364 research outputs found

    Subnanosecond Fluctuations in Low-Barrier Nanomagnets

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    Fast magnetic fluctuations due to thermal torques have useful technological functionality ranging from cryptography to probabilistic computing. The characteristic time of fluctuations in typical uniaxial anisotropy magnets studied so far is bounded from below by the well-known energy relaxation mechanism. This time scales as α1\alpha^{-1}, where α\alpha parameterizes the strength of dissipative processes. Here, we theoretically analyze the fluctuating dynamics in easy-plane and antiferromagnetically coupled nanomagnets. We find in such magnets, the dynamics are strongly influenced by fluctuating intrinsic fields, which give rise to an additional dephasing-type mechanism for washing out correlations. In particular, we establish two time scales for characterizing fluctuations (i) the average time for a nanomagnet to reverse|which for the experimentally relevant regime of low damping is governed primarily by dephasing and becomes independent of α\alpha, (ii) the time scale for memory loss of a single nanomagnet|which scales as α1/3\alpha^{-1/3} and is governed by a combination of energy dissipation and dephasing mechanism. For typical experimentally accessible values of intrinsic fields, the resultant thermal-fluctuation rate is increased by multiple orders of magnitude when compared with the bound set solely by the energy relaxation mechanism in uniaxial magnets. This could lead to higher operating speeds of emerging devices exploiting magnetic fluctuations

    Effects of a saponin fraction extracted from Trigonella foenum-graecum L. and two commercially available saponins on sex ratio and gonad histology of Nile tilapa fry, Oreochromis niloticus (L.)

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    Over three million tonnes (t) of tilapia, mostly Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, L.), are produced annually making it the second most abundantly produced freshwater fish (FAO, 2010). Tilapia are mouthbreeders that often produce stunted populations under pond conditions; one means of prevention is to produce all-male fish with the additional advantage that males usually grow faster than females. All-male populations can be achieved by supplementing feed with androgens such as 17-α-Methyltestosterone (MT) during days 10–25 post-hatch (Pandian and Sheela, 1995). However, MT is considered to be carcinogenic (Velazquez and Alter, 2004), and Hulak et al. (2008) also showed that effluents of systems in which carp were fed diets containing MT caused masculinization of female fish. Furthermore, in aquaculture the application of hormones to fish destined for human consumption is prohibited in the European Union under directive 96/22/EC, article 5, which also prohibits import of animal products produced with hormones. Kwon et al. (2000) showed that Fadrozole, a non-steroidal compound, caused masculinization in tilapia by inhibiting aromatase, which is the enzyme responsible for the conversion of endogenous androgens to estrogens. Steinbronn et al. (2004) were able to show that a dose of 2000 ppm Quillaja saponins (Sigma S-2149) inhibited reproduction of tilapia after dietary application for 32 days to first-feeding fry, suggesting saponins as a possible alternative to MT. These secondary plant compounds consist of either a steroid or triterpenoid basic structure (aglycone or sapogenin) plus one or more sugar side chains (Francis et al., 2002a). In a previous experiment a saponin fraction from the soapbark tree (Quillaja saponaria M.) inhibited aromatase in vitro (Golan et al., 2008). The fenugreek plant (Trigonella foenum-graecum L), widely cultivated in the Middle East and Asia, also has a high saponin content. The experiment was therefore conducted to test whether saponin fractions from Q. saponaria and from T. foenum-graecum were able to influence the sex ratio and gonad histology of Nile tilapia

    Contenido de aceite en pasta de aceituna sobre una base de peso seco (OPDW): un indicador del tiempo de cosecha óptimo en modernos olivares

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    In modern oil olive orchards, mechanical harvesting technologies have significantly accelerated harvesting outputs, thereby allowing for careful planning of harvest timing. While optimizing harvest time may have profound effects on oil yield and quality, the necessary tools to precisely determine the best date are rather scarce. For instance, the commonly used indicator, the fruit ripening index, does not necessarily correlate with oil accumulation. Oil content per fruit fresh weight is strongly affected by fruit water content, making the ripening index an unreliable indicator. However, oil in the paste, calculated on a dry weight basis (OPDW), provides a reliable indication of oil accumulation in the fruit. In most cultivars tested here, OPDW never exceeded ca. 0.5 g.g–1 dry weight, making this threshold the best indicator for the completion of oil accumulation and its consequent reduction in quality thereafter. The rates of OPDW and changes in quality parameters strongly depend on local conditions, such as climate, tree water status and fruit load. We therefore propose a fast and easy method to determine and monitor the OPDW in a given orchard. The proposed method is a useful tool for the determination of optimal harvest timing, particularly in large plots under intensive cultivation practices, with the aim of increasing orchard revenues. The results of this research can be directly applied in olive orchards, especially in large-scale operations. By following the proposed method, individual plots can be harvested according to sharp thresholds of oil accumulation status and pre-determined oil quality parameters, thus effectively exploiting the potentials of oil yield and quality. The method can become a powerful tool for scheduling the harvest throughout the season, and at the same time forecasting the flow of olives to the olive mill.En los modernos olivares, las tecnologías de recogida mecánica han acelerado significativamente la recogida de las cosechas, lo que permite la planificación del momento idóneo de la cosecha. Mientras que la optimización de tiempo de cosecha puede tener importantes efectos en la producción de un aceite de calidad, las herramientas para determinar con precisión la mejor fecha de la cosecha son más bien pobres. Por ejemplo, el indicador de uso común, el índice de maduración de la fruta, no se correlaciona necesariamente con la acumulación de aceite. El contenido de aceite por peso de fruto fresco está estrechamente afectado por el contenido de agua de la fruta, por lo que es un indicador poco fiable. Sin embargo, el aceite en la pasta, calculado sobre una base de peso seco (OPDW), proporciona una indicación fiable de la acumulación de aceite en el fruto. En la mayoría de los cultivares analizados aquí, OPDW nunca excedió 0.5 g·g–1 de peso seco, haciendo de este umbral el mejor indicador para la terminación de la acumulación de aceite y su consiguiente reducción de la calidad. Las tasas de OPDW y los cambios en los parámetros de calidad dependen en gran medida de las condiciones locales, como el clima, el estado hídrico del árbol, y la carga frutal. Por tanto, proponemos un método rápido y fácil de determinar y seguir OPDW en un olivar determinado. El método propuesto es una herramienta útil para la determinación del momento óptimo de cosecha, especialmente en las grandes parcelas bajo prácticas intensivas de cultivo, y con el consiguiente aumento de ingresos. Los resultados de esta investigación pueden aplicarse directamente a un olivar, especialmente en operaciones a gran escala. Siguiendo el método propuesto, las parcelas individuales pueden cosecharse de acuerdo con los perfiles de estado de acumulación de aceite y determinados parámetros de calidad del aceite, por lo tanto explotar eficazmente los potenciales de rendimiento de aceite y calidad. El método puede convertirse en una poderosa herramienta de programar la cosecha a lo largo de la temporada, la previsión de este modo el flujo de las aceitunas a la almazara

    A computational analysis of lower bounds for big bucket production planning problems

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    In this paper, we analyze a variety of approaches to obtain lower bounds for multi-level production planning problems with big bucket capacities, i.e., problems in which multiple items compete for the same resources. We give an extensive survey of both known and new methods, and also establish relationships between some of these methods that, to our knowledge, have not been presented before. As will be highlighted, understanding the substructures of difficult problems provide crucial insights on why these problems are hard to solve, and this is addressed by a thorough analysis in the paper. We conclude with computational results on a variety of widely used test sets, and a discussion of future research

    Effects of saponin fractions from fenugreek and the soap bark tree in the diet on performance of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.)

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    Saponins are generally regarded as anti-nutritional factors in aquaculture diets. However, previous experiments have shown that low dietary levels of saponins derived from Quillaja saponaria Molina do have growth promoting effects on common carp and Nile tilapia. Based on these experiments, we conducted an experiment in which we fed eluated saponin fractions from Q. saponaria and Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (fenugreek) to Nile tilapia in a respirometric system allowing for continuous measurement of oxygen consumption. Saponins were eluated with consecutive methanol/water concentrations (v/v, 40/60, 60/40, 80/20) resulting in three different eluates for each plant. Fractions chosen were the 80% methanol eluate from Q. saponaria (80QS) and all three eluates from T. foenum-graecum (40TS, 60TS and 80TS). Three fish each were fed with low levels (150 mg kg-1 diet) of saponins in the diet and a control diet without saponins. Growth, feed and nutrient utilization, proximate composition, oxygen consumption and metabolic performance were evaluated. The fish grew between 224% (40TS) and 266% (Control) over the eight week period. Feed conversion ratios were between 0.94 (80TS) and 1.15 (40TS) and protein efficiency ratios between 2.54 (80TS) and 2.16 (40TS). Due to low sample sizes, no statistical differences were found between control fish and saponin fed fish. However, numerically one of the tested saponin fractions (40TS) showed inferior performance (Table 1). It is concluded that the tested saponins in the tested concentrations are no potential growth promoter for Nile tilapia. On the contrary, one fraction appears to be a growth inhibitor

    Type I Gaucher disease with exophthalmos and pulmonary arteriovenous malformation

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    BACKGROUND: Gaucher disease type I, the non-neuropathic type, usually presents in adulthood with hepatosplenomegaly. We report here an adult with type I Gaucher disease presented with unusual and severe clinical manifestations. CASE PRESENTATION: Hepatosplenomegaly, bone crisis and fractures occurred at early childhood, and splenectomy was performed at the age of 5. Exophthalmos with increase in retrobulbar space was noted when the patient was 30. Cerezyme infusion started at the age of 32; but unfortunately, pulmonary arteriovenous malformation with dyspnea and hypoxemia was found two years later. Gene analysis revealed V375L/L444P mutations in the β-glucocerebrosidase gene. CONCLUSION: Although both eye and lung diseases have been associated with Gaucher disease, this is the first reported demonstration of exophthalmos and pulmonary arteriovenous malformation in the same patient. This case may therefore present an extremely severe and unusual form of type I Gaucher disease