33 research outputs found

    Pre-emptive Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Ataxia Telangiectasia

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    Ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) is a primary immunodeficiency with mutations in the gene encoding the A-T mutated (ATM) protein that interacts with immune, hematopoietic, and endocrine targets resulting in broad multi-systemic clinical manifestations with a devastating outcome. Apart from a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, A-T leads to significantly increased susceptibility to malignancies. It is a matter of discussion whether pre-emptive allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT) using a reduced intensity conditioning regimen would be an option to restore immune-competence and prevent malignancy, as shown in animal models, because conventional treatment protocols of malignant diseases using radio- and/or chemotherapy have a high rate of therapy-related morbidity and mortality in these patients. We present the course of the disease, including immune reconstitution and neurological outcome following pre-emptive alloHSCT in a 4-year-old boy with A-T on a 6 year follow-up. Our manuscript provides a proof-of-concept of alloHSCT as an individual pre-emptive treatment strategy from which some A-T patients might benefit

    Quality of life after brain injury in children and adolescents (QOLIBRI-KID/ADO)-The first disease-specific self-report questionnaire after traumatic brain injury

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    The subjective impact of the consequences of pediatric traumatic brain injury (pTBI) on different life dimensions should be assessed multidimensionally and as sensitively as possible using a disease-specific health-related quality of life (HRQoL) instrument. The development and psychometrics of the first such self-report questionnaire for children and adolescents after TBI are reported here. Focus group interviews with children, adolescents, and their parents, cognitive debriefing, item pool generation and reduction using Delphi expert panels were performed. The resulting version was psychometrically tested on 300 individuals aged 8–17 years. After item reduction based on factor analyses, differential item functioning, reliability, and validity were investigated. The final 35 items were associated with six scales (Cognition, Self, Daily Life and Autonomy, Social Relationships, Emotions, Physical Problems). Internal consistency and construct validity were satisfactory. Health-related Quality of life (HRQoL) was significantly lower in older and in female participants, as well as those with cognitive disabilities, anxiety, depression and post-concussion symptoms, than in comparative groups. The new QOLIBRI-KID/ADO is a comprehensive, multidimensional, reliable, and valid instrument, comparable in content and items to the QOLIBRI adult version. Therefore, disease-specific HRQoL can now be measured across the lifespan and may support the amelioration of treatment, care, rehabilitation, and daily life of children and adolescents after TBI.This research was funded by Dr. Senckenbergische Stiftung/Clementine Kinderhospital Dr. Christ‘sche Stiftungen (Germany), and Uniscientia Stiftung (Switzerland)

    ATP synthase deficiency due to TMEM70 mutation leads to ultrastructural mitochondrial degeneration and is amenable to treatment.

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    TMEM70 is involved in the biogenesis of mitochondrial ATP synthase and mutations in the TMEM70 gene impair oxidative phosphorylation. Herein, we report on pathology and treatment of ATP synthase deficiency in four siblings. A consanguineous family of Roma (Gipsy) ethnic origin gave birth to 6 children of which 4 were affected presenting with dysmorphic features, failure to thrive, cardiomyopathy, metabolic crises, and 3-methylglutaconic aciduria as clinical symptoms. Genetic testing revealed a homozygous mutation (c.317-2A>G) in the TMEM70 gene. While light microscopy was unremarkable, ultrastructural investigation of muscle tissue revealed accumulation of swollen degenerated mitochondria with lipid crystalloid inclusions, cristae aggregation, and exocytosis of mitochondrial material. Biochemical analysis of mitochondrial complexes showed an almost complete ATP synthase deficiency. Despite harbouring the same mutation, the clinical outcome in the four siblings was different. Two children died within 60 h after birth; the other two had recurrent life-threatening metabolic crises but were successfully managed with supplementation of anaplerotic amino acids, lipids, and symptomatic treatment during metabolic crisis. In summary, TMEM70 mutations can cause distinct ultrastructural mitochondrial degeneration and almost complete deficiency of ATP synthase but are still amenable to treatment

    Rare brain biopsy findings in a first ADEM-like event of pediatric MS: histopathologic, neuroradiologic and clinical features

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    Pediatric MS tends to present more often with an acute onset and a polysymptomatic form of the disease, possibly with encephalopathy and large tumefactive lesions similar to those observed in some cases of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), which makes it more difficult to differentiate between an explosive and severe onset of MS vs. ADEM. An ADEM-like first demyelinating event can be the first attack of pediatric MS, but international consensus definitions require two or more non-ADEM demyelinating events for diagnosis of MS. In our patient KIDMUS MRI criteria for MS (Mikaeloff et al. J Pediatr 144:246–252, 2004a; Mikaeloff et al. Brain 127:1942–1947, 2004b) were negative at first attack, but Barkhof criteria for lesion dissemination in space in adults (Barkhof et al. 120:2059–2069, 1997), Callen modified MS-criteria and Callen MS-ADEM criteria for children (Callen et al. Neurology 72:961–967, 2009a; Callen et al. Neurology 72:968–973, 2009b) were positive suggesting pediatric MS. As the clinical course was devastating with non-responsiveness upon high-dose immune modulatory therapy and due to the absence of an alternative diagnosis other than demyelinating disease brain biopsy was performed. Brain biopsy studies or autopsy case reports of fulminant pediatric MS patients are extremely rare. Histopathology revealed an inflammatory demyelinating CNS process with confluent demyelination, indicating the likelihood of a relapsing disease course compatible with an acute to subacute demyelinating inflammatory disease. This pattern was corresponding to the early active multiple sclerosis subtype I of Lucchinetti et al. (Ann Neurol 47(6):707–717, 2000)

    The Interaction Properties of the Human Rab GTPase Family – A Comparative Analysis Reveals Determinants of Molecular Binding Selectivity

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    Rab GTPases constitute the largest subfamily of the Ras protein superfamily. Rab proteins regulate organelle biogenesis and transport, and display distinct binding preferences for effector and activator proteins, many of which have not been elucidated yet. The underlying molecular recognition motifs, binding partner preferences and selectivities are not well understood.Comparative analysis of the amino acid sequences and the three-dimensional electrostatic and hydrophobic molecular interaction fields of 62 human Rab proteins revealed a wide range of binding properties with large differences between some Rab proteins. This analysis assists the functional annotation of Rab proteins 12, 14, 26, 37 and 41 and provided an explanation for the shared function of Rab3 and 27. Rab7a and 7b have very different electrostatic potentials, indicating that they may bind to different effector proteins and thus, exert different functions. The subfamily V Rab GTPases which are associated with endosome differ subtly in the interaction properties of their switch regions, and this may explain exchange factor specificity and exchange kinetics.We have analysed conservation of sequence and of molecular interaction fields to cluster and annotate the human Rab proteins. The analysis of three dimensional molecular interaction fields provides detailed insight that is not available from a sequence-based approach alone. Based on our results, we predict novel functions for some Rab proteins and provide insights into their divergent functions and the determinants of their binding partner selectivity

    Retrospectively diagnosing congenital cytomegalovirus infections in symptomatic infants is challenging

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    Aim: Our aim was to analyse the diagnostic workup of hospitalised infants with symptoms of congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections. Methods: This retrospective study was carried out at the University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany, from 2008 to 2017 on infants aged 4 weeks to 12 months presenting with neurological symptoms consistent with congenital CMV infections. Results: We studied 117 infants, and workup data for CMV infections were available for 84%. Of these, 54% were immunoglobulin G‐ and immunoglobulin M‐seronegative for CMV or immunoglobulin G‐seropositive with no viral shedding. Congenital CMV infection was excluded in these cases. In 16%, the CMV workup was incomplete, precluding a definitive diagnosis. Dried blood spots (DBS) were requested from 30%. CMV polymerase chain reaction was negative in 19 of these 29 infants, and CMV deoxyribonucleic acid detection confirmed congenital CMV infections in six patients. DBS had been destroyed in line with German law in four cases. Congenital CMV infections were diagnosed (5%) or excluded (62%) in 67% of patients and unanswered in the remaining 33%. Conclusion: Diagnoses of congenital CMV infections were widely considered and found in 5%. CMV was not stringently investigated in all patients or remained elusive due to German law on destroying DBS

    Landesweite Normierung des Hessischen Kindersprachscreenings

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    Das Hessische Kindersprachscreening stellt ein Verfahren zur Feststellung des Sprachstands bei Kindern im Alter von 4;0 bis 4;6 Jahren dar. In der hier vorgestellten Überarbeitung wurden zunächst eine neue kriteriumsorientierte Skalierung und eine neue Normierung an einer flächendeckenden Stichprobe von insgesamt N = 43 556 Kindern aus knapp 900 Kindertageseinrichtungen in Hessen durchgeführt. Berichtet werden neben deskriptiven Item- und Skalenkennwerten auch die Befunde zur Objektivität, zur Reliabilität sowie zur Konstrukt- und faktoriellen Validität, die allesamt sehr zufriedenstellend ausfallen. Anschließend werden die diagnostischen Schwellenwerte (Cut-off-Werte) für die zwei Screeningergebnisse „sprachpädagogischer Förderbedarf“ und „medizinischer Abklärungsbedarf“ bestimmt und die Sensitivität und Spezifität dieser Schwellenwerte betrachtet. Es wird argumentiert, dass mit dem überarbeitetem Kindersprachscreening ein Verfahren vorliegt, dass sich durch insgesamt sehr zufriedenstellende psychometrische Eigenschaften auszeichnet und damit für die Zielsetzung geeignet ist, eine möglichst frühe und zielgerichtete Diagnose sprachlicher Defizite bei Vorschulkindern zu ermöglichen

    Absence of biochemical evidence at an early age delays diagnosis in a patient with a clinically severe peroxisomal biogenesis disorder

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    Analysis of the plasma levels of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA) is a primary screening method for peroxisomal disorders and usually identifies severe peroxisomal biogenesis defects reliably. We report a patient presenting with typical facial stigmata, a treatment resistant seizure disorder and polymicrogyria, whose plasma VLCFA levels were within normal limits until the age of 18 months. Only thereafter an elevation was found. Subsequent enzymatic and molecular genetic analysis revealed compound heterozygous mutations in the PEX6 gene. In conclusion, normal VLCFA levels do not necessarily exclude global peroxisomal biogenesis defects and the analysis should be repeated subsequently. Persisting clinical suspicion justifies further enzymatic and molecular evaluatio