191 research outputs found

    Effect multifasenvoedering op fosforuitscheiding en technische resultaten van vleesvarkens

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    Multifasenvoedering leidt ten opzichte van tweefasenvoedering niet tot slechtere technische resultaten bij vleesvarkens. Door toepassing van multifasenvoedering kan de fosforuitscheiding in het traject van opleg tot afleveren met 17% verminderd wordenten opzichte van tweefasenvoedering

    Bis(triphenyl­guanidinium) tetra­chlorido­cuprate(II)

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    The structure of the title compound, (C19H18N3)2[CuCl4], consists of square-planar [CuCl4]2− anions and triphenyl­guanidinium cations. The CuII ion occupies a crystallographic inversion centre. In the cation, the dihedral angles between the phenyl rings and the plane defined by the central guanidinium fragment are in the range 51.9 (4)–64.4 (3)°. N—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds assemble the ions into infinite chains running along the b axis

    Effekt van multifasenvoedering op de stikstofuitscheiding en technische resultaten van vleesvarkens

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    Uit een onderzoek dat is uitgevoerd door het ID-DL0 IWO op het Varkensproefbedrijf te Sterksel blijkt dat het mogelijk is om vleesvarkens te voeren met behulp van multifasenvoedering. In de 'laag re'-groep is de N-uitscheiding 14% lager dan in de controlegroe

    Improvement of phosphorus availability by microbial phytase in broilers and pigs

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    Techniques have been developed to produce microbial phytase for addition to diets for simple-stomached animals, with the aim to improve phosphorus availability from phytate-P in plant sources. The activityof the crude microbial phytase showed pH optima at pH 5-5 and 2·5. The enzyme was able to degradephytate in vitro in soya-bean meal, maize and a liquid compound feed for pigs. When microbial phytasewas added to low-P diets for broilers the availability of P increased to over 60 % and the amount of Pin the droppings decreased by 50%. The growth rate and feed conversion ratio on the low-P dietscontaining microbial phytase were comparable to or even better than those obtained on control diets.Addition of microbial phytase to diets for growing pigs increased the apparent absorbability of P by24%. The amount of P in the faeces was 35% lower

    N,N′,N′′-Triphenyl­guanidinium 5-nitro-2,4-dioxo-1,2,3,4-tetra­hydro­pyrimidin-1-ide

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    In the title compound, C19H18N3 +.C4H2N3O4 −, the dihedral angles between the phenyl rings and the plane defined by the central guanidinium fragment are in the range 41.3 (1)–66.6 (1)°. The pyrimidine ring of the anion is distorted towards a boat conformation and the nitro group is rotated 11.4 (2)° out of the uracil plane. Hydrogen bonds assemble the ions in infinite helical chains along the b axis

    Body mass index related electrocardiographic findings in healthy young individuals with a normal body mass index

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    IntroductionAn increased body mass index (BMI) (>25 kg/m2) is associated with a wide range of electrocardiographic changes. However, the association between electrocardiographic changes and BMI in healthy young individuals with a normal BMI (18.5–25 kg/m2) is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between BMI and electrocardiographic parameters.MethodsData from 1,290 volunteers aged 18 to 30 years collected at our centre were analysed. Only subjects considered healthy by a physician after review of collected data with a normal BMI and in sinus rhythm were included in the analysis. Subjects with a normal BMI (18.5–25 kg/m2) were divided into BMI quartiles analysis and a backward multivariate regression analysis with a normal BMI as a continuous variable was performed.ResultsMean age was 22.7 ± 3.0 years, mean BMI was 22.0, and 73.4% were male. There were significant differences between the BMI quartiles in terms of maximum P-wave duration, P-wave balance, total P-wave area in lead V1, PR-interval duration, and heart axis. In the multivariate model maximum P-wave duration (standardised coefficient (SC) = +0.112, P P-wave balance in lead V1 (SC = +0.072, P P P ConclusionIncreased BMI was related with discrete electrocardiographic alterations including an increased P-wave duration, increased P-wave balance, a leftward shift of the heart axis, and decreased Sokolow-Lyon voltage on a standard twelve lead electrocardiogram in healthy young individuals with a normal BMI.Medicinal Chemistr

    Intracoronary infusion of mononuclear cells after PCI-treated myocardial infarction and arrhythmogenesis: is it safe?

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    To reduce long-term morbidity after revascularised acute myocardial infarction, different therapeutic strategies have been investigated. Cell therapy with mononuclear cells from bone marrow (BMMC) or peripheral blood (PBMC) has been proposed to attenuate the adverse processes of remodelling and subsequent heart failure. Previous trials have suggested that cell therapy may facilitate arrhythmogenesis. In the present substudy of the HEBE cell therapy trial, we investigated whether intracoronary cell therapy alters the prevalence of ventricular arrhythmias after 1 month or the rate of severe arrhythmogenic events (SAE) in the first year. In 164 patients of the trial we measured function and infarct size with cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging. Holter registration was performed after 1 month from which the number of triplets (3 successive PVCs) and ventricular tachycardias (VT, ≥4 successive PVCs) was assessed. Thirty-three patients (20%) showed triplets and/or VTs, with similar distribution amongst the groups (triplets: control n = 8 vs. BMMC n = 9, p = 1.00; vs. PBMC n = 10, p = 0.67. VT: control n = 9 vs. BMMC n = 9, p = 0.80; vs. PBMC n = 11, p = 0.69). SAE occurred in 2 patients in the PBMC group and 1 patient in the control group. In conclusion, intracoronary cell therapy is not associated with an increase in ventricular arrhythmias or SAE

    Alternative protein crops in diets of organically housed weanling pigs

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    De effecten van voeding voor gespeende biggen met daarin drie verschillende niveaus van drie biologische eiwithoudende gewassen werden onderzocht op prestaties en gezondhei