1,174 research outputs found

    Low-thrust vehicles concept studies

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    Low thrust chemical (hydrogen-oxygen) propulsion systems configured specifically for low acceleration orbit transfer of large space systems were studied in order to provide the required additional data to better compare new, low thrust chemical propulsion systems with other propulsion approaches such as advanced electric systems. Study results indicate that it is cost-effective and least risk to combine the low thrust OTV and stowed spacecraft in a single 65 K shuttle. Mission analysis indicates that there are 25 such missions, starting in 1987. Multiple shuttles (LSS in one, OTV in another) result in a 20% increase in LSS (SBR) diameter over single shuttle launches. Synthesis and optimization of the LSS characteristics and OTV capability resulted in determination of the optimum thrust-to-weight and thrust level. For the space based radar with radial truss arms (center thrust application), the optimum thrust-to-weight (maximum) is 0.1, giving a thrust of 2000 lb. For the annular truss (edge-on thrust application) the structure is not as sensitive, and thrust of 1000 lb appears optimum. For the geoplatform, optimum T/W is .15 (3000 lb thrust). The effects of LSS structure material, weight distribution, and unit area density were evaluated, as were the OTV engine thrust transient and number of burns

    Analysis and improvement of the vector quantization in SELP (Stochastically Excited Linear Prediction)

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    The Stochastically Excited Linear Prediction (SELP) algorithm is described as a speech coding method employing a two-stage vector quantization. The first stage uses an adaptive codebook which efficiently encodes the periodicity of voiced speech, and the second stage uses a stochastic codebook to encode the remainder of the excitation signal. The adaptive codebook performs well when the pitch period of the speech signal is larger than the frame size. An extension is introduced, which increases its performance for the case that the frame size is longer than the pitch period. The performance of the stochastic stage, which improves with frame length, is shown to be best in those sections of the speech signal where a high level of short-term correlations is present. It can be concluded that the SELP algorithm performs best during voiced speech where the pitch period is longer than the frame length

    Orbital transfer vehicle concept definition and system analysis study. Volume 1A: Executive summary. Phase 2

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    The objectives of the Phase 2 study were to improve the orbit transfer vehicle (OTV) concept definition by focusing on the following issues: the impact of mission requirements on OTV system design; OTV basing concepts on the Space Shuttle, separate platforms, and/or remote locations; cost reduction of an OTV program to improve its economic benefits and support its acquisition. The OTV mission scenario includes a wide range of missions the main drivers of which are manned GEO servicing, mid-inclination/polar DOD, and lunar/planetary projects. A mission model is presented which includes the type and number of missions per year and the estimated propellant requirements. To accomplish the missions, many OTV concepts were defined including ground-based OTVs launched either in the STS orbiter, the aft cargo carrier, or a heavy lift launch vehicle, and a space-based OTV. System and program trade studies were conducted using performance, cost, safety/risk, and operations/growth criteria. The study shows that mission requirements and substantial economic benefits justify a reusable, cryogenic (H2/O2) space-based OTV. Such a system would not be subjected to Earth-to-orbit launch loads and would not be constained in size or weight. Safety is enhanced by the fact that the system components are launched unfueled. Its inherent reusability and ability to be refueled in space make the space-based OTV very economical to operate

    Orbital transfer vehicle engine integration study

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    NASA-LeRC is sponsoring industry studies to establish the technology base for an advanced engine for orbital transfer vehicles for mid-1990s IOC. Engine contractors are being assisted by vehicle contractors to define the requirements, interface conditions, and operational design criteria for new LO2-LH2 propulsion systems applicable to future orbit transfer vehicles and to assess the impacts on space basing, man rating, and low-G transfer missions on propulsion system design requirements. The results of a study is presented. The primary study emphasis was to determine what the OTV engine thrust level should be, how many engines are required on the OTV, and how the OTV engine should be designed. This was accomplished by evaluating planned OTV missions and concepts to determine the requirements for the OTV propulsion system, conducting tradeoffs and comparisons to optimize OTV capability, and evaluating reliability and maintenance to determine the recommended OTV engine design for future development

    Future Requirements and Applications for Orbital Transfer Vehicles

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    The capability of the Space Shuttle will be enhanced by use of the high-energy Centaur to provide payload transfer to higher orbits (geosynchronous, etc.) and for planetary escape missions. Future orbital transfer vehicles (OTV) requirements for NASA, military, and commercial exploitation of space will require improvements and technological developments such as increased performance, increased reliability, and increased mission versatility. Eventual OTV space basing should offer further cost reductions through vehicle reuse, freedom from Shuttle constraints, and possible STS propellant recovery. This paper summarizes Centaur characteristics, performance, and program status and presents future considerations for orbital transfer vehicles into the Space Station era, including their capabilities, operational requirements, and the technology developments required to make them a reality

    Mars mission solar array Semiannual progress report, period ending 31 Dec. 1969

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    Design and testing of beryllium-structure solar panel for Mars missio

    Dynamic channel assignment in cellular radio

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    Dynamic channel assignment algorithms for cellular systems are developed. The algorithms are compared with an easily simulated bound. Using this bound, it is demonstrated that in the case of homogeneous spatial traffic distribution, some of these algorithms are virtually unbeatable by any channel assignment algorithm. These algorithms are shown to be feasible for implementation in current cellular systems. For the examples considered, in the interesting range of blocking probabilities (2-4%), the dynamic channel assignment algorithms yielded an increase of 60-80% in the carried traffic over the best-known fixed channel assignment

    Application of Optimization Techniques to Design of Unconventional Rocket Nozzle Configurations

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    Several current rocket engine concepts such as the bell-annular tri-propellant engine, and the linear aerospike being proposed for the X-33 require unconventional three dimensional rocket nozzles which must conform to rectangular or sector shaped envelopes to meet integration constraints. These types of nozzles exist outside the current experience database, therefore, the application of efficient design methods for these propulsion concepts is critical to the success of launch vehicle programs. The objective of this work is to optimize several different nozzle configurations, including two- and three-dimensional geometries. Methodology includes coupling computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis to genetic algorithms and Taguchi methods as well as implementation of a streamline tracing technique. Results of applications are shown for several geometeries including: three dimensional thruster nozzles with round or super elliptic throats and rectangualar exits, two- and three-dimensional thrusters installed within a bell nozzle, and three dimensional thrusters with round throats and sector shaped exits. Due to the novel designs considered for this study, there is little experience which can be used to guide the effort and limit the design space. With a nearly infinite parameter space to explore, simple parametric design studies cannot possibly search the entire design space within the time frame required to impact the design cycle. For this reason, robust and efficient optimization methods are required to explore and exploit the design space to achieve high performance engine designs. Five case studies which examine the application of various techniques in the engineering environment are presented in this paper

    Many-core applications to online track reconstruction in HEP experiments

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    Interest in parallel architectures applied to real time selections is growing in High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments. In this paper we describe performance measurements of Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) and Intel Many Integrated Core architecture (MIC) when applied to a typical HEP online task: the selection of events based on the trajectories of charged particles. We use as benchmark a scaled-up version of the algorithm used at CDF experiment at Tevatron for online track reconstruction - the SVT algorithm - as a realistic test-case for low-latency trigger systems using new computing architectures for LHC experiment. We examine the complexity/performance trade-off in porting existing serial algorithms to many-core devices. Measurements of both data processing and data transfer latency are shown, considering different I/O strategies to/from the parallel devices.Comment: Proceedings for the 20th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP); missing acks adde

    Field relations, age, and tectonic setting of metamorphic and plutonic rocks in the Creignish Hills – North Mountain area, southwestern Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada

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     The Creignish Hills and North Mountain areas of southwestern Cape Breton Island consist mostly of Neoproterozoic rocks typical of the Ganderian Bras d’Or terrane. U-Pb ages presented here for detrital zircon in the Blues Brook Formation of the Creignish Hills confirm a depositional age no greater than about 600 Ma. Although it is possible that some components of the formation are much older, similarities in rock types and field relations suggest that this is not the case. It is likely that the equivalent Malagawatch Formation of the North Mountain area, as well as high-grade metasedimentary rocks of the Melford Formation and Chuggin Road complex in the Creignish Hills and Lime Hill gneiss complex in the North Mountain area, represent the same or stratigraphically equivalent units as the Blues Brook Formation. The minimum ages of all of these units are constrained by cross-cutting syn- and post-tectonic plutons with ages mostly between 565 and 550 Ma, indicating that sediments were deposited, regionally metamorphosed, deformed, and intruded by plutons in less than 40–50 million years. The assemblage of pelitic, psammitic, and carbonate rocks indicates that a passive margin in a tropical climate was quickly changed to an active Andean-type continental margin in which voluminous calcalkaline dioritic to granitic plutons were emplaced. This sedimentary and tectonic history is characteristic of the Bras d’Or terrane and is shared by its likely correlative, the Brookville terrane in southern New Brunswick.
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