107 research outputs found

    Atomisers for the Aerial Application of Pesticides in Tsetse (Glossina sp) and Armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) Control

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    Aerial application of insecticides is likely to remain an important component in realistically-costed vector and migratory pest control operations for the foreseeable future. The objective of this work was to identify or design improved atomisers for use in two such operations, tsetse (Glossina sp. ) and African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) control, the former requiring an insecticide aerosol ýx'ith a VMD of 20 to 30ýim at rates upto 0.5 litres/minute and the latter a fine spray with a VMD of 80 to 120ýtm at rates around 16 litres/minute. In both cases rotary atomisation was confirmed as the most appropriate technique. Assessments were made of seven commerciall%, available atomisers and two existinc, prototypes, on the basis of existing reports and new data generated under simulated flight conditions in a wind tunnel. Droplet sizing was carried out using an optical array probe set to give a resolution of 54m over a range of 3.6 -3) 12.54m. None of the atomisers tested met the specification for tsetse-spraying, the limiting factors being rotation speed and inability to distribute low volumes of liquid across their full atomising surface. The Micronair AU4000 and AU5000 and the Micron X-I were found to be suitable for armyworm control, the Micron X-1 having the additional ability to produce spray with VMDs down to 40ýim. A review of rotary atomiser literature provided design guidelines for the design of an atomiser capable of meeting tsetse specifications. The principle effect of liquid flow 4D within the atomiser was found to be on the uniformity of fluid distribution. Premature ligament formation and formation of cross-flow vortices were identified as factors which could adversely influence fluid distribution under some conditions. Ligzan ment seperation from disks can be aided byI slender teeth, providing that these have a spaciniz similar to the natural spacing of ligaments predicted by Taylor instability theoInry . The effect of rotation speed and atomiser diameter on droIp let diameter is determined by the degree of stretching of the ligament due to its acceleration relative to the atomiser, implying that a finer spray would be achieved using a smaller rotating diameter disc than a larger diameter disc with the same peripheral speed. A series of experimental studies was carried out usinrgD higZDh speed photogZ_r_a phy in conjunction with the droplet sizinaprobe. Disturbancesh a,,i,n, g the forrn predicted for C cross-flow vortices were observed in liquid on a plain spinning disc. A sin(-)'Ieligament generator was constructed. With increasing rotation speed this rt\'taled a series of increasingly unstable ligament disintegration modes in which interaction with the surroundin4g15 air became a controlling-- factor. Complete shattering of the ligament occured at a Weber number of between 4 and 5, similar to reported values for liquid jets in a cross flo%v of cyas. Droplet sizing indicated that the specified performance for tsetse operations could be obtained from 50mm diameter atomisers with a total of around _'30000is suing points at a rotation speed of 26000 RPNI. This Zý sucy(yestecdN l,i ndcr rather than disc-based atomisers. A slit was found to be impractical as a means of distributing liquid unifom-ily at high rotation speeds but distribution was sucýe: ssfully achieved using a porous flow resistor. Prototype wind- and electi-ically-driven atornisers were constructed using rotating porous cylinders fed internally by spray bars designed with the help of finite element methods. Ligament formation was found to occur from a film of liquid on the outer surface of the cylinder, the variation in spacing with feedrate and rotation speed suggesting Taylor instability to be the controlling factor. The prototype atomisers achieved a performance suitable for tsetse control operations. This was not enhanced by the provision of discrete issuing points

    Sensitivity of predicted bioaerosol exposure from open windrow composting facilities to ADMS dispersion model parameters

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    Bioaerosols are released in elevated quantities from composting facilities and are associated with negative health effects, although dose-response relationships are not well understood, and require improved exposure classification. Dispersion modelling has great potential to improve exposure classification, but has not yet been extensively used or validated in this context. We present a sensitivity analysis of the ADMS dispersion model specific to input parameter ranges relevant to bioaerosol emissions from open windrow composting. This analysis provides an aid for model calibration by prioritising parameter adjustment and targeting independent parameter estimation. Results showed that predicted exposure was most sensitive to the wet and dry deposition modules and the majority of parameters relating to emission source characteristics, including pollutant emission velocity, source geometry and source height. This research improves understanding of the accuracy of model input data required to provide more reliable exposure predictions

    Stochastic backscatter modelling for the prediction of pollutant removal from an urban street canyon: a large-eddy simulation

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    The large-eddy simulation (LES) approach has recently exhibited its appealing capability of capturing turbulent processes inside street canyons and the urban boundary layer aloft, and its potential for deriving the bulk parameters adopted in low-cost operational urban dispersion models. However, the thin roof-level shear layer may be under-resolved in most LES set-ups and thus sophisticated subgrid-scale (SGS) parameterisations may be required. In this paper, we consider the important case of pollutant removal from an urban street canyon of unit aspect ratio (i.e. building height equal to street width) with the external flow perpendicular to the street. We show that by employing a stochastic SGS model that explicitly accounts for backscatter (energy transfer from unresolved to resolved scales), the pollutant removal process is better simulated compared with the use of a simpler (fully dissipative) but widely-used SGS model. The backscatter induces additional mixing within the shear layer which acts to increase the rate of pollutant removal from the street canyon, giving better agreement with a recent wind-tunnel experiment. The exchange velocity, an important parameter in many operational models that determines the mass transfer between the urban canopy and the external flow, is predicted to be around 15% larger with the backscatter SGS model; consequently, the steady-state mean pollutant concentration within the street canyon is around 15% lower. A database of exchange velocities for various other urban configurations could be generated and used as improved input for operational street canyon models

    A Controlled Study on the Characterisation of Bioaerosols Emissions from Compost

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    Bioaerosol emissions arising from biowaste treatment are an issue of public concern. To better characterise the bioaerosols, and to assess a range of measurement methods, we aerosolised green waste compost under controlled conditions. Viable and non-viable Andersen samplers, cyclone samplers and a real time bioaerosol detection system (Spectral Intensity Bioaerosol Sensor (SIBS)) were deployed simultaneously. The number-weighted fraction of fluorescent particles was in the range 22–26% of all particles for low and high emission scenarios. Overall fluorescence spectral profiles seen by the SIBS exhibited several peaks across the 16 wavelength bands from 298 to 735 nm. The size-fractionated endotoxin profile showed most endotoxin resided in the 2.1–9 μm aerodynamic diameter fraction, though up to 27% was found in a finer size fraction. A range of microorganisms were detected through culture, Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption and Ionisation Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), including Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. These findings contribute to our knowledge of the physico-chemical and biological characteristics of bioaerosols from composting sites, as well as informing future monitoring approaches and data interpretation for bioaerosol measurement

    The systematic development of a novel integrated spiral undergraduate course in general practice

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    In 2007 Keele University School of Medicine rolled out its novel curriculum to which general practice makes a major contribution. In this paper we describe the systematic approach we took to developing the GP curriculum; from the underlying educational principles which guided its development, the subsequent decisions we made to the curriculum itself. This consists of 23 weeks of clinical placements in general practice; four weeks in year 3, four weeks in year 4 and 15 weeks in year 5. We describe the steps which were necessary to prepare for the implementation of the GP curriculum. We consider that the successful implementation of our general practice contribution is a result of our systematic identification of these principles, the clearly articulated design decisions and the systematic preparation for implementation involving the academic GP team and all our potential teaching practices

    Correlations in the chemical composition of rural background atmospheric aerosol in the UK determined in real time using time-of-flight mass spectrometry

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    An aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ATOFMS) was used to determine, in real time, the size and chemical composition of individual particles in the atmosphere at the remote inland site of Eskdalemuir, Scotland. A total of 51980 particles, in the size range 0.3–7.4 µm, were detected between the 25th and 30th June 2001. Rapid changes in the number density, size and chemical composition of the atmospheric aerosol were observed. These changes are attributed to two distinct types of air mass; a polluted air mass that had passed over the British mainland before reaching Eskdalemuir, interposed between two cleaner air masses that had arrived directly from the sea. Such changes in the background aerosol could clearly be very important to studies of urban aerosols and attempts at source apportionment. The results of an objective method of data analysis are presented. Correlations were sought between the occurrence of: lithium, potassium, rubidium, caesium, beryllium, strontium, barium, ammonium, amines, nitrate, nitrite, boron, mercury, sulfate, phosphate, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and carbon (both elemental and organic hydrocarbon) in both fine (d 2.5 µm) particle fractions. Several previously unreported correlations were observed, for instance between the elements lithium, beryllium and boron. The results suggest that about 2 in 3 of all fine particles (by number rather than by mass), and 1 in 2 of all coarse particles containing carbon, consisted of elemental carbon rather than organic hydrocarbon (although a bias in the sensitivity of the ATOFMS could have affected these numbers). The ratio of the number of coarse particles containing nitrate anions to the number of particles containing chloride anions exceeded unity when the air mass had travelled over the British mainland. The analysis also illustrates that an air mass of marine origin that had travelled slowly over agricultural land can accumulate amines and ammonium

    Scoping studies to establish the capability and utility of a real-time bioaerosol sensor to characterise emissions from environmental sources

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    A novel dual excitation wavelength based bioaerosol sensor with multiple fluorescence bands called Spectral Intensity Bioaerosol Sensor (SIBS) has been assessed across five contrasting outdoor environments. The mean concentrations of total and fluorescent particles across the sites were highly variable being the highest at the agricultural farm (2.6 cm−3 and 0.48 cm−3, respectively) and the composting site (2.32 cm−3 and 0.46 cm−3, respectively) and the lowest at the dairy farm (1.03 cm−3 and 0.24 cm−3, respectively) and the sewage treatment works (1.03 cm−3 and 0.25 cm−3, respectively). In contrast, the number-weighted fluorescent fraction was lowest at the agricultural site (0.18) in comparison to the other sites indicating high variability in nature and magnitude of emissions from environmental sources. The fluorescence emissions data demonstrated that the spectra at different sites were multimodal with intensity differences largely at wavelengths located in secondary emission peaks for λex 280 and λex 370. This finding suggests differences in the molecular composition of emissions at these sites which can help to identify distinct fluorescence signature of different environmental sources. Overall this study demonstrated that SIBS provides additional spectral information compared to existing instruments and capability to resolve spectrally integrated signals from relevant biological fluorophores could improve selectivity and thus enhance discrimination and classification strategies for real-time characterisation of bioaerosols from environmental sources. However, detailed lab-based measurements in conjunction with real-world studies and improved numerical methods are required to optimise and validate these highly resolved spectral signatures with respect to the diverse atmospherically relevant biological fluorophores

    Whole genome sequencing refines stratification and therapy of patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma

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    Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is the most common form of kidney cancer, but a comprehensive description of its genomic landscape is lacking. We report the whole genome sequencing of 778 ccRCC patients enrolled in the 100,000 Genomes Project, providing for a detailed description of the somatic mutational landscape of ccRCC. We identify candidate driver genes, which as well as emphasising the major role of epigenetic regulation in ccRCC highlight additional biological pathways extending opportunities for therapeutic interventions. Genomic characterisation identified patients with divergent clinical outcome; higher number of structural copy number alterations associated with poorer prognosis, whereas VHL mutations were independently associated with a better prognosis. The observations that higher T-cell infiltration is associated with better overall survival and that genetically predicted immune evasion is not common supports the rationale for immunotherapy. These findings should inform personalised surveillance and treatment strategies for ccRCC patients
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