38 research outputs found

    Classroom Observation: A Factor for Iranian EFL Teachers’ Professional Development and Their Students' Achievements

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    The present paper describes the processes used to examine the effectiveness of less experienced teachers' participation in experienced teachers' classes on students' achievements in terms of their proficiency levels in both Elementary and Pre-intermediate levels. This quasi-experimental design study was conducted In KISH Language School in Bojnurd, a city in the Northeast of Iran. Between July 2011 and October 2011. Twenty-one EFL teachers were selected as experienced and less experienced ones. Also 169 male and female students (age range 15_45 years) taking Elementary and Pre-intermediate courses formed the participants of this study. The participants assigned into experimental and control group. In order to test students' performance in English before the treatment, a Key English Test (KET) and a Preliminary English Test (PET) were employed to check students' English proficiency. There was a statistically significant increase in KET experimental group' final scores before (M=53.87, SD= 2.822), and after treatment (M=70.81, SD=3.113), p-value=.000 which is < .05. The mean increased with 95% confidence interval from 15.81863 to 18.06599. Also there was a statistically significant increase in PET scores before (M=44.36, SD= 2.114), and after treatment (M=59.27, SD=1.835), p-value=.000 which is < .05. The mean increased with 95% confidence interval from 14.233 to 15767. Data analysis and statistical calculations through T-TEST and one way ANOVA revealed that, although both control and experimental group students' proficiency in English enhanced, there was a significant difference in experimental group students' final scores before and after treatment

    Classroom Observation: A Factor for Iranian EFL Teachers’ Professional Development and Their Students' Achievements

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    The present paper describes the processes used to examine the effectiveness of less experienced teachers' participation in experienced teachers' classes on students' achievements in terms of their proficiency levels in both Elementary and Pre-intermediate levels. This quasi-experimental design study was conducted In KISH Language School in Bojnurd, a city in the Northeast of Iran. Between July 2011 and October 2011. Twenty-one EFL teachers were selected as experienced and less experienced ones. Also 169 male and female students (age range 15_45 years) taking Elementary and Pre-intermediate courses formed the participants of this study. The participants assigned into experimental and control group. In order to test students' performance in English before the treatment, a Key English Test (KET) and a Preliminary English Test (PET) were employed to check students' English proficiency. There was a statistically significant increase in KET experimental group' final scores before (M=53.87, SD= 2.822), and after treatment (M=70.81, SD=3.113), p-value=.000 which is < .05. The mean increased with 95% confidence interval from 15.81863 to 18.06599. Also there was a statistically significant increase in PET scores before (M=44.36, SD= 2.114), and after treatment (M=59.27, SD=1.835), p-value=.000 which is < .05. The mean increased with 95% confidence interval from 14.233 to 15767. Data analysis and statistical calculations through T-TEST and one way ANOVA revealed that, although both control and experimental group students' proficiency in English enhanced, there was a significant difference in experimental group students' final scores before and after treatment

    The Effect of Using Online Collaborative Tasks on Incidental Vocabulary Learning of Impulsive vs. Reflective Iranian EFL Learners

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    Incidental vocabulary learning is one of the most significant sources of learning vocabulary for language learners )Laufer  & Hulstjin, 2001). This study endeavored to investigate the effect of using online collaborative tasks on incidental vocabulary learning of impulsive vs. reflective Iranian EFL learners. To this end, Nelson vocabulary proficiency test was administered to 100 Iranian EFL learners as the homogeneity test and the pretest. Using random sampling procedure, 75 learners were selected as the main participants for this study. Kember, McKay, Sinclair and Wong (2008) reflective thinking questionnaire was administered to these learners, based on which they were distinguished based on their cognitive thinking styles, i.e., impulsivity and reflectivity. The participants were homogenously distributed into 3 main groups (impulsive experimental group, reflective experimental group, and the control group). All participants went through 4 weeks of treatment. Experimental groups were conducted using Telegram software and the control group was conducted in a classroom. The results of t-test after 4 weeks of treatment revealed that reflective learners benefited from online collaborative groups with regard to incidental vocabulary learning. The findings of the study are discussed in light of previous research

    ValidaciĂłn de un cuestionario de autoeficacia del estudiante de EFL usando el modelo de Rasch

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    Self-efficacy plays a key role in learners' learning processes by helping or hindering their development (Bandura, 1984). Based on related studies (e.g. Littel, 1991; Lier, 2010) one major point affected on language learning is self-efficacy. To this aim, a 35-item an EFL learners’ selfefficacy questionnaire was adapted and validated by the application of the Rasch model. The test was developed in Persian to be used for Iranian EFL learners. A total number of 987 EFL learners learning English in different language institutions of Iran participated in this study. The results revealed that the Rasch model fits the test after removing 10 items from the scale. Moreover, it is confirmed that the scale enjoyed suitable reliability. This proposes that the questionnaire is potentially valid and can be used as a measure of EFL learners’ self-efficacy.La autoeficacia desempeña un papel clave en los procesos de aprendizaje de los alumnos al ayudar o dificultar su desarrollo (Bandura, 1984). Basado en estudios relacionados (por ejemplo, Littel, 1991; Lier, 2010) un punto importante afectado en el aprendizaje de idiomas es la autoeficacia. Con este objetivo, la aplicación del modelo de Rasch adaptó y validó un cuestionario de autoeficacia de 35 ítems de EFL. La prueba fue desarrollada en persa para ser utilizada por estudiantes iraníes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Un total de 987 estudiantes de inglés que aprenden inglés como lengua extranjera en diferentes instituciones lingüísticas de Irán participaron en este estudio. Los resultados revelaron que el modelo de Rasch se ajusta a la prueba después de eliminar 10 elementos de la escala. Además, se confirma que la escala gozó de una fiabilidad adecuada. Esto propone que el cuestionario es potencialmente válido y se puede usar como una medida de la autoeficacia de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera.A autoeficácia desempenha um papel fundamental nos processos de aprendizagem dos aprendentes, ajudando ou dificultando o seu desenvolvimento (Bandura, 1984). Com base em estudos relacionados (por exemplo, Littel, 1991; Lier, 2010), um ponto importante afetado na aprendizagem de línguas é a autoeficácia. Para este fim, um questionário de 35 itens de auto-eficácia de alunos de EFL foi adaptado e validado pela aplicação do modelo de Rasch. O teste foi desenvolvido em persa para ser usado para alunos de EFL iranianos. Um total de 987 alunos de EFL que aprendem inglês em diferentes instituições de idiomas do Irã participaram deste estudo. Os resultados revelaram que o modelo Rasch se encaixa no teste após a remoção de 10 itens da escala. Além disso, confirma-se que a escala gozava de confiabilidade adequada. Isto propõe que o questionário é potencialmente válido e pode ser usado como uma medida da autoeficácia dos aprendentes de EFL

    Hidden Curriculum Components, Learners’ National Identity, and Self-Efficacy: A Model for Iranian EFL Teachers

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    Much of what educators address is the overt curriculum; however, there is a hidden curriculum that affects education in a very profound manner. In view of that, the purpose of the present study is to determine the relationship of EFL teachers’ perspectives on hidden curriculum components in the Iranian institutional context with their students’ self-efficacy and national identity. More specifically, the present study surveyed the probable existence of any significant correlation between EFL teachers’ perspectives on the EFL hidden curriculum components, their students’ attitudes towards their own national identity, and self-efficacy. For this purpose, a model was suggested and tested using partial least squares variance-based structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), to examine EFL teachers’ perspectives on the EFL hidden curriculum components contributing to their students’ national identity and self-efficacy. A total of 164 institutional EFL teachers in Iran completed the EFL hidden curriculum questionnaire. Besides, 987 students (about eighty percent of their learners) were asked to fill in national identity and self-efficacy questionnaires. Based on this model, all the correlations between the latent variables were significant except for three latent variables including the relationships among EFL teachers’ perspectives on the EFL hidden curriculum components (social atmosphere, organizational structure, and interaction between teachers and learners) and their learners’ self-efficacy. In addition, the results depicted all the relationships between latent variables was positive relations; while, the relationship between EFL learners’ national identity and self-efficacy was proved to be negative

    On the relationship among Iranian EFL Leaners’ Crystallized Intelligence, Fluid Intelligence, Creativity, and their Performances on Multiple-Choice and Constructed-Response Items

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    Studies have been done on finding construct-irrelevant factors and cognitive processes involved in test taking. Previous studies have explored correlations between reading comprehension (RC) ability and psychological variables such as creativity and intelligence reporting significant relations. Many researchers trying to figure out the difference between diverse formats performance. The present study takes  interest in investigating if each test format performance is affected by cognitive traits of test takers. It  investigates the effects of three psychological variables including Fluid intelligence (Gf), Crystallized intelligence (gc), and creativity (C) on reading comprehension (RC) performance where Multiple-Choice (MC) and Constructed-Response (CR) formats are involved for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Learners. The relations among all five variables are examined applying Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by hypothesizing a model related to the previous researches. The model goes through modifications twice and the final revision reports the relationships. Path analysis demonstrates direct significant effects in paths for Gc-MC, Gc-CR, Gf-CR and indirect significant effects in Gf-MC, creativity-MC, and creativity-CR. Therefore, CR items are the most affected format by those cognitive variables. The results are further discussed and concluded in more details

    An Inquiry into the Implementation of ICT among Pre-Service English Teachers

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    In recent years, the trend toward globalization and the needs of an information-oriented society have become a focus of attention for science educators. However, many teachers are still struggling to adopt and implement computers into their classrooms. Some researchers contend that beginning teachers are not adequately prepared to integrate computers into their teaching. Furthermore, among teachers, differences exist in instructional decision-making and behaviors when implementing new innovations into their teaching practice. This  study examines the implementation of  ICT (Information and Communication Technology) into English language instruction. Through studying aspects of learning among pre-service teachers, the study seeks to review the studies done on the impact on their new understanding of teaching and decision-making.  The results of this study can provide pre-service teachers with a direction that enables them to make the best use of technology such as ICT in learning to teach English and other core subject areas is necessary

    Professional Success among Iranian University Professors of TEFL: A study on the Basis of Goffman's Footing Theory

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    This study aimed at exploring the influence of the role that a teacher employs on his/her professional success. The teacher role was investigated from a new outlook, Goffman's footing theory. According to Goffman (1981), a speaker's role can be classified into three categories of animator, author, and principal, characterized as the repeater of the ideas made by the others, the paraphraser of concepts, and the creator of original ideas, respectively. Applying this theory in the educational context, the researchers selected 36 university professors of TEFL in the MA level and asked their students (N=118) to identify their professors' dominant role as animator, author, or principal, both generally and individually, via a metaphor checklist and their professional success via the Characteristic of Successful Iranian EFL Teacher Questionnaire. The results of Chi-square analysis indicated that the professors dominantly take on the author and animator roles respectively. One-way Anova results also demonstrated that the professors taking on the principal role enjoy higher professional success than those adopting the animator and author roles. The results offer implications and suggestions for pedagogical consideration within the Iranian university context