266 research outputs found

    Formal Aspects of Grid Brokering

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    Coordination in distributed environments, like Grids, involves selecting the most appropriate services, resources or compositions to carry out the planned activities. Such functionalities appear at various levels of the infrastructure and in various means forming a blurry domain, where it is hard to see how the participating components are related and what their relevant properties are. In this paper we focus on a subset of these problems: resource brokering in Grid middleware. This paper aims at establishing a semantical model for brokering and related activities by defining brokering agents at three levels of the Grid middleware for resource, host and broker selection. The main contribution of this paper is the definition and decomposition of different brokering components in Grids by providing a formal model using Abstract State Machines

    Block the Chain: Software Weapons of Fighting Against COVID-19

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    The ENTICE Approach to Decompose Monolithic Services into Microservices

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    Cloud computing has enabled elastic and on-demand service provisioning to achieve more efficient resource utilisation and quicker responses to varying application loads. Virtual machines, the building blocks of clouds, can be created using provider specific templates stored in proprietary repositories, which may lead to provider lock-in and decreased portability. Despite these enabling technologies, large scale service oriented applications are still mostly inelastic. Such applications often use monolithic services that limit the elasticity (e.g., by obstructing the replicability of parts of a monolithic service). Decomposing these services (leading to smaller, more targeted and more modular services) would open towards elasticity, but the decomposition process is mostly manual. This paper introduces a methodology for decomposing monolithic services to several so called microservices. The proposed methodology applies several outcomes of the ENTICE project (namely its image synthesis and optimisation tools). Finally, the paper provides insights on how these outcomes help revitalise past monolithic services, and what techniques are applied to aid future microservice developers

    Consistency Analysis of Distributed Ledgers in Fog-Enhanced Blockchains

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    Both revolutionary technologies of Fog Computing (FC) and Blockchain (BC) serve as enablers for enhanced, people-centric trusted applications, and they do meet in the provision of higher standards and expectations. In this paper, we address the reliability of fog-enhanced BC systems by analyzing the forking phenomenon under different conditions, and provide a reliable Distributed Ledger (DL) consistency assessment. We use the FoBSim tool that is specifically designed to mimic and emulate realistic FC-BC integration, in which we deploy the Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus algorithm and analyze the forking probability under fluctuating conditions. Based on our results, we propose an inconsistency formula, which can quantitatively describe how consistent the DL in a BC system can be. Finally, we show how to deploy this formula in a decision making model for indicating optimal deployment features of a BC network in a Fog-enhanced system. © 2022, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Towards Data Interoperability of Cloud Infrastructures using Cloud Storage Services

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    Cloud Computing is becoming more and more popular, and various cloud services have appeared to make our lives easier. Mobile devices can also bene t from Cloud services: the huge data users produce with these devices are continuously posted to online services, which may require the modi cation of these data. Using cloud storage services together with computation-intensive infrastructure services can provide a suitable solution for these needs. In this paper we address the open issue of data interoperability in clouds, and propose an approach to manage and share user data produced by mobile devices in different IaaS clouds. The approach is exemplified with an image generator application, and the performance of the application is evaluated with Android devices and a private IaaS cloud

    Approaches to Overpower Proof-of-Work Blockchains Despite Minority

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    Blockchain (BC) technology has been established in 2009 by Nakamoto, using the Proof-of-Work (PoW) to reach consensus in public permissionless networks (Praveen et al., 2020). Since then, several consensus algorithms were proposed to provide equal (or higher) levels of security, democracy, and scalability, yet with lower levels of energy consumption. However, Nakamoto's model (a.k.a. Bitcoin) still dominates as the most trusted model in the described sittings since alternative solutions might provide lower energy consumption and higher scalability, but they would always require deviating the system towards unrecommended centralization or lower levels of security. That is, Nakamoto's model claims to tolerate (up to) < 50% of the network being controlled by a dishonest party (minority), which cannot be realized in alternative solutions without sacrificing the full decentralization property. In this paper, we investigate this tolerance claim, and we review several approaches that can be used to undermine/overpower PoW-based BCs, even with minority. We discuss those BCs taking Bitcoin as a representative application, where needed. However, the presented approaches can be applied in any PoW-based BC. Specifically, we technically discuss how a dishonest miner in minority, can take over the network using improved Brute-forcing, AI-assisted mining, Quantum Computing, Sharding, Partial Pre-imaging, Selfish mining, among other approaches. Our review serves as a needed collective technical reference (concluding more than 100 references), for practitioners and researchers, who either seek a reliable security implementation of PoW-based BC applications, or seek a comparison of PoW-based, against other BCs, in terms of adversary tolerance
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