sulfides, sulfates and gold. The findings are a sign of potential gold mineralization of glauconite rocks of Bakchar deposit