19,009 research outputs found

    Radiation Damping Effects in Two Level Maser Oscillators

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    Several experiments [1,2] have noted recently that when an inverted two-level spin system was permitted to radiate spontaneously, the resulting oscillation was characterized by an appreciable amplitude modulation. The phenomenon was first believed to be the result of interference of different spin packets in an inhomogeneously broadened spectrum [1]. A theoretical analysis (which will be reported separately) shows that this is not the case. The spins are not independent but are coupled together by means of their radiation field. This explanation has since been by its original authors

    Understanding what you are doing: A new angle on CAS?

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    Powerful Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) are often used only with reluctance in early undergraduate mathematics teaching, partly because of concerns that they may not encourage students to understand what they are doing. In this exploratory study, a version of a CAS that has been designed for secondary school students was used, with a view to considering the value of this sort of student learning support for first year undergraduate students enrolled in degree programs other than mathematics. Workshops were designed to help students understand aspects of elementary symbolic manipulation, through the use of the Algebra mode of an algebraic calculator, the Casio Algebra FX 2.0. The Algebra mode of this calculator allows a user to undertake elementary algebraic manipulation, routinely providing all intermediate results, in contrast to more powerful CAS software, which usually provides simplified results only. The students were volunteers from an introductory level unit, designed to provide a bridge between school and university studies of mathematics and with a focus on algebra and calculus. The two structured workshop sessions focussed respectively on the solution of linear equations and on relationships between factorising and expanding; attention focussed on using the calculators as personal learning devices. Following the workshops, structured interviews were used to systematically record student reactions to the experience. As a result of the study, the paper offers advice on the merits of using algebraic calculators in this sort of way

    Graphics calculators in the mathematics curriculum: Integration or differentiation?

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    Graphics calculators are examples of powerful technologies that we want our students to learn to use well. However if we use them in our courses only for learning, students will not regard them with due importance because they are not integrated into the assessment. On the other hand, if graphics calculators are integrated into both learning and assessment there are risks associated with students becoming calculator dependent, issues of equity arise associated with calculator access and there may be problems with setting an appropriate examination. We discuss this dilemma in the light of our experiences and the reactions of our students over the last two years

    Graphics calculator use in examinations: accident or design?

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    As graphics calculators become more available, interest will focus on how to incorporate them appropriately into curriculum structures, and particularly into examinations. We describe and exemplify a typology of use of graphics calculators in mathematics examinations, from the perspective of people designing examinations, together with some principles for the awarding of partial credit to student responses. This typology can be used to help design examinations in which students are permitted to use graphics calculators as well as to interrogate existing examination practice

    Symbolic manipulation on a TI-92: New threat or hidden treasures?

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    The availability of hand held devices that can undertake symbolic manipulation is a recent phenomenon, potentially of great significance for both the algebra and calculus curriculum in the secondary and lower undergraduate years. The significance to date of symbolic manipulation for mathematics is described, and parallels drawn with the significance of arithmetic skills for the primary school. It is suggested that, while symbolic manipulation is central to mathematics, many students develop only a restricted competence with the associated mathematical ideas. The Texas Instruments TI-92 is used to suggest some potential beneficial uses of technology that involves symbolic manipulation

    Graphics calculators and assessment

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    Graphics calculators are powerful tools for learning mathematics and we want our students to learn to use them effectively. The use of these hand held personal computers provides opportunities for learning in interactive and dynamic ways. However, it is not until their use is totally integrated into all aspects of the curriculum that students regard them with due importance. This includes their use in all kinds of assessment tasks such as assignments, tests and examinations as well as in activities and explorations aimed at developing students’ understanding. The incorporation of graphics calculators into assessment tasks requires careful construction of these tasks. In this paper, discuss issues of equity relating to calculator models, levels of calculator use and the purpose and design of appropriate tasks. We also describe a typology we have developed to assist in the design and wording of assessment tasks which encourage appropriate use of graphics calculators, but which do not compromise important course objectives

    Flowering and pollination studies with European plum (Prunus domestica L.) cultivars

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    One of the most important factors affecting the financial outcome of commercial fruit growing is the success of pollination and fertilization, which in turn are dependent on weather conditions, activity of pollinators and the compatibility and overlap in flowering of the cultivars. Before introducing new cultivars, it is obviously important to know the compatibility and flowering characteristics of the genotypes. In order to find out these attributes of seven new and four established plum cultivars, pollen germination tests, hand pollinations and flowering phenology observations were carried out. ‘Prosser 84’ had 70% pollen germination. ‘Opal’ had just 3%, probably due to aged pollen. ‘Anna Späth’ flowered over a short period (13 days) and ‘1468’ and ‘DCA BO 46’ over long (19 days) periods; the overlap of all cultivars was relatively good. With ‘1468’, ‘Victory’, ‘Anna Späth’ and ‘Prosser 84’ flowering intensity varied between years, ‘Jubileum’, ‘V70032’, ‘Tita’ and ‘DCA BO 46’ flowered regularly, the others were intermediate. ‘1468’ and ‘WJ 65’ flowered early, ‘Prosser 84’ and ‘DCA BO 46’ late and the rest fell in between. ‘Victoria’ proved to be self-fertile, ‘Jubileum’, ‘V70032’ and ‘1468’ semi self-fertile. Fruit set percentages after June drop of all crosses were rather low; varying between 0 and 28%. With ‘Tita’, fruit drop occurred approximately two weeks later than with the other cultivar

    The Consequences of Caregiving: Does Employment Make a Difference?

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    While a number of studies have examined the consequences of caregiving among employed women, surprisingly little research has explicitly compared how consequences differ between employed and not employed women. Moreover, very little research in this area has distinguished between part-time and full- time employment. This paper examines these issues drawing on the 1996 General Social Survey of Canada. The sample for this study consists of women aged 25 to 64 who reported providing care to one or more people aged 65+ because of a long-term physical disability (n=426). Three employment status groups (full-time, part-time and not employed) are compared on positive consequences, burden, guilt, job adjustment, postponed opportunities, and social and economic consequences. Results reveal significant differences between the three employment categories indicating that employment, both full and part-time, is associated with higher burden, guilt and social and economic consequences.caregiving; employment status; GSS

    Thin-walled pressure vessel Patent

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    Thin walled pressure test vessel using low-melting alloy-filled joint to attach shell to head

    Predicing Ecological Effects of Watershed-Wide Rain Garden Implementation Using a Low-Cost Methodology

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    Stormwater control measures (SCMs) have been employed to mitigate peak flows and pollutants ssociated with watershed urbanization. Downstream ecological effects caused by the implementation of SCMs are largely unknown, especially at the watershed scale. Knowledge of these effects could help with setting goals for and targeting locations of local restoration efforts. Unfortunately, studies such as these typically require a high level of time and effort for the investigating party, of which resources are often limited. This study proposes a low-cost investigation method for the prediction of ecological effects on the watershed scale with the implementation of rain garden systems by using publicly available data and software. For demonstration purposes, a typical urban watershed was modeled using Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) 5.0. Forty-five models were developed in which the percent impervious area was varied 3 to 80%, and the fraction of rain gardens implemented with respect to the number of structures was varied from to 100%. The river chub fish (Nocomis micropogon) and its congeners (Nocomis spp.) were chosen as ecological indicators, as they are considered to be keystone species through interspecific nesting association. Depth and velocity criteria for successful nest building locations of the river chub were determined; these criteria can then be applied to many other watersheds. In this study, both base flow conditions and a typical summer storm event (1.3 cm, 6 h duration) were evaluated. During the simulated storm, nest-building locations were not affected in the 3 and 5% impervious cover models. Nest destruction was found to occur in approximately 54% of the original nest building sites for the 9% and 10% impervious areas. Nearly all of the nest-building locations were uninhabitable for impervious areas 20% and greater. Rain garden implementation significantly improved river chub habitat in the simulation, with greatest marginal benefit at lower levels of implementation
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