873 research outputs found

    The Impact of Motivational Interviewing on Client Response to the Treatment Rationale Within Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Generalized Anxiety

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    Motivational Interviewing (MI) has been applied to the treatment of anxiety disorders in an effort to bolster engagement with and response rates to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Although the addition of MI to CBT has been widely advocated, little is known about the impact of MI on therapy process in CBT. The current study used the Structural Analysis of Social Behaviour (SASB) coding system to discern interpersonal processes (i.e., therapist-client interactions) within therapy sessions from an existing dataset of a clinical trial of MI plus CBT for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). The outcome data from the trial demonstrated that the addition of MI significantly improved response to CBT, specifically for those of the highest worry severity at baseline. The current study systematically examined the impact of having received MI (or not) on interpersonal processes following the presentation of the treatment rationale in the first session of CBT, a theoretically meaningful point in the CBT treatment process. In particular, SASB was employed to code 20 video-taped sessions for clients of high worry severity who either received MI as a pre-treatment to CBT (n=10) or who did not receive MI prior to CBT (n=10). MI has been found to decrease client resistance and increase client engagement and motivation for therapy in previous studies. Therefore, it was expected that those who received MI prior to CBT would be more receptive to the CBT treatment rationale and would engage in more affiliative interpersonal processes. Findings revealed that, following the presentation of the CBT treatment rationale, clients who did not receive MI prior to CBT both separated from the therapist and deferred significantly more to the therapist than those who received MI prior to CBT. Moreover, these clients shifted the focus away from themselves and onto the therapist at significantly higher rates than clients who received MI prior to CBT. Accordingly, therapists of clients who did not receive MI both shifted the focus away from the client and onto themselves at significantly higher rates than the MI group, and also engaged in more controlling behaviour than therapists of clients who received MI. These findings have significant implications for improving processes within CBT at theoretically meaningful moments in therapy


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) Mendeskripsikan model aransemen. (2) Penerapan arasemen pada kelompok orkes suling bambu. (3) Tanggapan kelompok Molluca Bamboowind Orchestra dan para penonton setelah aransemen di pentaskan. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan pada peneltian ini adalah Participatory action research. Parcipatory Action Research merupukan kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menekankan keterlibatan masiyarakat agar memeiliki program kegiatan tersebut serta berniat ikut aktif memcahakan masalah berbasis masiyarakat. Penggunaan siklus pada penerapan ini terdiri dari dua siklus, di mana masing-masing siklus terbagi atas 4 pertemuan. Participatory action research mampu menumbuhkan kapasitas individu dan kapasitas kelompok untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran penerapan aranesemen secara berkelanjutan. Pelaksanaan penelitian dengan aransemen musik Ola-Ola orkes suling bambu pada pembelajaran penerapan aransemen ini meliputi empat tahapan yakni; (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan, (3) pengamatan, dan (4) refleksi. Hasil dari penelitian ini meliputi tiga bagian, (1) model aransemen orkes suling bambu musik Ola-Ola berupa melodi transkip melodi, harmoni empat suara, dan sketsa orkestra untuk mempermudah proses penerapan aransemen telah berjalan dengan baik. (2) Penerapan aransemen pada kelompok orkestra suling bambu diterapkan melalui dua siklus yakni siklus pertama dan siklus kedua, dimana dari tiap-tiap siklus terdapat empat kali pertemuan dengan tahapan sebagai berikut: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Selain itu, untuk mempermudah proses pembelajaran dibuat juga RPP. Rubrik penerapan pembelajaran aransemen dan hasil praktek aransemen untuk penilaian pada proses penerapan yang dinilai oleh kolaborator, dilaksanakan pada setiap pertemuan telah terlaksana dengan baik. (3) Tanggapan kelompok orkes suling bambu dan penonton terhadap musik Ola-Ola, sangat baik serta penerapan aransemenya sangat menyenangkan mereka hal ini, dibuktikan dengan pernyataan-pernyataan kolaborator, tokoh musik, juga media setempat. Kolaborator juga memberikan nilai yang bagus, baik penerapan siklus I sebelum dengan paduan suara maupun siklus II digabungkan dengan paduan suara dengan skor rata-rata 96.875 dan 98.875

    Children’s Relationship With Their Pet Dogs and OXTR Genotype Predict Child–Pet Interaction in an Experimental Setting

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    Human–animal interaction (HAI) research has increasingly documented the important role of pet dogs in children’s lives. The quality of interaction between children and their pet dogs, however, is likely influenced by individual differences among children as well as their perceived relationship with their pet dog. Ninety-seven children aged 7–12 years and their pet dogs participated in a laboratory protocol during which the child solicited interaction with their dog, from which time petting and gazing were recorded. Children reported on their perceived relationship with the pet dog via interview. Children provided saliva samples, from which a polymorphism in the oxytocin receptor, OXTR rs53576, which has long been implicated in social behavior, was genotyped. The results showed that OXTR genotype and children’s perceived antagonism with the pet dog predicted the amount of petting, but not gazing, between children and their pet dogs. This research adds to the growing body of HAI research by documenting individual differences that may influence children’s interactions with animals, which is key to research related to pet ownership and understanding factors that may impact therapeutic interventions involving HAI

    Debates sobre la actualidad de la pedagogĂ­a de la memoria y el trabajo social

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    En principio, nos parece pertinente comenzar esta nota con una breve descripción del panel y de las principales temáticas que se tratan en el mismo. El panel fue coordinado por la Mg. Mónica Ros, profesora titular de la cátedra Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales y el Trabajo Social, y la Mg. Daniela Sala, coordinadora del Profesorado en TS. Por otro lado, los invitados del panel fueron Martín Legarralde, investigador del CONICET y docente de la FaHCE-UNLP, y José Luis Gagliardi, docente de Historia en la E. E. S. Nº 34 y jefe del departamento de Cs. Sociales en la EES Nº 33. En cuanto a las temáticas tratadas en el encuentro , identificamos algunos núcleos problemáticos como: las consecuencias de los discursos vigentes durante la última dictadura en las escuelas y las prácticas docentes, la construcción de la ciudadanía en las escuelas como un espacio privilegiado de la intervención durante los años del proceso, los desafíos que se presentaron y se presentan a la hora de tratar la dictadura como un tema del diseño curricular (haciendo referencia a la multiplicidad de memorias o las narrativas, por ejemplo), la actividad cotidiana de plantar la memoria desde las escuelas, etc.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    ÂżCĂłmo pensamos la soberanĂ­a hoy?

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    El día 25 de marzo del año 2022, en el marco de la XXVIII Semana de la Memoria se llevó a cabo un panel titulado “Las luchas y los desafíos por la soberanía en el contexto actual” dónde conversaron diversos panelistas representantes de organizaciones sociales, sindicales, populares y culturales de la soberanía nacional.Facultad de Trabajo Socia
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