152 research outputs found

    Topological characterization of simple points by complex collapsibility

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    International audienceThinning is an image operation whose goal is to reduce object points in a "topology-preserving" way. Such points whose removal does not change the topology are called simple points and they play an important role in any thinning process. For efficient computation, local characterizations have been already studied based on the concept of point connectivity for two-and three-dimensional digital images. In this paper, we introduce a new topological characterization of simple points based on collapsibility of polyhedral complexes. We also study their topological characteristics and propose a linear thinning algorithm

    Combinatorial Boundary Tracking of a 3D Lattice Point Set

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    Boundary tracking and surface generation are ones of main topological topics for three-dimensional digital image analysis. However, there is no adequate theory to make relations between these different topological properties in a completely discrete way. In this paper, we present a new boundary tracking algorithm which gives not only a set of border points but also the surface structures by using the concepts of combinatorial/algebraic topologies. We also show that our boundary becomes a triangulation of border points (in the sense of general topology), that is, we clarify relations between border points and their surface structures

    New characterizations of minimum spanning trees and of saliency maps based on quasi-flat zones

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    We study three representations of hierarchies of partitions: dendrograms (direct representations), saliency maps, and minimum spanning trees. We provide a new bijection between saliency maps and hierarchies based on quasi-flat zones as used in image processing and characterize saliency maps and minimum spanning trees as solutions to constrained minimization problems where the constraint is quasi-flat zones preservation. In practice, these results form a toolkit for new hierarchical methods where one can choose the most convenient representation. They also invite us to process non-image data with morphological hierarchies

    3D discrete rotations using hinge angles

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study 3D rotations on grid points computed by using only integers. For that purpose, we investigate the intersection between the 3D half-grid and the rotation plane. From this intersection, we define 3D hinge angles which determine a transit of a grid point from a voxel to its adjacent voxel during the rotation. Then, we give a method to sort all 3D hinge angles with integer computations. The study of 3D hinge angles allows us to design a 3D discrete rotation and to estimate the rotation between a pair of digital images in correspondence

    Combinatorial properties of 2D discrete rigid transformations under pixel-invariance constraints

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    International audienceRigid transformations are useful in a wide range of digital image processing applications. In this context, they are generally considered as continuous processes, followed by discretization of the results. In recent works, rigid transformations on â„€^2 have been formulated as a fully discrete process. Following this paradigm, we investigate --from a combinatorial point of view-- the effects of pixel-invariance constraints on such transformations. In particular we describe the impact of these constraints on both the combinatorial structure of the transformation space and the algorithm leading to its generation

    Bijective rigid motions of the 2D Cartesian grid

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    International audienceRigid motions are fundamental operations in image processing. While they are bijective and isometric in R^2, they lose these properties when digitized in Z^2. To investigate these defects, we first extend a combinatorial model of the local behavior of rigid motions on Z^2, initially proposed by Nouvel and RĂ©mila for rotations on Z^2. This allows us to study bijective rigid motions on Z^2, and to propose two algorithms for verifying whether a given rigid motion restricted to a given finite subset of Z^2 is bijective

    Discrete plane segmentation and estimation from a point cloud using local geometric patterns

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    International audienceThis paper presents a method for segmenting a 3D point cloud into planar surfaces using recently obtained discrete geometry results. In discrete geometry, a discrete plane is defined as a set of grid points lying between two parallel planes with a small distance, called thickness. Contrarily to the continuous case, there exist a finite number of local geometric patterns (LGPs) appearing on discrete planes. Moreover, such a LGP does not possess the unique normal vector but a set of normal vectors. By using those LGP properties, we first reject non-linear points from a point cloud, and then classify non-rejected points whose LGPs can have common normal vectors into a planar-surface-point set. From each segmented point set, we also estimate parameters of a discrete plane by minimizing its thickness

    Combinatorial structure of rigid transformations in 2D digital images

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    International audienceRigid transformations are involved in a wide range of digital image processing applications. When applied on such discrete images, rigid transformations are however usually performed in their associated continuous space, then requiring a subsequent digitization of the result. In this article, we propose to study rigid transformations of digital images as a fully discrete process. In particular, we investigate a combinatorial structure modelling the whole space of digital rigid transformations on any subset of Z^2 of size N*N. We describe this combinatorial structure, which presents a space complexity O(N^9) and we propose an algorithm enabling to build it in linear time with respect to this space complexity. This algorithm, which handles real (i.e. non-rational) values related to the continuous transformations associated to the discrete ones, is however deïŹned in a fully discrete form, leading to exact computation

    Efficient neighbourhood computing for discrete rigid transformation graph search

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    International audienceRigid transformations are involved in a wide variety of image processing applications, including image registration. In this context, we recently proposed to deal with the associated optimization problem from a purely discrete point of view, using the notion of discrete rigid transformation (DRT) graph. In particular, a local search scheme within the DRT graph to compute a locally optimal solution without any numerical approximation was formerly proposed. In this article, we extend this study, with the purpose to reduce the algorithmic complexity of the proposed optimization scheme. To this end, we propose a novel algorithmic framework for just-in-time computation of sub-graphs of interest within the DRT graph. Experimental results illustrate the potential usefulness of our approach for image registration
