2,947 research outputs found

    Attitudes of doctors and nurses towards incident reporting: a qualitative analysis

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the editor of the Medical Journal of Australia. An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.Objectives: (i) To examine attitudes of medical and nursing staff towards reporting incidents (adverse events and near-misses), and (ii) to identify measures to facilitate incident reporting. Design: Qualitative study. In March 2002, semistructured questions were administered to five focus groups — one each for consultants, registrars, resident medical officers, senior nurses, and junior nurses. Participants and setting: 14 medical and 19 nursing staff recruited using purposive sampling from three metropolitan public hospitals in Adelaide, South Australia. Main outcome measures: Attitudes and barriers to incident reporting; differences in reporting behaviour between disciplines; how to facilitate incident reporting. Results: Cultural differences between doctors and nurses, identified using Triandis’ theory of social behaviour, were found to underpin attitudes to incident reporting. Nurses reported more habitually than doctors due to a culture which provided directives, protocols and the notion of security, whereas the medical culture was less transparent, favoured dealing with incidents “in-house” and was less reliant on directives. Common barriers to reporting incidents included time constraints, unsatisfactory processes, deficiencies in knowledge, cultural norms, inadequate feedback, beliefs about risk, and a perceived lack of value in the process. Conclusions: Strategies to improve incident reporting must address cultural issues.Marilyn J Kingston, Sue M Evans, Brian J Smith and Jesia G Berr

    Ethnomedicinal Plants Used by Indigenous Community in a Traditional Healthcare System

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    The traditional health care system is quite prevalent in the rural areas of Kanyakumari district. The present study deals with enumeration of 25 plant species from 25 families, used as traditional medicine by local indigenous community of the area. The different parts of the plants are used to cure several kinds of illnesses. The leaf is predominantly used, and is followed by roots, tubers, and rhizomes. The indigenous community prefers these plants as home remedy against fever, leucorrhoea, rheumatism, headache, indigestion, etc

    Iterative reconstruction optimisations for high angle cone-beam micro-CT

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    We address several acquisition questions that have arisen for the high cone-angle helical-scanning micro-CT facility developed at the Australian National University. These challenges are generally known in medical and industrial cone-beam scanners but can be neglected in these systems. For our large datasets, with more than 2048³ voxels, minimising the number of operations (or iterations) is crucial. Large cone-angles enable high signal-to-noise ratio imaging and a large helical pitch to be used. This introduces two challenges: (i) non-uniform resolution throughout the reconstruction, (ii) over-scan beyond the region-of-interest significantly increases required reconstructed volume size. Challenge (i) can be addressed by using a double-helix or lower pitch helix but both solutions slow down iterations. Challenge (ii) can also be improved by using a lower pitch helix but results in more projections slowing down iterations. This may be overcome using less projections per revolution but leads to more iterations required. Here we assume a given total time for acquisition and a given reconstruction technique (SART) and seek to identify the optimal trajectory and number of projections per revolution in order to produce the best tomogram, minimise reconstruction time required, and minimise memory requirements

    The Co-Occurrence of Polypharmacy and Unmet Needs for Social Care in Older People: A Systematic Review

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    \ua9 2024 Laurie E. Davies et al.Polypharmacy is common in older people who often live with disability and dependency. The number of older people living with unmet needs for social care is also believed to be rising. Polypharmacy is simple to operationalise, whilst unmet needs are not routinely identified but are known to adversely affect health and well-being. Therefore, this systematic review aimed to investigate whether polypharmacy is a marker of unmet needs for social care in older people. Sixteen databases were searched from inception to January 2021. Studies were included if they reported quantitative data for polypharmacy ("multiple medicines") in relation to unmet needs for social care ("relative or absolute") in older people ("study criteria aged ≥55 years or mean age ≥55 in the sample as a whole or stratified data for the ≥55-year age group") and were from a high-income country (defined by the World Bank). Quality was assessed using the National Institute for Health tool for observational studies. Four studies were identified from 2,549 citations, and overall, the quality of evidence was low. Some older people using multiple medications had their social care needs met, whilst others did not. However, there is a clear rationale as to why polypharmacy may be linked to unmet social care needs. Given the limited studies identified in this review, future research should explore this further. The type of unmet need measure may be important to understand the nature of the relationship between the use of multiple medications and unmet social care needs

    Characteristics of older unpaid carers in England: A study of social patterning from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing

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    \ua9 2024 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society.Background: A growing number of older people provide unpaid care, but contemporary research evidence on this group is limited. Aim: This study aims to describe the characteristics of older people who provide unpaid care and how these vary by socioeconomic position. Methods: Using recent information from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA wave 9, 2019), we analysed cross-sectional data on 1,282 unpaid carers aged ≥50. Data on sociodemographics, health, social wellbeing, care intensity and caregiver-recipient relationships were extracted. Total net non-pension wealth quintiles were used as a relative measure of socioeconomic position. Differences between the poorest and richest wealth quintiles were examined through logistic regression. Findings: Most older carers in ELSA were female and looking after another older person. Poor mental and physical health and social isolation were common, and socially patterned. Compared with carers in the middle wealth group, the poorest group were more likely to be living with the person they cared for (odds ratio (OR) 1.56 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03-2.36]) and more likely to experience loneliness (OR 2.29 [95% CI 1.42-3.69]), dependency (i.e.The need for help with activities of daily living) (OR 1.62 [95% CI 1.05-2.51]), chronic pain (OR 1.81 [95% CI 1.23-2.67]), a higher number of diseases (OR 1.75 [95% CI 1.15-2.65]) and fair/poor self-rated health (OR 2.59 [95% CI 1.79-3.76]). The poorest carers were also less likely to have a high quality of life (OR 0.51 [95% CI 0.33-0.80]) or be in work (OR 0.33 [95% CI 0.19-0.59]). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that financially disadvantaged unpaid carers (and their households) may have the greatest needs for intervention and support. Focussing resources on this group has potential to address social inequalities

    Linear and nonlinear optical properties of carbon nanotube-coated single-mode optical fiber gratings

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    This paper was published in OPTICS LETTERS and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.36.002104. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law[EN] Single-wall carbon nanotube deposition on the cladding of optical fibers has been carried out to fabricate an all-fiber nonlinear device. Two different nanotube deposition techniques were studied. The first consisted of repeatedly immersing the optical fiber into a nanotube supension, increasing the thickness of the coating in each step. The second deposition involved wrapping a thin film of nanotubes around the optical fiber. For both cases, interaction of transmitted light through the fiber core with the external coating was assisted by the cladding mode resonances of a tilted fiber Bragg grating. Ultrafast nonlinear effects of the nanotube-coated fiber were measured by means of a pump-probe pulses experiment. © 2011 Optical Society of America.This work was financially supported by the European Commission under the FP7 EURO-FOS Network of Excellence (ICT-2007-2-224402), the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia SINADEC project (TEC2008-06333), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). The work of G. E. Villanueva was supported by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Formación de Profesorado Universitario programs. The work of P. Pérez-Millán was supported by the Juan de la Cierva program, JCI-2009-05805.Villanueva Ibáñez, GE.; Jakubinek, M.; Simard, B.; Oton Nieto, CJ.; Matres Abril, J.; Shao, L.; Pérez Millán, P.... (2011). Linear and nonlinear optical properties of carbon nanotube-coated single-mode optical fiber gratings. Optics Letters. 36(11):2104-2106. https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.36.002104S210421063611Sakakibara, Y., Rozhin, A. G., Kataura, H., Achiba, Y., & Tokumoto, M. (2005). Carbon Nanotube-Poly(vinylalcohol) Nanocomposite Film Devices: Applications for Femtosecond Fiber Laser Mode Lockers and Optical Amplifier Noise Suppressors. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 44(4A), 1621-1625. doi:10.1143/jjap.44.1621Chow, K. K., Yamashita, S., & Song, Y. W. (2009). A widely tunable wavelength converter based on nonlinear polarization rotation in a carbon-nanotube-deposited D-shaped fiber. Optics Express, 17(9), 7664. doi:10.1364/oe.17.007664Set, S. Y., Yaguchi, H., Tanaka, Y., & Jablonski, M. (2004). Ultrafast Fiber Pulsed Lasers Incorporating Carbon Nanotubes. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 10(1), 137-146. doi:10.1109/jstqe.2003.822912Chow, K. K., Tsuji, M., & Yamashita, S. (2010). Single-walled carbon-nanotube-deposited tapered fiber for four-wave mixing based wavelength conversion. Applied Physics Letters, 96(6), 061104. doi:10.1063/1.3304789Chow, K. K., & Yamashita, S. (2009). Four-wave mixing in a single-walled carbon-nanotube-deposited D-shaped fiber and its application in tunable wavelength conversion. Optics Express, 17(18), 15608. doi:10.1364/oe.17.015608Choi, S. Y., Rotermund, F., Jung, H., Oh, K., & Yeom, D.-I. (2009). Femtosecond mode-locked fiber laser employing a hollow optical fiber filled with carbon nanotube dispersion as saturable absorber. Optics Express, 17(24), 21788. doi:10.1364/oe.17.021788Chan, C.-F., Chen, C., Jafari, A., Laronche, A., Thomson, D. J., & Albert, J. (2007). Optical fiber refractometer using narrowband cladding-mode resonance shifts. Applied Optics, 46(7), 1142. doi:10.1364/ao.46.001142Kingston, C. T., Jakubek, Z. J., Dénommée, S., & Simard, B. (2004). Efficient laser synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes through laser heating of the condensing vaporization plume. Carbon, 42(8-9), 1657-1664. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2004.02.020Jakubinek, M. B., Johnson, M. B., White, M. A., Guan, J., & Simard, B. (2010). Novel Method to Produce Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films and Their Thermal and Electrical Properties. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(12), 8151-8157. doi:10.1166/jnn.2010.3014Vallaitis, T., Koos, C., Bonk, R., Freude, W., Laemmlin, M., Meuer, C., … Leuthold, J. (2008). Slow and fast dynamics of gain and phase in a quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier. Optics Express, 16(1), 170. doi:10.1364/oe.16.00017